MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 424

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In an instant, she seemed to be back in a fire five years ago. That face was similar to that of the big brother who helped her at that time! The girl's name is Wuhe Kotori, and she is both the righteous sister of the protagonist Wuhe Shidao and an elf organize""

Commander, who is also a human being with the power of elves, whose identification code is Balrog.

You can change your character by changing the black and white hair band, and the white hair band is the clingy "sister mode"

The black hairband is trembling, the "commander mode" with a poisonous tongue

I have to say that Ling Ye's sealing technique is really good, at this moment, Kotori couldn't tell Yoshino's true identity.

"How is it possible, five years have passed, how could that big brother have not changed at all."

The pink-haired girl with twin ponytails finished talking to herself before she looked away from Anne's face.

"Kinri, what are you looking at, we're going home."

Beside Kotori, a stunning beautiful girl with long blue hair was silently calling her name, and hearing the shout of the beautiful girl beside her, Kotori recovered from her memories.

At this moment, Kotori's face was full of innocent smiles, and she happily said to the beautiful girl beside her, "Let's go, sister, let's go home quickly."

After Qinli finished speaking, the two beauties, one big and one small, turned around and left here. If Ling Ye saw this scene, Ling Ye would probably collapse! Of course he knows the beautiful girl with double ponytails! Wuhe Qinli Ah! But who is that...large beautiful girl and why does Kotori call her sister! Unfortunately, Ling Ye is destined to never see this scene.

Because at this moment, Ling Ye has returned to the bookstore with Sishino who has finished shopping for clothes. At this moment, Ling Ye is already sitting on the sofa, and Sishino is very happy looking at her... clothes.

Just now Ling Ye changed several sets of clothes for Yoshino, it can be said that this was a painful and happy process, but in comparison, although little Yoshino's face was always red, she did not refuse, it seems that this little Lolita, she really regards Ling Ye as her own, but,,, Ling Ye can't change clothes for little Lolita all her life,,, "Sishino, how about,,, try to make Sishi Itona leaves you for a few seconds"

Chapter 1247 ━━Ratatosk battle preparations begin!

Ratatosk's preparations begin! "Is Oni-chan not willing to change Yoshino's clothes?"

Yoshino looked at Ling Ye in front of him with her big watery eyes.

"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that Yoshito is a girl."

"Yoshino,,, don't mind,,,"

Well, the little loli doesn't mind anymore, so what does Ling Ye care about, the big deal is to buy some simpler clothes in the future, many clothes can still be worn with one hand.

It's...something more difficult, but there's no way, who made Ling Ye so helpful.

"Yoshino left, can I take a bath alone?"

“One hand,,, not enough...,,,”

Yoshino continued to speak while blushing.

"Then,,, do you need Oni-chan to help?"


Little Loli nodded, and then she was hugged by Ling Ye and left. As for whether Yoshino really couldn't be alone, then, I'm afraid only Little Loli knew what was going on.

At the same time, above Tiangong City, a huge shadow warship is flying high in the sky.

Ratatosk, a mysterious organization assembled in order to talk to the elves and seek to solve the disasters caused by spacequakes through peaceful means.

Air battleship "Fraxinus"

As the activity base, its core team is called "round table meeting"

The team is composed of high-ranking cadres, Wuhe Kotori is the commander, and all kinds of volunteers are recruited under the call of protecting the elves.

At this moment, a small figure is sitting on his seat and watching the report on the screen in front of him.

"What happened to the space quake in the city center yesterday? Which elf caused it? What's the final result?"

Wuhe Kotori looked directly at Kannazuki Kyohei beside him, and listening to Kotori's words, Kannazuki Kyohei said silently, "According to the situation, it should be done by a hermit. As for the final result,,.

Commander, look at this."

Kannazuki Kyohei directly called up a video, in which was the scene of Ling Ye dragging Yoshino into the bookstore, and then the screen changed, and there was a scene of Ling Ye leading Yoshino again.

I have to say that although Ratatosk's combat ability is not as good as.

It is really outstanding in monitoring and information collection.

Looking at the video in front of her, Wuhe Qinli also thought of the... figure that appeared today! That figure is exactly the same as the figure in the video in front of her! Moreover! She finally confirmed that this figure appeared in front of her five years ago The figure is exactly the same.

