MTL - The Male Lead’s Villainess Stepmother-Chapter 37

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Mei Zizi, who is holding a rose, was finally ruined by the waiter’s ingenuity.

The large selection of this seafood restaurant is really very high. I just got off the car and I feel it. The service of the restaurant is comparable to that of a five-star hotel. I have a handsome little brother to help me with a meal. Of course, there is also a car door service, but Yan Shu is used to the grass, the car stops, the handsome little brother has not stepped forward, she has already pushed the door down quickly, and then I saw the waiter with tall legs. Greetings to them on the opposite side, "Mr., ma'am, good afternoon, welcome."

Yan Shuzhen suddenly couldn't laugh out. She is still a beautiful girl in the flower season. Even if she is a mother, she is also the most beautiful hot mom in the world. What kind of ghost is the lady?

After the waiter finished greeting, he consciously took the initiative to go to the back seat to hold the two small guests.

Yan Shuzhen realized that she and her sister-in-law, together with a combination of two children, really made it easy for people to misunderstand that they are a family. It seems that the lady who is called can not blame others for just explaining it.

However, when she turned her head, she found that Daxie had given the car key to the parking boy and thanked the waiter. In the first place, a child would have to go under the guidance of the other party. Obviously, the previous title has been turned over. In the article, Yan Shuzhen suddenly hesitated. The matter has passed. Everyone seems to be distracted. She suddenly jumped out to explain that she is not a husband and wife, and it would be a bit embarrassing to feel a little inexplicable.

Yan Shuzhen has not made a decision yet. The three people who have already walked out of the way have stopped to wait for her. I am worried about asking her "what is wrong?"

Zhang Yuanbao’s children are cheerfully calling, “Mummy is coming.”

Look at the little expression that the little guy looks forward to, Yan Shuzheng’s heart is also a snack food, today can be considered the true face. But when she remembered the seafood dinner that was about to start, she couldn't wait any longer. She decided to put down this episode for a while and eat it first.

The main reason is that she feels that the service of the restaurant is so high-end. When they enter the door and order something, it is estimated that there are still several rounds of greetings. At that time, she took the opportunity to correct their wrong names on the spot, then it is logical and not at all embarrassing. It is.

Yan Shuzhen, who thought very beautifully, kept up with their footsteps. One family, ah no, it was a group of people who talked and laughed into the restaurant, and changed the beautiful waiter’s sister to lead them to the lobby. The position of the window, Yan Shuzhen’s somewhat surprised whisper forced "Hey, didn't you have a private room?"

Last time I ate a French meal, they went to the movie temporarily. When they arrived, they asked, and they said that the box was gone, so they chose to dine in the hall. Today, this restaurant has to make an appointment in advance. Yan Shuzheng thought that with the style of the big man, how should he decide the room, just last time they were two people, the box was a bit awkward, the atmosphere of the hall was just right, there are four people today, no There are further concerns in this regard.

However, anyway, they all eat big households. There is not much difference between the package and the box. Yan Shuzheng just said a word. I didn’t expect such a light voice to be heard by the big man. He looked up and asked her, "You like the private room."

Yan Shuzheng waved "No, I was curious to ask, in fact, it is also very good here, while enjoying the river view while eating."

The waiter smiled and added aside, "Ms. is right, this table is the best viewing position."

"That's good." Zhou Qin and a faint explanation, "I see you liked to eat in the lobby last time, this time there is no room."

Daxie is so careful, Yan Shuzhen not only does not feel moved after listening to it, but also has a little bit of pressure on the last French feast. She seems to have not spoken where she has expressed her opinion. Is her acting skills so bad?

While squeezing, while sitting down, the waiter Miss Sister quickly sent the menu, "Several people look at what they want to eat."

Yan Shuzhen, who took the menu from Dagu’s hand, suddenly returned to God. Why didn’t the waiter shout “Mrs.” Is it against her?

No way, the waiter did not call her "Mrs.", Yan Shuzhen did not have the opportunity to explain her relationship with Daxie, which made her feel very wrong, even did not want to say anything, and finally Zhou Qinhe took the menu.

However, Zhou did not read the menu and asked the waiter directly. "What else is more fresh?"

In the last generation, Yan Shuzhen went out to eat at home. Her dad also liked to ask, but the waiters in the restaurant were well-trained, and they told them with a smile. "Our ingredients are very fresh, please rest assured."

However, Daxie is not an ordinary person. Of course, the treatment is different from them. Yan Shuzheng saw the young lady’s face eagerly replied, “In addition to the Donghai wild big yellow croaker, Nanao rock lobster and red-eyed snow crab that you booked yesterday, there are still a batch. Just arrived at the wild Arctic shellfish, silver carp and peony shrimp, right, the recent fishing season in Zhoushan, our restaurant has also booked some, is the authentic Zhoushan octopus, do you want a little?"

