MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 60

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Song Cun returned to the former owner's yard. After the doctor in the general's mansion checked his pulse and prescribed medicine, it took a while to decoct the medicine. The original owner's body was too weak. He couldn't wait to drink the medicine, so he fell asleep after lying on the bed. up. As soon as he fell asleep, he slept for two hours, a whole afternoon.

Song Feiyan found out that her son was awake, so she came to see him, and seeing that his face was pale and weak when he was not here, she said: "Since you are not in good health, you can rest at home to recuperate and don't think about anything else."

As for returning to Xie Mansion?

Her face was condensed, her son had suffered so much in the Xie Mansion, she didn't settle the score with Xie Xinglan because of her son's sake, she couldn't bear to make things difficult for him, since her son came back, she would not let him go back so easily.

The Xie family also had to know that she, Song Feiyan, also had a temper, her son could not be bullied by just anyone, and Xie Xinglan provoked her.

Song Cun wished she could say that, looked at her with a dependent face and a little shyness: "When I'm sick, I miss my mother very much."

Although the son is filial and sensible, he never acted like a baby with her. Seeing the rare shyness on his face, her face softened, and she thought of his father for a moment, and she said: "Since I miss my mother, I will stay in the house. No one dares to say anything about you, mother!"

Song Cun nodded, and after Song Feiyan said a few more words to his son, he told him to pay attention to his body and take medicine well. After ordering Huanhuan to take good care of the young master, she returned to her yard.

After sending Song Feiyan away, Huanhuan leaned over to the side of the bed, squatted down and reported in a low voice: "Eldest Young Master, I heard that the general grounded the Eldest Master and took away his housekeeper."

Song Cun just drank the medicine, and his mouth was bitter. He was lying on the bed, chewing a piece of candy in his mouth.

Seeing that the young master was silent, Huanhuan scratched her head and called out, "Young master"

Song Cun hummed, Huanhuan's face was full of confusion, and he reminded him: "The elder has been grounded, and the housekeeper has also been taken away by the general."

Song Cun hummed again, Huanhuan looked at the young master, and he didn't get entangled anymore, he knew that the young master heard what he said, and since he heard it, he didn't respond, so he didn't plan to intercede for the young master, since the young master If you don't intend to intercede for the old man, then don't care about his affairs.

After chewing the candy, Song Cun looked at Huanhuan and said, "Don't frown, go get me some boiled water, your mouth is full of sweetness."

Huanhuan said, and poured water for him. Song Cun took the teacup and was drinking water when Hu's son Song Yu blew into Song Cun's yard like a gust of wind, his face mixed with anger.

Entering Song Cun's room as if no one else was there, seeing him drinking water, he found a stool to sit down on his own, and without waiting for Song Cun to finish drinking the water, he said directly: "Brother came back, and my father was grounded by his mother, and even took away the water." Housekeeper Quan, I don't know what Eldest Brother said to Mother to make her so angry, Mother always loves Eldest Brother, and Eldest Brother will go to intercede with Father, I think Mother will listen."

Song Cun didn't speak, and drank water in a leisurely manner. Seeing that he ignored him, Song Yu slowly sipped the water, his face was a little unhappy, and said impatiently: "What do you say?"

After Song Cun finished drinking the water, he said slowly: "The third brother is too anxious. Didn't my father teach us to be virtuous and tolerant? Since my mother ordered my father to ground me, I think my father is not tolerant or virtuous enough. Maybe through this confinement, my father will be able to improve? My mother confines my father for his own good. The third brother should also persuade his father to stop messing with his mother. After all, my mother is a general and she is busy with work, so how can she care so much about the house Break things."

Song Yu stood up abruptly, with a sullen face: "You said what happened to your father is a bad thing?"

Song Cun looked at him coolly: "Didn't you say that?" He was talking about the bad things in the family, but he didn't say that the stepfather was the bad things.

"You" Song Yu pointed at him, "Father raised you in vain, put you first in everything, loved you and protected you, but you said that about father, did father raise a white-eyed wolf?"

Song Cun said: "Father raised me? You said that, where did you put my mother? Everything in the house belongs to my mother, and my father still depends on my mother to raise me. How could it be my father who raised me?"

Song Yu was blocked by him and couldn't say a word. Indeed, his father's family background is not obvious. If he hadn't been a step-wife, his mother, who is a general, would definitely not have married him. His father has no dowry at all, and everything in the house is not his mother's. .

