MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 72 Extra

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Ten years later, protect the palace.

"Master, I have developed my inner strength."

An eight-year-old boy stood straight in front of Song Cun with a small body on the training ground, with a trace of pride and complacency on his immature face.

Song Cun was dressed in a black straight gown, ten years hadn't left the slightest trace of age on his face, he still looked like a young boy ten years ago, he just nodded slightly when he heard the boy's words, and said lightly: "Yes, keep working hard. "

The boy was very disappointed and dissatisfied. The master didn't praise him, and the master really didn't like him.

Song Cun looked at the disciples in the training ground and said, "Continue to practice."

After speaking, he left the training ground.

A group of disciples watched him leave. The eight-year-old boy had grievances in his eyes, his eyes were faintly red, and he stared blankly at the direction in which his master was leaving.

Seeing the dissatisfaction in his eyes, a fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy next to him frowned and asked, "Are you dissatisfied with Master?"

An eight-year-old boy named Yan Minghao, the second prince of the current empress, had abdicated five years ago as the empress, and was passed on to Yan Minghao's mother.

Yan Minghao turned around and saw that it was the elder brother, and said, "I don't have one."

He knew that the master didn't want to accept him as an apprentice, and he was accepted for the sake of the emperor's grandmother. He had no choice but to accept him as an apprentice. The master definitely didn't like him. Even if he had developed inner strength at the age of eight, the master would not His expression was flat, not the slightest bit happy.

He also knew that he was a prince in the palace, and no one in the palace of the guardian of the king took his status as a prince seriously. Even if the elder brother was just an ordinary official family son, they could scold him, and he couldn't help it if he was dissatisfied.

Eldest brother Gu Yuelang looked at Yan Minghao expressionlessly, and asked, "When did you worship under Master?"

Yan Minghao said: "I joined Master's school when I was six years old."

Gu Yuelang nodded, pointed to Song Yanxing, the second senior brother next to him, and asked, "Do you know when your second senior brother joined Master's sect, and at what age did you develop your inner strength?"

Yan Minghao shook his head, he didn't live in King Hu's Mansion, he came to practice martial arts every day, and the guards in the martial arts palace would take him back to the palace after the practice, he seldom dealt with his seniors, and he didn't know their situation at all.

Gu Yuelang said: "Your second senior brother joined the master's sect at the age of eight, and developed inner strength in two months. Your third senior brother joined the master's sect at the age of six, and developed inner strength in half a year."

Yan Minghao was taken aback for a moment. He became a disciple of his master and developed his inner strength within two years. Compared with the two senior brothers, he was indeed not worthy of the master's praise. Thinking of this, his face turned pale. Martial arts talent is outstanding, but qualifications are mediocre.

Second Senior Brother Song Yanxing said with a smile: "As for Elder Senior Brother, after three days of worshiping Master, he has cultivated his inner strength."

Yan Minghao pursed his lips tightly, looking at the smiles on the faces of the senior brothers, he felt that they were laughing at him, his face turned red, he glanced at the senior brothers, and ran away.

Gu Yuelang frowned: "Is nothing wrong?"

Song Yanxing smiled and said: "What can be the matter? The servant has been waiting outside. The talent for martial arts is innate, just like he is a prince, and he is also born. It is useless for others to envy and envy. He can be worshiped by the Supreme Empress." Entering the master's school, but his martial arts aptitude even if he is the empress, there is nothing he can do. God is still fair, don't you think so?"

Gu Yuelang looked at him disapprovingly: "Although he is the prince, he didn't cause trouble for Master, and we don't need to target him like that."

Song Yanxing said, "No one is against him. We are all disciples who have been selected by the master after many tests. He can be a master's apprentice just because he is a prince."

Gu Yuelang shouted: "That's it."

Song Yanxing pursed his lips tightly. Although he didn't speak any more, the expression on his face showed that he was obviously not convinced. He was just arguing for his master. The master didn't want to get involved in the affairs of the royal family, but he accepted the second prince. It was obviously a helpless move. Of course, he was very dissatisfied with Yan Minghao.

Gu Yuelang looked at him helplessly: "You think too much. Even if the master accepts the second prince as an apprentice, he will not participate in the royal affairs. He is a master's apprentice in the palace of Huwang. Wangfu, he is the prince, Master and his disciples will not ask about anything about him. We just pretend not to know."

What he didn't say was that this was also the reason why Master didn't allow them to have more contact with Yan Minghao, because he was afraid that if they showed friendship with him, they would involuntarily stand by his side in the future and passively participate in the royal battle.

