MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 393

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Boudica's choice Boudica, this is an extremely sad name. In the eyes of others, it may be regarded as a representative of bravery, excellence and strength, but in Boudica's own eyes, this name only represents failure .

Boudica's country, her family, everything about her disappeared in the hands of that person, Suetonius, that...a powerful but extremely evil general, that is, from that moment on, Boudica's country has disappeared. Disappeared from this world.

The Romans are cruel, Boudica has always thought so, but just now...why did the young girl king help her "Why help me, shouldn't you take up arms and kill me right now?"

Boudica looked blankly at Nero in front of her, but at this moment, Nero, the heroic spirit, looked at her indifferently.

"Are you asking me this question because you are my helper?"

"How is it possible for a helper to help you?"

Boudica shook her head, this is impossible, how could she help Nero? "Well, I know you don't believe it, but this is also caused by the conditions of the world."

On the other hand, Ling Ye walked over directly, looked at Boudica in front of him and directly spoke about the current situation in the world.

"Now, in this world, several Roman emperors have descended, and each of these emperors is a heroic spirit. It is precisely because of their appearance that this originally normal world is wrong.

Under the rule of Nero, you have seen the situation in Britannia, at least everyone can live a normal life, but if you become an emperor like Caligula, I’m afraid,,,”

Before Ling Ye finished speaking, Boudica already understood what the other party meant.

If the Alliance of Emperors wins, it is estimated that her Britannia will be completely destroyed! "So, now I want to know what choice you will make."


"That's right."

Ling Ye nodded directly.

"This age is now divided into two powers, one being Nero's dynasty of Claudius, and the other a confederacy of other emperors from Rome.

Aren't you ready to gamble on who will protect your Britannia?"

"They are all evil Roman army, why should I choose"

Of course Buma's anger will not be forgotten, she does not want to choose either of the two forces.

"You can choose not to, and watch Britannia go to war."

Ling Ye's words made Boudica completely. That's right, she has no other choice at this moment. If she is still that...Queen, she will lead all the people to rebel, but she is dead, she is a heroic spirit , she will leave this world sooner or later, so at this moment she has only one choice: to be loyal to a certain force, or to not care about anything at all, but Boudica's heart makes her have to make a choice.


Boudica tightly clenched her fist, and after a long time, she finally said the answer that... she didn't want to say in her heart, "I! Agree!"

Seeing that Boudica agreed, Ling Ye also showed a smile, but at this moment, the king Nero on the side was at a loss.

"That...,,, what emperor's alliance are you talking about, can you tell me, the client first?"

On the one hand, King Nero still asked this question that he had puzzled for a long time, and after hearing King Nero's question, Ling Ye and his group of people realized that King Nero had never played before, so naturally they didn't know what happened. .

Looking at the puzzled king Nero, the hero Nero hurried over, "Come on, let me explain to you what happened."

Seeing the exact same self in front of him, King Nero was stunned for a moment, and then began to listen to Nero, the heroic spirit in front of him, explaining to himself.

Soon, King Nero understood.

"You mean, now there is a group of enemies who are preparing to overthrow my empire, and these people are the previous kings! The actions of these kings have caused the future timeline to be confused and the world to be destroyed. Heroic spirits came to help me, but you feel that I am not an opponent of the Emperor Alliance, so you made a special trip... from other worlds to help me"

The King Nero deserves to be the King Nero, the emperor's brain is... fast, but,,, "Everything else is simple! The problem is! The performer you mentioned! It turned out to be the man you chose! Are you serious? Is it!"

King Nero can't believe that he will choose such a man in the future. However, this man is indeed very good-looking and handsome. It seems that the future self can fall in love with him.

Thinking of this, Nero calmed down quickly. She took a deep breath to calm her heart down. She looked around at the people in front of her. After a long time, she finally said, "Since everyone is here to help Rome, Then I, I, Nero Claudius, warmly welcome you on behalf of Rome, everyone, please come back to my country with me now."

Chapter 1139━━Nero is the best!

Nero is the best! "Player! After a while... I can take you to my opera house. Our opera house in Rome is very interesting!"

As soon as he returned to Rome, the heroic Nero on one side was very excited at the moment. Looking at Nero like this, Ling Ye nodded dotingly, while on the other side, the king Nero looked like a curious baby. Looking at Ling Ye and Hero Nero in front of him.

"Will the future me really like you? It's something I can't believe.

However, the way you swung the holy sword just now is indeed the posture of a strong man, and your face is also like Apollo, so it is not impossible for Yu to fall in love with you."