"How is it possible, who is Kannazuki Kyohei, pull out all his information."

Itsuka Kotori said directly, seeing Kannazuki Kyohei next to her with a capable appearance, she admired him even more. However,,

"Commander, we can't do it."

On the other side, Reine Murasame shook her head, "We have already hacked into the national information database, but this person appeared out of nowhere, and the same is true of the little girl next to him. We can be sure that the person who appeared on the street today That... Yoshino, is... the elf hermit."

Listening to Murasame Reine's words, Kotori finally confirmed one thing.

"That... Yoshino's body, is there no elf reaction?"

"That's right."

Kannazuki Kyohei nodded.

Seeing Kannazuki Kyohei nodding, Wuhe Kotori felt his whole body excited. This method, yes, is the figure in his memory! As for why he hasn’t aged after five years,,, maybe Have been to a certain country for maintenance.

Now that the technology is so advanced, this is not impossible.

Thinking of this, Kotori immediately.

He said to the people around him, "Immediately.

Send me to his bookstore, our elf rescue plan can finally be carried out!"

"Yes! Commander!"

In an instant, the whole of Ratatosk was in action, and at this moment, Ling Ye didn't know what happened, he was sitting in his seat, looking at the first season of Date A Live in his hand, thinking.

Yesterday, Ling Ye released all his animations, but he didn't in the first season of Date A Live, the main reason is...,,.

He was thinking about the pros and cons of releasing this anime just like this.

"The advantage,,, of course, it can weaken people's fear of...elves, let them understand that elves are not so scary, and make it acceptable to everyone.

But there are disadvantages,,, not without it.”

The disadvantage is naturally that the information of the elves is leaked, which brings a lot of danger to the elves, but,,, Ling Ye looked at the four 44 elves that appeared in the first season.

Yoshino is the most vulnerable, but he has already found it.

Forget it Kuang San, that woman is harder than reaching the sky to catch her, Ke Kedi is really not a vegetarian.

Wuhe Kotori,,, the commanding officer of the dignified Ratatosk, can there be any problems.

The only thing to worry about is... Tohka.

"Well, let me bring Tohka back first, and then release the anime."

Thinking of this, Ling Ye silently put down the moon machine in his hand, but at this moment, there was a soft knock on the door.

"Hello, is there anyone here?"

Chapter 1248 ━━ Wuhe Qinli, where did my sister tell you to do it?

Wuhe Qinli, where did my sister tell you to go? Ling Ye looked at the little figure in front of him, isn't this figure exactly Wuhe Qinli? He looked at the turban on his head, it was white, and it was Wuhe Qinli in the model of a younger sister Li, that means you didn't recognize the wrong person.

"Wuhe Qinli why are you here with me?"

At this moment, Ling Ye couldn't help but asked in doubt, and after hearing Ling Ye's words, Wuhe Qinli also became excited, that's right, he really knows himself! "Big brother, do you still know me? Are you Ling Ye?"


Ling Ye was taken aback, this was just the first time she and Wuhe Qinli had met, how could she know herself "How did you know me"

"Well, big brother, you forgot about me"

Kotori was also stunned, this,,, the person in front of her...why doesn't it seem like she hasn't known herself for too long? Yes, it's been five years, it's normal to forget herself.

At this moment, Kotori decided to remind the other party.

"Big brother, five years ago,,, fire,,, there was a little girl,,."

"five years ago"

Ling Ye was still confused.

Seeing Ling Ye, she still didn't think about it. Finally, Wuhe Qinli stretched out her hand, and immediately after, a red mark appeared on her arm. Seeing that...mark, Ling Ye was taken aback.

"System, that... imprint,,, is it a Yin seal?"

"That's right, master, it's an improved Yin seal."

The words of the system made Ling Ye understand that he must do it by himself in the future, using Emperor Keke to do it.

It's just that I understand it, but now I still have to explain it to Wuhe Qinli in front of me.

Then, Ling Ye began to explain to Wuhe Qinli in front of him, listening to Ling Ye's words, Qinli felt dizzy in his head.

Finally, she felt that she couldn't respond in her own mode, and then secretly put on a black hairband to switch to Commander mode. After a long time, she finally responded, "I understand, what you mean is that I know you really It's you, it's you in the future, you just came to this world now, you don't know me yet"

"That's right, that's... this is the case."

