MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 58

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Letting Song Shuqing marry her mother's concubine to give birth to a nephew, since the Yang family sent someone to inform, it must not be as simple as talking about it. Song Cun went to the Hou's mansion, met Song Que, and told him about it, telling him that his mother is the aunt, and telling Shu Qing and Shu Lan that they should be married, but they have separated. If the mother wants to give Shu Qing Qing and Shu Lan said they were close, hoping to respect their own opinions.

When Song Que heard about this, blue veins protruded from his forehead. He sent Song Cun away, and went to his mother's yard. Looking at the silver hair on his mother's head, he felt sore. No matter what, his mother was for him. out of the house.

Seeing him coming, Yang asked, "Didn't you say Song Cun is here? What is he looking for?"

Song Que looked at his mother, sat down slowly, and said, "He said about Shu Qing's marriage."

Yang looked at him sharply: "Cousin Sheng from your second uncle's family is not bad, I'm going to tell him about Shu Qing."

Song Que sighed: "Mother, this marriage is not appropriate."

Yang frowned: "What's wrong? Didn't you say that Song Cun passed the Juren examination? He is still young, even if he failed the Jinshi examination this year, he will definitely pass the examination next time. Since he wants to win over Song Cun, he can only start with marriage. Song Cun is already married, he loves his two younger sisters very much, and letting Shu Qing marry into the Yang family is the best way to win him over."

She didn't believe that when Shu Qing married into the Yang family, Song Cun would have a bright future, and he would not help Song Que.

He knew that everything his mother did was for him, so he couldn't say anything, he could only persuade: "Mother, your idea is good, but you don't even look at who Cousin Sheng is, and you haven't said anything about your in-laws. There are only a lot of concubines in Fang, he cannot inherit the title, and a concubine has no fame. Besides, Song Cun himself has no concubines and no concubines, so how could he marry Shu Qing to such a person?"

Yang snorted and said, "Which family doesn't have a concubine? As for fame, it depends on the test."

Song Cun shook his head. Does fame mean that you can take the test? It's really that simple and there won't be so many failed candidates.

He said: "No matter what, it's for my own good. I hope my mother will not interfere in their marriage. Since the family has been separated, let them make their own decisions about their marriage, so as not to fail in the end and offend them."

Yang was silent for a moment, then said slowly: "I see."

Through what his aunt did, Song Cun suddenly discovered that the marriage of the two younger sisters should also be put on the agenda. Chu Mingjia found out about this, and discussed with Song Cun: "The eldest sister's house often holds flower banquets, and she will hold them next time." Huayan, ask her to post posts for her two younger sisters, and let them go out and walk around more. The two younger sisters are well-educated and well-mannered, and they look pleasing, so you don’t have to worry about getting married. It’s fine if I’m not pregnant, and I can take them there myself.”

Song Cun glanced at her swollen abdomen: "It's not urgent, let's talk about it after you give birth. I will try this year, and there will be many candidates coming to Beijing. I will also pay attention to it."

Chu Mingjia nodded.

Aunt Li and Song Shuqing were relieved to know that Yang would not interfere in their marriage anymore. As long as the aunt did not engage them casually, she believed that her brother would find a suitable marriage for her.

At the end of March, the examination results were released. Song Cun got the eighth place in the exam, which is quite a good result. Wang Hongyi also passed the exam, 39th, and Zheng Chengping failed the ranking.

Wang Hongyi's eyes were red when he saw the official who announced the good news, and the depression in his heart for many years disappeared suddenly. Even if the results of the palace examination were not satisfactory, he could go out to be an official. As for what the aunt thinks? He can't handle that much anymore.

On Song Cun's side, Aunt Li smiled and said, "The young master won the eighth place, and everyone will get an extra month's salary."

When the servant heard that he could receive an extra month's salary, he cheered happily.

Before she could finish her joy, the little girl ran over panting and said, "Young master, young master, the young lady is about to give birth."

Aunt Li and the others ran towards the main courtyard before the smiles on their faces disappeared.

Song Cun and the others rushed to the main courtyard, and when they heard cries of pain coming from the delivery room that had already been prepared, he turned around and was about to go to the delivery room, but Aunt Li held him back: "What are you doing?"

