MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 401

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"Then it's strange where did the Holy Grail go?"

Ling Ye just thought of this, and at this moment, not far away, a figure appeared.

The wheat-colored skin gives people a healthy feeling, the long white hair flutters in the wind, and she holds a lightsaber with three colors in her hand.

At this moment, this figure looked at Ling Ye in front of him expressionlessly, and the originally extremely beautiful face also gave people a sense of majesty and majesty.

Seeing this figure, Ling Ye naturally knew the other party's identity.

Attila, no wonder there is always something missing, that's why.

"I am Attila, a warrior descended from the Huns.

I will smash your civilization.

Who is named Ling Ye, can come out to meet the arrival of death."

Speaking murderous words in a voice without emotion, this must be Altera's character.

And hearing the other party calling his name, Ling Ye also walked out.

"Attila, it seems that the Holy Grail is with you. After all, apart from you, there is no other heroic spirit in this world who hasn't come out yet."

Ling Ye spoke very easily, and listening to Ling Ye's words, Attila in front of her nodded silently, and then, she pointed the sword in her hand at Ling Ye in front of her.

"The one who gave me the Holy Grail asked me to kill you, and I promised."

"Someone is going to kill me.

I guess it's a guy with a cuckold!'

Ling Ye immediately thought of a certain guy, people like Leif are the most annoying.

Don't talk about Leif's whitewashing in the future, no matter how you wash away the things you did before, you just...did it, and this cannot be changed.

"you are right."

Attila nodded as he acknowledged Ling Ye's words.

Seeing Attila nodding, Ling Ye could only shake his head helplessly, "In that case, you, aren't you ready to make a move?"

Hearing Ling Ye's words, the three-color long sword in Attila's hand immediately acted, without any hesitation or hesitation, fast, precise and ruthless, the three-color light was directly aimed at Lingzi in front of him! Attila, attribute, muscle strength and durability Magic power is the top heroic spirit attribute, under such circumstances, it is naturally difficult for Attila's sword to be blocked by others, but fortunately, Ling Ye can still do it.

And,,, very easy! The sword of the oath of victory sounded lightly, and a clear sound sounded, and Attila's sword was directly blocked! Not only that, the power transmitted from the sword was extremely terrifying! Boom! For a moment , Attila's body actually flew upside down! But Attila is worthy of being a top heroic spirit. In just a moment, she straightened her posture and prepared for the next battle.

"You are very strong,,,, but,,.

,not enough."

Attila is still very calm, as if the person who was defeated just now is not her, but she does have such capital, and her strength has only used a small part now.

The Sword of the God of War in Attila's hand kept changing, and then, the three-color light quickly spun, and then, under the sword of the God of War, intense light shone in the sky, and energy vortexes appeared directly.

Sword of the Army God Grade: Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm "God's Punishment" feared by the whole of Europe

, "God's Whip"

The bravery and terror possessed, and "obtaining the sword of the military **** Mars"

A jewel made of this anecdote.

Noble Phantasm "Sword of the Military God"

Although it has the shape of a long sword, for some reason it seems to be a very advanced design.

"Blade" made of three-color rays of light

, said to be able to destroy "everything that exists" on the earth


Through the release of the real name, "sword body"

It emits a rainbow-like magical light, and Altila rushes like a shooting star to wipe out the enemy camp in a wide range.

I have to say that Attila's attack is very powerful, but fortunately, Ling Ye's methods are more and stronger! Swipe! A huge bow appeared in Ling Ye's hand, and Ling Ye In an instant, he bent his bow and set an arrow, and with a light wave of his finger, the bow in his hand shot out nine dragon-shaped rays of light! The sword of the military **** shot and killed hundreds of heads! At this moment, Ling Ye directly released the power of the treasure Come out, the other anti-army treasures are very powerful, but it is a pity that Ling Ye's shooting hundreds of heads is not weak at all! Boom! The three-color light collided with the nine dragon shadows in the air, and the explosive power directly Blow away Altila in front of her, Altila is very powerful, but unfortunately it is still too difficult to face Ling Ye, even her treasures are offset by Ling Ye's shooting and killing hundreds of heads, even if she doesn't hide quickly Facing such Ling Ye, Altila could only sigh helplessly.

