MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 407

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Suddenly, from Caios' stomach, a pair of huge arms that did not belong to humans stretched out directly.

This creepy scene looks extraordinarily eerie.

Not long after, Kaios, who was about the same height as a normal human, turned into a strange creature about three meters tall.

There are two horns on this creature's head: a big **** mouth full of sharp fangs, a solid black body, a long and powerful tail, and a pair of black bat-like wings on its back.

That's a huge monster.

Great Demon:::Attack Power: 35 Defense Power: 32 Speed: 38 Magic Power: 54 Resistance: Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Poison, Paralysis Special Skill: Full Magic Power Transformation of Attack Power: Flying: Special Skill: Killing Demon God Fist character: Cruel Seeing the information of this great demon, Sita in front of him couldn't help but froze in place! "This level! If the world even surpasses the demon king!"

Lista was completely shocked, and even Seiya on the side showed a serious expression. He was ready to return to the God Realm to train for a period of time before killing him. At this time, a space began to appear in front of them. fluctuated.

Immediately afterwards, a voice rang out from the space, "Meng Wang, you asked me to watch something fun, just... to watch something so disgusting?"

Lista saw a man walking out of this space with a little lolita. This boy looks very handsome, and that **** is also very cute. If it is placed on the road, it will definitely attract everyone's attention, but, There is a battle here! "Hey! Run quickly! This monster is very powerful!"

As a goddess, Lista is still very worried about Ling Ye. The two don't look very strong, and they don't have any armor or weapons on them. They seem to be ordinary people who know a little magic. Such a person faces this kind of monster. How could it be possible to fight "You are worried that human beings are good, then I will kill all these human beings in front of you!"

The big devil heard Lista's voice, and her body rushed towards Ling Ye in front of her. Seeing this scene, Lista said directly to Shengya beside her, "Holy, save them quickly!" ah!"

"That's too late."

Seiya said helplessly, that... the strength of the big demon is comparable to the current him, and the speed is so fast, how can he keep up.

However, seeing the big demon on one side rushing over, Limulu on the other side didn't dare to watch it any longer.

"Hey,,,, isn't it good to be alive, why did you provoke that fellow Ling Ye?"

Limulu has already seen the ending. At this moment, before the demon came to Ling Ye, its body was completely frozen in the air by a burst of green light. This terrifying demon couldn't even move at this moment! "Ling Ye, I saved your life, remember to follow me to the Heroes Association!"

At this moment, Tornado looked at Ling Ye beside him with a green light all over his body.

However, Ling Ye shook his head when he heard Tornado's words, "Impossible, it's just a trash, I can deal with it if you don't take action, I don't want this favor."

"Humph! Then you promise me! If you meet someone you can't beat, and I defeat him, you can join me as a hero in the Hero Association, how about it!"

Long Juan thought for a while, and then directly said this idea. Listening to what Long Juan said, Ling Ye nodded after thinking for a while. If he meets an enemy that Ling Ye can't deal with, of course, the strength of Long Juan is not enough. It's over.

Therefore, mentioning this condition is the same as not mentioning it.

Seeing Ling Ye nodding, the green light on Tornado's body became stronger again! Bang! Under the shackles of superpowers, the big demon in front of him was directly turned into pieces all over the ground! That... the incomparable big demon just now, that's it! At this moment, Lista looked at the two people plus a slime in front of her, and she couldn't help feeling an unprecedented shock, but fortunately, except for... the slime, the remaining male It is true that a woman is human, so these people should be good people.

And just killed one of the four heavenly kings of the Demon Realm, so it doesn't feel like an enemy.

Thinking that she could be resurrected, Lista couldn't help but walked over and said to everyone, "Hi, I'm the goddess Lista, and this is my hero Seiya, can I ask, who are you... "

Chapter 1189━━Ling Ye who changed the God Realm

Ling Ye who changed the God Realm "You mean, you are actually people from another world, and this time you came to our world for tourism"

Lista feels that she has met three 3 liars, but these three people are so powerful. It really doesn't feel like they exist in this world, but the problem is,,, "But, why is the world of One Punch Man so powerful? , I have never heard of such a world as the Moon World and the Reincarnated Slime World."