Song Cun said: "It's so loud, I'll go and have a look."

Aunt Li tugged at his arm: "The delivery room is a filthy place, you can't go there, I'll go and see her."

Song Cun pulled her hand away, and said disapprovingly: "That is a place to welcome new life, how can it be a filthy place?"

Aunt Li was taken aback, Song Cun had already entered the delivery room.

Song Cun strode in, and the two midwives were stunned when they saw him, forgetting what they were doing.

Song Cun's eyes sharpened, "Deliver the baby well, and your rewards are indispensable."

The two midwives trembled, not daring to make the slightest mistake, and continued to deliver the baby.

Song Cun saw Chu Mingjia who was sweating profusely, he went up to hold her hand, and encouraged her: "Did you hear the sound of the good news just now? I passed the exam. I came in eighth. The birth of a child means double happiness. You Excellent."

Chu Mingjia's eyes lit up, and then he pushed him weakly: "Go out, you will be blessed today, and the child and I will be fine."

Song Cun frowned, Chu Mingjia looked at him: "You are here to influence me."

The midwife said: "This master should go out, you will disturb the midwife if you are here."

Song Cun looked at her and said, "I'll just wait outside."

After Song Cun went out, he didn't have enough time to make a cup of tea when he heard the cry of a baby coming from inside. He felt relieved.

Aunt Li smiled, and after another cup of tea, the midwife came out holding the baby and said, "It's a girl."

Aunt Li was a little disappointed, but she blossomed first and then bore fruit. What's more, today her son became a tribute, and she was born. This is a blessed child.

She looked at her son and saw that he was not dissatisfied in the slightest. She took the baby wrapped in swaddling clothes in a strange way, and she didn't forget to ask the midwife how she was doing. Care about boys and girls.

Song Shuqing and Song Shulan squeezed over to see her niece, touched her little fingers, they were all surprised, and said, "Her face is so small, her hands are so small, her nose and mouth are so small."

Aunt Li glared at them: "She was just born, it will be fine when she grows up."

Song Shuqing looked at her niece: "But it's so cute."

Song Cun said as a matter of course: "Of course it's cute."

Aunt Li said: "Give me my granddaughter, she is just born and can't stay outside, I will take her in."

Song Cun reluctantly handed his daughter to her, and Aunt Li gave him an angry look: "Sometimes you hug her."

After the delivery room was cleaned up, Song Cun went to the delivery room. Although Chu Mingjia was not energetic, she did not fall asleep. She looked at Song Cun: "It's a daughter, will you be disappointed?"

Song Cun looked at her: "Why are you disappointed? Whether it's a daughter or a son, I like them all. Don't think too much about it."

Seeing the sincerity of what he said, Chu Mingjia's mouth curled up slightly.

At three o'clock, the Chu family, the Liu family, and several good friends from Song Cun's family all came. Even Song Que and other brothers also came here in person with gifts.

After the full moon banquet, it entered April, and April 21st was the palace examination, which was held in the Hall of Supreme Harmony in the imperial palace.

On the day of the imperial examination, Song Cun saw Li Mingze in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. After the examination was released, Song Cun paid special attention to Li Mingze, knowing that he had won the seventh place in the imperial examination, which was a very good result. Li Mingze also saw Song Cun and blinked at him, Song Cun smiled.

When the time came, the emperor entered the Hall of Supreme Harmony. This was the first time Song Cun saw the emperor. He was an old man with a thin and dignified face. He looked good. He didn't have to worry about changing the emperor in recent years.

The palace examination in this dynasty only tested policy theory, and the emperor personally made the questions, which were about water conservancy issues. If the examinee has studied this kind of question before, then this kind of policy theory is easy to answer. If he has not studied such aspects If you don't have any information, and you haven't read such a book, it will be difficult to start.

Even Song Cun, who has been here for several years, has rarely come into contact with books on this subject. Fortunately, although he didn't read many books on this topic in this dynasty, when he was a civil servant in modern times, he was exposed to such work, read a lot of books and materials on water conservancy, and after thinking about it, he listed it in the draft After coming up with the main points, he started to make a draft. He wrote very smoothly, with no limit on the number of words, and he wrote clearly how to operate.