Ling Ye was very pleased by King Nero's words, it sounded very pleasing to the ear, and he kept praising him, how could Ling Ye hate it.

other side.

"However, Nero, have you accepted the setting that all the enemies are the former kings of Rome?"


King Nero nodded, "Although I still can't believe it, but now I have seen my future self, so I can only accept it."

Seeing the appearance of King Nero, Ling Ye also relaxed. He didn't tell the other party that the other party was actually Romulus, but he remembered that in the original book Nero was depressed for a while after he knew about Romulus. , this is just the beginning, it's better not to attack the opponent as soon as it comes up.

"Finally, all you heroes who have come from another world, here is our Rome."

King Nero was very excited to introduce to everyone. In front of everyone, an incomparably majestic city appeared in front of everyone. There are simple and grand buildings, and the streets on both sides are neat. Uruk is even more majestic.

This is also normal, after all, the era of Uruk is ancient, and it is so many years behind the Roman era, so it is normal that there are some differences in levels.

"That's right, everyone enjoy it!"

Nero, the heroic spirit on one side, also became excited, "This is my country, a glorious empire that even virgins can sing about!"

Looking at the excited Heroic Nero in front of him, Nero pouted his small mouth, this,, should be my line, how can you steal other people's words! But at this moment, Heroic Nero naturally doesn't know The idea of ​​the king Nero came to an old lady selling apples, and then she picked it up from the stall and asked the old lady, "Hmm,,,, can I take two of these?"

Looking at Nero in front of her, the aunt quickly said, "Of course, my lord, may the light of Rome shine on you forever."

The aunt just said this, and suddenly, she saw another Nero who was exactly the same, for a moment, she was stunned, she stretched out her fingers and looked at the figure in front of her tremblingly, "You,,,, you,,, both Your Majesty!!! Me!! Am I dazzled?"

"No dazzle, no dazzle."

Nero, the heroic spirit, quickly waved his hand to deny, "We are sisters who have been separated for many years. I am the sister of Your Majesty Nero. My name is,,,,,"

"Her name is Nimi!"

Ling Ye walked over directly, and hearing Ling Ye's words, the heroic spirit Nero's eyes widened! "Nimi, why don't you call your sister! This name is so ugly!"

"Is it ugly? Just bear with it for a while..."

After finishing speaking, Ling Ye hurriedly pulled Heroic Nero away, and on the other side, King Nero also picked up an apple by himself and followed Ling Ye on the other side.

Soon, under the leadership of Nero, an old acquaintance, Ling Ye and the others soon came to Nero's palace. In the hall, Heroic Nero sat on the throne very naturally, looking at the natural Heroic Nero Sitting down, the king Nero on one side couldn't help staring at the figure in front of him angrily. Although they are all himself, can you stop being so familiar?

"That...,,, why don't you come and sit down"

Heroic Nero looked at the king Nero in front of him and said embarrassedly, he is a dead person, this seat no longer belongs to him.

The face of Heroic Nero is full of sadness and remembrance, and looking at such a heroic Nero, King Nero also thinks of his own future, thinking that he can return to Rome in the future, and can sit in this seat again What an interesting thing to do.

Thinking of this, and also for the sake of his future self, King Nero couldn't help but said, "Forget it, you can sit if you want, anyway... I have been sitting for a long time."

"Really? Sure enough, Nero is the best!"

Yingling Nero said happily.

And listening to the words of Heroic Nero, King Nero also nodded.

"That's right! Nero is the best!"

Ling Ye...... I said, can you not be so self-proclaimed and narcissistic, it's too much.

Chapter 1140━━Jing Ke stabs "King of Qin"

Jing Ke stabs "King of Qin"

Yan Dan is good at nurturing scholars, and aims to repay the strong and win.

Recruit hundreds of good men, and get Jing Qing at the end of the year.

According to historical records, during the Warring States period of our country, the prince of Yan State liked to adopt disciples, the purpose of which was to avenge the Qin State.

So he recruited talented people everywhere, and at the end of this year he recruited the character Jing Ke.

So there is the most widely circulated Yishui farewell.

It is easy to drink fruit on the water, and the four seats are among the heroes.

Gradually away from the sad building, Song Yi sings loudly.

Xiao Xiao, the sad wind passes away, and a faint cold wave arises.

Shang Yin's tears flowed even more, and the feathered player was startled.

The heart knows where to go and never returns, and has a name for posterity.

This passage describes...the kind of Jing Ke when he left...The wind is rustling, the water is cold, and the strong man will never return once he is gone. Therefore, countless people also know a person's name, Jing Ke.

