MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 90 Don't be a prodigal son 18 (End) (1)

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ten years later.

Luo Huan finished grading the last test paper and looked at her watch. She quickly packed her things, carried her bag, and left the office. After returning home, she saw her daughter crying in a low voice, and she hurried forward: "What's wrong?"

Guoguo rubbed her eyes, chewed her little mouth and said nothing.

Song's mother explained next to her: "You promised Xiaobao to pick her up after school today, but she didn't want to go home even if I went to pick her up. She insisted on waiting for you at the kindergarten gate. When it was almost dark, you didn't come. My little stomach growled with hunger, so I came back crying. You too, no matter how busy you are at work, you can’t ignore your child. The child came back from school crying with swollen eyes.”

Luo Huan was so distressed that he picked up his daughter and picked up a piece of paper to wipe her tears: "It's my mother's fault, and my mother promises to pick you up next time."

Guoguo sniffled: "Liar. Parents are liars."

Luo Huan was a little distressed. She was in the third year of high school this year, and she was also the class teacher. She was busy with work. Not only was she busy with work, but Song Cun was even busier than her. He was very famous in the military hospital, and many patients came to see him for surgery. , often sleeping at night, a call comes to him, no matter how tired or sleepy, he has to get up and run over. He was supposed to rest today, but a patient came to the hospital. As the chief surgeon, he has to go no matter what the obstacle is. He promised his daughter, but he can only break the appointment. They feel guilty and have no choice but to do so.

It wasn't until ten o'clock that Song Cun dragged his tired body back home. Everyone in the house was asleep except Luo Huan. Luo Huan came out with his clothes on and asked, "Can I get you something to eat?"

Song Cun sat on the sofa and rubbed the center of his eyebrows: "Give me a bowl of noodles."

Twenty minutes later, Luo Huan brought out a bowl of tomato and egg noodles and put them on the coffee table in front of him. Song Cun sat down and picked up his chopsticks after washing up. Thinking of his daughter, he said apologetically, "I didn't pick up Guoguo today, this girl Should you be angry?"

Luo Huan was full of guilt: "No, I heard that my mother came back from school crying, and she was still crying when I came back. It took me a long time to coax her well."

Song Cun was so distressed, he said: "When the summer vacation is over, I will take a few days off and take you back to your hometown for a while."

Luo Huan asked: "Can I be transferred to a vacation?"

Song Cun nodded: "Yes."

After working for several years, he hasn't taken a vacation yet, even during his wife's confinement period, he hasn't been able to take a vacation.

Luo Huan said with a smile: "It just so happens that Dongdong is also on vacation, let's go back together, and then go to see Big Brother."

Dongdong is the best student among the children in the family. She was admitted to Capital University the year before last, and would come to their house on weekends or holidays, and take her grandparents and sisters out to play, which saved her a lot of worry.

During the summer vacation, Song Cun really got a leave approval slip. Guoguo heard that her father was on vacation and could accompany her back to her hometown. She really became happy, crawled into her father's arms, and hugged her father's neck. Song Cun also let her eat and hug her. She said that even when she was asleep, she would not let go. Mother Song came to carry her back to her room to sleep, but she didn't do it, she insisted on sleeping with her father.

Song Cun thought about how long the child hadn't been with her since he was a child, and said, "Just let her sleep with us."

Guoguo immediately kissed her father happily.

Luo Huan had already booked a plane ticket, and after Song Dongdong was on vacation, the family flew back to their hometown.

When they arrived at the airport, Song Xixi drove a car to pick them up. He didn't get into college. After graduating from high school, he borrowed money from his uncle and started doing business in the provincial capital. Visiting the home in the provincial capital, Song's father and Song's mother shook their heads. They haven't been back to their hometown for more than a year, and they want to go back and have a look. Song Xixi could only regretfully drive them all the way back to Songjia Village.

In the past few years, Songjia Village has changed a lot. Every family has built a brick house. Two years ago, Song Cun also built a building at home, so that they can live in it when they come back. Before returning, Luo Huan called his three sisters. Call, ask them to help clean up the house, lest when they come back, the house is dusty and has no place to live. When they got home, the chimney was smoking. They got out of the car, carried their things, and went into the house. The three sisters were cooking in the stove. Woolen cloth.