As a goddess, Lista thinks her memory is pretty good, and she can be sure that among all the worlds managed by the God Realm, there is absolutely no such world.

Seeing Lista's appearance, Ling Ye could only shrug helplessly.

"What I must explain is that your so-called God Realm is only the God Realm of your multiple worlds, and you are not the only ones in all the heavens and worlds."

Ling Ye's words make people sound unbelievable, at least Lista is a little unbelievable now, as for Shengya, forget it, this guy has been staring at Ling Ye and his party since they appeared, as if Ling Ye could As if he would attack, Ling Ye dared to confirm that if he dared to make a move at this time, Sheng Ya would definitely attack immediately.

Take Lista beside her and travel directly back to the God Realm.

Hey,,, this brave man,,, is too cautious.

"Meng Wang, you should also become a normal person, you will always have some troubles when you walk outside like this."

Ling Ye looked at the Meng Wang beside him, and upon hearing Ling Ye's words, Meng Wang also turned into a human form.

Seeing the change of Meng Wang, Lista also showed a surprised expression, this slime can become a human, and this Ling Ye also said that this slime is in the period of cultivation, and needs to devour various demon kings to strengthen itself ! Isn’t this the same as your goal? “Limuru, you said you were going to find Gaiabrande’s demon king and kill him, right? We also think so, if you don’t mind, why not come with us Sample."

Lista looked at Limuru in front of her and felt that this was a thigh! With the help of this existence, and with the help of Ryuguji Seiya beside her, she will definitely be able to solve the devil king of this world!" This,,, .

All right."

Limulu thought for a while, and it also nodded silently. Seeing Limulu nodding for the first time, Lista also directly opened the Teleportation God Realm. She looked at the three people in front of her and invited, "Ling Ye, Limu Lu and Xiaolongjuan, if you have nothing to do, how about you come to my house?"

Hearing what Lista said, Ling Ye naturally nodded in agreement. To be honest, he had never been to this kind of place.

But,,,, "Holy, can you stop staring at me like this, I'm really not a bad person"

Ling Ye looked at Longgong Temple Shengzai beside him with black lines, this guy just stared at him without saying a word, is he still suspecting that he is a fake fake "I can't see through your strength, in case What should you do if you are the devil in disguise?"

Ryuguji Seiya spoke very calmly.

"I am the devil in disguise"

Ling Ye was taken aback, "I just killed one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Devil Realm!"

"That's why I'm just looking at you now, but this doesn't rule out that you are approaching us in a cruel way."

Seiya is still cautious.

Looking at the appearance of Seiya of Longgong Temple, Ling Ye felt helpless. What could he do? This kind of morbid prudence is really annoying. Originally, it was interesting to watch anime, but when I actually encountered it, it really made me laugh. A painful pain in the ass.

"Forget it, just watch it if you like, Tornado, Limulu, let's go to the God Realm for a while."

After Ling Ye finished speaking, he followed Lista directly into the God Realm, and behind him, Longgong Temple Shengya thought about it, and then walked in directly with him.

At this moment, Seiya of Longgong Temple had only one thought in his mind, "No, my strength is still not enough. It seems that I need to strengthen my training after returning to the God Realm. Otherwise, how can I deal with the Demon King if I can't even beat a slime."

Oh holy! Let me say it again! Limulu is really not an ordinary slime! At this moment, in the God Realm, Ling Ye and his party are enjoying the scenery here. It is beautiful and exquisite, and the scenery is also exceptional. Beautiful, even the air is so fresh.

"As expected of the God Realm, if you come here to retire... a good choice."

