MTL - The Male Lead’s Villainess Stepmother-Chapter 84

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The style of the little boy's mother-in-law is as graceful as her temperament, and when she discovers that Zhou Qin is cold and ruthless and indifferent to her, I probably know that even if she changes her mind, she cannot find the love she wants from him, so Ms. Lin did not hesitate Go abroad.

The woman who loves supreme is always so chic and windy, leaving silently, and even her own son didn't come to say goodbye.

Yan Shuzheng also secretly told her when he came to the house to send urgently needed documents to the big brother. Secretary Lu also told her gossip. In fact, Ms. Lin went to their company to find them before going abroad, but Mr. Zhou had no time to see her at all. Ms. Lin waited in the meeting room for nothing, but her eyes turned red and her expression was lonely. Gone.

Ever knowing that the little boy's mother and mother secretly poked at her corner and looked down on her in various ways, Yan Shuzhen's impression of her turned sharply. Originally, she was very generous. Even if she broke the picture of Lin Surong hooking up with the big brother, she didn't want to spit the other party as a primary three. After all, she occupied the pit and didn't shit, and it's no wonder that others were too aggressive. Besides, Lin Surong It is also the ex-wife of the big brother, and there is a son between the two. This is a constant source. It is reasonable for Lin Surong to want to remarry with the big brother. Yan Shuyi is not incomprehensible, but she cannot step on her. Pedal to dig her corner.

A person like Yan Shuzheng who wants face, of course, is not convinced and unilaterally forged a beam with Ms. Lin.

To be honest, the two of them might not be more noble than others, at least she had never put a cuckold on the big guy.

Out of dissatisfaction with Ms. Lin, when Yan Shuzhen heard the gossip of Secretary Lu, she unceremoniously rejoiced with her.

After a few words of conversation, Secretary Lu left contentedly, and Yan Shuzheng was still a little bit unwilling. Regardless of whether the big brother was doing business in the study room, he smiled and opened the door and went in. "Dear, I heard that your ex-wife has gone abroad."

The boss is replying to the email, without asking, "Who told you?"

Yan Shu paused, she knew that Secretary Lu was carrying her boss to tell her the gossip of her boss's ex-wife was not easy. She was so kind to her, and she could n’t turn her head and sold her, so she did n’t answer, just Stubbornly approached the boss and asked "you say it, right?"

"How do I know about her." Zhou Qin and casually tapped on the keyboard, then raised her eyes and looked at her.

Yan Shuzhen came up behind him at this moment, and was almost getting close to his face, but he didn't care, as long as he didn't block his view. Zhou Qin and faintly corrected, "She has a name, if you can't remember, you can call her Ms. Lin."

Yan Shuzhen knew that the boss didn't want to get involved with Ms. Lin.

Her mood now is like a seductive **** that has tried hard to block and create contradictions between the male and female masters, and has also made her a success. Don't mention how beautiful it is, and hug the big guy's neck tightly across the seat back and ask with a smile. "Well, did Ms. Lin go to see you before going abroad?"

Mr. Zhou turned back and asked "what Secretary Lu said"

Yan Shuzheng "Uh"

Deser's mood converged for a moment, and she felt very guilty for selling Secretary Lu so quickly, but Yan Shuyi also knew that the big brother was so savvy. Since the point was broken, she had no share in lying, so she had to hurry to talk to Secretary Lu Good words to save and save, "I asked her for a long time before she said, otherwise you pretend you don't know, don't blame her, OK"

"Why not blame her"

Yan Shuzhen thought about it and said, "Secretary Lu treats me so well, and I can't repay it."

Secretary Lu has secretly sold her gossip, what a wonderful person.

During the conversation, Zhou Qinhe had finished replying to the email, didn't turn off the computer, just retracted his hands and turned his head, just as Yan Shuyan was very close to him, with the tip of his nose facing his nose. it is good"

Yan Shuzheng

The gangster is almost 100,000. Why is it stronger than the curiosity of the children at home? Yan Shuzhen feels a headache, and she is really asked by the gangster. She is not Secretary Lu. How do you know Secretary Lu Why is she so good to her lately?

