MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 51

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The matter was not implemented, and Song Cun didn't tell Aunt Li. The next day, he changed into a brand new coat and took a carriage to Mrs. Liu's house. When he arrived at Mrs. Liu's house, Mrs. Liu smiled and asked him about some family affairs, and he answered them one by one without lying.

Madam Liu's face was full of smiles, the more she looked at him, the more she liked her, so she said: "My niece is studying the law, and she doesn't understand some things, so I want to ask you for advice, can you tell her?"

After she finished speaking, she smiled and looked at Song Cun, seeing that there was no abnormality on his face, she was even more satisfied in her heart.

Song Cun responded with a smile.

Mrs. Liu winked at the little girl, and after the little girl stepped back, Chu Mingjia walked in from the outside after a while, and she bowed to Mrs Liu, calling: "Auntie."

Mrs. Liu smiled and waved to her: "This is Song Cun, haven't you been studying law these days? You can ask him if you don't understand."

Then he looked at Song Cun: "This is my niece Chu Mingjia!"

Chu Mingjia subconsciously looked up at Song Cun, met his clear eyes, his cheeks were slightly hot, and shouted: "Mr. Song!"

Song Cun smiled and said, "Miss Chu!"

Mrs. Liu winked at the servants next to her, and the servants left the room one after another. Madam Liu glanced at them and walked out quietly.

Song Cun looked at Chu Mingjia and asked, "Is there anything you don't understand? Let me tell you."

Chu Mingjia breathed out softly, glanced at Song Cun, and couldn't help asking, "You really want to tell me the law?"

Song Cun looked at her, she smiled slightly, and said: "I have read a few articles on the law, but the book is too boring. Compared with the law, I prefer travel notes, and there are also storybooks."

After finishing speaking, she looked at Song Cun. Nowadays, the upbringing of ladies is relatively strict. Women read more books such as the Four Books for Women or scriptures. She likes to read travel notes and story books, which is different from other ladies.

Of course, she only dared to read those books at her aunt's house. Once her grandmother or uncle found out at Chu's house, she would definitely be punished. I don't know what Mr. Song thinks about this matter.

Song Cun didn't think too much about it, even though he has been here for more than four years, he still knows the feudal code of ethics for women, because only the original owner has very little memory, and the family was separated early, so he doesn't care much about it. With a deep understanding, I appreciate this girl's outspokenness, and said with a smile: "I have some books at home, if you like, I will send you some."

Chu Mingjia's eyes lit up,! , asked: "Do you also like reading storybooks?"

Song Cun nodded: "But I want to take a scientific examination, and I don't have so much time to read it. I can only pick some interesting books to relieve my fatigue when I am tired from reading. Most of the books at home are read by my two younger sisters."

Chu Mingjia smiled and asked, "Your younger sister also likes reading scripts? Don't you ask them to learn the Four Books for Women and the Rules for Women?"

Song Cun said: "They have already learned those in the Hou Mansion, there is no need to keep learning."

The two of them hit it off quite well. Through the chat, Chu Mingjia deeply felt the difference between Song Cun and the men of the Chu family. He could say without changing his face that females can just learn it, and there is no need to keep learning it. Speak with two sisters. It can be seen that he is not the sour literati, but somewhat similar to his uncle. Although his uncle is also a literati, he never thinks that women must do what they want. He also turns a blind eye to her reading travel notes in a storybook.

If it were her elder brother who knew that she was reading travel notes and story books, he would definitely think that she was rebellious, that she had learned badly, and punished her for copying women's commandments and women's rules. Like now, when there is no engagement, meeting the man alone is even more unthinkable.

Song Cun's first impression of Chu Mingjia was quite good. The girl's facial features are bright and beautiful. When the two of them talked, they lost the shyness they had when they met, and their smiles became sharper. They had a direct temper and didn't have so many twists and turns. Strong-minded girl.

What's more, this girl is mature and stable. When facing her, he didn't feel like facing a little girl, which would make him feel guilty. If you really want to marry a wife, this girl is a better choice.

After Song Cun left, Mrs. Liu took Chu Mingjia's hand and asked with a smile, "How is it?"

Chu Mingjia nodded slightly: "I think he's pretty good." At least talking to him is very pleasant and won't make you feel uncomfortable.

The smile on Mrs. Liu's face deepened, and she said, "Then I'll tell your uncle that you agree?"

Although Chu Mingjia is more open-minded than other girls, she would feel shy when asked about her marriage by her elders. She blushed slightly, nodded slightly, and then said hesitantly: "I don't know where Mr. Song is."

Mrs. Liu said coquettishly: "Our Mingjia is so good, how can he not like it?"

Chu Mingjia said seriously: "Auntie, don't make fun of me. If Mr. Song disagrees, then it's fine. Don't let uncle make things difficult for him." After speaking, he felt a little disappointed.

Master Liu smiled and said: "Don't worry, when Song Cun went back, your uncle had already asked him for his opinion, and he agreed... Look, look, look, you haven't engaged yet, so you're here?"

Chu Mingjia blushed, but he also said: "If we are really engaged, shouldn't we protect him?"

Mrs. Liu nodded her head, jokingly said: "Female college students are not allowed to stay."

She has no daughter in her life, only two sons, and her only niece is no different from her daughter.

Mrs. Liu stopped her by the shoulder and said, "You are right. My aunt did not teach you in vain. You have to do the same thing when you get married in the future. If your husband and son-in-law don't protect themselves, should they be left to other women? It's what stupid women do. If you protect him, he will protect you, so that the relationship between husband and wife can be harmonious. "

Chu Mingjia said: "I will listen to my aunt."