Ling Ye nodded.

Now that Ling Ye's situation has been explained clearly, and hearing what Ling Ye said, Qin Li is also very relieved.

Hearing this, her enthusiasm was cut in half.

"Then, can you still use this thing now?"

Qinli pointed to the yin seal on his wrist, Ling Ye looked at the yin seal and nodded, "This seal can't be used yet, but similar ones are okay."

Hearing what Ling Ye said, Qinli also became excited! She doesn't care...

Can the Yin seal be used, as long as it can seal the heroic spirit? At this moment, Qinli couldn't help but excitedly grabbed Ling Ye's arm, and she said in a very serious tone, "In this case, now, in the name of Ratatosk, I will Invite you to join our elf rescue plan, how?"

"Project Rescue the Elves is...your...Date A Live project"

Ling Ye asked directly, and Wuhe Qinli also nodded after listening to Ling Ye's words.

"That's right, it's this plan,,, wait..., how did you know about this plan, we have never told anyone about it?"

Wuheqinli was a little dazed, she can confirm that there will never be any traitors in her Ratatosk to leak this information, then how did Ling Ye know this information "Don't be nervous, it's not that there are traitors in your place."

Ling Ye said directly, and then he directly took out a one-month machine from his side and handed it to Wuhe Qinli in front of him, and then said to Wuhe Qinli, "Here, take a look at this and you will understand."

What Ling Ye showed Wuhe Qinli was naturally the first season of Date A Live, and Wuhe Qinli didn't think much about it, maybe because of Ling Ye's trust, she directly opened the front of the screen without any precautions. Tsukiji, and then clicked on that...the anime named Date A Live.

Ling Ye was watching Wuhe Qinli's expression. At this moment, Ling Ye's bad taste began to appear. He really wanted to see what kind of expression Wuhe Qinli had after watching this anime. However,, Half an hour later, after Wuhe Qinli finished watching the first episode, she silently raised her little head, and Ling Ye puffed out her chest to introduce herself to Wuhe Qinli.

Ling Ye has done this set many times, and basically succeeded. However, when Ling Ye came to Wuhe Qinli to prepare for a showdown, Wuhe Qinli threw the moon machine in front of him into Ling Ye. In the arms of the night.

Just when Ling Ye was at a loss, Wuhe Qinli suddenly pointed at Ling Ye and asked loudly, "Tell me who Wuhe Shidao is, where did my sister let you get it!"

Ling Ye "ha"

Chapter 1249━━Is your sister Wuhe Shiori?

Your sister is Wuhe Shizhi Lingye Bookstore, and the two figures are staring at each other, not talking about anything else, just talking about Wuhe Shizhi and Wuhe Shizhi, this is true It's too deadly! "You mean, you don't have a brother like Wuhe Shidao, but only a sister like Wuhe Shiori"

"That's right."

Wuhe Kotori nodded, "It's not a secret. Many people can prove to me that I only have one older sister, and her name is Wuhe Shiori. As for Wuhe Shidao, I don't know this person."

Chaos, chaos, chaos.

At this moment, Ling Ye himself is a bit confused. Wuhe Shidao became Wuhe Shizhi Lingye, and he can accept it. After all, he has seen a lot of characters with **** changes, such as Nero, Da Vinci. Ah wait..., it's not accept.

But, this is a date battle! Without Wuhe Shidao, how can we get two girls to come to Lily on a date? Wait, it's not impossible,,.

Cough cough, think too much, that's really sinful! "Well..., although I don't know why your brother became a sister, but does this have anything to do with me joining Ratatosk?"

Ling Ye asked again, Wuhe Shidao became Wuhe Shizhi, it should be easier to attack girls, after all, it is normal for girls to go shopping, hold hands, and kiss by the way, Wuhe Shi Weaving should be easier to deal with. Not to mention anything else, Yuya Miku... a female elf who likes beautiful girls can probably be done with just a few fingers.

However, listening to Ling Ye's words, Meiqin stared at Ling Ye with wide eyes.

"Isn't my meaning obvious enough? You have the power to seal the elves. You come to join Ratatosk, then attack the elves, date them, make them shy, and engrave the seal. Isn't this the best way?"

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