MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 375

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Outer God, Yang Yuhuan whoosh! An evil breath flew out from the school book in Giles's hand, Giles' figure had disappeared, but Yin's figure came out from the magic circle.

Two Giles, Giles committed suicide, Bluebeard Giles,, also committed suicide, please, you two just have a good fight, can't you just want to fix these...... ...Things that cannot be done, you still do not hesitate to do it, and you are so cruel to yourself, I really don't know how you are loyal to Joan of Arc.

"Everyone retreat."

Looking at the aura in front of him, Ling Ye couldn't help becoming nervous. Ling Ye knew that Gilles was using everything he had to summon, so although he couldn't summon the invisible... There is such an existence as the Lord in Yellow, but it is still very possible to summon the hounds that support Daros, so it is better to be cautious.

Hearing Ling Ye's words, these... Heroic Spirits also immediately.

He retreated, and the Grand Duke on one side also stopped attacking because he temporarily lost the target of the attack. For a moment, everyone focused on the figure in front of him.

At this moment, in the shadows, a figure stepped out.

The black cheongsam reveals two slender legs, but the cute little face gives people a charming and charming feeling. This kind of cute contrast makes Ling Ye can't help but focus on the other party. At this moment, Ling Ye is already thinking about it quickly in his mind Think about the other person's identity.

When I crossed over, this heroic spirit didn’t seem to appear on the national server. Could it be that Ling Ye from the Japanese server started brainstorming, and finally, he recognized the existence in front of him! “You are! Yang Yuhuan!!!”

That's right, the heroic spirit in front of me is Yang Yuhuan, but the Yang Yuhuan of Xingyue's world view is completely different from the Yang Yuhuan in history. She became the beautiful concubine who became the culprit of the dynasty's demise.

At first glance, I thought she was a cute town girl of Ome family, but when she turned around, she turned into a coquettish and clingy concubine, a descendant with ever-changing expressions.

What lurks in her body is the dark karmic fire of the evil **** residing in the star... This is Yang Yuhuan of Xingyue, an existence that is inextricably linked with the evil god.

From an early age, her being was a source of trouble for villains and monsters, and made her: passive.

But after the death of his parents, he was rescued while wandering the streets with his older siblings, thanks to his beauty.

Since then, she has actively used her looks as a prop to benefit people, and she has taken pride in it.

Seeing Yang Yuhuan in front of him, Ling Ye couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Yang Yuhuan didn't expect that it was you who was summoned."

Oh, Yang Yuhuan on the opposite side couldn't help but smile when he heard Ling Ye's words, "Interesting existence, who are you, unexpectedly,,, oh, you are from Huaguo, so it is indeed possible for you to know me."

Looking at Ling Ye in front of her, Yang Yuhuan couldn't help showing a smile. Although she is related to evil gods, she really likes her country. Unfortunately,,.

Bad luck.

"You are that person's enemy. Unfortunately, he summoned me with his life as a sacrifice. If I don't kill you, the evil god's rules will be broken."

Yang Yuhuan shook his head. The gods in the Xingyue world are different from the gods in other anime. In the world view of other worlds, the evil gods are the supreme existence, and they cannot be pulled down from the altar. They represent invincibility! But in Xingyue Yue, Mushroom's mission has always been that man can conquer the sky, and man's power can defeat everything! Even gods will kill you.

Therefore, the evil gods in the Xingyue world view are not as invincible as the Cthulhu outer gods in other worlds. Of course, even if they are not invincible, their powerful strength has not been adapted.

"In this case, we can only fight."

Ling Ye looked at Yang Yuhuan in front of him and shook his head helplessly. To be honest, he really didn't want to fight this... fellow, including Master Li last time, but since the other party was determined to fight, then he himself Give each other enough respect.

"By the way, can I ask you a question? I remember that you seem to be Cthugya, but the treasure said that Geheros can sing the song of eternal regret, so is Bai Juyi actually Geheros and interacted with Ah Rong, saying Like Li Bai, Li Bai is actually Cthulhu, the answer to the Tang Dynasty's strength, is the foreign **** walking around? Please tell me, if it is true,,, I will run away when I see Datang in the future. I have no ability to come to Datang It's just for being played!"

Yang Yuhuan "Clam"

Yang Yuhuan was stunned for a moment, but when she looked at Ling Ye in front of her for a second, she suddenly felt some evil taste, "The truth,,,, I won't tell you, if you want to know, go find the truth yourself .”

"Ah, why is this?"

Lin Xuan shook his head helplessly.

"If this is the case, we will have to fight each other!"