"So, are you so powerful? No wonder that man wants to give me the Holy Grail."

In Attila's hand, a golden cup appeared directly, seeing that cup, a gleam of light flashed in Ling Ye's eyes.

The Holy Grail is indeed in Attila's hands, but what is she going to do with the Holy Grail at this time?

Chapter 1164━━The Rumored Attila

The rumored Attila, I am Attila. I came to this world a long, long time ago. People in the world call me the Star Sword Soldier. As for my mission, I have only one task, which is to destroy all civilizations in this world. I did the same. , Destroy! Destroy! Destroy! This is my life, and what I did, and then I met a figure holding a holy sword, and then I was defeated, and my body was also sealed in a strange space Among.

I don't know how long it has been sealed, but one day I finally discovered that I can infiltrate a part of my power, and then rebuild a body. The strength of this body is very weak, and the power is only a small part of my own power, but it is very interesting, Even if this body is still very powerful in the outside world, I was supported by a group of people and became the king of the Huns.

I have not forgotten my mission, to destroy everything.

With such emotions, let’s call them emotions, I established a great empire. The grand territory I established extended from West Asia to Russia, Eastern Europe and Gaul. It is also said that I caused the demise of the Eastern and Western Roman Empires.

I really don't understand what it has to do with me whether Rome is destroyed or not. What I have done is to destroy everything that stands in my way.

destroy everything.

destroy everything.

Destroy everything! And the funny thing is, in the process of destroying everything, I actually feel an emotion that I have never felt before, Altila, I like this name, it makes me happy as a girl , but my courtiers don't know why they treat me as a man, call me the king, enjoy the destruction with me, and a woman named Krimhild married me and became my wife.

But fortunately, that woman is actually a fiancée named Siegfried, she married me only to let me help her avenge her, otherwise I really have to wonder if I have no femininity at all.

Qi Fei married Krimhilde on the condition that he would help Gunther marry Nordic Queen Brunhilde, but after the incident was revealed, Hagen Ziegfried, Brunhilde's servant, held a grudge and instigated Krimhilde to marry her. Rimhild exposed Siegfried's weakness and attacked and killed him.

The angry Krimhild decided to avenge her husband.

She promised to marry Attila, King of the Huns, and asked Attila to invite her brother and Hagen.

Under her instigation, the banquet turned into a **** battle. In the end, all the Burgundians, including herself, fell in a pool of blood. This is what made Attila very interesting, but Attila Ra knew that until now, people have not been able to completely get rid of "Attila"

The dread and fear that this title proclaims.

Attila looked at the Holy Grail in her hand. If she had a wish for the Holy Grail to come true—it was "to live a life without being a warrior."

This is by no means distasteful to myself as a warrior.

It's just that I'm curious about what kind of life I would have lived if I hadn't been born as a warrior.

But now, she still has her own task to complete, she promised that... the guy in the cuckold will destroy the world, so,,,, brush! Under the eyes of Ling Ye and others, the holy grail in the king's hand suddenly merged into the Inside the body of the little Attila in front of him, and then, in front of everyone, a huge figure appeared.

This figure is tens of meters high, and the whole body exudes white light! "Attila, the giant god! Damn! Leif will really find me something!"

Looking at the giant **** Altila in front of him, Ling Ye couldn't help cursing. He didn't expect that Leif even made the giant **** Attila in order to destroy humanity. If the fight continues, the world will be gone, let alone Rome. !At this moment! The giant **** Attila waved his hand, and countless rocks, flowers, plants and trees on the ground turned into magic power and entered the giant **** Attila's body. Then, visible to the naked eye, the giant **** Attila grew from a height of 16 meters to 7 meters! Yusei's coat of arms ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━'━━━━━━━'━━━━━━━━━━━━━━'

The titanic ability used to destroy civilizations, the basic design of Attila the titan.

