MTL - The Manga of Ten Thousand Realms-Chapter 1

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Manga: Ten Thousand Worlds Comic Artist Author: Fate Heroic Spirit King Arthur

Why does Ryunosuke Yusheng commit suicide frequently?

Why did Tohsaka Tokiomi hunt down his disciple?

Why doesn't Jin glitter cooperate with the emperor?

Why is my king homeless?

Behind all this, is the distortion of human nature or the loss of morality.

Please read this book, a man who plays tricks by comics.

Chapter 1 The Warrior of Love

Fuyuki City, this is an extremely flat place, people come and go against every second, because for them, every second is very likely to make a lot of less income. However, in such a busy place, there was already a long queue of people standing in front of a small bookstore.

"Great, the next issue of Warrior of Love is finally out. I've been waiting for a long time."

"Soldier of Love, are his comics good? Hearing the author's name, he is someone who draws boring girl comics. I'm not interested."

"Hmph, a warrior of love is such a loving person, I won't let you call my idol!"

"It's finally Friday! Fate/zero is going to be updated!" At this moment, a seven or eight-year-old boy looked at another little boy beside him, and his friend was also a little happier when he heard what this little boy said. nodded.

"That's right, so much has been laid before us. Are we going to summon heroic spirits today? I don't know what will be summoned. What do you think, Rin-chan?"

Hearing what the little boy said, a girl with twin ponytails in a red dress turned her head away.

"What kind of comics, I'm not interested in such comics."

"If you're not interested, why are you queuing?"

At this moment, the little boy on one side directly put Rin's behavior in front of him as tsundere, because in their view, Rin Tohsaka, who has never left behind, obviously likes the comics in this bookstore.

"Huh." Tohsaka Rin didn't explain, because only she knew, heroic spirit? call? Holy Grail War? Founding Yusanjia?

These are all things in the magical world, but this bookstore has turned these things into comics. If the people in the Clock Tower find out, they will definitely send someone to punish him!

While Rin Tosaka was thinking, beside her, a cute girl with long black hair pulled Rin Tosaka's little hand.

"Sister, the bookstore is open."


Hearing this voice, Tohsaka Rin grabbed his younger sister Tohsaka Sakura's little hand, and then walked directly towards the bookstore.

"Come on, Sakura, I want to see who the owner of this bookstore is!"

The bookstore finally opened. In an instant, the small bookstore was overcrowded. Readers couldn't wait to pay the money to get the manga, and then ran to the side to start reading.

"Ah! Look, Rin-chan is in the manga!"

"What! Let me see, oh my god, it's true! Rin-chan, you're not really a magician!"

Listening to the voices of the classmates around her, Rin's expression was a little flustered at the moment. She is not the owner of this bookstore, and she would not do things that exposed the magician.

"What magician? Why don't I know, little friend, as the flowers of the new era, we must not believe in these things, you know." Little Master Lin taught the students around her like an adult. The shopkeeper gritted his teeth scoldingly. This bad guy, draw manga, draw manga, but why bring me with you!

"But, why is there something about your family here? And you, Sakura, why were you sent to the Matou family? That family doesn't seem like a good person."

Listening to the words of the students around her, at this moment, Xiao Ying, who is not good at words, can only lower her head and say nothing, because she is so flustered that she doesn't know what to say.

And at this moment, a big hand was placed directly on Sakura's head. Feeling the big hands on her head, Sakura raised her head happily.

"Ling Yeoni sauce, you're here!"

At this moment, a young man came out. He was fair-skinned, with a touch of handsomeness in his delicate features, and a touch of gentleness in his handsomeness! The aura exuding from him is so complicated, like a mixture of various auras, but amidst those tenderness and handsomeness, there is also his own unique ethereal and handsome!

And seeing this person, at this moment, all the people silently put their eyes on him.

"Boss Ling, you're here!"

"Boss Ling, your cartoons are so interesting!"

"Brother Ling, why do you have Sakura and Rin in your manga?"

Listening to these people's words, Ling Ye just showed a smile, and then he silently looked at Sakura and Rin next to him, "The reason is very simple, because Sakura and Rin-chan are so cute, so let them appear in comics, Naturally, it was the best choice."

Hearing Ling Ye's words, a group of readers immediately returned to their seats in aggrieved manner.

"What, brother Ling is so biased."

"That's right, obviously I'm also very handsome."

"Tch, don't you want to be shameless, even if you want to be in comics, that's a gentleman like me, what does it have to do with you."

"Boy, I want to duel with you!"

"I've read too many comics, and I always fight when I fight, what about a duel!"

At this moment, Ling Ye looked at the little boys in front of him, with a smile on his face.