Chapter 1080━━Cthulhu and Yang Yuhuan

The body of the evil **** and Yang Yuhuan Cthugya was imprisoned inside the star Fomalhaut by the old gods, and its image is a huge, high-heat fireball or plasma block.

When the star Fomalhaut rises to the top of the tree at night, chant the mantra "" three times in a row

You can summon Cthugha to appear in this world, which is extremely dangerous for the summoner, because the place where Cthugha appears will immediately explode and turn into a sea of ​​flames.

If it is the body of the evil god, if it descends, I am afraid that the future of this world will only be death, but fortunately, like the heroic spirit, it is only Yang Yuhuan who descends, not Cretua, so Ling Ye will naturally not be afraid.

But even so, Yang Yuhuan who owns the National Treasure Phantasm is also an existence at the level of Little Sun.

Yang Yuhuan put her hand on her pipa, waved her fingers lightly, swiped! swiped! swiped! Fire meteors fell from the sky in the sky. These flames were not the usual red ones, but ice blue flames.

Living Flame, one of the unique flames of the Old Ones.

If hit by these flames, both spirit and body will be simply incinerated.

"Flame of Trouble."

Ling Ye shook his head helplessly, and then a shining Holy Wheel appeared directly behind him.

Although the points for one reincarnation are not enough, but the simple use of some abilities is still more than enough.

The small wheel of the Heavenly Wheel Saint King began to rotate continuously, and the light emitted blocked all the flames. At this moment, Yang Yuhuan on the side also noticed Ling Ye's movements.

"Not bad, I underestimated you."

Yang Yuhuan looked at Ling Ye in front of her with a hint of admiration in her eyes, but this did not stop her from moving.

Yang Yuhuan tapped her finger lightly, a little blue flame slowly flew to the top of her head, the flame grew bigger and bigger, and gradually turned into a burning sun, but this sun is blue.

Whoosh! With a wave of Yang Yuhuan's finger, the blue light on the top of her head directly hit Ling Ye's body. The distance between the sun and Ling Ye was getting closer, but Ling Ye didn't feel the flame.

It's's temperature, it's better to say it's a flame, but it's extremely cold, but the power inside the flame can burn everything to ashes.

The color of the flame corresponds to the phase.

That is color temperature.

Blackbody radiation produces light of continuous wavelength.

Only the ratio of each wavelength changes with temperature.

The color also changes accordingly. The general rule is: the lower the temperature, the lower the temperature.

Shorter wavelengths of blue light and less violet light.

Longer wavelengths of red light and more orange light.

That is, the fire will be yellowish and warmer, the higher the temperature.

Light with shorter wavelengths.

There is less light with longer wavelengths.

That is, the flame will be bluer and cooler.

The temperature on the surface of the sun is 650 degrees.

Corresponds to pure white light.

Light above this temperature tends to be bluer and cooler.

Light below this temperature will be yellowish and warmer.

Generally, the temperature produced by the body is not too high.

Definitely not higher than 650 degrees.

So it's usually yellowish.

Only the brightness is different.

The temperature is also different and now the opponent's flame is blue, one can imagine how high the temperature of the opponent's flame is.

"I remember when I was in One Piece, Ace's flame was... 500 to 800 degrees, and Chinu's flame was 120 to 200 degrees, and now, looking at the color of Yang Yuhuan's flame,,, it is at least 700 degrees! "

Is there any mistake, as for being so ruthless? Ling Ye looked at the sun getting closer and closer above his head, and finally he stretched out his hand helplessly, and the sword of vowed victory appeared directly in Ling Ye's hand.

"Noble Phantasm Release! The Sword of Promised Victory!"

Boom! The golden light directly engulfed the blue sun in the sky, and the intense flames collided with the golden light in the sky. Boom! The blue flame was finally swallowed by the golden light, and the scattered flames fell to the ground and fell directly on the ground. There were holes in the ground.

"Good, go on."

Yang Yuhuan caressed the pipa again, brushing and brushing. This time, what came out was not blue flames but blue light. Hundreds of blue lasers shot at Ling Ye continuously. Ling Ye didn't care too much. The body was instantly covered by a layer of red armor! The Chiryuutei dragon hand, the forbidden hand is activated! Dang bang! Laser beams fell on the Chiryuutei armor, and Ling Ye was still stiff with the power of the Chiryuutei Withstood this wave of attack.

The moment the last ray of light disappeared, Ling Ye raised his head and looked at the figure in front of him, "I gave you two tricks, come in,,, it's time for me to make a move."

Chapter 1081━━Song of Everlasting Regret Correctly Explained

Everlasting Sorrow correctly explained that Ling Ye knew that normal attacks would be useless against the existence in front of him, so he could only use more powerful skills.