He said: "Even so, he was the one who brought you up, isn't that right?"

Song Cun agreed, "That's right, but so what? My mother thinks that my father is not virtuous and generous enough. If he wants him to be grounded and accept him as a housekeeper, it is my father's mistake. Since my mother wants to punish him, after the punishment , He just changed it. As long as he is good enough, mother will not keep father grounded. You don't have to worry too much. "

Song Yu snorted coldly: "After all, you just don't want to intercede for your father, and your father still says you are filial. Is that how filial you are?"

Song Cun nodded: "I'm really filial. My mother is the head of the family. Since she grounded my father, we, as sons, should obey her. No wonder my father said you were ignorant. You are grounded, but you don’t know the difficulties of your mother. You should be more sensible and think from the perspective of your mother. Your mother gave birth to you, raised you, and worked hard to accumulate military achievements for our well-being. You can’t just think about everything Father, but he forgot his mother's hard work and became an unfilial and disrespectful white-eyed wolf."

Song Yu looked at Song Cun in disbelief. He was clearly the white-eyed wolf, so why was he beating him up? He opened his mouth to refute, but Song Cun interrupted him and yawned: "I'm not well yet, you interrupted my rest. Hurry back."

Song Yu looked at Song Cun, and held back a word for a while: "How can you do this? You are not like this!"

Song Cun looked at him: "What's wrong with me? I shouldn't drive you out? You also know what I always say in front of you. I thought we were brothers, and you wouldn't care so much!"

Song Yu was trembling with anger, he didn't know when his elder brother could say that. She took a scrutiny at him, saw that his face was innocent, and was even more angry, you are innocent, you are innocent.

As soon as you came back, your father was grounded by your mother, and he was also confiscated as a housekeeper. If you stay at home for a few more days, will there be a place for their father and son in this mansion?

He knew that it would be useless to tell Song Cun any more, he figured it out, he would not intercede with his father, thinking of this, he shook his sleeves and left.

Song Cun didn't care about his haste, looked at Huanhuan, and asked with interest: "Do you think he will go to his mother to intercede?"

Huanhuan couldn't understand the Eldest Young Master more and more. He always thought that the Eldest Young Master and the Third Young Master were close, and that the Eldest Young Master regarded the Eldest Master as his own father, but he found that it didn't seem to be the case.

But no matter what the young master does, he is his young master. He will do whatever the young master says, Huanhuan shook his head and said, "I don't think he dares to go, he is afraid of offending the general."

Song Cun said expressionlessly: "He was afraid of offending my mother, but he asked me to go to my mother to intercede with my father. Isn't he afraid that I will offend my mother?"

Hearing this, Huanhuan suddenly realized that the third young master is good at calculating, he patted his head, as the young master's close servant, he didn't see what the third young master was thinking, he was really stupid, thinking that the young master found out the old master and the third young master He was disappointed with them, so he didn't plead for the elder master, nor did he pay any attention to the third young master. It must be so.

Song Cun saw that his face was constantly changing, so he smiled.

Song Cun drank the medicine for three consecutive days, and his body gradually recovered.

Hu and Song Yu thought that Song Cun would go back to Xie's mansion when he was in good health. At that time, the general's anger dissipated a little. They were talking good things, and they would definitely release his restraint and let him come out to take care of the house.

In the general's mansion, except for Song Feiyan, no one hoped that Song Cun would get well soon more than their father and son.

Another day, after finishing his breakfast, Song Cun looked at Huanhuan and asked, "What is mother doing?"

Huanhuan said: "The general will practice in the martial arts field every day. It's still early, and she should be in the martial arts field."

Song Cun stood up and said, "Let's go, let's go to the training ground too."

Huanhuan was taken aback, and followed closely behind him.

When Song Cun arrived at the martial arts training ground, Song Feiyan was practicing sword. Every move was vigorous, clean and agile, and the moves were full of killing intent. Song Cun stood aside and watched for half an hour. With a smile on his face: "Is your body better?"

Song Cun nodded: "Much better."

Song Feiyan hummed, and glanced at him, Xie Mansion sent someone to pick up her son in the past two days, but she blocked her, as long as her son didn't mention to go back to Xie Mansion, she would pretend not to know.

Song Cun touched the sword curiously, Song Feiyan gave him a funny look, and asked, "Like it?"