It is a skill that absorbs life, buildings, and concepts destroyed by oneself as spiritual information and makes them gigantic.

Attila can't disarm this skill by his will.

By absorbing magic power whose value is equal to your current value, you can double the upper limit of your strength.

The current Attila is only 16 meters long, but if Attila is swallowed, then she will slowly grow to 32 meters.


It is said that when that...sacred sword was used back then, Attila the giant **** had grown to 102 feet! It will be troublesome for her to grow up and become a vanguard of civilization level."

Even if it turns into an anti-civilization or even an anti-star-level star soldier Ling Ye, there are ways to deal with it, but... the price is a bit high, the Heavenly Wheel Saint King and the crown can be shot, but,, too expensive, can't afford it , so it's better to solve it quickly now! Thinking of this, all the power in Ling Ye's hands gathered! Hit the envoy! Launch

Chapter 1165 ━━ Tiamat vs Attila the Giant God

Tiamat Titan Attila 1 billion volts! Super Thor! Boom! In the sky, this huge super Thor came directly, and the huge Super Thor directly collided with the giant Attila in front of him! Boom! Boom! The light of destruction and the light of thunder collided to produce various sparks. Among the sparks of seven colors, Attila, the giant **** in front of him, was beaten back several steps! Although Attila the giant **** has the ability to destroy the world However, when the strength is still in the state of breaking through the seal, it is still too brave to destroy the world, and it is even very difficult to face the 16-level Super Thor.

However, Attila, the giant god, has more means than this! Oh!!!! At the chest of Attila the giant god, a hole appeared out of thin air, and then, a tyrannical attraction directly enveloped the super thunder **** in front of him! Magical power absorption Special skill of Attila the Titan.

The giant god's body made of spiritual absorbers can unconditionally absorb "magic power processed as a magic formula"

, and convert it to armor value.

Art means technology, knowledge, and civilization.

It doesn't get more "nutritious" for 11

s things.

No matter how clumsy the theory is, the attack and interference designed through intellect will only increase Attila's power in vain.

The huge firepower created by huge magic formulas, and the tactical weapons developed by science and technology will only add fuel to the fire.

The basic tactic for the 11 battle is... "Pure physical beating"

Since this troublesome skill can absorb even strengthened physical attacks through mana release, only the energy release of the Holy Sword can deal an effective blow.

The white giant who once appeared on the earth was... repulsed by the holy sword forged in the inner sea of ​​the earth.

I didn't say which holy sword envoy, some said it was an old sword, some said it was the original owner of the deviant sword, and some said it belonged to Merlin, waiting for the official to fill in the hole.

Ling Ye's Super Thunder God is also the energy of lightning. At this moment, under the pull of his power, it turned into energy and entered Attila's body! What's more, Attila has grown up again! He has successfully evolved to 32 kilometers Ruler level! "What is this! How can there be such a playful skill! It's too much!"

Ling Ye couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly, but at this moment, seeing Ling Ye's expression in front of him, he couldn't help secretly laughing.

Let you bully me, what, bad luck, be abused.

Oda Nobunaga wanted to see a lonely expression on Ling Ye's face, but it was a pity that Ling Ye just shook his head at this moment, and then,,, "Come out Tiamat, it's time for an event."

Boom! As Ling Ye's voice fell, a huge black shadow appeared directly in the sky! The gloomy black shadow covered the sky and the sun, and the light of the whole world seemed to be blocked, and this is not the most terrifying thing , The most frightening thing is! In this world! There is a legendary existence! As a heroic spirit, although I have never seen it, I have at least heard the name of this...existence! Tiamat! How can there be an existence of this level? It will appear here, and it looks like it is still in its prime! Of course it is in its prime, and Tiamat at this moment is not...that Tiamat in the realm of Warcraft...self-sealed with only 10% power! She! But with 100% Appeared in this world with a posture! With her strength, it would not be surprising for Ling Ye to destroy the world without a crown to resist.