Song Yanxing nodded, and said ruthlessly, "No one can take advantage of Master. Otherwise, he won't be spared."

If there is no master, there would be no him today. The master is both his master and his benefactor. Once the royal family uses tricks and tricks on the master, even if he can't resist them for a while, he will let them know what pain is.

Gu Yuelang shook his head, "You, look down on Master."

Song Yanxing would not know how powerful his master was, nor would he know that even the royal family would not dare to provoke master easily.

Song Yanxing smiled, the master is of course strong, if the master is not strong, how can the royal family let the prince worship him as a teacher?

Even though the master is powerful, he doesn't care about foreign affairs. As the master's apprentice, of course he considers everything for him.

Gu Yuelang glanced at him: "You bring all the juniors to practice, I'll go and tell the master."

After all, Yan Minghao is the prince. After running away like this, he doesn't know what he will say when he returns to the palace. He still has to tell his master.

Song Yanxing nodded, once again feeling dissatisfied with Yan Minghao.

Song Cun was reading in the study room, when he heard what the eldest disciple said, he raised his head slightly and said, "Let him go."

Gu Yuelang frowned lightly, looked at Master: "He is the prince and empress after all"

Song Cun chuckled and interrupted him: "Wouldn't it be better for the empress to blame me, the prince is delicate, I think he can't be a disciple of a teacher."

The reason why Yan Minghao was accepted as an apprentice at the beginning was that if his father had not owed favors to the Supreme Empress, he would not have accepted him as an apprentice. It was not because he was a prince, but because his talent was indeed not as good as other apprentices.

But since he accepted him as his apprentice, he didn't intend to ignore him, he wanted to teach him martial arts, but this kid thinks that he is a prince, and his master and senior brothers have to pamper him and let him go, how is that possible?

Gu Yuelang was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect his master to be so narrow-minded, instead he didn't know what to say.

Song Cun saw that the always prudent disciple showed a dazed expression, smiled slightly, and said, "Don't think too much. The prince is precious. As the disciples of the teacher, you are the top masters among the top masters in Guizhou, and you are equally precious."

Gu Yuelang walked out of Song Cun's study with a smile on his face. The master is so powerful that there is no need to be afraid of the royal family.

Yan Minghao returned to the palace with red eyes, his noble father hugged him in his arms, and asked distressedly: "What's wrong? Didn't you go to protect the king's palace to practice martial arts? Why are you crying?"

Yan Minghao was held in the arms of Junfu, thinking of the grievances he suffered in Huwang Palace and Master's attitude, his tears fell down, and he said sobbingly: "Senior brothers bully me, and Master doesn't like me either. Don't go to protect the king's mansion, and don't practice martial arts."

Hearing his words, Wang Guijun looked at the tears in his eyes, felt very distressed, and his eyes sharpened sharply: "They are presumptuous."

After finishing speaking, he took out his handkerchief and wiped his son's tears, "Father Jun went to your mother emperor and asked him to make decisions for you. You are a prince, and it is his blessing to be a disciple of the protector king. How dare he despise you?" , who gave him the guts?"

When Yan Minghao heard Junfu's words, there was a hint of satisfaction in his eyes. Junfu was right, he is the prince, and it is his honor to be the master's disciple. Since the master doesn't like him, he won't be his disciple anymore. Let him regret going.

Wang Guijun went to Qiankun Palace, the young empress was approving memorials, the servant told Wang Guijun that she was coming, she said with a relaxed look on her face, "Let him in."

Wang Guijun entered the Qiankun Palace with red eyes, the empress saw his red eyes, felt displeased, but asked with a smile on her face, "What's wrong? Who messed with our noble?"

Wang Guijun wiped his eyes lightly, and after saluting, he said, "Your Majesty, you have to be the master of the minister."

"Oh, what's the matter?" asked the Queen.

Wang Guijun said: "The protector of the king and his disciples are really hateful, they even bullied Minghao. It is his honor that Minghao, as a prince, can worship Song Cun as his teacher. I didn't expect him to dislike Minghao, which made him Crying and coming back from the Palace of the Protector of the King."

The queen's face turned gloomy, she looked at the man beside her with a sneer, and asked, "Oh, how do you think I will punish the protector?"

Seeing the empress's gloomy face, Wang Guijun thought that she was also annoyed by the King Protector and his apprentices, so he added embellishments and said, "Song Cun is so ignorant of the royal family, what qualifications does he have to be the King Protector? What prince, he is not Royals."