Song Cun nodded: "I like it."

Song Feiyan put away the sword and said: "If you like it, I won't give it to you. This is my treasure."

Song Cun didn't want it either, he looked at Song Feiyan, and said seriously: "I don't want my mother's sword, I want to learn martial arts from my mother, if I know martial arts, my body won't be so weak, and I won't be hurt if I fall into the water." Cold, sick for a few days."

Song Feiyan held the sword for a moment, her son had always been virtuous and generous, he demanded himself to be knowledgeable and respectful, and abided by the precepts of men. Things like martial arts that violated the precepts of men had nothing to do with him. Now he actually said to her seriously To practice martial arts, she is not surprised, her son rarely asks her, she can't bear to refuse him, but martial arts is not realistic, she said: "Martial arts is very hard, practice 39 days in winter and 3 days in summer, you can't relax every day."

Song Cun said stubbornly: "I'm not afraid. My mother can endure hardships, and as my mother's son, I can also endure hardships that ordinary people can't bear."

Song Feiyan looked at him, a little dazed, that person said the same thing more than ten years ago, she sighed: "Your body is too weak to hold on, if you are really worried about your health, mother will find a better doctor for you, and you can take care of it at any time." Check your pulse."

Song Cun knelt down on the ground with a plop, his back straight and kneeling on the ground, and said: "I beg mother to teach my son how to practice martial arts. My son is not afraid of hardship."

Song Feiyan frowned and shouted: "Get up."

"I'm sorry." Although Song Cun had no expression on his face, it let people know his persistence.

Song Feiyan had a headache and said angrily: "Get up quickly, you are old, your bones have grown, and you can't learn much by learning martial arts, mother is doing it for your own good."

Song Cun pursed his lips tightly, looked at her, his eyes were reddish, but the seriousness on his face was unquestionable: "When I was sick and couldn't get up in bed, and no one came to see me, then I thought that if I was strong, , How can a little wind and cold hit me? If I am strong, if I know martial arts, like protecting the king, even if I am a man, I don’t have to look at people’s faces to live... I’m not afraid of hardship, I’m afraid I can only circle around one person, begging for a little attention from one person, after a long time, that will lose my pride as the son of General Zhenyuan, I shouldn't live like this."

Song Feiyan's heart was shocked, and after a while, she sighed, and said slowly: "Get up, mother promises you."

There was no surprise in Song Cun's heart, and there was joy on his face.

Song Feiyan glanced at him: "If you want to become a man like the protector of the king, you have to endure hardships, you have to be talented.

Song Cun said: "In any case, if you don't try, you will never know if you can do it."

Song Feiyan took a deep look at him and said, "This is all God's will."

After speaking, he strode out of the training ground.

God willing?

Song Cun frowned, since he didn't think about it, he didn't think about it any more, as long as his mother agreed with him to practice martial arts, nothing else would be a problem.

Huanhuan hurried up to help Song Cun up, and Song Cun stood up with a smile on his face.

Huanhuan looked at the smile on the young master's face, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "I was scared to death just now, young master, why do you want to learn martial arts? Could it be that you really want to be a man like the protector of the king?" ?”

Song Cun knocked on his forehead, and said with a smile: "Then do you think your young master can become a man like protecting the king?"

Huanhuan covered his forehead, but he dared not say that he couldn't, and said with a flattering smile: "Who is the young master? The young master is the son of General Zhenyuan, so of course he can become a man like the protector of the king."

Song Cun shook his head with a smile, General Zhenyuan's status was not as high as that of the King Hu, so he strode to his mother's yard.

Seeing him coming in, Song Feiyan took out a wooden box and handed it to him, saying: "Here is a secret book of inner strength, you can memorize it first, and then I will teach you how to exercise. You can only get started in martial arts, if you can't develop inner strength, then give up martial arts and don't waste time."

Song Cun took the wooden box and asked, "Mother, is this the secret book for your practice?"

Song Feiyan shook her head, looking at the wooden box with a touch of nostalgia, she said: "This secret book is not suitable for me, it was put here by an old friend."

Song Cun didn't ask who that old friend was, and went back to his yard with the wooden box.

He told Huanhuan: "I want to recite the secret book, you go out and guard it, don't let anyone come in and disturb me."

Huanhuan said: "I will definitely guard the door."

After the door was closed, Song Cun sat cross-legged on the bed, took out the secret book, and read it word by word. He couldn't help frowning. Why is this secret book so familiar?