Anyway, I have lived with the big brother for more than half a year. The closest employees to the big brother, such as Secretary Lu and rob, came to their home every 30 minutes. Sometimes they sent documents, sometimes they asked for a signature, and they also reported work and even came home. Of course, every time you come to the meeting, you must say hello to Yan Shuzheng, a few words of humor, everyone will be familiar with each other over time.

Yan Shuzhen couldn't remember the day on which Mr. Lu, who was serious, shared the gossip with her without any sense of irritation. The big brother had to break the casserole and ask to the end, she could only have a good idea. Tell him "Become a friend because of more contact, do you need a reason to be nice to a friend?"

Looking at her righteous appearance, Zhou Qin and finally sighed silently, knowing that she had no heart or lungs, but it was still helpless to this point.

The gangster was depressed about Yan Shuzhen's slowness, so of course she couldn't hear the gossip she wanted to hear from the gangster.

However, Yan Shuzhen didn't expect the big brother to be like Secretary Lu, clapping with her, just because she was too happy and wanted to find a big brother to express her feelings of exultation. Whether the big brother matched or not, she was satisfied, naturally. Will not be disappointed.

Ms. Lin came lightly, and did not take away a cloud when she left. After she went abroad, Yan Shuzhen did not hear from her for a long time, just like she never appeared.

Yan Shuzheng also had a vague feeling. Ms. Lin may be just like the arrangement in the future, and will never appear in their world for years to come.

Farewell to the little boy's mother, thoroughly, and Yan Shuxi also ushered in the second winter after wearing the book.

Counting the time, she has been living with the big brother for almost a year. According to last year's plan, she should now be busy looking at the house, while packing non-stop luggage. This time moving is not the same as last time. She and the goose add up enough clothing to open two counters. If you do n’t ask the moving company, you ca n’t move.

But at the moment Yan Shuzhen was quiet and had no intention of moving. Because some time ago she accidentally turned over a document from the big brother's study. To be more specific, it is the real estate certificate and some documents. The real estate certificate says her name, and the house information is of course the set they live in.

When I saw these documents with my own eyes, Yan Shuyu suddenly found out that the big brother is a big brother. Like everyone who is rich, how can he be reduced to the point of renting a house?

Before they moved in, the big brothers let people buy the house directly, and even the real estate certificate was hung in her name from the beginning.

When she didn't know it at all, she suddenly owned a mansion. Yan Shuyan was aggressive. She hadn't really realized the thrill of having a house in her name, so she went to ask the boss why she did it. I don't know when, she has developed such a straight habit in front of the big brother.

But this time, Yan Shuyi ran to the door and asked the boss. He didn't ask why, but instead he easily changed the topic, because the boss took the initiative to show weakness, and said with a smile that she was "the head of the family." Now, don't bully him in the future.

Immediately, Yan Shuyan made up the picture of bullying the boss in this way and could not help rippling. Then he missed the best time to ask why.

It may also be that she is becoming more and more degenerate now, and the bottom line of people has also been lowered step by step. Since moving into a mansion to live with the big brother, Yan Shuzheng has received the gifts of the big brother as often as eating and drinking, and gradually lost In capitalist sugar-coated cannonballs, tens of millions of shares were later collected, and now it's nothing to add another house.

In this way, Yan Shuzhen calmly accepted the fact that he had a house.

Since the gangster verified that she was the “head of the family”, Yan Shuzheng took the initiative to assume this obligation, such as paying the costs of electricity, water, gas and property. When she first moved in, she wanted to share it, but the gangster told She didn't need this, he didn't deal with it in person, and Secretary Lu would arrange for people to pay it in unison.

At that time, Yan Shuzhen was not very familiar with Secretary Lu, and the boss was also busy with work. Naturally, I was embarrassed to go to the boss to talk to Secretary Lu, and finally left it alone.

But the situation is different now. The house is in her name. She should be responsible for these expenses, and Yan Shuzhen went to Secretary Lu very happily.

"You found it" Secretary Lu sent a lively emoji in WeChat, and then stopped talking, and sent the various payment methods and prices intimately.

Yan Shuzheng is now the real chief executive of their family.

Now that the house is theirs, there is no need to move.

