MTL - The Male Lead’s Villainess Stepmother-Chapter 34

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Despite the singularity of Yan Shuzhen’s style of hospitality, Zhou Qinhe was somewhat embarrassed, but after all, he was the general manager of Taishan who had collapsed in front of him and did not change his face. Yan Shuzhen’s move made him stunned. For a second, I immediately returned to normal, and I was quite polite. Thank you, Yan Shuzhen, who is confident and confident, feels that he is the most enthusiastic and thoughtful owner in the world.

Instead of reflecting on herself, she went to the bathroom with a smug look.

Zhang Yuanbao has not yet washed, but he has not taken the opportunity to play with water like other children. He is a very careful boy, much more detailed than his mother. The little guy is sitting in his small bath and taking a serious scrub. .

Usually the children take a shower in the bathroom, Yan Shuzhen will stay in the bathroom to remove makeup and make a maintenance, so that he has taken care of the geese and finished his own business, killing two birds with one stone, but she will go out with the big brother to talk about it. "There is no need to remove makeup so early."

Yan Shuzhen is a little idle, just kneeling in front of the children, "Baby, mother to help you bathe"

I didn’t expect the little guy to get used to taking a shower for himself. He quickly turned around and turned his back to Ma Ma and said, “I can send a few to you.”

It’s a bit unclear to be nervous.

Yan Shuzhen certainly didn't give up because of his refusal. She squeezed the shower gel directly. "Don't be shy, my mother will help you back."

I couldn't refuse the children, so I tried to lick my little jiaojio, and the action was much faster than usual.

Although Yan Shuzhen often doesn't count on it, she doesn't want to take a bath for her son. Now the weather is getting colder. If the game is too embarrassing, the little guy is sick, and he has to take him to take an injection. It’s costly and laborious to do it, and it’s not cost-effective.

Yan Shuzheng was very arrogant to the little guy to finish his back and wash the little butt, let him stand up from the tub, she opened the shower, picked up the shower head, and washed him three times and five. Soon he became a little white buns and tender buns.

Wrap the white and tender body with a bath towel, put it on a clean foot pad, and Yan Shuzhen quickly wiped the little guy dry and put on his pajamas, and that's it. Yan Shuzhen did not let the little guy touch the ground, holding him directly out of the bathroom.

Zhou Qinhe was aired on her side for a few minutes, and she didn't mind. She was still sitting on the bed and flipping through the book. She saw that the mother and the son were finally busy. He looked up gently and looked at them. "The ingot was washed."

Zhang Yuanjia glared at his mother's neck and politely pointed a small head to Zhou Shushu. Yan Shuzhen realized that he was a little out of the guests, and he said, "Well, I have kept you waiting."

"It doesn't matter." Zhou Qin and gently closed the book, and then turned his head to focus on Yan Shuzhen's movements.

Because he occupied a big bed, Yan Shushen simply asked for a distance, holding the geese around the other side of the bed, far away from the big cockroaches, only put the children down, Zhang Yuanjia consciously opened the folded quilt Covered on himself, but his small hand strength is limited, the quilt is twisted and twisted, and Yan Shuzhen gets up again to level them.

Under the concerted efforts of the mother and the son, Zhang Yuanjia quickly settled down, lying in the bed and staring at the hemp, Yan Shuzhen sat down on the bed. "Okay, close your eyes and go to sleep, we are today. Which story to read?"

Said, Yan Shuzheng subconsciously reached out to the big man.

Zhou Qin and the reaction quickly raised the book in the hands of Yang Yang. "Is this what you want?"

Yan Shuzhen turned his head and looked at him. He smiled quickly. "Yeah, Yuanbao listens to the story every day, but you can rest assured that he falls asleep quickly."

"Do not worry," Zhou Qin and Wen Sheng said. He is tall and long, and he can sit up and lean a little, so he can get the book in the hands of Yan Shuzhen, but he may feel that this position is too unattractive, so he straightened up and went to Yan Shuzhen personally. , handed the book to her hand.

This was a bit flattered. Yan Shuzhen quickly got up and took the book and said, "Please sit down, this will be very soon."

Zhou Qinhe did not return to the original position, but stood behind her, watching the children on the bed smiled and said, "Ingot, good night."

"Zhou Shushu is good night." Probably Yan Shuzheng has always stressed that she will quickly put him to sleep. Zhang Yuanjia, who is sensible, looked at Zhou Shushu and said to her, "Mom, I am very sleepy today, I can sleep without listening to stories." Oh."

"Really?" Yan Shuzhen is not very confident of Yazi. "The last time my mother just came back later, you deliberately refused to sleep."