He speeded up, and after reading it, he chuckled lightly, isn't this secret manual modified from "Five Elements Cultivation Record"? No wonder he felt familiar.

"Five Elements Cultivation Record" is the basic cultivation method known to all cultivators in Tianyuan Realm.

Mother said that this secret book was put here by an old friend of hers, so what does that old friend have to do with Tianyuan Realm? What is the relationship with the mother?

No matter what the relationship is, there is always a time when he knows, and he is not in a hurry. Now that practice is more important, he read the revised "Five Elements Cultivation Record" again, and he has to say that the person who revised the exercises still has some skills.

Since his mother gave him this exercise secret book, it must be that the old friend has developed inner strength, so the exercises he modified are usable exercises.

Now that the exercises are available, Song Cun didn't worry about other things anymore. He studied the revised exercises several times and found several loopholes in them. It was very difficult. After his modification, his exercises became coherent, and there was no difficulty in breaking through.

After changing the exercises, his stomach began to protest against him, so he asked Huanhuan to serve a meal, and after the meal, he went into the room and started practicing exercises.

Huanhuan looked at the closed door, thinking of the young master's instructions, he didn't care about getting entangled, and didn't think about whether the young master could develop his inner strength. He just kept the door safe so that no one would disturb the young master.

The next morning, Song Cun received his kung fu, and there was a smile on his face. Although his body was weak, he had some talent in martial arts. Male lead, how could there be no preferential treatment? He didn't say anything, and after breakfast, he continued to practice.

For three consecutive days, Song Cun did not leave the house, and practiced unremittingly in the house.

Song Feiyan didn't approve of him practicing martial arts. After all, he was weak. If he didn't practice well, he would be hit again, which would be bad for his health. Seeing that he hadn't come to her after three days, she dropped her hands and didn't ask. He was allowed to stay in the yard, and he also told the servants that the food in the young master's yard should be richer, because the young master had just recovered from illness, so he wanted to make up for it.

Song Feiyan's instructions made it easier for Song Cun. Although he was sitting there motionless during practice, he was very tired and consumed a lot of energy. He had to eat a few catties of beef every day, and the dining room was wondering if the young master gave the beef to his subordinates. People ate it, and the old master was deprived of his housekeeping rights. Even if he suspected them, he had nowhere to complain, so he could only cook beef for him without complaint.

With Song Feiyan's order, Song Cun even blatantly ordered a few catties of beef for a meal. Huanhuan watched as the young master's appetite increased greatly since he hid in the house and practiced kung fu, and he didn't even eat beef , but eating by the catty, he quietly took a look at his stomach, and asked in a panic: "Master, where did you eat all the beef?"

Song Cun was full of smiles, his body's talent for martial arts is really good, but within three days, he broke through the first layer, and said: "Your young master, I am also a person with inner strength now, of course I have consumed all the beef."

Huanhuan opened his eyes wide, and said tremblingly: "Big, young master, have you really cultivated your inner strength?" He thought the young master was just playing around.

Song Cun glanced at him: "Could it be that you think I've been playing around these days?"

Huanhuan thought that the young master was just playing. He scratched his head: "Master, is it so easy to practice? You can do it after staying in the room for three days? Then you think I can practice with you?"

If he also becomes a master of martial arts, he can protect the young master and follow the young master through the rivers and lakes. Thinking of this, he smiled happily.

Song Cun glanced at him with a half-smile: "What are you dreaming of in broad daylight?"

He was able to develop inner strength so quickly, firstly because he had the talent for practicing martial arts, and secondly because his original kung fu was many times more advanced than this. The operation of the exercises is as familiar as eating and drinking. Otherwise, even the original owner would not be able to develop inner strength in just three days.

Huanhuan was still quite unconvinced, and thought that the young master could cultivate his inner strength in three days, but he was a bit clumsy, and he could always do it in six days.

Seeing his unconvinced look, Song Cun asked with a smile, "Could it be that you really want to practice?"

During the Huanhuan period, Ai Ai said awkwardly: "I am the young master's personal servant, and the young master is so powerful, so I can't be too weak, right?"

Song Cun looked at him and thought for a while: "Okay, I'll teach you after I practice for a few more days."

Huanhuan was overjoyed, the young master actually agreed to teach him how to practice martial arts, the young master was very kind to him.