In fact, if she really let her move, Yan Shuzheng would be reluctant, in various senses. She is reluctant to cook and eat delicious aunts who are the first in housework. She is reluctant to decorate completely in her aesthetics. She is reluctant to have an old black-backed marshal raised by a big guy. the Lord.

Therefore, not moving is actually a good thing for everyone.

Yan Shu didn't say anything on his lips, but he secretly enjoyed it for a long time in private, until Christmas, and was frightened by the sudden proposal of the big brother.

To be precise, the marriage proposal was on Christmas Eve, not Christmas, and the place was in sunshehoe. The scene was very grand, but Yan Shuzhen didn't really find out in advance.

Yan Shulian felt that she was not slow, but she really had no symptoms. On Christmas Eve, she thought that she would spend the same time with four people as last year, but the children said that they had made an appointment with the child downstairs to go to another small partner's house. They want to celebrate by themselves. The adults are not involved. She thinks the little boys are grown up and have reached the age of getting rid of their parents in order to find happiness. Although they are sad, they understand and agree. .

In the two-person world, they didn't get any mood. It was not inadvertently engaging in romance, but Manager Yang called early in the morning and emphasized that Christmas Eve is a good time to feel presence. Her major shareholder can no longer be irrelevant. Hang up, at least have to go to the main store to perform a few fried atmosphere.

Although her popularity on the Internet is gone, sunshehoe's loyal customers will still be there to support her. Many new customers often ask the waiter when she will go to the store, which means that her presence is not so high, but Still the biggest sign of sunshehoe.

Manager Yang did work hard in the past six months. He was a second-generation rich man who did not want to be aggressive. It was probably the result of the spur of the general manager. After getting the investment, he opened three branches in this city non-stop, and recently ran the capital for more than half In May, the store and employees were contacted, and all the procedures were completed. I had the opportunity to come back and take a sigh of relief when I was free to decorate.

Such a manager Yang proposed that Yan Shuyao should also contribute to their cause. Yan Shuhuan was really embarrassed to refuse, so he did not arrange other shows, so he dragged the boss to the cafe first.

If you still have time later, you can go to the movies with the big guys, and Yan Shuzheng planned to go to the sunshehoe. However, when she stepped into the bgbg cafe, she had a bad feeling.

The reason why Manager Yang wanted her to come tonight is to foster atmosphere and better serve customers. On Christmas Eve last year, Yan Shuzheng also witnessed a crowded event in the store. It makes no sense that sunshehoe's fame is growing. Today ’s During the festival, none of the guests came.

There were no strangers at the scene, but it was still very lively, with a familiar face of Zhang Yanshu, the lovely friends in the cafe led by Manager Yang, and current colleagues of Yan Shuzhen, Liu Ci and Lin Shuwen, etc., they All smiled at her and the big brother. And the thing that most surprised Yan Shuzheng was the two little guys who were said to be going to the little friends' home to celebrate the festival. At this moment, they were wearing tuxedoes and meticulous bow ties, like two elegant and noble little princes. Zhang Yuanjia was sitting at the piano. Before that, Zhou Yan stood by the side and played the cello.

When Yan Shuzheng and the gangsters went upstairs, the melodious melody just leaked from their fingertips. As a countless piano teacher for students, Yan Shuzheng knew only the prelude that they collaborated on the world famous song. Alice.

It had nothing to do with it, but she remembered that her English name was Alice, which was given by the big brother. In the beginning of the year, she had to accompany the big brother to entertain. He asked her if she would like to introduce an English name for a little introduction, Yan Shu It doesn't matter, let the big brother help, of course, she still likes the name very much, Alice, is just tailored for her beautiful little fairy

It was just this situation, coupled with this tune, Yan Shuyu suddenly had a bad feeling, and the next moment, her feeling was also confirmed, the big brother suddenly kneeled on one knee and gave a hand in the applause of the people. A shiny diamond ring.

Yan Shuyan was so scared as to be a chicken. ,, everyone remember the collection URL or keep in mind the URL, URL, free and fastest update without anti-theft without anti-theft error reporting chapters to find books and book chat, please add qq group 647377658 group number

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