Sure enough, there are few insights. These words are rarely heard by Yan Shuzhen, but the waiters said that these are not wild or imported. She knows that they are expensive. When Daxie and Yanyue asked her opinions, Yan Shuzhen took the initiative. Nodded, "That's a taste."

However, she also knows that her style of smashing wool is not good, and she is very polite. "But it doesn't have to be all, too much."

This sentence instead laughed at Zhou Qinhe. He told the waiter that he would turn around and look at Yan Shuzheng. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, there is not much weight."

Since Daxu said so, Yan Shuzheng is not worried about it at all, and she does not spend her money anyway.

Zhou Qin and thoughtful and thoughtful, not only asked about the opinions of Yan Shuzhen from time to time, but also specially gave the two children the snacks and desserts they were interested in. When the ice cream decorated with dry ice was brought up, Yan The book is also unceremoniously picking up the spoon to dig and eat, and sharing the food with the children is really good.

In this way, under the comfort of food, Yan Shuzhen completely forgot the unpleasantness of the wrong name.

Seafood is delicious and delicious, but it is a bit more troublesome to eat than other foods because they have two children.

Zhang Yuanjia and Zhou Yuping are both independent and awkward children. They don’t need adults to feed them. Today, eating seafood also refused the help of parents. They picked up their sleeves and ate their heads. They didn’t make them all covered with grease. .

Yan Shuzheng just started to feel good, the geese are so capable, she can also concentrate on eating a big meal.

However, when she finished eating for a while, the little guy next to it continued to eat without hesitation. Yan Shuzhen couldn’t sit still. Look at the phone. It’s been an hour, and I can’t help but ask the cheaper son. Are you full?"

Zhang Yuanjia looked up and told her "No."

Yan Shuzheng said incredulously, "I haven't eaten at all."

The child thought for a moment, and gave her a slower taste. "I should have eaten three full."

The opposite Zhou Hao also has three fingers that are like learning. "I also ate three full."

Yan Shuzhen

According to this meaning, they have to eat very full, and they have to fight hard for two hours. The activities of the piano can't keep up. She wants to do this, but she still puts down her mobile phone, and she is kindly talking to the geese. "Ingot, you are eating too hard, mother is feeding you well."

On the contrary, Zhang Yuanjia felt that he was so comfortable. The little hand clung to the small bowl and raised his chin and said, "The younger brothers are all eating by themselves. I have to eat it myself."

This small machine spirit, in order to prove his ability, also specifically emphasized the fact that Zhou Wei is smaller than him.

Yan Shuzhen looked at Zhou Wei, who was eating right, and smiled. "Under the next week, Uncle will also feed Xiaoyan."

I didn’t expect Zhang Yuanjia to be caught by her. The little boy’s brother was very heavy and insisted that “When Zhou Shushu started feeding Xiaoxiao, I will let my mother feed again.”

The children nowadays are really bad. Yan Shuzhen sighed and turned around to discuss with the big beggar on the opposite side. "That, Zhou"

On the look of the big smile, she took the opportunity to change the "Zhou total" that she wanted to say to "Zhou Qinhe". Since Daxie is not willing to let her call the boss, the full name can be used.

Changed the name, the face of the big scorpion really eased a lot, Yan Shuzhen also rest assured, whispered to talk about business, "two points to participate in the event, the piano line is also some distance from this, or you personally give Zhou Wei I will also feed the ingots, so I can get some time off."

Zhou Qin and this did not let her have a headache, and she spoke very well. "Good."

Then he turned around and began to feed Zhou Wei, although the action was very unskilled, but it was better to eat faster than the little one.

Yan Shuzhen also smiled and walked away from the small bowl of the geese. "You see, Xiao Yan has already let his father feed, and you also let your mother feed well."

Zhang Yuanbao had no excuses this time, so he had to open his mouth and wait for it.

Feeding the feeding, the situation changed. Yan Shuzhen just gave the geese a quick squid, and he heard that the opposite little man also said that he wanted to eat squid. She simply divided the squid meat that had just been removed from the bones into two. Half of it was fed to Zhang Yuanbao, and half was sent to Xiao Zhou’s mouth.

Just a little bit, the little man seemed to rely on Aunt Yan, Zhang Yuanbao to drink soup, he also immediately leaned over to drink soup, Zhang Yuanbao eat shrimp, he also opened his mouth and waited for shrimp, and later, Zhou Wei Even ran down the seat and squeezed directly between Yan Shuzhen and Zhang Yuanjia to wait for feeding.

Yan Shuzhen

When did the male owner become so skinny?

Zhou Qinhe, who was abandoned by his son, did not mind. He put down the bowl and smiled and said, "I heard that children like to join in the fun, maybe it is more delicious to eat like this."

