MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 369

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After drawing the new animation system, he looked at Ling Ye's points, "Master, you hung up 10 million points two days ago, and your current points are only the hundreds of thousands you got in these two days, plus the original remaining points, the total is 1 million points." , just to upgrade the system."

"Okay, let's upgrade. It's useless to keep so many points. It's better to upgrade."

Ling Ye said it doesn't matter, but after hearing Ling Ye's words, the system said directly, "Okay master, Ding Dong, congratulations to the master for upgrading to 17. Congratulations to the master for unlocking the authority, animation chain."

"Anime chain what does this mean"

Ling Ye asked incomprehensibly, but upon hearing Ling Ye's question, the system spoke directly.

"Master, the so-called chain means... the master can unlock the corresponding world at the same time after redeeming the manga in the future, and there is no need to upgrade to unlock the plane."

"It's so good, after that, will I travel through the world casually?"

"Of course not. Correspondingly, the master has to pay a certain price. For example, master, you must first complete a small task before you can open up the world. Otherwise, the world will be messed up."

"Okay, okay, I got it, now help me pick up new anime and manga, and let the other things go first."

"Good master, start drawing anime."

After the sound of the system fell, it immediately began to draw anime for Ling Ye, and then, in front of Ling Ye, three options of 3 clearly appeared on the virtual panel.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the master for getting the anime, Concealed Matter, "Concealed Matter" is a manga originally written by Kumeta Koji, published by Toli Press on December 4, 201.

Mr. Kakushi Goto, a manga artist, is serializing a somewhat obscene manga in the weekly shonen manga magazine! But thinking about it, it might be read by the only child who is in the fourth grade of elementary school.

When Ji found out, he was so scared that he couldn't sleep well every night... This is the beginning of the love and laughter cartoonist father-daughter story!"

I don’t have much impression of this anime. It seems to be an anime from the station. I watched it for a long time at the time, but I don’t remember it deeply. After all, it has been many years.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the master for getting the anime, the world of stop", this is a TV animation adapted from the comic of the same name by Wu Sao.

The world is the stage, under the "red line of science"

Under the domination, the love story of boys and girls.

It tells that in Japan in the near future, the marriage partner at the age of 6 will be forcibly designated by the government.

Save the trouble of finding a partner, and the degree of fit between the government and the two, everyone readily accepts this "happiness"


Root: Yoshiri Shima, a 15-year-old boy who lives in a corner of Japan, is out of season, and his studies and sports are only at the middle level.

However, there is a passionate love buried in his heart! In a world where love is forbidden, where will the fate of a boy who falls in love with someone go?"

"This anime is very interesting. If possible, it's not bad to exchange for this one. Forget it, let's watch the last one."

Ling Ye looked at the next animation, which is also the last option! "Ding Dong, congratulations to the master for getting the animation, "A Certain Scientific Railgun""

We all know, so I won’t give Amway to everyone, but the second one is quite interesting, if you haven’t seen it, you can check it out.

Looking at the three 3 animations in front of him, Ling Ye began to think, the first and second ones are not bad, but......, they are worse than Sister Pao, and they are important What’s more, Super Gun! It’s obviously an anime that came out after Ling Ye traveled. Although Ling Ye has read the novel, the novel and anime are completely different.

"System, exchange it for a super cannon for me. It just so happens that I haven't been to Misaka Mikoto's world for a long time, so I can just go there and take a look."

After Ling Ye's voice fell, all the information about the super gun entered Ling Ye's head, and at this moment, Ling Ye was about to lose control of his hands.

However, there is still finishing work to be done in this world, that is, the last fox has not been dealt with.

"come over!"

At this moment, Little Sun's... long spears were touching Yuzaoqian's neck, and at this moment, Yuzaoqian gave him a blank look.

"Why are you so fierce? I'm a captive who surrendered. Don't you know that prisoners are treated preferentially?"

Xiaoyu was there asking for preferential treatment for the captives, and seeing Xiaoyu in front of him, Ling Ye couldn't help shaking his head helplessly.

"Xiaoyu, your allies are dead, why don't you go back to the Hall of Valor?"

"Go back to the Hall of Valor! I won't go back!"

Xiaoyu shook her head quickly, she put her eyes on Ling Ye in front of her, and then she looked at Ling Ye in front of her with longing eyes and said, "Ling Ye,,, can you take me in?"

"Take you seriously"

"Well, I want to go back to your world with you! The Hall of Valor is very boring, and this world is even more boring! However, it should be very interesting to follow you."

Chapter 1062━━Evil Dragon's Hundred Years' War

Xielong's Hundred Years 100 War Moon Machine, in Ling Ye's friend group, everyone in the group is diving.

But at this moment, Ling Ye sent a message.