Ling Ye couldn't help sighing at this moment, but hearing Ling Ye's words, the tornado on the side snorted disdainfully, "What's so good, there is no computer, no mobile phone, and even a playground. Living here will not be boring to death?"

Well, that makes sense, but it's a bit boring to say that there are no entertainment facilities in the God Realm.

However,,,, looking at the God Realm in front of him, Ling Ye couldn't help laughing, "However, since I'm here, this God Realm can be completely lively."

Ling Ye! What a great cartoonist!

Chapter 1190 - God of Destruction Valkyrie

God of Destruction Valkyrie "Lista, if I want to open a bookstore in God's Realm, what do you think?"

Ling Ye looked at Lista who was beside him. He had committed an occupational disease again. According to Ling Ye's research over the years, the more powerful a person likes his own animation and manga, the more points he will get. In this way, As long as you're willing to work hard, you'll be fine.

However, after hearing Ling Ye's words, Lista in front of her felt inexplicable. It was the first time she met someone who opened a bookstore in the God Realm. She didn't know why Ling Ye did this, but it didn't matter, the God Realm was still very open. Yes, opening a bookstore or something may be welcomed by people, but,,,, "However, if you want to open a store in the God Realm, you still need the approval of the high-ranking goddess, but,,, our God There are not many high-ranking goddesses in the world."

Lista is telling the truth. This is the God Realm. Generally, the lower goddesses can only guarantee the lives of themselves and their subordinate heroes. The middle gods have a certain territory and autonomy, while the upper goddesses have certain dominance rights. This kind of power **** will not care, but it also needs the **** as a guarantee.

As for the No. 1 goddess, she is the ruler of the God Realm, so I will not comment here.

Of course, Ling Ye also knew that in this world there still exists the Deepest God Realm, and there are such existences as Brahma, the God of Creation, Nemesil, the God of Great Law, and Kronoa, the God of Time, but ,,.

It shouldn't be possible for a short time, and Ling Ye doesn't think about it......

"Do you know many gods like the upper goddess?"

Ling Ye couldn't help asking.

Lista thought about it, there are really not many high-ranking goddesses in the God Realm, if I had to say it, it would be those few.

However, when Lista thought of that figure, she couldn't help but tremble all over.

"I only know three high-level goddesses, Hestica, the **** of fire, Ariadoa, the goddess of sealing, and Valkyrie, the goddess of destruction, but I am familiar with Lord Hestica, and Lord Valkyrie, ,,,, Another woman with a bad temper and a bad personality,,, so, Mrs. Ah is the most gentle."

Lista analyzed it and gave Ling Ye the answer, but this night looked at Lista's back without saying a word.

"That...,,, why are you looking at me like that?"

Lista couldn't help asking, "Although you are handsome, and I am also beautiful, you still pay attention to me like this."

"Well, it's nothing, I just want to ask, is the... Lord Valkyrie you mentioned, a lady with a hot body, open clothes, and quite beautiful."

Ling Ye said involuntarily.

Because at this moment, he saw a figure appearing behind Lista, and the eyes of this figure were also particularly terrifying.

Listening to Ling Ye's words, Lista nodded, "That's right, it must be, but don't be fooled by Mrs. Valkyrie's appearance. Although Mrs. Valkyrie is also a beautiful woman, her personality is real. Not very good."

As soon as Lista said this, Ling Ye knew that Lista was going to die. At this moment, behind Lista, two arms wrapped around Lista's neck, and then Lista felt a voice In: "Lista,,, you are... tell me, I, Valkyrie,,,, what's wrong with my personality!"

Hearing this voice, Lista turned her head blankly. At this moment, she saw the most frightening thing in the world. She saw Valkyrie, the God of Destruction, looking at her with a particularly terrifying expression. Lista Dare to say, even the great demon I saw just now is definitely not so scary! So,,,, "Master Valkyrie,,, I am not talking about you,,.

Actually,,, actually,,,.