Coming out of Liu's house, Song Cun returned home and went directly to Aunt Li's yard. Aunt Li saw him coming back, and asked with a smile, "Are you back from Mr. Liu's house?"

Song Cun nodded, hummed.

Aunt Li was overjoyed and hurriedly asked, "Really? Which girl?"

Ever since she became a filial piety, she has been worried about her son's marriage, and gave birth to her as a concubine and aunt. She has no chance to go out, and there is no way to start. Of course she is happy when her son's husband says goodbye to him.

Song Cun said: "The Chu family. Miss Chu is Master Liu's niece."

He didn't specifically inquire about the situation of the Chu family, but he also knew that there was a Master Chu in the court who had a close relationship with Master Liu, and he should be Miss Chu's relative. As for Ms. Chu, all she knew was that her parents were both dead and that she had an older brother, but that was nothing. He just married a wife, not married. If they were married, the Chu family would not choose him even if they thought about it.

Aunt Li snorted, she didn't know the Chu family, and Master Hou would not tell her these things when he was alive, and asked: "Since she is Master Liu's niece, I think it's good to be a girl. Which matchmaker should I invite to propose a marriage?" My aunt can never come to your door to propose marriage to you."

After finishing speaking, Aunt Li felt a little guilty. It would be great if Master Hou was still alive.

Song Cun comforted: "Auntie, don't worry, I will arrange marriage proposal and matchmaker."

Aunt Li click! She nodded and said with a smile: "When the daughter-in-law comes in, I don't have to worry about it."

After speaking, he looked at Song Cun hesitantly, and Song Cun asked, "What's wrong?"

Aunt Li said, "Do you want to tell the other side?"

Over there is the main house, the son should tell there about his engagement. If the engagement is made quietly, the old lady will definitely pick it up, so as not to affect the son's future. it's nothing.

As for how to say it, some strategies are needed, no, there is no need for any strategies, as long as you tell her that Miss Chu's parents have passed away, there is no need for him to do anything, and the old lady will support this marriage with a smile. After all, the old lady doesn't want him to have a good time, so how can she want to see him marry a wife from a good family background?

Sure enough, Song Cun went to the Hou's mansion and told the Yang family about it. As for the other situations of the Chu family, he avoided the important and kept the light on.

Yang gave him a deep look, and said meaningfully: "Since the family has been separated, you don't need to tell me what's going on, only after you get married, don't forget to come and kowtow to your father."

But I couldn't help sneering in my heart, thinking how capable you are, leaving the Hou's mansion, you can only marry this kind of daughter-in-law who has no father and no mother.

The two had nothing to say, Song Cun said goodbye and left.

Song Que called out from behind: "Sixth brother!"

Song Cun turned his head and looked at him: "Second brother!"

Song Que put his hands behind his back and said, "Shall we talk?"

Song Cun raised his eyebrows and nodded.

The two walked to the garden, and Song Que said: "Originally, among our brothers, only the youngest was better at studying. When his father was alive, he passed the examination of scholar. I went to be an official. The eldest brother also went to work in the military camp, and even the fourth and fifth sons heard that they also started a business. And now that you have passed the examination of scholar, you must continue to take the examination, right?"

Song Cun said with a smile: "To become an official in the imperial examination, a scholar is just the starting point. I will study hard and strive to pass the imperial examination."

But in his heart, he was thinking about the meaning of the second brother Hou Ye's words.

Song Que patted him on the shoulder, and said with relief: "If you have such a heart, if your father is alive, you will also be relieved."

Song Cun said: "I will not disappoint my father's expectations."

Song Que nodded, and after a while, he said: "! "Although we are separated, we are still brothers, connected by blood. If the six of us are twisted into one rope, even if others want to bully us, they have to weigh it."

After he finished speaking, he smiled wryly in his heart. There are a lot of people with titles in the capital, but the Marquis who has no real power is really nothing. After leaving the filial piety and the gate of the Marquis Mansion, you will know that if you are not a Marquis, others will look at you high. First of all, you have to be capable, you have to be powerful, otherwise anyone can step on you. It is very difficult to find someone to help me with this job.

At that moment, he realized that even if he was a concubine brother, if he had someone by his side to help him, he would not be so isolated and helpless, and then he realized why everyone likes to have many children and grandchildren. Only then did I regret that I should not have separated early.

On the way back from the Hou's mansion, Song Cun was thinking about the meaning of Song Que's words, but he couldn't figure it out. Could it be possible that he finally remembered the brotherhood after being separated for several years? Thinking of this, he smiled and shook his head, the empress dowager realized this a bit.

Zhou Qilue asked, "What are you busy with?"

Song Cun said: "I went to the Marquis Mansion."

Zhou Qilue said to him in a mysterious way: "I heard that your second elder brother, Lord Hou, is looking for contacts everywhere, looking for a job to do, but he has never found one. His father-in-law still wants him to help, but he can't help him at all."

Song Cun smiled, but he knew what his second brother was talking to him about.

What he didn't say was that even the crown prince looked down on you, even the crown prince looked down on you, and the emperor certainly didn't look down on you either. He didn't read much and knew that even the crown prince looked down on you and thought you were a fool, so why would he give you any errands? They have no shortage of people to use, so they have to use a fool.

Song Cun said with a smile: "From the bottom of my heart, I am willing to separate."

Zhou Qilue said: "I also think that you have more freedom after separating. You see, Brother Wang, you can't separate after you get married, and you can't be free. Even if you want to take the exam, you have to be suppressed by your aunt. Fortunately, his father is still good. Sober up, support him to take the imperial examination, otherwise life will be boring."

Song Cun said: "If he can pass the Jinshi examination, releasing him outside is also a way out."

Zhou Qilue said: "Brother Wang thinks the same way."