The queen stared at him coldly: "Are you teaching me how to manage state affairs?"

Wang Guijun was taken aback, looked at the queen, saw her expression was cold, he suddenly realized that he had said something wrong, he quickly knelt down and said: "Your Majesty, I dare not, I am just angry with Song Cun"

"To shut up."

The queen shouted, "Song Cun is the protector of the king, the patron saint of Daqian, and you, a little noble, can a servant be able to put his beak on?"

Little gentleman? a servant?

It turned out that in the eyes of His Majesty, he was just a servant, Wang Guijun turned pale, and hurriedly explained: "Your Majesty"

The queen didn't even bother to listen to his explanation. The protection of the king was able to accept the second prince as an apprentice. It was because of the mother's face, but their father and son didn't know how to cherish it. Unashamedly saying that Song Cun is not qualified to be the protector of the king, she said: "Zhang Dezi, pass on the decree, Wang Guijun's words offend the protector of the king, this is a crime of disrespect, and it will be reduced to a superintendent."

Wang Guijun looked at His Majesty with tears in his eyes, full of grievances in his heart, he didn't think he was wrong, the King Protector didn't have royal blood, so why should he be a prince? Why is it respected by the people of Daqian?

He just told the truth, why did His Majesty lower his position?

Seeing his unwillingness, the empress did not expect that she was doting on such an indiscriminate thing, and said impatiently: "I have no shortage of princes, and the second prince doesn't want to be the disciple of the protector of the king, so I changed it to the disciple of the king." Other princes."

No matter how stupid Wang Guijun is, he still knows that the Daqian Protectorate has the highest military strength, and his son worshiping under him will only benefit him. He said: "Minghao has already worshiped under the Protectorate. Your Majesty, you can't do this."

The queen looked at him: "Tell me, why can't I do this?"

Wang Guijun was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "Ming Hao has developed his inner strength."

The empress didn't know that the second prince had already cultivated his inner strength, so she was pleasantly surprised, and said instead: "Since the second prince has already developed his inner strength, then I won't change to other princes. But as a disciple, I should respect my teacher and let me He went to protect the king's mansion and begged his master to forgive him, otherwise he didn't learn martial arts."

Wang Guijun pursed his lips: "He is the prince"

How can the prince kneel down to protect the king, he is just a prince with a different surname.

The queen was very impatient: "The Lord Protector is the patron saint of Daqian, his master, and an elder, so what if he kneels down? Besides, he is just a prince without a title, and the Lord Protector is a prince."

Wang Guijun was dissatisfied and knelt on the ground without saying a word. Thinking of the reduced position, he dared not say anything more.

Song Cun looked at the second prince who was kneeling in front of him, and didn't make things difficult for him, he just said: "Be less careful and practice martial arts hard."

Yan Minghao's face flushed red, and he said firmly, "I see, Master."

I was glad that Master didn't embarrass him. Thinking of Junfu's fate, I never dared to have other thoughts.

When everyone inside and outside the palace saw the Queen's attitude towards the King Hu, they all calmed down, thinking that the King Hu was not so easy to use.

Lu Jingsheng also knew about this, he looked at his son with guilt on his face, and said, "This has made things difficult for you."

If it wasn't for him, the son would not have accepted the second prince as his apprentice.

Song Cun shook his head slightly, and said, "It's just a small matter. If the Supreme Empress hadn't insisted on ennobling you as the protector of the king, I wouldn't have been able to avenge my second uncle."

After so many years, he already knew that Lu Jingsheng was his biological father. As for what happened back then, he also knew something about it.

His father Lu Jingsheng's original name was Lu Jingyun, and he and the real Lu Jingsheng are twin brothers. His uncle Lu Jingsheng is the second eldest in the Lu family, and his father Lu Jingyun is the third eldest. Another woman surnamed Wu.

As the wedding day approached, Lu Jingsheng didn't know where he learned that the woman surnamed Wu who was engaged to her third brother was cruel and violent, she didn't treat men as human beings, and even killed three young servants in one year. To let my younger brother marry such a woman, I tried my best to get my parents to withdraw the marriage, but they failed.

In the end, he found a sorcerer from nowhere, saying that he and his third brother were twins, and if they got married on the same day, they would be blessed in the future, which would be auspicious and beneficial to the Xuanpinghou Mansion.

Although Xuan Pinghou doesn't believe this, he also likes to listen to good words. Since it is good for Xuan Ping Hou's mansion if he dies auspiciously, let's get married on the same day.