Lista was about to cry, but she couldn't say a word in the next second, because at this moment, Valkyrie directly performed a "terrible tragedy" on Lista.

For a moment, Lista's miserable voice echoed throughout the God Realm. Hearing this voice, Ling Ye couldn't help sighing, "This God Realm,,,, really has all kinds of goddesses."

Chapter 1191 - Valkyrie with a bad personality

Valkyrie with a bad personality, "Woo,,,, Ling Ye, why didn't you tell me that Lord Valkyrie is behind me,,,, woo,,,"

At this moment, Lista sat directly on the ground and kept crying. Listening to Lista's words, Ling Ye in front of her said helplessly, "I've been giving you winks, but it's a pity you didn't see it."

What Ling Ye said was the truth, he really gave Lista a wink, but Lista really didn't see it.

However, in order to comfort Lista, Ling Ye still said to Lista, "Don't worry, I will avenge you."



Chop Suey, do you know what you're talking about!"

Valkyrie looked at Ling Ye in front of him with disdain.

She is Valkyrie, the goddess of destruction, and also the face of the strongest **** in the God Realm. She has an arrogant personality and likes to rub the goddess' breasts. Both Lista and Alia were murdered by her.

Ling Ye remembered that she was still a good person, and she also taught Shengya the destruction technique in the original book, including the gate of heaven, which was also the key to clearing the first world.

However, after using the Hell Gate, there will be backlash, and Valkyrie can only survive the backlash after implementing the special treatment method of the gods. Ordinary humans will die if they use it.

At this moment, Valkyrie was also looking at Ling Ye in front of her. After a long time, she couldn't help but say disdainfully, "Che, she looks like just an ordinary person. From what you've said, it's interesting that you want to open a shop in the God Realm,,,, come on." , Please please me as much as you want, if I feel like it, I can allow you to open a shop here."

"to please you"

Ling Ye couldn't help smiling, "The way to please you, Valkyrie, is to defeat you."

Ling Ye was very impressed with this Valkyrie. This Valkyrie is a person on the surface, but in fact, she is one. As far as she is concerned, it is enough to just defeat her. It is such a simple matter.

"Fight me.

I really don’t know what to say, it seems that I’m going to teach you a lesson!”

Valkyrie acted directly, and in an instant, her body turned into an afterimage! And the target of this afterimage was Ling Ye in front of her! "The spell is unfolding!"

In an instant, a white light appeared on Valkyrie's body, and then, this white light fell directly in front of Ling Ye, boom! Valkyrie's punch directly landed on Ling Ye's body! "Ah!! ! It's over! This is the punch of the strongest goddess!"

On the one hand, Lista couldn't help shouting in despair, don't look at this is just an ordinary punch, with Valkyrie's strength, even if it hit that... great demon just now, it would definitely be either dead or injured! However, at this moment Ling The night is as peaceful and motionless as the head...

"Is this the strength?"

Ling Ye said without any response, as if the opponent's punch was just punching his back.

Moon Spirit Marrow Essence Dress, four invincible activations.

"Oh interesting, it looks like Lista has found a good hero.

You are proud enough to be able to catch my punch! But! If this strength makes you dare to provoke me, then you underestimate me!"

Valkyrie directly put his hand on the iron chain on his shoulder, and then, a strong light appeared! The fourth of the destruction technique! The iron chain of the ghost ring! Crash!!! In the sky, there are streaks of black paint The chains appeared directly, and in an instant, these chains bound Ling Ye tightly in front of him. Valkyrie also knew how to do it, and only used control skills.

Seeing Ling Ye being tied up, Lista in front of her couldn't help but look nervously at Tornado and Limulu in front of her, and she said directly, "You guys,

, Why don't you save Ling Ye?

Your strength should be very strong."

"Formidable, I don't think Ling Ye will be defeated by this woman."

Tornado said nonchalantly, and on the other side, Limulu also nodded.

Read The Duke's Passion