Ling Ye: "Everyone, the affairs of the world have been settled, and the rest is... and some small worlds. There will be nothing going on in the Xingyue world in the near future."

Hei Zhen: "Can you finally rest for a while, why don't we go out for a trip, there are many interesting places in every world, it should be very interesting."

Xiao Mo: "Hei Zhen, you are willing to travel now, don't you always dislike these things?"

My King 1 "Xiao Mo doesn't understand, she is a drunkard who doesn't care about drinking, she wants to spend her honeymoon with someone."

Heizhen "1 Don't talk nonsense! Who is that kind of person,,,,,, etc..., my body is disappearing,,, Ling Ye,,, I seem to be summoned by someone,,, ,,"

Ling Ye: "Heizhen! Hei! Wait for me for a while...! I'll go back and relieve you right away...,,,"

Ling Ye wanted more, but unfortunately, Hei Zhen didn't answer, obviously, she had already been summoned.

Joan of Arc "Don't worry, everyone, I was summoned too, it seems that it should be the first chapter of ━━━━━━━━━:::: The Hundred Years' War of the Evil Dragon, everyone,,,, wait for us to come back .”

After Joan finished typing this message, her figure also disappeared from this world, and no matter what other people did, she never came out again.

Ling Ye: "It seems that I have been summoned, Olga Marie, prepare to prepare for Sheba, it seems that I will go there soon."

Atalanta: "Ling Ye, I don't think you need to worry. After all, the biggest enemy of the Hundred Years' War of the Evil Dragon is the confrontation between black and white Joan of Arc. However, the relationship between Hei Zhen and Joan of Arc should not be able to fight now."

Ling Ye "It's......,.

,, So, Atalanta, you,,, and Siegfried,,, are you leaving too?"

Siegfried "I'm sorry everyone, I'm leaving too."

Ling Ye: "Atalanta help me take good care of Hei,,,, Siegfried, I'm sorry if you don't say a few words... there will be no problem."

With the disappearance of the four 44 figures, Ling Ye felt relieved. Among other things, with the strength of Hei Zhen and Joan of Arc plus Siegfried and Atalante, in the first chapter ━━━━━ ━━━━::::Ling Ye doesn't doubt it either, really don't have to worry, just go and pick them up when you have time, but let Gudazi and Xuemei go first, after all, Yingling Zhao carries a moon machine, but Guda It's okay, so Lingye should use Gudazi to get in touch with Heizhen and the others first.

"Gudazi, and Matthew, please both of you."

Matthew "It's okay senior, you helped us so much, this is what we should do."

Matthew replied to Ling Ye's words, and then Ling Ye began to prepare for the 100-year war against the evil dragon.

Before leaving, Ling Ye sent the manga he had already drawn to Da Vinci directly.

"By the way, this is a new anime, a certain scientific railgun.

Everyone, get ready to watch tonight."

Misaka Mikoto "What! A certain scientific railgun is my story again, isn't my business over yet?"

Shokuhou Misaki: "Ah, ah, who made you so good, haha."

Ling Ye: "Don't gloat, it has something to do with you, too."

Shokuhou Misaki "Ah!!"

At the same time, the first chapter━━━━━━━━━:::::::::: In a dark castle, a figure is drawing a magic circle, and the magic circle is shining with purple light, It seems to give people an ominous premonition, but the figure in front of the magic circle at this moment is particularly excited.

"Joan of Arc, my holy virgin,,.

Can I finally welcome you this time?"

Gilder looked at the magic circle in front of him, and he was still muttering, "Ling Ye, back used despicable means to **** my Joan of Arc, but so what, Joan of Arc is mine after all! Always mine!"

Hearing this person's voice, one can clearly know the other party's identity. Gilles Dries, who is also the marshal, unexpectedly he still remembers the experience of confronting Ling Ye back then. How long ago was that, Ling Ye Ye himself almost forgot about this guy, unexpectedly he had a deep memory of Ling Ye.

But at this moment, after Gilles's magic circle was drawn, a strong wave of magic power appeared inside the room, the strong wind kept blowing, and a black figure appeared from the magic circle.

Looking at the figure like a Valkyrie in front of him, Giles couldn't help shouting happily, "My holy virgin, have you,,, finally come to me?"

Gilles frantically wanted to hug Heizhen in front of him, but at this moment, seeing Gilles approaching in front of him, Heizhen frowned and punched out fiercely! "Gills! You bastard!!! "

Chapter 1063━━━━━━━━━━Gills' Wish

Gilles' wish bang! With Heizhen's fist punched, Gilles in front of him felt as if he had been hit head-on by a huge truck. Before Gilles could react, he realized that he had been savagely hit. Hei Zhen hit the wall, and opposite him, Hei Zhen was looking at the figure in front of him angrily.

"Giles, what have you summoned me to do!"