On the wedding day, he got into his younger brother Lu Jingyun's sedan chair, and Lu Jingyun was ushered into his sedan chair and carried into the Song family.

The matter has become a fact, and the two parties have already married. When the two brothers meet again, in order to prevent the Wu family and the Song family from finding them, they discuss this matter and not tell other people. Anyway, they are twins, they look exactly the same, and no one can recognize them. Well, only their brothers know about this, so they can completely hide it.

Lu Jingsheng married into the Wu family, and within three years, he was beaten so hard by a woman surnamed Wu that he couldn't get out of bed. When Lu Jingyun learned of this, Song Cun was already over one year old. He hurried to the Wu family and saw But it was Lu Jingsheng who was dying.

Seeing the second elder brother like this, Lu Jingyun resented, Lu Jingyun hated, and wanted to settle accounts with the Wu family, but the Xuanping Hou Mansion stood up and said that Lu Jingsheng was not beaten by Wu, but that he did not obey his husband's morals and wanted to cuckold his wife. Climb the wall and fall down and become disabled.

The Wu family said that if he was making trouble, they should publicize the matter, so that the men of the Lu family would not be able to get married, and their brothers would become sinners of the Lu family.

Lu Jingyun didn't expect that it would be their mother's Xuanpinghou Mansion who stabbed them in the end. Even the mother's family stood up and said that it was not the woman surnamed Wu who beat them, but the second brother's fault.

Lu Jingyun can't control so much whether a man from the Lu family marries or not, but he can't let his second brother bear this kind of reputation. Leaving He Lishu, he brought his second brother back to the Song Mansion. It is never too late for a gentleman to take revenge, and sooner or later he will come back to take revenge.

After the reconciliation, Lu Jingyun revealed the wrong marriage.

Only then did Song Feiyan know that her husband's real name was Lu Jingyun, not Lu Jingsheng.

Although the Wu family also knew about this, they have already reconciled, and they can't control that much.

Although Lu Jingyun brought Lu Jingsheng to the general, he only lived for half a year.

He died half a year later.

At this time, Lu Jingyun's heart was full of hatred, hatred for the Wu family, and hatred for the Xuanpinghou's residence.

He thought that two years ago, the second elder brother suddenly gave him a cheat book and asked him to try to see if he could develop his inner strength. Unexpectedly, after he tried it, he would develop his inner strength in less than half a month, and within three months. After breaking through the first level, he felt like he had found a treasure. He studied hard every day and had already broken through the fifth level of the exercises. I don't know where the second brother got this secret book, but he himself didn't have the talent to practice martial arts, so he was beaten to death by the surname Wu.

After his second brother died, he found out the truth about his wrong marriage. His heart was full of guilt and hatred. All kinds of emotions made him make a crazy decision. The second brother died on his behalf. He had to avenge him, but he couldn't get involved The son and the general's mansion, he can only be the second elder brother.

Half a year after Lu Jingsheng and the woman surnamed Wu reconciled, the General's Mansion announced that General Song's husband, Lu Jingyun, had passed away.

Lu Jingyun changed his costume and became Lu Jingsheng. Even though he later became the protector of the king, he still lived as Lu Jingsheng. Until now, apart from Song Feiyan, Song Cun, Lu Jingming and the Supreme Empress, he knew that he was Lu Jingyun. No one knew his real identity, and Lu Jingyun didn't plan to restore his identity, he was Lu Jingsheng.

Lu Jingsheng said: "I told the Empress Dowager, even if there are princes who want to worship under you, they have to pass your assessment."

Song Cun said, "Thank you father."

Although he didn't think it was a big deal, it was his father's wish after all.

On this day, Song Cun led his big apprentice Gu Yuelang and his second apprentice Song Yanxing to the General's Mansion. Song Feiyan has fought on the battlefield for so many years. , begging for the bones, the queen tried to persuade her to stay for many times to no avail, so she could only agree to let her go home to enjoy her old age.

Fortunately, Song Cun's disciples have also come out of the mountain one after another in these years, and there is no shortage of generals on the battlefield, otherwise the empress would not let her go so easily.

When Song Cun and his two apprentices arrived at the General's Mansion, they saw Song Yu. After more than ten years, Song Yu's face looked older than his mother Song Feiyan. Song Cun was not surprised. When Song Yu followed Song Feiyan to the border, he He married a soldier at the border.

Song Yu couldn't bear the hardships at the border gate, after Song Feiyan returned to the capital from the border gate, he stayed in the border gate for less than two years, and secretly returned to the capital with the soldier Heli.