Song Chunli, Song Chunping, and Song Nizi were overjoyed to see them come back. Song Nizi snatched Guoguo from Song Cun's arms, and kissed her delicate cheek: "Does Guoguo miss Sangu?"

Several aunts went to the capital to play, Guoguo recognized her, and said crisply: "I miss the third aunt, I miss the eldest aunt, and I miss the second aunt, all of them."

A group of people laughed when they heard Guoguo's words, and Song Nizi happily kissed her again: "You are a small person, you know you won't offend people at such a young age."

Guoguo looked proud: "Yes, I'm smart."

Dongdong said next to her: "San Gu, she has a thick skin, and she likes people to praise her for being smart the most."

Song Nizi smiled: "Our Guoguo is very smart, isn't it?"

Guoguo took it for granted, "Yes, I'm smart. Brother is an idiot."

Dongdong pinched her face: "Big brother is stupid, big brother won't take you out to play next time."

Guoguo immediately said: "Brother is not an idiot, he is the best, the most handsome, and the smartest."

Dongdong laughed loudly: "You little guy, you can change your face so quickly."

Song Chunli smiled beside her and said, "It's so late, you must be hungry, right? The meal is already ready, hurry up and eat, let's talk about it after dinner."

The three sisters prepared more sumptuous meals. Song Cun hadn't tasted the taste of his hometown for a long time, and he missed it. Guoguo also ate a lot, and kept saying: "The dishes made by the third aunt are delicious."

Song Nizi smiled and said, "Your dad cooks the most delicious dishes. I still learned from your dad."

Guoguo looked at her father in disbelief, "My father has never cooked before."

Luo Huan smiled and said, "Your father used to be a chef in a restaurant."

Guoguo immediately said: "I want to eat the meal made by my father."

Song Cun fed her a piece of cucumber and said, "Eat some vegetables, don't just eat meat. Dad will make it for you tomorrow."

Guoguo pouted, but still ate the cucumber.

Song Cun said while eating: "How is the business of Sanjie Restaurant?"

Song Nizi said: "Business is good. Song Yang and I have discussed it. We plan to open a restaurant in the provincial capital. We are already looking for a store."

She married Song Yang. A few years ago, they contracted a state-run hotel and opened their own restaurant. They have also made a lot of money in the past few years. With money in hand, Song Yang didn't want to stay in the town, but wanted to run out. She thought about it and agreed, starving the timid to death. Back then, the state-run restaurant couldn't continue and faced unemployment. It wasn't that Xiaobao told them that they could open a restaurant. They didn't have the guts to contract a restaurant. Now that they have earned money, they have become more courageous.

Song Cun nodded: "If you don't have enough money, I have it here."

Song Nizi waved her hand: "No, I've saved a lot of money over the years, and I still have money to buy stores."

Song Chunli asked from the side: "Xiaobao, your family is the most educated, and the efficiency in the factory is not good. Many workers have been laid off. Do you think I should start some business?"

Song Cun smiled and said, "What kind of business do you want?"

Song Chunli said: "A few years ago, I bought a store. I wanted to buy some clothes and sell them. Do you think it will work?"

Before Song Cun could reply, Song Nizi said beside him, "Of course, you can make money now."

She opened a restaurant and met some people, so she knows that it is easy to make money in business now.

Song Cun told her: "In the clothing business, you need to know the current fashion trends, what styles are easy to sell, and you have to find purchase channels."

Song Chunli listened carefully.

While eating, Song Laoer and Li Juan came over, Li Juan smiled and said, "Are you eating?"

Luo Huan smiled and said, "Second brother and second sister-in-law, have you eaten yet, how about some more?"

Li Juan glanced at the big fish and meat on the table, and swallowed: "Then, how about some more?"

Luo Huan stood up: "I'll get you bowls and chopsticks."

Mother Song glanced at them, then looked at Luo Huan: "The bowls and chopsticks are in the kitchen, let her get them by herself."

Li Juan nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, I will get it myself, I can find it."

