MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 7

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As expected, Song Zhiwen didn't get into junior high school. Seeing that the summer vacation was coming to an end, he tormented Zhang Xiaohua all day long. He wanted to repeat the grade and go to the fifth grade for another year. Maybe he would pass the exam next year?

"If you fail every exam, repeating a grade is a waste of money."

It was Song Liang's daughter-in-law Yang Ping who was talking. Last year, his elder brother Song Liang got married. The family borrowed money to build three rooms for him next to the old house.

Originally, Song Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohua disagreed. When will the loan be paid off to build a house? Suppressed by his parents-in-law, Da Liangzi is the eldest grandson, and it is the first time for the family to marry a grandson-in-law, so he must have a minimum house.

Yang Ping has been here for more than a year and is now six months pregnant.

Zhang Xiaohua glared at her and choked, "It's a waste of money, and it didn't cost you."

Yang Ping supported her waist and raised her belly: "The family earns the most food and labor points, and the work points earned by parents are not enough for you three to eat, drink, spend, and Zhiwen to take medicine. If the tuition is not my money, whose is it?"

Zhang Xiaohua replied: "That's a lot of money to earn."

Yang Ping glanced at her: "Da Liangzi is my man, and the work points he earns belong to me, as well as the children in my womb. If you want to say that he earns money to support his parents, I have nothing to say, what's the matter with raising brothers?" What's more, it's all right if his reading grades are as good as Er Cunzi's. He doesn't know how to study, he doesn't pass the exam, and he wants to repeat the grade. It's okay to repeat the grade. Let's split up. After the separation, what he wants to do, the parents think We can't control how partial to him, how much we feel sorry for his poor health."

Zhang Xiaohua insisted: "Separate the family, then you and Da Liangzi will live separately."

I don't believe that you dare to separate. After the separation, you will have children and no one will take care of you and confinement, and no one will take care of your children. You will know the benefits of living with your mother-in-law. Do you think I will be afraid of your separation?

Song Liang talked about his daughter-in-law. The daughter-in-law is now pregnant and the family will be separated in the future. Who will take care of her? Who will take care of the children?

"Then break up quickly." Yang Ping knows what a man is thinking. She would rather let her mother's family help during the confinement than separate from the eccentric parents-in-law. With the eccentric parents-in-law, she worries about whether her confinement can be done well. She was even more worried that her mother-in-law would secretly give Song Zhiwen her confinement food.

Song Liang sees that his wife insists on separating the family, so let's do it. At worst, he has to work harder, and his life can always go on.

Mrs. Song looked angrily at the side, and said furiously: "Since we want to divide, let's divide them all! Separate our old couple too, and the second depositor will live with us. As for how you divide, it's up to you."

When they are old, they just want to be quiet and quiet, and they don't want to see them clanging and making noise every day, so let's separate when they are separated.

Zhang Xiaohua was taken aback for a moment, and then she was a little happy. She was finally getting rid of her parents-in-law?

Yang Ping was a little surprised, she opened her mouth and said, "Grandpa and grandma will live with us, Er Cunzi is still studying."

Grandpa and grandma are sensible people, unlike her in-laws, who only know that they prefer the younger son, she still wants the two old people to live with them.

Mr. Song was silent for a while, waved his hand, and said, "If you want to share it, let's share it. We will live with Er Cunzi."

Leaving the second son to his parents is uncertain what will happen in the future. For the sake of the son and the grandson, let's separate them.

Yang Ping felt a little regretful. Although the grandparents were old, it was okay to do small things within their capabilities and take care of the children. Unexpectedly, the two old people did not want to live with them.

Song Dazhuang was really dumbfounded: "Father, mother, you don't want me anymore?"

He never thought that parents would rather be with their grandson than him? Is he really that bad?

If it wasn't for his son, Mr. Song would not have paid attention to him, and his tone was not very good: "You are so old, and you are about to have a grandson, so it's time for us old couple to enjoy the happiness, and we can't go into the coffin , should I still care about you?"