Zhang Yuanjia saw Zhou Shushu again, and his face was red and red. "But today it is really sleepy. I am tired at the Tongtong family."

Said, the child covered his mouth with a small mouth and yawned, this time is not acting, Yan Shuzhen did see a lot of tiredness from his eyes.

When I think about it, the cheap son went to school with her in the afternoon and went to Yang’s manager. They invited a lot of children to celebrate their birthday. Her goose had not recognized her life in the past. She quickly became a part of the children. They have been from five to five. It was more than eight o'clock, and he was very tired. He did not need her to sleep.

Yan Shuzheng accepted the advice of the goose happily. After all, Daxie has been chasing them all the way to her home. She wants to run and can't run. In this case, the delay does not have any benefit to her. It is better to tell her clearly with her, and she can come back early to rest.

"That's okay." Yan Shuqi nodded and pulled the little guy's quilt and sipped a sip on his cheek. "You sleep, my mother will come back soon."

Zhang Yuanjia did not obey and began to sleep. He looked at Zhou Shushu behind his mother with his big, watery eyes. He whispered, "Mom, can you let Zhou Shushu kiss me too?"

The geese who have been very sensible suddenly made such a request, and Yan Shuzhen was shocked and blurted out "why"

The child replied with a simple face, "The ingot also wants Zhou Shushu's good night kiss."

"Okay." Before waiting for Yan Shuzhen to say anything, Zhou Qinhe had already come to Zhang Yuanjia two steps before, bent down and printed a kiss in the place where Yan Shuzhen had just kissed him. The voice said softly to him. "Good night, sweet dreams."

Zhang Yuanbao closed his eyes with satisfaction and announced that "the ingot is going to sleep."

Seeing this scene, Yan Shuzhen only has one thought. It’s no wonder that the male lord is a pro-son, and he is still vying for Zhang Yuanjia’s bloodless step-child. She hasn't become Mrs. Zhou yet. Zhou Qinhe is a little closer to their mother and child than their regular friends. This little guy has been able to squint his face and see their interaction. A bit like a father and son.

If there is a father and son's name, her geese are not entangled in Zhou Qin and want to kiss and hold high.

Yan Shuzheng guessed that in order to maintain his people's design, Daxie did not ask him to basically refuse it. Even if he was a bit too much, he would not know what to say with his style, then he would give the little guy an inch. The opportunity, the little man who looked at the board, where has won her family can be salty sweet, ghosts and ghosts of the goose.

After thinking has not been distributed, Yan Shuzheng saw Daxu helping her to finish the geese, turning her head and gently reminding her that "the curtains should be pulled up"

She quickly nodded "I want it."

When he said that he was going to the window, he was still a slow one. The big man had been attached to the curtains and helped her pull it. Yan Shuzhen looked at him behind his face.

Although he knew it later, Zhou Qinhe took the initiative to this point. Yan Shuzhen also discovered that he has entered the door of her house, and it seems to be extraordinarily leisurely. There is a feeling of not being a foreigner at all. Is it big? I’ve already married her as a lady, so I want to marry her.

For the first time in his life, Yan Shuzhen felt that too much charm was also a burden. She had begun to worry about how she would persuade her to be so obsessed with her intention to give up her marriage.

Zhou Qinhe certainly didn't know how much pressure Yan Shuzhen had inside. He helped me, and he turned around very enthusiastically and asked her "what else to do?"

"Nothing." Yan Shuzheng shook his head with conditioned reflexes, and then looked at the cheap son who had been asleep on the bed and started to sleep. He lowered his voice and said, "Let's go out."

The two men left the room lightly.

It’s already half past nine until now. Although Yan Shuzhen lives in the cbd area, there are fewer pedestrians downstairs at this point. After all, the mall is at ten o'clock.

Of course, the downstairs square is still not a good place to talk. Just after walking out of the building, there is a night breeze. Zhou Qin and very considerate suggestion, "It is better to find a place to sit and drink something."

"Okay." Yan Shuzhen said happily, pointing to the opposite star, Dad said, "Let's go there and drink some drinks."

Yan Shuzhen, this is also a pre-emptive strike. The coffee shop where she goes to work is not far from her home. Wan Dawei proposed to go to sunshehoe to sit. She is not going to refuse the refusal of the rejected person in the crowds of the friends. Although it wasn't for her, but let the colleagues of Gossip know that this process is also very troublesome, and the ears are still quiet, and if you feel embarrassed and angry and angry, it is very difficult to do.

So her wit proposal went to Star Dad. As far as she knows, this Starbucks is earlier than Sunshehoe, which means they can quickly fix it.

Zhou Qinhe did not know her sinister intentions, and nodded from the goodness of the flow. "Good."