Song Laoer looked at Li Juan and felt ashamed, but this was his own parents, besides, he hadn't eaten meat for a long time, and he was so greedy that he kept his head muffled and didn't make a sound.

The two of them went to the table and kept eating meat with chopsticks. Song's mother frowned. Seeing her son's sallow complexion, she felt very sad when she thought about it. The first child, and the second child is the most unpromising, but if he is promising, his brothers and sisters will not help him. He has no idea himself, and it is useless for others to pull him in front of them.

After the meal, the whole family sat in the living room talking, and Li Juan said beside him: "Nan Nan graduated this year, Song Cun, can you find her a job in the capital?"

She has no sons in her life, and has given birth to four children, all four of whom are daughters. Fortunately, her parents-in-law didn't say anything, otherwise she would not be able to survive in her husband's house.

Song Cun frowned: "I remember that Nan Nan got good grades, didn't he get into college?"

Li Juan faltered and said: "I passed the exam, and you know the family situation, where did you get the money to go to college for her? Besides, girls from every family, it's good to go to high school, and it's okay if you don't go to college." What."

"Fart your mother." Mother Song scolded angrily from the side, "Who came up with this idea?"

Mother Song looked at her second son as she spoke.

Song Huaimin crouched on the threshold with his head in his arms, and said, "Mother, I have no money at home, and I can't help it."

Mother Song's eyes were sharp: "If you can't help it, find a way. Even if you borrow money, you have to let her go to school."

Song Huaimin frowned: "Mother, just leave this matter alone."

As soon as he finished speaking, Song's father threw the broom next to him and threw it at him. Song Huaimin was so frightened that he hid half of it.

Song Chunli and her sisters sat beside her without saying a word, even Song Cun didn't say anything, they all had money, even if they had money, they couldn't directly say that they would pay for their niece to go to school, besides, it wasn't a matter of paying or not.

Song's mother looked at him: "Your father and I won't let you take care of the elderly. You are squatting at home at a young age. The child has no tuition and doesn't know what to do. Why did my mother give birth to such a lazy thing like you?"

Song Huaimin hung his head and said nothing, letting his parents scold him.

Song Xixi suddenly said beside him, "Does Second Uncle want to go out to work?"

Song Huaimin looked at him and said sullenly, "What can I do? I don't know anything."

Song Xixi rolled her eyes: "You know how to move bricks, right?"

Moving bricks?

He can move bricks. But moving bricks is more tiring than farming.

Song Xixi said: "I'll introduce you to a job on a construction site, and you can move bricks for others, and you can still earn a lot of money throughout the year. What are you going to do?"

If it's done well, it's his uncle after all, can he still be allowed to do it all the time?

Mother Song saw that her second son was silent, and said directly: "I agreed to this matter for him, and let him move the bricks. Both of you are going to work on the construction site, and I don't believe that I can't earn enough for the children's tuition."

Song Huaimin and Li Juan squatted there not daring to say anything, even if the family separated and their mother-in-law Yuwei was still there, they would not dare to refute him. But when they think of going to work on the construction site, they feel that the sky is dark.

Song Nannan and the sisters came to their grandparents' house after washing the dishes at home. Luo Huan bought clothes for the sisters. Seeing them coming, he asked them to try them on in the house. After the sisters came out wearing new clothes, Li Juan couldn't move her eyes from looking at the dress, and said, "This dress is really pretty, but I don't know if I can wear it?"

The corners of Luo Huan's mouth twitched, and he said, "Second Sister-in-law, this is a little girl's dress, it's too bright, it doesn't suit you."

Li Juan curled her lips, didn't she just say she was old? Her skin looks darker, but she is not old, is she?

Mother Song looked at the flower-like granddaughters, and said with a smile, "Nannan's dress is really pretty, and it's just right for school."

Song Nannan looked a little sad when she heard what her grandma said. Her parents didn't agree with her continuing to go to school. Even if she was admitted to university, she would never have the chance to start school again in this life.

Seeing her granddaughter's expression, Song's mother said, "I told your parents just now that you continue to go to school. Others will not pass the university entrance exam. If you pass the exam, there is no reason not to continue studying. Don't worry, your parents will If you are not allowed to study, grandma will break their legs."