Mr. Song was not joking. He said that the family would be separated when he said that the family would be separated. He invited Uncle Song and the captain of the production team to be witnesses, and the family was divided on the same day.

When I married my grandson's daughter-in-law, the family still owed foreign debts, and they haven't paid it off yet, and there is nothing to share. They only divided the family's food, pots and pans.

As for the house, there are six in the old house and three in the new house. The new house belongs to Song Liang and his wife, so there is no need to divide it. Song Cun, the old man and the old lady in the old house divided three rooms, and the other rooms were reserved for Song Dazhuang and the others. As for whether there is enough room, it is beyond their control.

The father and mother will take care of each other. Mr. Song and Mrs. Song are old, and the son should pay alimony after the separation. Of course, Song Dazhuang is not the only son of Mr. Song, the other two sons were separated after they got married, and they have been paid alimony for so many years. There are three sons supporting them, and the two elderly people can no longer work, so they don't have to go to the fields to earn work points.

Whoever raises the child, Song Cun lives with his grandma, even if Song Dazhuang is partial, under the eyes of the village leader, he gritted his teeth and agreed to give him a child support fee.

After this, Zhang Xiaohua was dumbfounded, her parents-in-law were supported, even if Song Cun followed them, life would be easier.

Although Daliangzi's daughter-in-law is pregnant, Daliangzi is capable and earns a lot of work points. Although the eldest daughter-in-law has a bad temper, she is also good at work. At the beginning, she valued her as the top leader in the family, so she tried to marry her When I come back, when I have a baby, I will earn no less work points. What's more, they are still young, and they don't need to pay them much alimony, and they can keep whatever they earn. Thinking about that day, it was just like the life she thought about when she first married Da Zhuang, and she felt a little uncomfortable.

It was only her and Da Zhuang, the old ones had to be raised, and the young ones had to be raised. After all the calculations, it felt like life was so difficult. Although the eldest daughter did not study after graduating from elementary school and could earn work points, the work of the girl's family is not as good as that of a boy, not to mention that the eldest daughter is not young, so it should be said that her husband's family. The little girl is still studying, so she can't be expected to earn work points. Even if Zhiwen doesn't do well in studies and doesn't pass the junior high school entrance examination, he can't do anything physically, and besides, he keeps repeating grades. It all costs money, how much does she and Da Zhuang earn, is it enough?

Wait until Song Liang finds someone to build the stove and start cooking. The old man and the old lady asked her to move away the things that were distributed to them, and she finally realized that they separated.

The daughter-in-law who owes foreign debts and wants to marry into the door, she has not yet enjoyed the blessings of a daughter-in-law, but she was taken away by her brain, she has lost a lot.

She stared blankly at Song Dazhuang, and asked belatedly, "Can we not separate?"

Song Dazhuang stared at her blankly, and said slowly: "Didn't you say you want to separate?" The property is divided, and it's too late to regret it now.

Zhang Xiaohua also knew that it was a waste of time to ask, and couldn't help muttering: "Daliangzi's daughter-in-law is terrible, she is cunning and cunning, we shouldn't separate the family."

Even if you want to take care of your daughter-in-law's confinement and take care of her children, you shouldn't separate the family. After thirty years, the daughter-in-law became a mother-in-law, and she finally became a mother-in-law. She hasn't had enough mother-in-law addiction yet, so why did she separate the family.

Song Dazhuang said in his heart that it is useless for you to think that the eldest daughter-in-law is treacherous. If the daughter-in-law enters the family, she will have grandchildren immediately, so it is useless to say more.

In fact, Song Zhiwen didn't want to separate the family. After all, with his body, he would definitely not be able to do farm work. The eldest brother lived with him, and he could still help with the work and earn work points. But he also knew that he couldn't do it if he didn't want to. The elder sister-in-law seemed to be a shrewd and powerful master, and she might have thought about splitting up a long time ago.