Song Yu had already reconciled, even if Song Feiyan was angry with him, there was nothing he could do, but she didn't intend to take care of him anymore. Let him marry and leave, and marry again, and then remarry. After more than ten years, he has married five wives, and now they are divorced again.

Song Cun saw the boy next to him and heard that Song Yu was divorced again, but he didn't know what his plan was.

No matter what his plans are, Song Cun doesn't plan to take care of his affairs, because of Hu's affairs, the two brothers have been almost strangers for so many years.

Song Yu was a little excited when he saw Song Cun. He pushed the boy next to him and said, "This is your uncle, hurry up and call him uncle?"

The boy next to him staggered for a while after being pushed by him, and looked at Song Cun with his mouth pursed, without saying a word.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Song Yu pinched his ears angrily. When the boy pinched his ears, tears came out of pain, but he didn't make a sound.

Song Feiyan frowned and shouted loudly: "Enough, what do you want to do?"

Song Yuqi and Ai Ai said: "Mother, the eldest brother has not remarried and has no children. Xiaochen is his nephew and can be adopted by him."

Xiaochen lowered her head and said nothing.

Song Cun raised his eyebrows, looked at the boy, and saw that his lips were tightly pursed, his eyes were red, and his face was full of stubbornness. Without his father's frivolity, he was a good boy.

Seeing Song Cun looking at his son, Song Yu hurriedly pushed Xiao Chen, and said, "Brother, he is very obedient and sensible, you can adopt him, he will be filial to you."

Song Feiyan looked at her grandson and said angrily, "That must be more filial than you."

Song Yu choked, and said in disbelief: "Mother, why am I not filial? All these years, except for marriage and divorce, I listen to you for everything, isn't it considered filial?"

Song Feiyan snorted, "You don't even care about your own father and let him fend for himself, how can I expect you to be filial?"

Song Yu's face turned ugly, and he said submissively: "Then, it's not that I don't know about my father. If I knew, I would definitely not ignore him."

He was also very sad and guilty when his father passed away, but he couldn't protect himself, and there was nothing he could do!

Song Feiyan didn't want to hear his irrational words, so she looked at her grandson next to her and asked, "Would you like to live in the General's Mansion with grandma?"

Song Yu was a little unwilling when he heard his mother's words. In his opinion, it is better for a son to follow his mother than to follow his elder brother. The elder brother's title can be inherited. If his son becomes the heir of the King's Palace, isn't he the father of the future King's Protector? ? Who would dare to look down on him then?

Song Chen looked at the person in front of him. This was his grandmother. He was the child of his father's third marriage. His mother had passed away. After that, his father married twice. He always followed his father. He doesn't know if he will marry again in the future, he only knows that he doesn't want to be with his mother anymore, and he doesn't want to be an oil bottle. Since grandma let him live in the general's mansion, then he should follow grandma.

He said, "Okay."

Song Cun went up to touch his muscles and bones, but he didn't expect that the child was a young man practicing martial arts. He said, "No, come with me to the palace. There are many disciples in the palace, let's practice martial arts with them."

Song Yu's face brightened, but Song Cun glanced at him lightly, and said, "He who is able to protect the king's mansion will get it, you'd better not have other ideas."

Song Yu's face collapsed, he didn't dare to provoke Song Cun, he said that those who can get it will get it, but thinking that there will be no children to drag him down, and he can finally find a good wife to marry, he can't help but feel happy.

Seeing the smile on his face, Song Cun couldn't understand his thoughts.

Song Chen said, "I don't want to be the son of the king's mansion, I want to be a general, a general who protects the family and the country like grandma."

With Song Cun's acceptance of disciples, more and more men joined the army. It's not unexpected for Song Chen to have this thought.

Song Feiyan clapped her hands and laughed loudly: "Okay, as expected of my grandson."

Song Yu curled his lips and scolded the white-eyed wolf!

Song Cun patted his head: "If you want to be a general, you have to practice martial arts hard, and you can't slack off in the slightest."

"I will."

Song Chen raised his head and looked at his uncle. His father kept telling him how much his uncle was hated. He heard other people talk about his uncle's deeds, but he didn't agree with his father's words in his heart. Instead, he admired his uncle very much. Whenever someone mentioned his uncle, he wanted to go up to him. Tell them that the person you are talking about is my uncle, but when he thinks of what his father said, he has stage fright again.

After finishing speaking, he opened his eyes wide and asked again, "Can I call you uncle?"