Song Nannan's face brightened, and he looked at his parents. How could Song Huaimin and Li Juan dare to say that she would not be allowed to go to college, so he could only nod mournfully.

After returning to his hometown, Song Cun didn’t go anywhere, except for people coming to see him from time to time, he always played with his daughter, fishing by the river, picking fruits on the mountain, and pulling peanuts from the field. The child is tanned.

The granddaughter clings to her father all day long, and there is no work in the field. Mother Song just chats with the villagers when she has nothing to do. Everyone in the village envies her. The son is promising and filial. Very proud.

The night before returning to the capital, Song Cun asked his daughter, "Have you enjoyed yourself during this time?"

Guoguo said loudly, "Happy."

Song Cun touched her little head: "If you are happy, you can come back to play next year during the holidays."

Guoguo chewed her mouth: "Do you have a vacation next year?"

Song Cun said with a smile: "Even if Dad doesn't have a holiday, he can come back to play with Mom, grandpa, and grandma!"

Guoguo said reluctantly: "Okay. Dad earns money and spends it for me. I want to be sensible."

Song Cun and Luo Huan looked at each other and smiled.

Chapter 91 Don't be the hero of Gongdouwen

[System: The heroine has appeared, she is now a court lady, you go to visit her quickly, the next emperor will appear in her stomach tonight. 】

Song Cun finished approving the memorial in his hand, rubbed the center of his brows, and heard a systematic voice in his head, he said lightly: "The crown prince has been established, and the next emperor is in his palace."

[System: I knew you would say that, but that maid is time-traveled, you really don't intend to be lucky with her? 】

Song Cun directly ignored this sentence, stood up and looked at Liu Desheng next to him, and said: "The rest of the memorial will be approved by the crown prince, and you send it to him."

Liu Desheng suspected that there was something wrong with his ears. The emperor has always disliked the prince. Even though the prince was married, he did not mention the matter of letting him go to court. The prince is still learning from several younger princes every day. How did the emperor think of asking the prince to correct the memorial? ?

Song Cun looked at him with a dignified expression: "Didn't you hear what I said?"

Liu Desheng hurriedly knelt down to plead guilty, Song Cun snorted coldly: "Why don't you hurry up and send the memorial to the crown prince, you want to exhaust me to death?"

Liu Desheng didn't dare to think about it any more, and he scrambled to pack up the memorial. Song Cun glanced at him, snorted, and sat down.

Crown Prince Song Tai looked at the memorial in front of him with an indistinct expression, asking him to approve the memorial? Is this another temptation from the royal father? He smiled wryly, picked up a memorial and read it, the emperor really didn't have to do this, he really didn't have other thoughts.

After the court ceremony the next morning, the crown prince carried the finished memorial to the main hall of the Ming Dynasty. Song Cun raised his head, glanced at him, and asked, "Is the approval finished?"

The prince was taken aback for a moment, and said, "I haven't approved it after reading it."

Song Cun looked at him and said seriously, "Why didn't you approve it?"

The prince lowered his head, can he say that he dare not criticize?

Song Cun's tone was light: "Let me do everything, what's the use of you sons? You are the prince, and you are married, so you should share my worries. You can finish today's memorial."

Without seeing the prince's reaction after speaking, he stood up and walked out.

The prince didn't raise his head until he couldn't see him, and looked at the memorial on the dragon case, feeling a little dazed.

After a long while, the crown prince took a deep breath, took the memorial and sat aside to criticize it. Since the emperor asked him to correct the memorial, he should approve it, and he must not disobey the holy will.

Song Cun left the main hall of Ming Dynasty and strode towards the imperial garden. Liu Desheng followed behind him anxiously. He was a little confused about the emperor's temper in the past two days, so he didn't dare to say more, for fear of offending the emperor.

Song Cun didn't care about the others, he saw a gazebo passing by, sat down to rest, Liu Desheng quickly ordered the maid: "Bring some tea and snacks that the emperor likes to eat."

Song Cun was lying on the reclining chair, squinting his eyes, eating snacks and drinking tea, while the two maids next to him were fanning him, and the cool breeze was blowing, which made him feel very comfortable.