There is only one exam in the palace exam, and after handing in the coupons, the examinees leave the palace. Song Cun and Wang Hongyi walked side by side, and Wang Hongyi looked relaxed: "Some time ago, I was at home thinking about where I could go abroad, preferably in Jiangnan Province. I want to be an official, and I can't only know four books , my father threw me a few books on water conservancy, but unexpectedly I passed the exam."

Song Cun smiled. Every summer is when floods break out. In the past few years, there were no questions about water conservancy and flood control. The emperor worked **** flood control. It is not surprising that he will take the test of water conservancy this year.

The two were talking, Li Mingze chased after him with a smile, and said, "Brother Song!"

Song Cun turned around and saw Li Mingze, he smiled and said, "Brother Li!"

Li Mingze invited with a smile: "Have a drink together?"

Song Cun looked at Wang Hongyi, Wang Hongyi was in a good mood, and he said, "Let's go!"

A few people went to the restaurant and asked for a private room. After drinking for three rounds, Song Cun and Wang Hongyi had a general understanding of Li Mingze. Li Mingze got to know Wang Hongyi and had a new understanding of Song Cun.

After drinking for a few more rounds, Li Mingze still dragged them to drink, but Song Cun said: "You haven't married yet, we have already. We have to go back!"

Li Mingze could only let the two of them go back, and made an appointment to drink together after the palace examination was released.

On the day when the palace examination results were released, a group of tributes entered the Hall of Supreme Harmony, waiting eagerly. Seeing that the rankings were about to be released at the end, and after several years of study, he was waiting for the last moment. At this time, Song Cun also felt a little nervous.

Before making them wait too long, the emperor entered the Hall of Supreme Harmony, and after sitting down, he suddenly asked, "Which one is Song Cun?"

Song Cun was slightly startled, got up, saluted, and said: "Student Song Cun has seen the emperor."

The emperor looked at his face and asked with a smile, "Are you Song Cun?"

Song Cun bowed slightly: "It's the student."

The emperor smiled, the majesty on his face dissipated, and he said loudly: "It looks very similar to your father. It is very good to be able to go this far as a nobleman. What does this mean? It means that no matter what your family background is, you don't have to leave Other ways, as long as you are willing to study, you can pass the imperial examination. What's more, if you can't do the civil examination, don't you have the martial arts? As long as you have the ability and talent, you don't need to find other ways. of."

As soon as the emperor finished speaking, there was silence in the hall, and then he looked at the officials below and asked, "Can you find out about the policy theory written by Song Cun?"

The emperor said that Song Cun was talented and obviously valued Song Cun. What else could the officials say? And it's not that the number one scholar was given to him, so let's go to Tanhua, and Song Cun's policy theory can be a Tanhua.

Seeing that they had no objections, the emperor was satisfied, and said, "Yang Ming is the number one scholar in Yijia, Zheng Yuanshu is second in the second place, and Song Cun is the third."

With the words of the king, following the emperor's words, the champion, second place, and third prize of this subject were announced.

I have to say that Song Cun was a little surprised and very happy to win Tanhua. There is no need to release it outside, and stay in the capital as an official.

The number one scholar, Yang Ming, was the oldest, in his forties, and he was teaching at Jiangnan Academy in Jiangnan Province. After so many years of hard work, he finally won the number one scholar, his face flushed with excitement.

The second place also looks older than Song Cun, in his thirties, and has already grown a beard. Song Cun is the youngest, and among the many tribute students, his appearance is considered top-notch, and he deserves to be a Tanhua.

The emperor announced the affiliation of the No. 1 pick, No. 2, and Tanhua, and the list below was sung by the gift package.

Li Mingze ranked fourth, the first place in the top two, a few places higher than the test, and Wang Hongyi was 29th, ten places higher than the test.

Three close friends have achieved good results.

After the banquet in Qionglin, the number one scholar, the second place, and Tanhua, with big red flowers on their chests, led a group of new scholars on horseback from the Zhengyang Gate of the imperial palace to the main street.

The spring breeze is proud of the horseshoe disease, and I can see all the flowers in Chang'an in one day.

Both sides of the street were crowded with people who came to see Xinke Scholars.