Song Cun said with a smile: "Of course."

This child inherited Song Feiyan's facial features, even Song Yu's child, he couldn't hate it. Besides, the kid's character is much more pleasing than his father's.

Song Chen's eyes lit up, and he called out crisply, "Uncle."

Song Cun sighed.

Song Chen asked again: "Uncle, can I tell others that you are my uncle?"

Song Cun smiled: "This is the truth, why can't you say it?"

Song Chen's eyes brightened even more.

Song Yu kept rolling his eyes beside him, and he said that he had raised a white-eyed wolf with only Song Cun in his eyes, and there was no father like him at all, so this son was raised for nothing.

Song Cun and his two apprentices brought Song Chen back from the General's Mansion, instead of riding in a carriage, they said, "The Wang Mansion doesn't have Xiaochen's clothes, let's go to the street and buy some clothes."

Song Chen took his uncle's hand and walked obediently beside him, looking at everything on the street with curiosity on his little face.

Song Cun asked with a smile: "Haven't you come out to play?"

Song Chen said, "Father won't let me go out."

Song Cun said, "Uncle will buy you whatever you like."

Song Chen shook his head, buying things cost money, "There is nothing to buy."

His eyes were fixed on the candied haws in front of him.

Song Cun said: "Let's go, uncle wants to eat candied haws, how about you eat candied haws with uncle?"

Of course Song Chen agreed, and the two of them ate a bunch of candied haws each. After eating the candied haws, they walked to a teahouse and said, "Let's sit down and rest."

Gu Yuelang and Song Yanxing sat down with the master.

Xie Xinglan sat in a corner of the teahouse, looking at Song Cun's master and apprentice with complicated eyes. She didn't expect to see Song Cun here. Although she often heard about Song Cun, both of them were also in the capital, but after so many years, he was stunned. He has never seen Song Cun, and now she is old, but Song Cun is still young.

A middle-aged man with a strong figure entered the teahouse aggressively, looked around the teahouse with staring tiger eyes, suddenly walked to a corner of the teahouse, lifted the ear of the woman sitting on the seat, and pulled her arm, trying to pull her After leaving the teahouse, this incident alarmed the tea guests in the teahouse, and also alarmed Song Cun and others. Song Yanxing looked over, suddenly spewed out a mouthful of tea, covered his mouth and coughed non-stop.

Gu Yuelang said: "You can even choke on tea."

Song Yanxing said, "It's the first time I've seen such a pungent man."

But Gu Yuelang said: "A lot of things can't just be seen on the surface. Although the woman is strong and fierce, she doesn't look evil in her eyes. Instead, she has a sense of integrity. From my analysis, it must be that woman has What is wrong, otherwise, why would he treat his wife like this in full view, without showing any face to her, and that woman let him alone, so it can be seen that the woman is indeed at fault."

Song Yanxing was dumbfounded: "Brother, I didn't expect you to have such eloquence."

No matter what the senior brother said is right or wrong, if he can think this way, it shows that the senior brother is really extraordinary.

Song Cun smiled, and recognized the woman in his apprentice's mouth as Xie Xinglan. He didn't say anything, and he didn't intend to say hello to her. They were strangers more than ten years ago.

Song Chen's talent in martial arts is quite good, and he can defeat many martial artists of the same age at the age of eighteen. This year Song Cun chose to protect the prince of the king's mansion, and Song Yu asked Song Chen to participate in the martial arts competition. , Song Yu was so angry that his eyes were red, but there was nothing he could do about him.

In the end, he had no choice but to go to Song Cun to settle accounts, but he couldn't even enter the gate of the King's Mansion. At this moment, he realized that although Song Cun taught Song Chen martial arts, he didn't take Song Chen's father seriously.

He smiled reluctantly. In his whole life, he hated Song Cun, harmed Song Cun, and plotted against Song Cun. For so many years, Song Cun was unmarried and had no children. He raised his son in the palace. He thought Song Cun would see him. He gave Song Chen a high look for his sake, but he didn't expect Song Cun to take him seriously at all.

All his life, he married, remarried, married, remarried, married, remarried... When he got old, his son left him, and the woman didn't want her anymore. Like his father, he stayed alone in the... In the big yard, no one cares and no one asks, how sad he is!

Ask him if he regrets it?

He regretted it, regretted that he treated his son too coldly, he should not have given his son to Song Cun, so that he didn't even have a child by his side when he was old.

But there is no way to regret it.

Volume Six: Not a Prodigal Son, No Prodigal Son Returns for Money