Liu Desheng waited on him carefully, when suddenly there were a few arguments from behind, Song Cun suddenly opened his eyes, and asked impatiently, "What's wrong?"

Liu Desheng looked at the maid next to him, and the maid immediately replied: "Go back to the emperor, it's Empress Li."

Song Cun said coldly: "Don't she know I'm here?"

The maid bowed her head, not daring to speak, but she thought in her heart that she only came here because she knew the emperor was here.

Song Cun looked at Liu Desheng: "Stop them, don't let anyone disturb me."

Liu Desheng: "Yes."

After Song Cun finished speaking, he lay down again. The original body was nearly forty years old when he came, and he had many hidden diseases in his body. Even if there were many precious medicinal materials in the palace, they could not make up for the previous losses. After a little fatigue, he was very tired .

That being the case, he can only bring the crown prince up early so that he has time to recuperate. As for the concubines of the original body, he never intends to contaminate them. The original body will not be killed by the beloved time-traveling girl in the end.

Liu Desheng trotted out of the gazebo, saw Concubine Li, he saluted, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, the Emperor was tired from writing the memorials last night and is resting, please move your Majesty."

Concubine Li frowned, and said sharply: "Since the emperor is tired, I, as a concubine, naturally have to serve around."

Liu Desheng smiled and said: "The emperor said that no one can disturb him."

Concubine Li looked at him: "You didn't lie to me?"

Liu Desheng bent down: "Slaves dare not."

Concubine Li snorted, and said threateningly: "I'm sorry you don't dare. Since the emperor doesn't want people to disturb him, then you should watch carefully, and don't let others disturb him."

After speaking, he took a deep look at Liu Desheng, twisted his body and left.

Liu Desheng watched Concubine Li leave, touched the cold sweat on his forehead, and looked at the guard beside him: "You have to take care of this place, don't let anyone disturb the emperor, we can't afford to anger the emperor."

The emperor's most beloved concubine Li couldn't see the emperor, let alone the other concubines, Song Cun calmed down. After meeting with several ministers in the afternoon, and pointing out some government affairs to the prince, he ran to the school grounds to practice Tai Chi.

After the crown prince approved the memorial, he heard the **** below say that the emperor was punching in the school grounds, the corners of his mouth twitched again and again, and he got up and went to the Queen's Kunning Palace.

The queen has been in poor health and has been taking medicine all year round. After the crown prince paid his respects, he looked at the pale face of the queen mother and asked worriedly, "Is the queen mother feeling better these days?"

The queen coughed twice, then smiled and said, "It's still the same, I won't get better from this illness. Did your father ask you to approve the memorial?"

The crown prince knew that although the queen mother was in poor health, she managed the harem. It was impossible for her not to know about these things, so he said, "I don't know what the emperor thinks." There was a complaint in his tone that he could hardly detect.

The queen said: "Thunder, rain and dew are all the grace of the king, don't think too much about it."

The prince smiled wryly, how could he not think too much, his father has always disliked him, he has always had a feeling that his position as prince will be abolished sooner or later, he can't do anything rebellious, so he can only be honest with his father Do whatever you want, I hope that the emperor can see him for the sake of his honesty and obedience, and don't implicate the queen mother and younger sister.

The queen looked at him and sighed: "It's useless even if you think too much. Your father wants you to revise memorials and participate in government affairs now, just to use your will. You just need to do your job well."

The prince can only think so, otherwise, does he have other ways?

After leaving the Kunning Palace, the prince looked up at the sky. The sky is so high and so blue, the sky is as clear as blue, without a trace of haze, what does it symbolize?

Back in the main hall of the Ming Dynasty, seeing his father sitting on the dragon table, he knelt down to salute, Song Cun waved his hands and said, "How is the memorial?"

The prince did not dare to be vague, and said: "The approval has been completed."

Song Cun hummed, and said with satisfaction: "You are indeed young, and the approval was completed so quickly."

Hearing this, the prince broke out in a cold sweat, what does the emperor mean?

Song Cun saw his frightened pale face, quite helpless, he really disliked his poor health, he just sighed, and said: "What are you thinking?"