Chu Mingjia and his two younger sisters stood by the window on the second floor, looking out. Aunt Li also wanted to come, but thinking that her granddaughter was still young, she couldn't bear it, so she didn't come.

The sound of gongs and drums came from far to near, Song Shuqing suddenly said: "Brother is Tanhua, the third horse is brother, do you think that is brother?"

Chu Mingjia looked over and looked at the person sitting on the horse. She smiled: "It's your brother."

Song Shuqing said: "My brother is talking to the classmate behind him!"

Chu Mingjia looked over: "Yeah, they all look quite young!"

When Song Cun and his horse arrived downstairs, Song Shulan stood beside him and kept waving, "Brother, brother!" It's a pity that Song Cun didn't hear the crowd.

Song Shuqing pushed her sister-in-law: "Look at those girls, they are all throwing flowers on brother's head, sister-in-law quickly throw flowers to brother"

Chu Mingjia smiled and said, "Your brother didn't answer."

Seeing that she was not moving, Song Shuqing picked up the words in her hand and threw them down: "I'll throw it for you"

Song Cun didn't know that his wife and two younger sisters were watching him upstairs. When a flower was thrown at him, he subconsciously avoided it.

Li Mingze followed closely behind him, and the flower fell into his arms impartially. He grabbed the flower and looked upstairs. A beautiful girl like a flower was staring at him fiercely. He looked at the flowers in his hand, then at the girl upstairs, smiled brightly at her, and then bowed his hands to her to express his gratitude.

Song Shuqing glared at him again, Chu Mingjia and Song Shulan looked at her jokingly, she stomped her feet angrily, how could the flower be thrown into that person's arms by such a coincidence, but that person smiled and challenged her to demonstrate, how could she Not angry?

For the next ten years, every time Li Mingze annoyed Song Shuqing, he would say that you chose me and threw a flower into my arms when he straddled the horse and paraded through the streets. Can't be disgusted. Every time at that time, no matter how angry Song Shuqing was, he would be teased away by his strange tone.

At this time, the Song family was full of people. Those from the Chu family, the Liu family, and the Hou family, as well as the brothers and sisters-in-law from the other concubines, all came if they could. When Song Cun returned home, he was shocked Surrounded by cheers.

"Master Tanhua is back."

"Our new scientific research flower is back."


Song Cun opened his eyes and found that he was lying on the bed weakly. He wanted to sit up and check the situation. Because he couldn't get up because of his weakness, he could only close his eyes, accept the plot first, and then make plans.

After receiving the plot, Song Cun's eyebrows couldn't help jumping again and again. There are more men than women, women dominate outside, men dominate inside, women are superior to men, men are weak, women are tall and mighty, men grow up like women in those dynasties, You need to marry into the woman's family, manage the back house and do housework for the woman.

Should he be thankful that men don't have to have children?

The original owner was the eldest son of Zhenyuan General Song Feiyan, and his father died of illness not long after he was born. His mother married his stepfather, Mrs. Hu, and gave him to Mrs. Hu to raise him.

When the original owner was young, the Hu family taught him to love his brothers and be filial to his parents and elders. Song Feiyan was busy in the war, seeing that he taught his son not only to be filial, but also to love his brothers, she assuredly handed over her son to him.

When the original owner was a little older, Mrs. Hu taught him that a husband must be virtuous, tolerant, tolerant, not jealous, and should take the initiative to serve the wife-lord, open branches and leaves for the wife-lord, without making any mistakes , Otherwise, it would be to lose the general's prestige and make the general's face look bad.

The original owner was as he wished, and the character he raised was like a drawing drawn with a ruler. He was filial to his elders, friendly to his brothers, and married into his wife's family. He was indeed virtuous, tolerant and not jealous. Fifteen, when the wife master comes to his room, he will take the initiative to let her go to the servant's place, even if the concubine is not born, and the concubines are born one by one, he doesn't care.

Being virtuous, many masters in the capital kept praising him as the best husband in the world, and made all the men in the capital resent him. Only he, Song Cunxian, was not virtuous, what the hell. When he went out to socialize, those people ignored him, and he didn't know why.