Seeing Tiamat appear, Stheno trembled. She suddenly remembered what her sister said to her just now. This man is very powerful, please! Is this powerful? This is abnormal! It’s a monster, okay? On the other hand, Tamamo and Tamamo looked at Tiamat in front of them with great interest, and Tamamo touched Tamamo’s head and said, “Tell me, if the two of us merge now , can you beat this beast?"

"Bah! Don't drag me if you want to die! Unless you can restore the nine tails and become a real beast! Otherwise, we will just... deliver food!"

Listening to Yuzao Cat's words, Yuzao held a small fan to cover her face.

She also looked at Tiamat in front of her in embarrassment.

At this moment, Tiamat looked at Ling Ye with her beautiful face and asked softly, "Master,,,, what do you need me to do?"

Hearing Tiamat's words, Ling Ye pointed directly at the giant **** Attila in front of him and said, "Tiamat, did you see this is this person, help me get the Holy Grail out of her body."

Listening to Ling Ye's words, Tiamat nodded in front of her, and there was a hint of murderous intent in those dull eyes. At this moment, she just said three words softly, "Yes, master. "

I'm playing, I've cleared both the Nero line and the Fox line, and I'm playing the king line, I have to say, the giant Attila is so cute.

But the current state is Cefalu state, as shown in the picture.

Chapter 1166━━Obtaining the Holy Grail

Obtain the Holy Grail!!!! Cephalu shouted, and immediately rushed towards Tiamat in front of her! She doesn't care who is in front of her, she only has one thing in her eyes! Destroy! Facing the giant **** Attila who rushed over, Tiamat just stretched out his hand in front of him! Bang! In an instant, the disappearing Cephalu was directly blocked by Tiamat, and then Tiamat A red light immediately appeared in Matt's eyes! The blow that caused the death of the virtuous king in the original book was directly used on Cephalu's body at this moment! Boom! In an instant, Cephalu's body was directly penetrated! However , There is no blood dripping, there is only the radiance of energy volatilization.

Oh!!! The giant **** yelled, and then, its body regrouped under the light, and then, Timma was not polite at all, and punched Cephalu in front of him again! Bang! Bang! Bang! I have to say, Tima is really violent. Ling Ye has never seen Tiamat with such a ruthless shot. After this punch, Cephalu is now in a precarious state and is about to die.

Poor Cefalu, if he is in the peak state, he can fight against Tiamat. After all, the combat strength of Nine-tailed Tamamo is 7.8 million, and Cefalu's strength is 7 million. The difference between ordinary heroes is about 10,000. Not that big, but now,,, she can only be abused by Tiamat in front of her.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Cephalu was constantly beaten by Tiamat. After a while... there were rays of light flying out of Tiamat's eyes, and each ray of light could destroy a mountain! It was such an attack Tiamat fought for three minutes, and finally, Cephalu in front of him was already on the verge of falling from the beating, and his body flickered.

Brave Dragon Lady: "Is this Tiamat? Well,,, it's scary,,,"

Dragon Niang: "Why don't you want Tutou to tell you that Tiamat can transform dragons, why don't you give it a try"

Brave Dragon Lady: "Hey, hey! You don't play tricks, okay! That would kill you! I'm a brave man, not an idiot!"

Anna "Tiamat,,, in Uruk,,, is much stronger."

Medusa: "Well, but fortunately, she was subdued by Ling Ye, wasn't she?"

Steno: "So, how did this Ling Ye subdue Tiamat!"

Anna "I'll tell you another day."

Steno: "Yeah,,, Anna-chan is the cutest!"

Medusa ".......Eccentric sister-sama."

Seeing Cefaru's miserable appearance, Ling Ye couldn't bear it, she was a girl after all, so it's better to give people a good time.

"Tiamat, aim at the core, the Holy Grail is there."

The moment Ling Ye finished speaking, Tiamat nodded, and then, she directly stretched out her hand and pulled it out! Bang! She pulled her hand again, and at this moment, a golden Holy Grail appeared in Tiamat Te's hands.

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