The prince was slightly stunned, and slowly raised his head to look at his father.

Song Cun said slowly: "Although you shout long live every day, can I really live forever? They are all mortal wombs, and when they are old, people have to obey the old age. In the future, when you become the emperor, You have to be old too."

The prince opened his eyes wide in disbelief, father, what does father mean?

Liu Desheng next to him was also taken aback.

Song Cun smiled casually: "What's wrong?"

What's wrong? The prince was so frightened that he couldn't speak.

Song Cun said: "What? Do you still want me to die of old age on this throne?"

The prince didn't dare to speak anymore.

Song Cun snorted and said: "I get up the earliest every day and do the most. I am called long live by you every day. If I continue to work like this, I won't live long. Being an emperor is not a good job. In order to live longer, I can only live a long life. Let you do the government affairs, anyway, you are the prince, you are still young, and you are the next emperor, these things will be yours sooner or later, you have to do it if you don’t."

The corner of the prince's mouth twitched again and again. It turned out that being an emperor in the heart of his father was an errand. It was not a good errand. He secretly glanced at him and saw that he looked serious, as if he really thought so. I don't know that Father is so, so cute!

Instead, thinking of his father's neglect of him before, he restrained his thoughts and dared not have other thoughts.

Seeing that he was silent, Song Cun said again: "You should come to the court tomorrow morning, the court clothes have been prepared for you."

The prince finally found his own language, he had a lot of questions in his heart, but he didn't know where to start, so he just shouted: "Father Emperor"

Song Cun said: "It's not easy to be an emperor. Fortunately, I'm still here. It's not too late to learn to be an emperor from now on. You should be lucky. When the minister comes to ask for instructions, you can handle it."

As a matter of course, he left the government affairs to the prince, and Song Cun returned to the apse of the Mingzheng Hall.

Prince: "..."

When they arrived at the back hall, Song Cun said, "Set the meal."

Song Cun thought for a while, and then said: "Send dinner to the prince. The government is important, so don't forget to eat."

Hearing this, Liu Desheng was no longer shocked. After all, the emperor said that the crown prince would be the next emperor. As a father, is there any problem with caring about his heir? No problem at all.

The prince was discussing matters with several ministers. Ma Zhuzi, Liu Desheng's apprentice, led a group of palace officials to deliver the meal rewarded by the emperor to the prince. Seeing this, the ministers had their own thoughts and said that the emperor did not like the prince. It doesn't look like it.

The prince smiled and said: "Since it is a meal rewarded by the emperor, let's eat together."

No matter what the father thinks, he is not only his father, but also the king, thunder, rain and dew are all the favor of the king, and he accepts them all.

The emperor asked the prince to participate in political affairs and correct the memorials, and he knew everything he needed to know.

The grown-up princes were shocked, especially King Xuan. His father had always doted on him. Before he got married, he took part in political affairs. Everyone in the court knew that his father hated the queen, and even disliked the child she gave birth to. He thought that Song Tai's crown prince was temporary, but he didn't expect that soon after the prince's wedding, his father asked him to revise memorials, participate in political affairs, and even help his father meet ministers.

Hearing the news, he didn't think about anything and went straight into the palace. When he arrived in the palace, he calmed down. His father asked the prince to correct the memorial and participate in political affairs. Could he still ask his father why he did this? He couldn't, and didn't dare.

Thinking of this, he turned around and went to the Chuxiu Palace of his mother, Concubine Hui. Concubine Hui saw that her son's expression was not very good, and asked, "What's wrong?"

King Xuan sat down and said, "Father has asked the prince to participate in political affairs."

Concubine Hui said, "Isn't this normal? He's the crown prince. Sooner or later your father will let him participate in political affairs. You should have thought about it long ago."

King Xuan frowned: "Father has never liked the prince."

Concubine Hui looked at him and said seriously: "If the emperor doesn't like the prince, he is still the prince. Besides, who told you that the emperor doesn't like the prince?"

Who told him? Don't everyone in the palace know about it?

Concubine Hui said in a deep voice: "Whether the prince participates in political affairs or meets ministers, these are all things he should do as a prince. You don't need to worry."