Yan Shuzhen wants to say that I believe in your evil. She thinks that Daxie said it is good. Most of the little men are too bad to abandon his father's feeding. After all, she looks at the clumsy movements. She is more like a dad than her mother. .

However, today's big meal is a big invitation, Xiao Zhouyi also took the initiative to run to her, she can not drive people away, Yan Shuzhen had to swallow this tone, the fate of the old mother, the son of a man In the serious feeding of the Lord, I used to change my food for labor.

Yan Shuzhen, who worked hard, didn't find out that the guest in the hall came out with a table of entertainment. One of the men saw their table far away, and the surprised eyes suddenly fell out.

This man looks at two or three years older than Zhou Qin and is the youngest among them, but looking at the station, it is the most prominent of this group. The one who was talking and laughing, noticed his Looks different, has stopped to "Qin, what's wrong"

Qin did not speak, but everyone looked at him in the direction of his eyes. Some people looked blank and some people were shocked. "Isn’t that Zhou Zong, and Zhou Zong should have their little prince?"

A group of elites in the mall have been gossip. "Zhou always seems to have only one son, how are two children there?"

"The woman opposite is looking at the face, do you know which lady is it?"

The Qin family and the younger Qin Sirui listened to the gossip of the whispering behind them, and finally returned to the gods. After the audience, they waved their hands. "You go first, I will say hello to Zhou."

Behind him are the executives of the Qin family. They all know that the relationship between the Qin family and the Zhou family has always been good. Since the big and the young have met Zhou Zong, it is also appropriate to say hello, but it is far from the "family" "There is a lot of fun, they are irrelevant people, there is no need to join in the fun."

Everyone should have abandoned the Qin General Trail and left the restaurant. Qin Sirui also came to Yan Shuzhen and they said hello to him. "Hey, I heard that you didn't go to the exhibition today. It turned out to be seafood."

The painting exhibition that Qin Sirui said was the one that his cousin did. His cousin Xie Yuxuan came back from abroad six months ago. He accidentally met Zhou Zong at a party. At first sight, my aunt knew that they had some friendship and asked him to help him. Qin Sirui was also happy to see it. Their company has cooperated with Zhou in the near future. If the cousin and Zhou Zong can succeed, it will be a win-win situation for both parties.

Moreover, the conditions of his cousin are not bad.

Xie Yuxuan is a recently famous beauty painter, but her career is second. She is beautiful and gentle. She didn’t even have a boyfriend during her study abroad. Compared with a big lady in the circle, It is clear.

As a man, Qin Sirui always has a girlfriend, but if he wants to get married, he also hopes to find a cousin so smart and worry-free. He and Zhou Qin and Qiang Qiang are small, and Zhou has become more and more elusive these years, but he knows his taste, and his cousin should barely get into the eyes of Zhou.

Although my cousin's family was a little bit worse, my uncle came from a scholarly family. He was only a university professor. Although his aunt had their shares in Qin, they also held important positions in the group, but in the end they were married. In the eyes of the people, the cousin did not count. They Qin family. However, Zhou Zong already has an heir, and then he is the wife of the door-to-door. Later, Qin Sirui thinks that his cousin’s condition is just right, and he will not be able to hide the hidden danger in the future. Reason is rejected.

So he took the aunt's request.

When he first talked with Zhou Qinhe, he seemed to be hesitant. In the end, he still looked down on his face. Qin Sirui did not care. He thought that Zhou Zong might be worried about his cousin and the arrogant big in the circle. Miss is the same, but it doesn't matter. When I see you, Zhou always knows that the cousin is warm and lovely, and he is a good match.

Because of the well-being of the chest, and the character of the man are all sloppy, after Qin Sirui has given them the line, there is not much attention, and the feelings still have to get along with each other. Just after the cousin first met, he came back and told him that Zhou always seemed a little cold to her. Maybe there was already a girlfriend, but Qin Sirui inquired about it. Zhou Zong had no other women around him. He let his cousin relax. And occasionally try to take the initiative.

Today is the first personal exhibition of the cousin after returning to China. After careful preparation for half a year, Qin Sirui also made a few friends and went to give her a favor.

He felt that his cousin should have been dating Zhou, and he did not ask, but did not expect that Zhou Zong had a date with other ladies for lunch. It seems that the relationship is not very general. Originally, I hope that Zhou Si, who can be his cousin, is a bit surprised. I watched them out of the table for a while, but I couldn’t help but go forward and wanted to help my cousin, in case they were just ordinary. Friends, or relatives?

The result was very disappointing. Qin Sirui specially proposed the cousin's art exhibition. Zhou's expression was immovable. He calmly got up and shook hands with him. “It’s time to change the taste on the weekend. You are here too.”

Zhou’s expression is always so inscrutable. Qin Sirui has had a bad feeling, and he has tried again and again. “Yes, this restaurant is not bad, no matter who is going to make an appointment in advance, it is very troublesome. ”

“Advance reservations are also available to guarantee the supply of special ingredients.”

