MTL - The Male Lead’s Villainess Stepmother-Chapter 15 fifteenth

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In the face of over-enthusiastic colleagues, Yan Shuzhen sighed, but he could understand that the big cockroaches looked so handsome, the smiles seemed to be kind but they were brought to the high cold air field, and the squats were scattered. The charm of the rich, not to mention the young ladies in the store are fascinated, I am afraid that the younger brothers have to think about it.

However, understanding and understanding, Yan Shuzhen can not satisfy their gossip desires. "You want more. This is my big boss before. I also touched it twice when I was working. The boss probably knows my name." It’s just a coincidence that our store is a coincidence. I don’t know the private affairs of the big boss.”

“It seems to be working at Dorsett Hotel before Yan Yan”

The friends once again expressed their amazement. "There is a store in the world that has a store and is particularly famous. This is not a rich and handsome man. It is already a rich man."

"You are right, people are really rich." Yan Shuzhen doesn't mind that they focus on Datun himself, so there is still a mood to add that "Di Sheng Hotel is only part of their group, within the group. There is no sense of existence. Zhou’s more famous industries are shopping malls, real estate, finance, internet, and new media. If you often read financial magazines and news, you will not be familiar with Zhou. Mr. Zhou also went to the financial cover. ""

Yan Shuzhen’s introduction made everyone stunned. In the sunshehoe, the waiter’s nature is also the same as her ordinary people. There are not many locals. Most of them are living in big cities to find their dreams. In their view, Manager Yang is already a rich man. There are shops in the house, and the company is still open at home. The well-off and handsome man, Zhou Qin and such a rich and famous celebrity have already left the human sphere. It is a fairy. Characters.

Even if it was just a melon-smelling mass, the little friends didn't have a good breath, and they were shocked for a few seconds. Some people looked at Yan Shuzhen with a look of hope. "You know a lot."

"Yan Jie actually knows such a rich man, and rounding off is that I am a friend with the rich. I am the most promising person in our family."

"I am not, I don't have it." Although Yan Shuzheng has vanity, he does not want to swear at the man's father's daddy. He quickly swears, "I am a passerby in the eyes of Da Ying, really, Zhou Zong. There are a lot of home industries, some old employees in the hotel have not seen the big boss for several years. I am pure luck, the big boss does not know why, and suddenly decided to stay in our hotel for two months, you do not know that How crazy is the time, the general manager began to patrol several times a day. In order to serve the big boss, the third-hand of our room department gave the big boss the exclusive housekeeper. I and another colleague were chosen by her as the butler assistant because this The big boss recognized us."

"The big boss's butler assistant sounds like an honor, but you don't know. My colleague and I need to take turns to work night shifts because of this position. Overtime is all night, and it is only after dawn. They are all unmarried girls. Of course they don't mind, work overtime. After all, there are still high bonuses and subsidies, but there are children in my family. I don’t stay home after three or five nights. I can’t do anything with Yuanbao alone. I just resigned.”

Yan Shuzhen’s words were sincere, and at the end of the day, they sold small and miserable. Everyone didn’t know that they should continue to envy, or they should sympathize with her, but some people are still immersed in the aura of Daxie, and they are reluctant to come out. The employees of Daxie once again looked at each other. "But Yan Jie, you will all read the financial magazine. We can't compare the entertainment gossip."

"I also heard that the big boss was coming there, only to look at the former colleague Amway. I usually like you, and I only pay attention to entertainment gossip." Yan Shuying’s eyes are not blinking. The real situation is actually the original daring of the big darling to see the big cockroaches to turn over the financial magazines he has been, but the little friends do not know the details, she lied to be justified.

This time, on the issue of Zhou Qinhe, Yan Shuzhen can be said to be very honest and questionable, because she feels that the big party will not cause doubts from the small partners. However, she still underestimated everyone's brains. Although she seems to be frank and honest, there are still people who think about it, and she is often associated with her group playing games, sherry, the hot beauty asked in front of everyone, " Yan Yan, you have been saying that you are not familiar with the big boss, but he came to our store twice, it seems that they are very happy with you, he is not a little interesting to you."