How could King Xuan not be in a hurry, he shouted: "Concubine Mother, do you really want to see the emperor reuse the crown prince?"

Concubine Hui said indifferently: "This is something that can't be helped, people must learn to accept their fate."

As a concubine, she certainly hoped that her son could get that position. If she can't get it, she doesn't force it.

King Xuan looked at his concubine in disbelief, and asked, "Concubine mother, won't you help me?"

Concubine Hui patted his arm: "Concubine Mother doesn't show her natal family, so she can't help you. What you want, you can only work hard for yourself. But Concubine Mother also gives you a warning, don't do anything out of line, and cause trouble. If you are angry with your father and emperor, your mother and concubine will not be able to protect you."

King Xuan felt his whole heart go cold. He didn't expect his concubine to say such a thing. Was he really born by her?

Concubine Hui looked at him and said, "Don't doubt, you were conceived by Concubine Mu in October."

King Xuan was going crazy, and he left the palace angrily.

Concubine Hui looked at his back and sighed softly. She thought that the prince would be abolished to the extent that the emperor hated the prince, but she did not expect that the emperor would change his attitude towards the prince. The emperor's mind is unpredictable, and even she dared not It's easy to speculate, not to mention my son, now he should be his prince honestly.

King Xuan walked to the gate of the palace, a little unwilling, turned around and strode away to the main hall of Ming Dynasty.

Song Cun was instructing the crown prince to revise the memorial when Liu Desheng came over: "Your Majesty, King Xuan is asking to see you."

The prince glanced at his father, saw his face calm and said: "Let him in."

When King Xuan entered the main hall of Ming Dynasty, he saw his father, who was always serious, gently explaining to the prince how to deal with the affairs of state. His eyes were startled, and he knelt down to salute. Song Cun took the time to look at him: "Get up." After speaking, continue Give pointers to the prince.

King Xuan stood up, looked at them, his eyes darkened, and he clenched his fists quietly.

Half an hour later, the memorial on the dragon case was finally corrected. Song Cun raised his head and found that King Xuan was still standing in front of the dragon case. He frowned: "What are you doing standing here?"

King Xuan: "..."

Song Cun said: "Go back if you have nothing to do."

King Xuan: "..."

After Song Cun finished speaking, he walked out, and Liu Desheng trotted behind him.

When King Xuan saw his father walking out like this, he couldn't believe it. He looked at the prince and asked, "What's wrong with your father?"

The prince glanced at him: "Isn't the father all right? His body looks better than before. Brother, don't worry."

King Xuan snorted and glanced at him sideways: "Do you know what I'm asking?"

The prince lowered his head to organize the memorial: "Sorry, I don't know what you are asking."

King Xuan blocked him, looked at him, and said, "Don't be complacent, it's still uncertain what will happen in the end."

The prince said in his heart that he was not complacent, and he didn't know if he would be able to sit in that position in the end. He only knew that he had to complete the task assigned by his father now, and he didn't think so much about other things, and he didn't dare to think so much.

In the early morning of the second day, all the ministers saw the prince standing next to the emperor, they were startled and had different thoughts.

Song Cun doesn't care what the ministers think, or what the harem concubines think, let alone what the princes and princes think. After leading the prince to court for a few months, the prince slowly gets started with many things. In the end, he basically didn't care about anything, and left everything to the prince.

At this time, everyone can see the emperor's thoughts. The next emperor is almost a certainty. No one dares to underestimate the prince, especially after he has handled a few things well, he has more respect for him.

Song Cun was very satisfied. The stronger the crown prince's ability, the sooner he will retire for the elderly. It's because the original body is in poor health, often dizzy, has severe cervical spondylosis, and other diseases. How about taking good care of it? , he will definitely be the same as the original body, and will not live for a long time.

Even if the other princes were not reconciled, there was nothing they could do. After all, the prince had already taken control of the government under the connivance of his father. Even if they wanted to resist, they didn't have the ability.

Song Cun has been here for so long and has never entered the harem, not even the empress. It is useless for the concubines in the palace to send him soup and water in a hurry. The emperor does not allow him to enter the main hall of the Ming Dynasty. Yes, when he was visiting the imperial garden, they saw his face inadvertently, and they denied the guess in their hearts, the emperor's face became more and more rosy, how could he look sick?