None of these can explain Hu's ulterior motives. Mrs. Hu has parents and children, and he treats his own son and step-son completely differently. When people asked him why he was so strict with his step-son, he said that drowning a child is like harming a child. It doesn’t matter how you raise it. It's nothing, but he can't harm his stepson and make his wife who is fighting outside worry, so he must be strictly required.

His own son, Song Yu, was taught by him to be very scheming. He knew how to be filial to please his mother, and he knew how to make his wife and master never forget him. He gave birth to one son after another. But very moisturizing.

The original owner was well-known, but when he got old, he found that apart from his virtuous reputation, he had worked hard all his life and had nothing, not even a child.

Although those **** call him father, they have their own biological father, and they are not close to him at all. Even if he is the hero of this world and the main palace of the heroine, he still lives in a muddle and is trapped by his fame all his life.

After Song Cun came over, he was already married to the heroine Xie Xinglan. The reason why he was weak was because the servant who saved the heroine from falling into the water was already weak and fell ill when he caught the cold.

He opened his eyes, only to feel that he was so **** up, and called out, "Come here."

The door opened slightly, and a servant came in. He was the original owner's personal servant, Huanhuan. Seeing that the young master had woken up, Huanhuan asked softly, "Master, are you awake?"

Song Cun's voice was still weak: "Pour me a glass of water."

Huanhuan helped him drink the water, and his body regained some strength. He leaned against the bed, looked at Huanhuan, pointed to the stool next to him, and said, "Sit!"

Huanhuan jumped, the young master is usually the most disciplined person, why let him sit alone? Could it be that the Eldest Young Master went into the water to rescue Young Master Yu, who was sick from the cold and burned out his brain?

Looking at his expression, Song Cun knew what he was imagining, and said lightly: "I'm not sick, I'm fine, just sit down when I tell you."

Looking at the sternness on the young master's face, Huanhuan was startled again, and he didn't dare to make any other moves. He thought to himself that the young master asked him to sit down, what did he think so much about?

Song Cun looked at him and asked slowly, "Are men here only to marry?"

Huanhuan didn't understand why the young master would ask these questions, but she still said, "What else can a man do besides marry? Become a monk?"

The young master is already married, why did he ask these questions? Was it asked for him? He blushed at the thought.

Song Cun frowned and asked, "From ancient times to the present, has there been anyone who did not marry?"

Huanhuan was stunned for a moment, knowing that she had thought too much, her face blushed again, she thought for a while and said, "That's not true, we have established a dynasty in Daqian, I don't know anything else, but there is an unmarried man who I want to marry." I remember it very clearly."

Song Cun immediately asked: "Who is he? Why didn't he get married?"

Huanhuan glanced at the young master, a little puzzled, and said: "The world worships martial arts, and talented women in Daqian know martial arts. I heard from the old housekeeper in the mansion that there was a man more than ten years ago who defeated many people because of his extraordinary martial arts." When a woman came to provoke other countries, she even defeated the warriors of the two countries who came to provoke them by herself. The queen broke the rules and made him the protector of the opposite sex. No one dared to marry him, and he was unwilling to marry."

Song Cun's dark eyes lit up, he looked at him and asked, "Is mother at home these days?"

Huanhuan said with a smile: "The frontier war is over, the mistress has been in the capital."

Song Cun looked at him: "Prepare the carriage, I'm going back to visit my mother."

Huanhuan said hesitantly: "Eldest young master, you are still sick, should you go back when you feel better?"

Song Cun waved his hand: "It's nothing, I'll rest as if lying in the carriage, you go and prepare the gift, mothers like ancient books and collections should like it."

Although Huanhuan was worried about the young master, he was always obedient, so he could only open the warehouse to prepare gifts, and then ordered others to prepare the carriage.

With the support of a few servants, Song was lying in the carriage, he smiled helplessly, he was really weak.

She didn't expect Xie Xinglan to come over as soon as she lay down in the carriage. Looking at the carriage in the yard, she frowned and asked, "What's going on?"

After saluting, Huanhuan said, "Madam! We are going back to the General's Mansion."