!!!! Boom! Chiryuutei's dragon hand strengthened Ling Ye's power, and immediately after that, a dense layer of dark clouds appeared in the sky! "Billions of volts! Super Thunder God!"

The huge lightning giant rushed directly towards Yang Yuhuan in front of him, the huge thunder was about to reach Yang Yuhuan, and seeing Ling Ye's big move, Yang Yuhuan didn't hold back anymore.

The sound of fingers falling on the pipa sounded, and the sound of Yang Yuhuan's pipa was very pleasant. As one of the four beauties in China, Yang Yuhuan is not only beautiful on the outside, but also on the inside.

"The liberation of the treasure! The neon clothes and feathers match each other"

Original text: Neon Clothes and Feather Clothes Matching Wings and Liaisons Class: + Type: For people and countries Blue light appears from the feet of Yang Yuhuan, and the green light completely hides Yang Yuhuan's voice. At this moment, Yang Yuhuan's entire figure is wrapped in blue In the flames, she lightly tapped her fingers, and the blue flames completely enveloped the Thunder Giant. The collision of the flames and the thunder emitted sparks of two colors in the air, and the aftermath of the two collisions turned the nearby mountains and plains into In the ruins, Ling Ye's God of Thunder is constantly being wiped out, but Ling Ye relies on infinite magic power to continuously fill it up, die, rebirth, die, rebirth, that's all.

"Ling Ye, my treasure is not something you can make up for by relying on quantity."

Yang Yuhuan's smile became even brighter.

Her treasure is a stanza of the Tang Poetry Song of Everlasting Regret that Bai Juyi, the poet demon, recited for the undying love between Emperor Xuanzong and Concubine Yang Gui.

Nishang Yuyi is said to be a song composed by Xuanzong for Concubine Yang. It was rejected as a taboo song as a symbol of the country, and the music score was lost.

Concubine Yang Guifei was a monk for a while before her marriage and became a female crown. She received Taoist teachings from Taoist Luo Gongyuan and got the Taoist title of Taizhen Taoist.

It is said that after her death her soul became a fairy in Penglai, eagerly looking forward to the reunion with her favorite emperor.

The star of the abyss quietly sings poetry that cannot reach the ears of everyone.

The emperor of the Han Dynasty paid much attention to color and love for the country, and Yuyu couldn't ask for it for many years.

There was a **** emperor who ruled Xinghan wanted to obtain a weapon to destroy the world, but he had searched the universe for many years but could not get it.

The Yang family has a girl who has just grown up and was raised in a deep boudoir.

Cthugya Family "Yang" of Fomalhaut

There is a female in the family who has just matured, but is still kept in deep darkness and no one knows.

Natural beauty is hard to give up, one is on the king's side.

But no one can seal her "beauty" that has reached the ultimate realm of madness

, so she became famous and was selected as the servant of the God Emperor.

Looking back at Bai Meisheng with a smile, Liugong Fendai has no color.

She only needs to turn her head and smile to produce a hundred girls named "Mei".

The servants and family members of the God Queen's Palace frightened the female warriors in the Palace of the God Empress to turn pale.

In the cold spring, I bathe in Huaqing Pool, and the hot spring water smoothes and washes the fat.

Because the body temperature is too high, even the warm spring seems like cold winter to her, so the **** emperor opened a land named "Huaqing" on the earth.

The crater of the crater serves as her bath, and after being washed by the thousands of degrees of high-temperature magma, her skin is more moisturized.

Take the clothes and push the pillow up and wander around, the pearl foil silver screen meanders open.

She frantically modified her appearance in the dark, and the indescribable power tore apart the layers of seals.

Half of the cloud temples are new to sleep, and the corolla is not neatly coming down.

But she had just experienced tens of thousands of years of sleep, and she couldn't take care of it for a while, and finally rushed out in a mess.

The wind blows the celestial sleeves and flutters, like dancing in neon clothes and feathers.

Time and space trembled and distorted as she moved, and she could vaguely see the frightening dance "Neon Clothes and Feather Dress" that froze time in the past


Yurong is lonely and tears in the rails, a branch of pear blossoms brings rain in spring.

Blood and tears flowed on the face that one couldn't look straight at, just like the rain of blood coagulated on the skeleton-like flowers of the dead.

In the Hall of Eternal Life on July 7th, when no one is whispering in the middle of the night.

I am trying to translate it now: When the number of the sky and the earth is listed as seven, when all life is wiped out from the universe! May I be a lovebird in the sky, and a twig in the earth.

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