Song Cun didn't say anything about his grandma's suggestion, it was good and clean to live with his grandma.

After the separation, Song Cun went to the town to study junior high school, and now he only attends junior high school for two years.

Although the courses in junior high school are more difficult than those in elementary school, Song Cun has already mastered the learning methods. Besides, he has a solid foundation. In junior high school, there are several classes in one grade, and he can still be ranked first or second in every exam.

Two years passed quickly. When Song Cun took the high school entrance examination, Song Zhiwen was still taking the junior high school entrance examination. He didn't know what happened. If you don't give up, you have to be admitted to junior high school.

Seeing that Song Cun had finished junior high school and was about to enter high school, he was still in elementary school.

Song Dazhuang's hair turned gray with worry, and when he was told to stop reading, he started crying, out of breath. Seeing him crying sadly, Zhang Xiaohua stood by and helped, go ahead and study, she is not in good health, what can she do when she comes back? Read more books, maybe you can pass the exam.

Song Dazhuang squatted in the corner and didn't say a word. Is that why he might be able to pass the exam?

I don't even look at how old Zhiwen is. Such an old kid has already gone to high school, and he is still squatting in elementary school. Is it embarrassing? When I went to the village, everyone laughed at him. Is it because the family has too much money to spend? When Zhiwen was asked to go to school to spend it, his face turned red. His parents looked down on him all his life, and he has never been so embarrassing. .

Song Zhiwen sat beside him and said falteringly: "Second brother has good grades, and I don't know how he learned it. I want him to teach me."

Zhang Xiaohua's eyes lit up, and she slapped her thigh fiercely: "Why didn't I think of it? I'll go find him now and let him teach you."

Song Dazhuang watched coldly from the side, and didn't say anything, let the two of them make a fuss, and when the fuss was enough, he knew that he was not the material for studying, so he stopped.

Zhang Xiaohua went to the next door, and as soon as he spoke, he didn't see Song Cun's face at all, so he was stopped by Mr. Song, and said, "Er Cunzi is the most critical time for the senior high school entrance examination. How can I have time to teach Zhiwen? I've delayed him." Read a book."

Mrs. Song has grown older in the past two years, she is not as comfortable as before, and her temper has become stronger. She said loudly: "Don't teach. If you don't understand your brain, let alone Er Cunzi teach it, even college students will teach it. .”

Zhang Xiaohua was pushed back by her in-laws, and she said: "If you don't teach, don't teach, I don't believe that his second son can still be admitted to high school."

Mrs. Song looked at the old man: "I don't want Er Cunzi not to kiss her, what kind of mother is this?"

Mr. Song shook his head and sighed.

Seeing that his mother came back alone, Song Zhiwen was full of disappointment: "Second brother won't teach me?"

Zhang Xiaohua snorted coldly: "Why is your second brother unwilling to teach you? I haven't seen your second brother. Your grandma doesn't agree with him teaching you. They are also grandchildren. I don't know what they think .”

Grandma didn't like her, Song Zhiwen knew it. The second brother couldn't teach him, and Song Zhiwen had no choice but to read the book by himself.

After a while, Song Zhiwen was sitting on the bed reading a book, when he suddenly heard the commotion next door, he ran out to have a look, and heard that Song Cun was admitted to the county No. 1 middle school with the first place in the county. With a snap, the book in his hand fell to the ground.

Mr. Song's mouth was about to smile crookedly. Song Cun not only passed the high school, but also passed the high school with the first place in the county. Could he be unhappy?

Song Dazhuang was actually quite happy, anyway, Song Cun was also his son, so how could he not be happy about his son's future? What's more, his son won the first place in the exam, and the school gave him a bonus. According to his parents, he doesn't have to worry about the tuition fees for the start of school.

Of course, not having to worry about tuition fees is what he cares most about.

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