Xie Xinglan lifted the curtain of the carriage and saw Song Cun lying in the carriage with a pale face. Thinking that he was sick because of saving Xiao Yu, her expression softened. This husband has always been virtuous, and she has always been very satisfied with him , Said: "Since you are sick, you can recuperate at home, and then go to the general's mansion when you are well."

Song Cun felt uncomfortable being looked at by her, he said, "I'm fine."

Xie Xinglan frowned, seeing his insistence, said: "In this case, then you go, pay attention to your body, as for the housekeeper's right"

Song Cun said with a smile: "As for the housekeeper, let the old housekeeper take care of it for a few days. I'll talk about it when I come back." After speaking, he stopped looking at her and turned to tell Huanhuan: "Let's go."

Xie Xinglan drove out as if no one was around, Xie Xinglan's face darkened, he rubbed the center of his brows, and felt that Song Cun was acting weird today, but for his usual virtuousness, she didn't bother to care about it.

Turning to frowning again, Xiaoyu said that the young master was sick and couldn't manage the housekeeping, and he could help share the management. She agreed, but she didn't expect Song Cun to hand over the housekeeping power to the housekeeper, and she couldn't say anything as a woman. Thinking that Xiaoyu has always been well-behaved and sensible, even if she broke her promise, she would not make trouble with her.

Song Cun's carriage drove all the way to the General's Mansion, and when he arrived at the General's Mansion, the concierge saw the Eldest Young Master come back, so he quickly opened the door for him, and Huanhuan helped Song Cun to Song Feiyan's yard.

Seeing Song Cun's return, Mrs. Hu was taken aback for a moment. After Song Cun got married, he seldom went home. Why did he come back because of his age?

Song Feiyan was smiling all over her face. She hadn't seen her son for several months, and she missed her son so much. When she saw her son's pale face, she became angry and looked at Huanhuan and asked loudly, "What's going on? Why do you serve the young master?" of?"

Hu looked at the angry wife-lord, then at Song Cun, telling him not to talk nonsense, and let the general worry about him.

Song Cun didn't even look at him, and said: "I rescued the servant who fell into the water in the mansion, and he was cold and sick from the cold."

Song Feiyan was furious again, and shouted: "How can you save a servant?"

After speaking, he went to stare at Huanhuan again, and shouted: "Don't help the young master to sit down yet."

Huanhuan quickly supported Song Cun to sit down.

Seeing that Song Cun didn't look at him, Mrs. Hu felt very displeased, seeing that he actually told what happened in Xie's mansion, her eyes couldn't help turning cold. It seems that I still haven't taught it well, otherwise why would I go back to my mother's house to complain?

Song Cun stood on the couch without moving, and asked Song Feiyan: "Mother's couch, son can't sit on it, it's against the rules."

Song Feiyan frowned: "Nonsense, I am your mother, you are my son, even if you are married, you are still my son, so what if you sit on my bed?"

People who practice martial arts are all bold and unrestrained, so how can there be so many rules?

Song Cun glanced at Hu Shi.

Hu's eyelids twitched, and for some reason there was an ominous premonition in his heart. He looked up at him, met his gaze, gave him a look, and signaled him not to talk nonsense.

Song Cun blinked, looked away, looked at Song Feiyan, and said, "Father said it."

Song Feiyan looked at Hu Shi suddenly, with anger in her eyes.

Hu's face turned pale, and he hated Song Cun to death.

Song Cun said again: "Father also said that a husband and wife must be virtuous and generous, so I will save the servant. Mother, do you think I am virtuous? Generous? People outside praise me."

After speaking, he had a proud face, as if he was so proud to be said to be virtuous and generous.

Song Cun said one more word, and Song Feiyan looked at Hu Shi more sharply.

Mrs. Hu lowered her head, wishing she could strangle Song Cun to death, but the wife-lord was here, but she didn't dare to move.

Until Song Cun finished speaking, Song Feiyan told Huanhuan: "The young master's yard has been cleaned all the time, you take the young master down to rest, there is a doctor in the house, and he will give him a pulse and prescribe medicine."

After speaking, Song Feiyan looked at Song Cun again: "You go to rest first, mother still has some things to do, I will come to see you after finishing the matter, and drink the medicine obediently."

Song Cun said with a smile: "I will listen to my mother and drink the medicine obediently."

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