However, only one person knows that this Jing Ke is not a hero at all.

Jing Ke alone challenged to assassinate the King of Qin, but because of the luck of the King of Qin, he let him escape at a critical moment.

There are also rumors that Jing Ke, who had awakened early, was killed under the ridicule of King Qin.

As an assassin, Jing Ke, who didn't even achieve the result of the assassination, disappeared like morning dew.

Therefore, Jing Ke is not reconciled, she only has one wish, and that is to find a chance to kill the Eternal Emperor. When that time comes, the dagger in her hand will surely pierce the opponent's heart! "Is this the time already?"

Jing Ke looked at the moon above her head, she waved the dagger in her hand, and then jumped down from the top of the tree crown, her bare toes just landed on a huge rock, and on one side of the rock, A big man holding Fang Tian's painted halberd also stood up slowly. If Lani was there, he would definitely be able to recognize this figure. This figure was Lu Bu who was integrated into her body! Lu Bu! Jing Ke! Except...... already Kong Mingwai, who was summoned but not here, and two of the Roman Chinese Trio are already here.

"Let's go Lu Bu, I heard about the emperor of Rome, go and kill her with me."

Jing Ke patted Lu Bu's huge physique, and Lu Bu didn't refuse, he followed Jing Ke obediently, and the two walked towards the Roman palace in front of them.

Jing Ke is very confident at the moment. What she is facing is no longer that eternal emperor, and what is behind her is no longer that... cowardly Qin Wuyang. This time, that... the head of the King of Rome, she will decide "As a top assassin, how can I never kill a king, Nero, I hope you don't let me down!"

With such a mentality, Jing Ke once again embarked on the road to assassinate the king.

And at this moment, the palace of Rome.

"So, now in your camp, the only Heroic Spirits are Boudica and Nero! And Nero was brought back by me."

Ling Ye stared at the king Nero in front of him. He suddenly felt a little headache. Sure enough, although the time is different, are the two Neroes so unreliable? Sure enough, the timeline caused by the butterfly effect The change is still a bit of a headache."

At this moment, Ling Ye has already started to think about countermeasures.

The camp of the Emperor Alliance is relatively simple, Romulus, Caesar, Caligula, Alexander and Kong Ming brought out by him, plus a Yantou, but Yantou did not respond to the call this time, which means that this time it may There will be another king to join.

As for that... who is the other king, Ling Ye said that he is not that capable and can't guess, there are so many kings in Heroic Spirit, how could he know which hero king it is? Haru Zhang Guozhu Oda Nobunaga Israel's second king David or Finn Maeve Wu Zetian Penthesilea Napoleon Elephant or other versions of my king Too many kings have appeared, even Ling Ye can't guess.

"But it doesn't matter, as long as Brother Zheng doesn't come with the space team, I can deal with other kings without any problem."

Ling Ye still has this bit of self-confidence. After all, if Brother Zheng is really summoned, how could Brother Zheng be subdued by his character? It should have been a fight by now. Since he is still stable now, it means that he is definitely not Brother Zheng.

While Ling Ye was thinking wildly here, outside the palace, a soldier quickly ran over. He knelt down to Nero, the heroic spirit on the throne, and said, "My lord, there are two people outside who want to see you."

"see me"

Nero, the heroic spirit, was taken aback. I just sat here and rested for a while. I still have things to do. It’s all about me. If you have something to do, please help me.

Thinking of this, Nero, the heroic spirit, said directly to the guards, "Okay, let those two people in.

I'm here to meet them."

"Yes, king."


By the way, did they... say what their names are."

Heroic Nero asked again.

"No, but they say they have something important to tell you."

Chapter 1141━━The picture is poor

Figure Poor Dagger See Bang! Bang! With the sound of heavy footsteps, two figures walked up the hall from outside the door. One of these two figures is Lu Bu with a huge body, and the other is a beautiful girl with a slender figure. Jing Ke, seeing the combination of the beauty and the beast in front of her, Nero, the heroic spirit, couldn't help but widen her eyes and looked at the two in front of her in surprise. She knew that these two people would be her helpers in the future, and this was her hand. Come down and help yourself.

But the king Nero took a mask from nowhere and put it on his face. After all, it is really difficult to explain the matter of the two Neroes to the people outside, so the two Neroes decided that the two of them will be at the same time in the future. When they appear, one person will wear a mask, while the other will appear as Nero.

"Dear King of Rome, my name is Ake, and his name is Lu Feng. The two of us came here from far away China. Unfortunately, we were ambushed by the alliance army on the way, so we ended up in your country.

Read The Duke's Passion