"System, have you completed today's task?"

Hearing this voice, a transparent light panel appeared directly in front of Ling Ye.

"Daily task, congratulations to the master for successfully selling 100 comics today, the novice task has been completed. Reward, a novice gift pack."*

Chapter 2 Manga System

Ling Ye was originally just an ordinary person in an ordinary world. However, one day, he came to this world while reading comics. At the same time, he also obtained the system in front of him.

The great cartoonist system, earns points by selling comics, and then uses the points to exchange for new comics. At the same time, he can also obtain certain rewards by completing daily tasks.

And this reward, maybe what it is, it may be just a small apple, or it may be a magic that destroys the world. As for what it is, it is completely unknown.

At this moment, Ling Ye successfully completed today's task, selling one hundred comics.

"Look slowly, everyone, I'm going back to my room first." Ling Ye greeted everyone, and then went straight back to his room.

"Ding dong, congratulations to the master for getting the novice gift package, may I ask the master if you want to open it?"


As soon as Ling Ye's voice fell, rays of light bloomed in front of Ling Ye, and then, a voice rang in Ling Ye's ear, Ding Dong, congratulations to the master for getting three Command Seals (Command Seals, which appear on the body) The crystallization of magic. It has the absolute command right that can make the followers obey, and the exclusive mark of the master. The appearance of the Holy Grail will give some omens to the magicians who become the master, that is, marks such as stigmata. The command spell is transformed from this Come. And this command spell comes from fgo. After releasing one, it can instantly restore all the states of a heroic spirit. Release three at the same time to revive your own heroic spirit, and it can automatically restore one painting every day.)

Ding dong, congratulations master, you have obtained the right to transform into a novice hero once, please draw it yourself.

Hearing the sound of the system, Ling Ye's face was full of excitement. A Command Spell that can be recovered every day, and can also randomly transform into a heroic spirit. Such a gift package is very useful to me at the moment. The world, with these two things, at least Ling Ye is confident that he can survive in this world.

At this moment, Ling Ye silently raised his hand, and in his hand, the three command spells were lying there peacefully, and at this moment, bang! Ling Ye's door was opened directly, and then, Rin directly pulled Sakura into Ling Ye's bedroom.

At this moment, Rin pinched her waist and looked at Ling Ye angrily. "Ling Ye, please explain to me why you drew me and Sakura in the picture! Do you know that this has violated our portrait rights!"

"This,,,," Ling Ye looked at the two little girls in front of him, he shook his head helplessly, and then asked directly, "You guys, haven't you read the manga I drew today?"

Ling Ye looked at the two little girls in front of him very seriously, and hearing Ling Ye's words, Tohsaka Rin and Sakura shook their heads. Neither of them had time to read it, but they just knew that they appeared in the manga , That's why Sakura and Rin hurried over.

"Okay, Sakura, Rin, you two go home and read my manga, after you finish reading, you will understand everything."

Ling Ye looked at the two little lolis in front of him calmly, and when he heard Ling Ye's words, Rin stomped his little feet, then looked at Ling Ye with a puffed face, "Damn guy, here again Playing tricks. Rin hates you the most!"

Looking at the lovely Rin in front of him, Ling Ye walked directly to Xiao Ying's side, and then gently hugged Xiao Ying. "It doesn't matter, anyway, I like Sakura the most, it's fine if Sakura likes me."

Hearing Ling Ye's words, Xiao Ying hurriedly closed her eyes shyly, her little face was flushed, and she looked extraordinarily cute. "Oni-chan, don't talk nonsense, my sister will be angry."

"Ling Ye, you pervert, put down Sakura!" Rin looked at Ling Ye in front of him. Then desperately used his little hands to break away Xiao Sakura from the "devil"'s embrace.

After that, Rin looked at Ling Ye in front of him in a panic, then dragged Sakura beside him and ran towards the outside of the bookstore as if to escape. Before leaving, he also took a comic from Ling Ye's bookshelf. Don't look at what Rin said that he doesn't like comics, but I have to say that Ling Ye's comics are really good!

"Hmph, big villain Ling Ye, wait for me to go back and read the comics, and I'll come over tomorrow to deal with you!"

At this moment, looking at the two little girls running away, Ling Ye couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly, "Am I so scary, these two little girls?"

At this moment, Ling Ye's eyes fell on the bookshelf just now, looking at the gap where a comic was missing, Ling Ye suddenly felt that something was missing!

a long time,,,,,

"Rin! You don't pay me for my manga again!!"*

Chapter 3 Comics and Reality

The Tohsaka family, in a small room at the moment, the two sisters are looking at the manga in their hands together,

"Sister, you don't give money for Brother Ling Ye's comics, and we don't have enough pocket money."

