MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 54

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After Song Cun and Chu Mingjia paid their respects, Yang didn't want to stay with the concubine for a moment, and couldn't wait to go back to the Hou's mansion. Seeing this, Song Que was a little thankful that his mother didn't do anything else. On the way to send Yang back, he She said gratefully, "Mom, I knew you loved your son the most."

Yang's face was stiff, and when she heard her son's words, she replied neither softly nor hard: "It's useless to hurt you, I can't resist a word from those concubine sons. For Song Cun's marriage, at my age, let me Toss back and forth."

Song Que supported his mother's arm, and said in a flattering tone: "Mother, I was born by you, and you will love me unconditionally if I don't have to do anything, but those concubine brothers are different, and offended them because of the separation of the family, if I don’t try to win them over. I’m in trouble. Do you think they’ll help me? For the sake of my son, mother just turns a blind eye and doesn’t need you to do anything. When you need to come forward, you just act That's all right, okay?"

So what if Mrs. Yang is not reconciled, in the first half of her life, she endured in front of the Lord and Aunt Hou for the sake of her son, and in the second half of her life, she also endured those **** for her son.

Song Que said again: "Besides, Song Cun is a concubine, and he is also your son. If he gets married and worships Gaotang, if you don't go, why don't you let Aunt Li go? Are you willing?"

Yang groaned softly, with a disdainful tone: "It also depends on whether she has that status, does she have that qualification?"

Song Que smiled and said: "Mother, you are Song Cun's aunt, and he got married. If you were not present, what would others say about our mother and son? No matter how beautiful I make it, it is not worth your visit in person. "

Yang Shi looked at him and hummed: "I did this for you, luckily Aunt Li didn't show up, otherwise, hmph..."

Song Que smiled, Aunt Li would not fail to understand that he could teach a son like Song Cun.

Aunt Li has self-knowledge, she knows that she can't see anyone, and she won't mess around on her son's big day to affect her son's wedding. Even if she wanted to see her daughter-in-law early, she still hid in her yard and didn't go out.

After Chu Mingjia and Song Shuqing talked for a while, the tension in their hearts eased. After Song Shuqing went out, her nanny Zheng came in, leaned into her ear and whispered: "Miss, I just went out to inquire, and my uncle didn't have a room in the house, and there was no maidservant. "

Chu Mingjia pursed her lips and smiled, Song Cun didn't have a house, and she knew something about the fact that there were no maids in the house, so she said: "Since the young master is not used to maids, my mother will let the dowry maids stay away from the main room. , lest the young master feel uncomfortable in the house."

Madam Zheng smiled and said, "Miss."

Chu Mingjia interrupted her: "I'm married now, it's time for the nanny to call Young Madam, stop calling! Call Miss."

"Young lady, young lady." Madam Zheng was not used to it, "It's just a few little girls, they are not as important as the young master."

"That's the reason." Chu Mingjia smiled and said, "Nurse help me prepare hot water, I want to take a bath."

When Song Cun returned to the new house, his face was slightly drunk, but he was not drunk. When he saw Chu Mingjia who had washed up and sat on the wedding bed, he paused slightly, raised his arms, and smelled a strong smell of alcohol. , he turned around and wanted to order the boy to prepare water for him to take a bath, but thought of Chu Mingjia, there were too many hostesses in the room, and it was inconvenient for the boy to come in, so he stopped talking for a while, turned his head and said to Chu Mingjia, "you rest first , I'm going out to wash up."

Chu Mingjia stood up and called out, "Husband!"

In so many lifetimes, Song Cun was called her husband for the first time. It felt a little strange, but he didn't hate it. He looked at Chu Mingjia and asked, "What's wrong?"

Chu Mingjia said to himself: "I asked the little girl to prepare water for you. Have you had any food after drinking? I heard from my uncle that drinking on an empty stomach hurts your health. Would you like to sit down and have some food?"

Hearing what she said, Song Cun was really hungry. He drank too much wine today, so he really didn't eat much. He smiled and said, "Let them bring over some noodles, do you want some more?"

Chu Mingjia glanced at him, "I'll use some with you."

Song Cun nodded slightly, Chu Mingjia called Madam Zheng in, and gave orders, two bowls of chicken shredded noodles were served within the time of a cup of tea, the two of them sat down and ate the noodles, rested for a while, and washed up After that, he rested.

Something was on her mind. Aunt Li didn't fall asleep all night. Before dawn, she got up and sat on the couch, looking out constantly. Seeing this, Grandma Liu couldn't help persuading her: "Auntie, it's still early. , do you want to have breakfast first?"

Aunt Li frowned slightly, thought for a while and said with a smile: "Okay, you can tell the porter in the main courtyard to let them come over for dinner. Have Shu Qing and Shu Lan woke up, let them come over for dinner, later Their elder brother and sister-in-law are here, let's go to the waiting mansion together."

The new daughter-in-law has to serve tea to her parents and recognize relatives, all of which have to be done in the Hou Mansion. She is an aunt, for the sake of her son, she can't argue about these things.

Grandma Liu responded, "Okay."

After Song Cun and Chu Mingjia got up to wash up, Madam Zheng said, "Auntie told me to go after breakfast."