Song Cun's body has been recuperating for nearly a year, even if he is already well, he will feel uncomfortable when he doesn't sleep well. The prince has long been able to handle the government affairs independently, and he is too lazy to stay on the throne, so he simply passes the position to the prince.

Prince: "..."

Even if he has replaced his father in handling the government affairs, he never expected his father to pass on the throne to him. After all, he watched coldly, his father's health was getting better every day, and it would be no problem to stay on the throne for another ten or twenty years. But the father passed the throne to him. For a moment, he was overjoyed, panicked and a little dazed, his father actually passed on the throne to him!

The whole court was also shocked, just as the prince thought, the emperor's health is getting better and better, they all thought that after a while, the emperor will return to the court to handle government affairs, but they didn't expect him to pass on the throne without saying a word Prince, why not surprise them? Even if they were surprised, the emperor wanted to pass the throne to the prince, and they persuaded him a few words, and then they had to kneel down and worship the new king.

The courtiers were shocked, and the concubines did not expect that the emperor was still young and his health was getting better and better. Some concubines who had not been in the palace for a long time still thought that when the emperor recovered, they would give birth to a boy and a half girl. As a result, the emperor said everything about passing the throne to the crown prince, the palace changed its masters, and they also changed from the emperor's concubines to the emperor's concubines, how could they be reconciled?

So what if you are not reconciled? The new king has already sat on the throne, the queen mother has also moved into the Palace of Compassion, and even the Supreme Emperor left a group of concubines and went to live in Huangzhuang. They wanted to follow him, but the Supreme Emperor did not allow it, saying that they were disturbing his cultivation.

The empress dowager was sitting on the couch, maybe her son became the emperor, and the years of illness seemed to have disappeared at once. She looked at her son in the dragon robe with a smile and asked, "What do you plan to do, concubines?"

The emperor abdicated too eagerly and too early. There are still a few princes who have not yet married, and the three princesses have not yet married. The Taishanghuang acted as if he didn't care about anything, these things had to fall on his son's head, even if it wasn't for the Taishanghuang, he had to arrange the marriage of the prince and princess and the whereabouts of the concubines, after all, the whole court was watching.

The new emperor was also worried, he said: "I have to ask my father for instructions on this matter." After all, it is my father's concubine, how to deal with it depends on his will.

He went to Huangzhuang in person and asked Song Cun, and Song Cun told him: "Those who have sons live with their sons, and those who have no sons are raised by you. Those whose sons are not married live in the palace first, and then move out when their sons get married. .”

Song Tai is happy, this idea is better, he has just ascended the throne, and there are fewer concubines in the harem, so it is easy to arrange.

After Song Cun sent his son out, he didn't care about the affairs of the court anymore. He practiced Tai Chi every day, went fishing, and recuperated his body. When he got better, he led a group of guards to run around the world, and would take care of corrupt officials when they encountered injustice.

As soon as he went out, he ran away for five years. He didn't come back even when a few princesses got married and a few princes got married. Back this time, the childless concubines thought they could go to serve them. After all, they saw that the emperor was very strong at the palace banquet. It would be good if they could give birth to a son and a half daughter, and they would have something to rely on for the rest of their lives .

They all thought too much, Song Cun attended the palace banquet and returned to Huangzhuang, and did not allow anyone to serve him at all.

Song Cun didn't specifically inquire about the time-traveling girl. When he was playing outside, the system told him blah-blah-blah that the time-traveling heroine was trying to seduce the new emperor. When he grew up, he didn't dare to underestimate the ancients, restrained his thoughts, racked his brains, and after several years of hard work, he became the steward of the Huanyi Bureau.

He didn't care about the time-traveling girl anymore, the cheap son is not so easy to seduce, and he is not as hardworking as the original body, so he doesn't have to worry about being cuckolded by the time-traveling girl, and he doesn't have to worry about the time-traveling girl being exposed to cuckold the emperor poison him.

Song lived in Huangzhuang for half a year, and then ran out again. This time he went out for several years. This time he went out

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