Beside Rin, Sakura looked at her sister beside her, while Rin proudly held the manga in her hand when she heard what Sakura said, "Hmph, who made this guy so annoying, and still drew the two of us, and didn't ask him for a portrait Fees are good, money is required, it doesn’t exist.”

Hearing Rin's words, Sakura on the side shook her head helplessly. "I really don't know why my sister and Oni-chan are so at odds. Obviously my sister likes Oni-chan very much."

"Bah, bah, Sakura, ghosts like that big villain. I just,,, I just like his manga." Sakura shook the manga in her hand, and then directly turned to a page of the manga .

"Huh? It's Uncle Kariya!"

Seeing Kariya Matou, Rin looked at the manga curiously, because there was no Sakura in the manga, Sakura and Rin read it curiously, when they saw that Sakura had been given by Tohsaka Tokiomi At Matou's house, Rin angrily threw away the book in his hand.

"This big villain! Dare to scribble like this, see if I don't deal with him!" At this moment, Rin put on his little red shoes directly, then took Sakura's hand and was about to walk downstairs, while the two The little girl had just walked into the living room when a voice rang out.

"Shichen, are you really going to send Sakura to the Matou family?"

Hearing these words, the two little lolis were stunned for a moment. The two little lolis looked at each other, and they could see the shock in each other's eyes.

"That's right, our Tohsaka family can only produce one magician, and it just so happens that this generation of the Matou family does not have a magician heir. If Sakura passes, this is the best result for both daughters."

Hearing this voice, the two little lolis felt that their legs were a little weak, because they could tell that this voice was exactly the voice of their father and mother, and they were going to send Xiao Sakura to The Matou family!

"No way, that scoundrel,,,,,," Rin reacted in an instant, he remembered the time in the comic book, thought about the Holy Grail War that was about to start in a while, and contacted Ling Ye again Learn about the Holy Grail War!

"That guy can predict the future!"

At this moment, Sakura didn't know what to say, and Rin was about to rush out to argue with her father, but the sensible Sakura held her sister's hand.

"Sister, manga."

Hearing Sakura's words, Rin and Sakura immediately returned to the room, the two little **** flipped through the book quickly, when Rin saw that Sakura was thrown into the wormhole, the two little **** were completely stunned , She didn't even notice that the comic book in Rin's hand fell to the ground.

"This,,,, this,,,, how is it possible? Sakura!"

"Sister! Sakura don't go to Matou's house! Woohoo! Woohoo!"

The two little lolis hugged each other and wept. This terrible scene was already extremely exciting in the hearts of the two little lolis. To the two little girls, they were already panicked.

"Sakura, just wait, I'll go find my father right away." Rin was about to go to Tohsaka Tokiomi, but Sakura shook her head.

"Sister, do you think that the father who puts all his attention on being a magician will believe something in a manga? He will definitely say it's a coincidence." Sakura's words reminded Rin of her father, and Rin sat softly. On the bed, she knew that what Xiao Sakura said was right, her father would never believe a manga, and if her father found out that someone leaked the secrets of the magic world, then Ling Ye would definitely be killed by countless magicians. crusade.

"Sakura, you are right, we can't find our father, but what should we do?" Rin and Sakura fell into silence, they didn't know what they should do, and then, Rin saw the child falling on the ground. At this moment, a flash of inspiration flashed in Rin's mind, yes, they still have hope!

"Sakura! Let's go!"

"Sister, where are we going?"

Xiao Ying looked at a loss, she didn't understand what her sister meant, but at this moment, Rin's face was extraordinarily firm.

"Sakura, if this manga is true, then Ling Ye must not be an ordinary person. He may have a way to save you. If he can't, it means that he is an ordinary person. And this manga, Naturally it is false."

Hearing Rin's words, Sakura also understood Rin's meaning, Sakura nodded, and then ran outside directly with Rin.

When Sakura and Rin passed by the hall, Tohsaka Aoi saw two little lolis running outside.

"Rin, Sakura? Where are you going?"

Listening to their mother's words, the two daughters left here without looking back.

"Mother, let's go to the bookstore and be back in a while."


The door was closed, looking at the two girls leaving, Aoi Tohsaka couldn't help but sighed, she was just a mother, how could she let her daughter go to someone else's house, just,,,, Aoi Tohsaka saw the sofa When she saw the silent man, she could only sigh, because in this family, what the man said counted. *

Chapter 4 I am a Prophet

In this small bookstore, Ling Ye looked at the empty bookstore, and he couldn't help stretching out a hand.

"System, clean the room automatically."

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