Originally, everyone didn't know the true identity of Daxie. He just regarded him as a rich and wealthy man. Even if someone thinks that he is interested in Yan Shuzhen, it will not cause them to be surprised. After all, Yan Shuzhen looks like a disaster. On average, there are seven or eight male customers who talk to each other every day. They want to find out how to contact her. The conditions are still very good. These guys are either rich or rich, or they are the elite men in the nearby office building. In short, they don’t dare to chase after the number. This level of beauty is gone.

Their Yan sisters are so many pursuers, and it is not impossible for another Zhou Qin and such a handsome person to be so good.

In order to clarify the relationship, Yan Shuzheng tried very hard to introduce them to the status of Daxie, and successfully pushed him to the altar. Zhou Qin and his very special identity made the story instantly stimulated. Waiter, the idol drama section of the classic red chicken.

The eyes of the little friends are shining again, and the degree of enthusiasm for eating melon has not been increased.

Yan Shuzhen

Mom, she seems to have lifted a rock and licked her own feet.

However, she succeeded in letting her friends put down their dangerous thoughts and believe her rhetoric. The method is to tell the truth that she dropped out of high school. It is equivalent to only a junior high school diploma. No culture is no problem, no ability, no car. There is no deposit in the house, and I am getting married early in the age of the young. Now my husband is gone, and the fact that she is married is not covered. The key is that there is still a son to support. In addition to her face, there is no point at all. If you can get the hand, people are big rich, and they are not the little boy who has never seen a beautiful woman. As for being so hungry and eating, to be honest, he looks at a really pure and unpretentious waiter in the store, which is more than the possibility of seeing her. More sexual.

Yan Shuzhen, who loves his face, not only voluntarily admits that he is not as good as a person, but even he does not hesitate to give himself a black meal. It shows that she has worked hard to clear the relationship.

Fortunately, she said this to the words, the friends were also convinced, accepted the fact that there is no melon between them.

Then the first to talk about this topic sherry's expression of "Yan Yan, since you do not call between, then the opportunity to serve can be left to me, I am really interested in this big boss."

Some people still can't open it than the vicious damn, Yan Shuzhen was shocked, but soon understood, the condition of the male master father, how many girls moths are also willing to fight fire, after all, not everyone is as afraid of death as her. Sherry had this idea even more. Before she arrived, sherry was the most beautiful girl in the store. Many elites in the office buildings were because she became a frequent visitor in the store, and they were also highly sought after beauty.

In short, although the younger sister is very courageous, she is also courageous. Yan Shuzheng almost can't wait to agree. "Okay, okay, then this table guest will be in trouble for you, I wish you success, sherry."

The parties didn't have any opinions. Others were more happy to eat melons. Everyone cheered on sherry, and then the younger sister was full of her 3e big chest and went out with the plate.

Yan Shuzhen is also happy to hide in the lounge and be lazy.

It was a pity that she only hid for two minutes. Miss Sister came back with a frustrated look, and said to her with a depressed face, "Yan Yan, Mr. Zhou said to find you."

A few of the same lazy little friends looked at Yan Shuzhen once again, saying that there is no melon, isn’t this coming?

However, Yan Shuzhen is even more shocked than them. She won’t really miss her.

Yan Shuzhen is not pretending to be forced, she is really very aggressive, because she is from the novel story, or from the original memory of the original master, "she" can later marry the male father, the male master as a stepmother, It is the result of the original master's deliberate hooking, and the conditions of the big man are there. He can choose who Mrs. Zhou can be, and naturally he can sit on the Diaoyutai.

Now, the plot is completely disrupted, so the original master who is struggling to make progress, because of her arrival, the road of the Raiders has suddenly been forced to interrupt after it has not officially stepped out. The night they accidentally slept was just an accident. Really understand the original master, how suddenly it is full of interest

Is it that she ran after she slept, so that she was pure and unpretentious, but instead hit the heart of Dalat

Yan Shuzhen simply wants to cry without tears, only feels that the future is gray.

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