At 9 o'clock in the evening, there were not many people who came to drink Star Dad. The quiet and empty cafe was very suitable for talking about business. Yan Shuzhen and Daxie found the corner, but did not sit and stood on the side and asked "I Go ahead and order, what do you want to drink?"

Zhou Qinhe rarely came to this place. He heard the words of Yan Shuzhen and he looked at the front of the checkout counter. Very gentleman said, "I will go, what do you drink?"

Yan Shuzheng took him and said, "I will go on the line. The last time I watched the movie and dinner was yours. This time it’s my turn to treat me."

Although the wool is very happy, but Yan Shuzhen will not be able to reach this point, please return to a glass of daddy, she still can afford.

Zhou Qinhe should be very accustomed to pulling and pulling under the public, so he hesitated for a moment, still agreed. "Alright, I drink the same as you."

Yan Shuzhen thought that every time he went to their store, the coffee he had never drunk had been drunk, and most of the star dad was also placed. She nodded. "Then I will order two cups of black tea latte."

Zhou Qin and gently beheaded, "Okay, I am waiting for you here."

Yan Shuzheng has turned around with his mobile phone, waving his back to him. "You sit, I will come back soon."

Yan Shuzhen, who spoke very quickly, actually let Zhou Qinhe wait for a few minutes. She came back directly with two cups of freshly baked hot latte. I thought that I wouldn’t touch it. I didn’t expect him to pick it up. Just bowing his head, Yan Shuzheng is inevitably curious to ask "good to drink"

"It's okay." Zhou Qin and his tone were faint, but after a sip, he seemed to be sure about her taste.

Yan Shuzhen should have been happy, but thought that the sunshehoe price and products should be higher than the star dad, and even the net red coffee of their family would not care about it. It is impossible to really like the most common latte of the star dad. It’s the legendary love house and the black, because this cup of coffee is her own.

When I think about it, there is nothing to be proud of. Yan Shuzhen can't help but converge and become sitting in danger. "That, Zhou Zong"

Zhou Qinhe put down the coffee and asked her with a smile, "What's wrong?"

The better the mood looks, the more worried Yan Shuzhen is, the fear of his refusal to make him completely angry, but the attitude still has to be put out, she can not promise to give her son a cannon fodder because of fear of being angry. She opened her eyes with a look of sorrow. "I’m still married, I am."

Yan Shuzheng is still making reasons. She wants to tell Dad that the day is all her jokes, so marriage is certainly not established. However, before she even spoke, she saw Zhou Qin and the nod of no hesitation. "Good."

"The matter came too easy. Yan Shuzhen was somewhat unbelievable. He couldn't help but ask again. "You mean agree."

"Yes." Zhou Qin and her smiled at her. "In fact, you don't have to emphasize it. Before you are downstairs in your home, don't you know that I am joking?"

Yan Shuzhen

How did she know that she was screaming at the excuse of fluffy geese?

Her mother’s lines were also taken away by the big man. Yan Shuzhen was very worried, because she finally realized that she was fascinated by her fascination. It turned out that she was passionate about herself. Zhou Qin and I didn’t want to marry her at all, so it was impossible to obsess her.

Thinking of the plots of the brains that I had to supplement before, I was really ashamed of this, and I was really ashamed. I was misunderstood. "I missed it. Then, there is nothing wrong. I will go back first."

“No hurry.” Zhou Qin and Yu You said, “In addition to getting married, I think we have more important things to discuss.”

Unfavorable, Yan Shuzheng has been completely passive, can only ask "what"

"You said that you will be with me for the purpose of getting married, but now you don't want to get married, can we consider things that we love?"

Yan Shuzhen

For a long time, Daxie was waiting for her here, which means that she had racked her brains to excuse me on that day. He didn’t believe a word, he didn’t believe it, and he was still pretending to be fooling her. When suddenly, I will be an army.

Between the electric and the Flint, Yan Shuzhen finally understood the meaning of Zhou Qinhe, and then her shame instantly became angry.

The author has something to say, the big sister thinks about it.

It’s even earlier today, I’ll try to add more swearing, and I’m going to have a ticket.

17821674 threw a mine, thank you little cute.

I continue to code words, this chapter comments to send a hundred red envelopes to celebrate the motherland Ma Ma birthday, first-come-first-served has changed the website, has changed the website, has changed the website, everyone re-collection of new URLs, new website new computer version of the website everyone collection After opening the new website, the old website has been old and can't be opened recently. After the old website will not open, please keep in mind: Free and the fastest update without anti-theft and anti-theft report, ask for a book, please add qq group 647547956 Group number

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