Qin Sirui knew that Zhou Zong had made an appointment in advance, and it seems that he personally made an appointment. Just eating a meal, ordinary friends or relatives can not be so bothered, he could not help but look at the woman opposite, jokingly "also, and brother will live more and more, hahaha."

For Qin Sirui's unshakable temptation, Zhou Qinhe always did not move, and did not care, but Yan Shuzhen listened very seriously, but unfortunately she did not know the cause and effect, it also heard the clouds, and Qin Sirui first mentioned At the exhibition, she looked up and looked at her in a curious look. She never thought about it. In addition to the likes of making money and calculating people's minds, Dad had other hobbies. It was awesome.

Then, Yan Shuzhen’s attention was placed on Qin Sirui. She wanted to be kindly called “He and Brother” instead of “Zhou Zong”. This is also a big and a big man, and he is very good. Thick eyebrows, big eyes, nose and nose are tall and tall, and they are tall and tall.

It may be too serious to look at, Yan Shuzhen’s gaze was caught by the big man, then she heard Daxie introduce her to Gao Fushuai, and Gao Fushuai took the initiative to reach her. “Ms. Yan, I am Qin Sirui. ""

Yan Shuzhen quickly got up and shook hands with Gao Fushuai, "Mr. Qin is good."

The little man next to her also bowed his head and said hello to Qin Sirui. He also introduced to the small partner "Ingot, this is Qin Uncle."

Then Zhang Yuanbao also raised his small face, "Qin Shushu is good."

Qin Sirui touched their heads "Hello, are you happy today?"

The children nodded hard and answered "happy" in unison. Yan Shuzhen remembered that his feeding career had not been completed yet, and he quickly sat back to continue feeding.

Since Daxie introduced her to Gao Fushuai, Mr. Qin, Yan Shuzhen’s curiosity was satisfied, so she did not gossip. She continued to concentrate on feeding the two little guys, and she did not pay attention to the face of Gao Fushuai’s comrade Qin Sirui. After finishing her, she looked at the two children who were stuck to her. As if she understood something, she turned back and patted Zhou Qinhe’s shoulder. He whispered, “I can rest assured that I will tell her.”

Although it was a pity that the cousin and Zhou Zong could not be formed, the emotional thing was not fixed. Qin Sirui was disappointed and accepted the reality. He mainly looked at Yan Shuzhen carefully and was very convinced of Zhou’s vision. I don't know where he came from to find such a charming and unremarkable beauty.

There is such a world in front of it, Zhou always does not see his cousin is normal.

Zhou Qinhe raised his eyebrows. With his position, he naturally understood what the plot of Qin Sirui had made up, but he did not explain it. Instead, he smiled jokingly. "There is work."

"Yes, it should be." The last hope of Zhou’s cousin as a cousin was also shattered. Qin Sirui was even more calm, and he blinked at him and hinted at it. "Then I will go first, don’t bother you. ""

Busy to feed two little cute Yan Shuzhen did not pay attention to Gao Fushuai full of connotation of the eyes, only heard that he wants to go, she also waved the hand "goodbye."

One of the two friends who sticked to her left and right also waved "Goodbye Uncle Qin."

Seeing this scene, Qin Sirui is more convinced, and the child next to the face has nothing to do with Zhou Zong. This is hard to say, but he knows that even if the cousin and Zhou Zong become, this little age has already brought it. Most of the little princes who are not close to the gas field will not be so close to his cousin.

The cousin lost to such a woman with a very long look and wrist, and she was not wronged.

Yan Shuzhen didn't know Qin Sirui's rich psychological activities, and he treated him as an ordinary Gao Fushuai. After waving goodbye, she quickly forgot the episode, and gave him the last bite of the little guys. They chose to "eat", and she just wanted to jump from the chair and cheered, "It’s enough to eat, little ancestors."

Zhang Yuanjia touched the round belly and was embarrassed to say, "I eat a little bit today."

Zhou Wei had a kind of learning. He was wearing a suit and a small tie. The little belly was much more obvious than Zhang Yuanjia wearing a loose sweater. He also patted his stomach and said, "I have eaten."

Yan Shuzhen knocked on their little belly. "Let me see which watermelon I opened today."

Zhou Qin and You Xiao looked at them for a while and then recruited the waiter to check out.

Yan Shuzheng has already seen it a little bit more. He stood up and stood up. "It’s time to go to the next stop." The website has been changed, the website has been changed, the website has been changed, everyone has re-collected the new website, and the new website has a new computer version. After the collection, it will be opened in the new website. The old website has not been opened recently. After the old website will not open, please keep in mind: Free and the fastest update without anti-theft and anti-theft report, ask for a book, please add qq group 647547956 group number

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