Chu Mingjia looked at Song Cun, and Song Cun said with a smile: "Then let's go there after breakfast."

Madam Zheng ordered the servants to bring breakfast, and the two of them ate breakfast and went to Aunt Li's yard.

Aunt Li looked at the two people who came together, and glanced at Chu Mingjia, eye! His eyes lit up, he hid the excitement in his eyes, said without saying anything, "Let's go! Let's go to the Hou's Mansion!"

Chu Mingjia glanced at Song Cun, who nodded.

A group of people went to the waiting mansion in a carriage, and several concubine brothers, sisters-in-law, sisters, nephews and nieces all came to the waiting mansion. Chu Mingjia offered tea according to the rules, and gave himself gifts according to the rules.

During the whole process, with his son's instructions, Yang did not do anything. After drinking tea and recognizing their relatives, the two kowtowed to Lord Hou again, and Yang let them go back.

After returning from the Hou Mansion, Song Cun handed over the family account book and the keys to the warehouse to Chu Mingjia, and he said with a smile: "I'm going to participate in this year's autumn festival, you are so much trouble at home, come and ask me if you don't understand anything. "

Chu Mingjia took the key to the warehouse and the ledger, looked at Song Cun and said, "I'm here at home, you can take care of your own affairs, I will take good care of my two younger sisters and my aunt."

Song Cun nodded, "If you have nothing to do, you can ask Shu Qing and Shu Lan to come and accompany you. I have books in my study. If you like any books, you can go to my study to find them."

Chu Mingjia said with a smile: "You can study at ease, don't worry about me, I won't be bored."

Song Cun was studying, and Chu Mingjia didn't plan to be idle. She was going to clean up the books and warehouses at home.

When she opened the account book, she found that this accounting method was very novel and ingenious. It was the first time she saw it, and she could clearly understand the income and expenditure without the need for others to explain.

After reading one by one, each account is clear and clear, and there is no problem. She put down the account book, and unexpectedly found that there was a rules and regulations on servants next to her. She opened it and found another wonderful thing. Each servant in the family performed their duties and supervised each other. If they found something wrong, they could report it to the police. , accountant, comprador, change people once a year

After reading the account books and rules and regulations, Chu Mingjia deeply felt that the housekeeping skills entrusted to her by her aunt and grandmother were useless in this family, as long as she acted according to the old rules.

She had nothing to do, so she went to Song Cun's study room, saw that he was buried in his book, and didn't bother him, she walked lightly to find a few scripts on the bookcase, and then went back to her room.

Three days back, the two of them are ready to go back! The door ceremony went to the Chu family in a carriage. Chu Mingcheng was waiting at the gate early, and when he saw them get off the carriage, he stepped forward and said, "Sister, brother-in-law!"

Song Cun stepped forward to salute: "Brother!"

Seeing the elder brother, Chu Mingjia showed a bright smile on his face: "Elder brother!"

Chu Mingcheng welcomed the two of them to the Anhe Yuan of the old lady. The room was full of people, the eldest wife of the Chu family, the third wife and a group of brothers and sisters.

Chu Mingjia blushed, and said: "Song Cun is very kind to me. He has to study during the day, and his aunt is out of the yard all day. The two younger sisters are also very sensible. They don't need to go to the Marquis' mansion to pay their respects, and take care of the family affairs every day. , and then I was free, and my two younger sisters would sometimes come over to talk to me, and after taking a nap at noon, I would just read some books."

Mrs. Chu asked, "Did Song Cun give you the housekeeping power?"

Chu Mingjia nodded: "Leave it to me the next day. There are few people in the family, and the housekeeper is easy."

Mrs. Chu hummed, and said: "Song Cun is going to take the township examination in a few months. Since you are married, you can't help with your studies. You can only take care of the house so that he won't be distracted."

Mrs. Chu glanced at her niece, but she was worried about her eldest daughter. Thinking of Ming Jia's wedding day, when her eldest daughter came back and told her red-eyed that her son-in-law had taken his cousin as his concubine, she became dizzy for a while. If she had known this, she shouldn't have let her daughter marry high.

After returning home, in order to study, Song Cun lived in the Guozijian again, only to come back for a day. Aunt Li was worried that her daughter-in-law would have ideas, so she asked Shu Qing and Shu Lan to accompany her every day. Chu Mingjia saw her thoughts, and was very moved and funny. She didn't have any ideas. The husband went to study and had no time to accompany her. , she can also enjoy herself, she is not the kind of woman who needs the company of her husband in everything.

The days passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was July, and there was still one month before the township examination. The place where Song Cun's rural examination was going back to the provincial capital of the Eastern Province would be delayed for a few days. Song Cun was going to go early, but Aunt Li was worried about him. His wife accompanied him and took care of him by the way.

Song Cun didn't agree with Chu Mingjia's exhaustion of following the boat and car, but Chu Mingjia was eager to try and wanted to follow, but before he left, he found out that he was pregnant, and now he didn't have to go anywhere, so he could only raise the baby at home.

Although Chu Mingjia regretted not being able to accompany her husband to participate in the scientific examination, she was also happy to finally have her and her husband's child in her womb after six months of marriage.

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