At this moment, Hei Zhen is naturally in an incomparable atmosphere. Just as I was about to say that I want to hang out with Ling Ye, you summoned yourself. Don’t you know how uncomfortable that feeling is? I was happily preparing to go out to play, and suddenly the teacher called and told you that I have to make up lessons today, what kind of feeling is this anyway... Hei Zhen is now... this feeling, but being punched by Hei Zhen, Gilles was not angry at all, that... looked like Hei Zhen wanted to punch him to death, but fortunately, she still endured it.

"Gills, why did you bring me here? Don't say you want me to start a war between the two countries together. Let's not talk about whether I will help you. Even if I help you, the two of us can't fight Ling Ye They, you still give me the Holy Grail, and let me just go back and forget it."

Hei Zhen sighed helplessly, she still knew Ling Ye very well, since she came to this world, it goes without saying that Ling Ye would definitely come to pick her up.

As for Ling Ye's strength,,, I heard that Killing Yuan and Ling Ye were singled out, and Ling Ye won, um, that's how Ling Ye, you, Giles, want to fight against him, isn't it courting death? At this moment, Hei Zhen feels How can I say it came out because of Gilles' wish, or,,

Prepare a better coffin for Giles himself,,, it doesn't seem to work, Giles seems to be a heroic spirit, so, even if he dies, he probably won't be able to put it in the coffin.

"Jeanne, don't you know how important you are to me? It's just Ling Ye, and you can't let him go so much, but it doesn't matter. I will summon a powerful helper this time, and I won't do what Fuyuki did again. I made a mistake, this time, I will let everyone see the strength of my Gilles.

I don't blame Giles for his incomparable self-confidence, when he was in .

Back then, Giles had fought against Ling Ye, but Giles faced Ling Ye, who had just started to fight. Now, a year has passed, and Giles is still the same, but Ling Ye is no longer Ling Ye. .

"By the way, Jeanne, come and see what gift I have prepared for you."

Giles looked at Hei Zhen, who was in a bad mood, and quickly ran to the side to open a door. Then, a figure was dragged out of the room by Giles.

This is an old man with a fat figure. Looking at his figure, one can tell that the other party is a person who knows how to enjoy life. Seeing this figure, Hei Zhen couldn't help saying, "Archbishop Pierre Cochon, it's you!"

Hei Zhen looked at the figure in front of him.

Joan of Arc and the rest of the guard were captured by the Burgundians. The custom at that time was that as long as the captive's family could pay the ransom, he could be redeemed, but the Burgundians did not want to do this this time.

Many historians have accused Charles VII of not making an effort to rescue him.

She tried to escape several times, and once even jumped from the 70-foot tower and landed on the soft mud of the dry moat without serious injury.

After some negotiations, Duke Philip handed over Joan to England.

Pierre Cauchon, a bishop of Beauvais in northern France who played a key role in those negotiations and later in the trial, was a staunch supporter of England and felt it was his duty to ensure that Joan was punished.

However, Hei Zhen thought about it, she and Joan of Arc are basically two people, what happened to Joan of Arc has nothing to do with her, and she will let Joan of Arc decide whether the other party will stay or stay, but in other words,, , Will Joan of Arc come to this world? Besides, what if Joan of Arc from another class comes? Forget it. It’s not my business.

On the other hand, looking at the silent Hei Zhen in front of him, Giles couldn't help but feel something was wrong, "Jean of Arc,,,"

"Call me Heizhen."

"Okay, Hei Zhen, you,

, don't get angry when you see this guy"

"Why are you angry, are you okay? If it's okay, I'll leave."

After finishing speaking, Hei Zhen on one side was about to turn around and leave directly, and when he saw Hei Zhen turning around, Giles also realized that something was wrong at this moment, he quickly stopped Hei Zhen in front of him and said, "Hei Zhen, you can't go!"

"You want to stop me, get out of the way, Giles, you can't stop me."

Hei Zhen looked at Gilles in front of him, and at this moment, Gilles finally went crazy. Gilles had only two goals to fight for, one was faith, and the other was... Joan of Arc, at this moment, his life Half of them wanted to leave, how could he allow it.

Chapter 1064━━Heroic Spirit Summoning

The heroic spirit summoned "Heizhen, if you want to go, let me make the choice for you."

Gilles kept waving his hand, and at the same time, behind him, figures appeared with dark power.

Originally, these people should be summoned by Hei Zhen, but it doesn't matter, the result is the same if he summons them.

I don't know if it's because of Hei Zhen's summoning, but the few people in front of me at this moment have not been berserk, they are still in a normal state.

", Chardi, the knight of Baibaihe who protects the French royal family."

", Atalanta."

Atalanta didn't say anything, she looked at Hei Zhen in front of her, and then gave her a calm expression.

"Vlad III, are you the one who offered my blood?"

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