Song Cun said: "As for whether you can develop inner strength, it depends on whether you have talent."

After dinner, Song Cun asked, "Is mother in the martial arts field?"

Huanhuan nodded: "Should be here at this time?"

Song Cun said: "Let's go, let's go to the martial arts field."

As soon as the two of them walked out of the courtyard, Song Feiyan's servant came over and said, "Eldest Young Master, Xie Shinu has come to the mansion."

Song Cun frowned: "What is she here for?"

Huanhuan whispered beside him, "Maybe it's to take the young master back home."

Song Cun looked at Huanhuan and said, "Go and tell your mother that I'm not feeling well."

Huanhuan looked dazed, the Eldest Young Master's body is better than ever, and he has also developed his inner strength, what's wrong with him?

Song Cun patted his forehead: "Go if you are told."

Huanhuan hurriedly said: "Okay, I understand, young master."

Mrs. Hu knelt on the futon, Song Yu walked over with a smile, and said, "Father, Xie Xinglan has come to the mansion, she must have come to pick Song Cun back to the mansion."

Mrs. Hu twitched the corners of her mouth sullenly: "As long as he returns to Xie's mansion, he can't control what happens. As a husband, he has been staying at his mother's house, so he is not a qualified son-in-law. At that time, I will have to talk to Mr. Xie." Talk about it carefully, the son-in-law should take care of it or have to take care of it."

Song Yu also laughed, no matter how much Song Cun was loved by his mother, he couldn't stand that he was already married and couldn't be a domineering man in the general's mansion all his life. Sooner or later he had to go back to Xie's house and be his virtuous son-in-law honestly.

As for him? Naturally, he won't be so wronged after he gets married.

Huanhuan went to the front yard and went to the reception room. When he saw Mrs. Xie who was sitting there expressionless, he didn't dare to look any further. He looked at Song Feiyan and said, "General, the young master is not feeling well when he wakes up early. have a look."

Song Feiyan frowned, why is her son not feeling well again?

If the son is not feeling well, the doctor can see him at any time, there is no need to ask him.

Glancing at Xie Xinglan next to her, her son was uncomfortable when she came to the door. Her eyes flashed. Could it be that his son guessed that Xie Xinglan wanted to pick him up and he didn't want to?

Since the son doesn't want to go back, then he won't go back, she said: "You heard it too, Cun'er is not feeling well, let him recuperate in the general's mansion, you have such a big Earl's mansion, it's hard to leave Cun'er, just leave Cun'er Can't work anymore?"

Xie Xinglan's face was a little unhappy, but she covered it up, and she said, "Since Song Cun is not well, should I go and see him?"

Song Feiyan waved her hand and said: "Don't bother him, let him rest well, he will go back when he recovers."

Xie Xinglan clenched his fists, what does General Zhenyuan mean? After repeatedly preventing Song Cun from going back to Xie's house, she stood up, but she didn't believe that she could still let Song Cun marry her. Even if she wanted Song Cun to marry her, she had to see if Song Cun was willing. She waited for Song Cun to come back by himself.

After Xie Xinglan left, Song Feiyan slammed the teacup out of her hand, and said viciously, "What the hell."

Thinking of Hu's saying in front of her how excellent Xie Xinglan is, how good he is, she couldn't help but feel annoyed. Xie Xinglan obviously didn't take Cun'er to heart, no matter how good she is, she doesn't care. Her son is handsome, sensible, filial, and knowledgeable, yet she despises him, how unreasonable it is!

She sneered and ordered the housekeeper Song next to him: "Find out all the scriptures in the study and send them to the old man. Since he is confined in the room, let him copy more scriptures and cultivate his mind. The messy and dirty things have been repaired, when will they come out again."

Steward Song lamented for the Eldest Master, who would provoke the Eldest Young Master instead of provoking him, and the Eldest Young Master who was murdered married such a person, and he was rushing to court death, no one could stop him.

Hu looked at the stack of scriptures in front of him, and he stared at Steward Song in a daze: "General, what does she mean?"

Steward Song lowered his head and said, "The general said that the scriptures can cultivate the mind, let the old master cultivate the mind during the confinement period, when will the mind be cleansed, and when will it come out."

Hu's face turned pale, what does the general mean?

Song Yu's face is also very ugly, mother, mother, is she so displeased with their father and son? How could their father and son gain a foothold in the mansion after humiliating their father so much?

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