MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 5

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On the first day of class, Song Cun got up on time at six o'clock. After washing up, he told his grandma to have breakfast at the grandfather's place, and then went to the grandfather's place with his schoolbag.

When I arrived at Grandpa's house, Grandpa Song was already boxing in the yard. Seeing him, he said, "It's time for class. I thought you wouldn't come to exercise today."

Song Cun said: "It's important to attend classes, and it's also important to exercise your body."

In the first life, I understood a truth, without a good body, nothing can do.

Grandpa Song nodded: "That's right. Go change your clothes."

Class starts at 8:30, exercise well, take a shower, eat breakfast, and arrive at school at 8:10.

On the first day of class, he didn't know the location of the first-grade classroom. After asking the passing students, he quickly ran to the first-grade classroom. As soon as he arrived at the door of the first-grade classroom, he heard someone shouting angrily behind him. He was too familiar with that voice, turned his head, frowned and said, "Mother, this is the school." It's not good to yell.

Zhang Xiaohua glared at him angrily: "What's wrong with the school? The school is not allowed to teach your son a lesson?"

Song Cun looked at him and said, "Yes, the school doesn't allow parents to teach their sons a lesson, but the school teachers and the students next to you will only think that you have no quality."

His tone was flat, and there was no emotion on his face, but Zhang Xiaohua could see indifference from that calm and immature face, as if if she said one more word, he might not know what he would do.

Zhang Xiaohua stared at him blankly, suddenly felt that he was very strange, is this her son? When did her son become so imposing? Why is her son so indifferent to her?

She seemed to be frightened by Song Cun, and whispered: "I, I just want you to take care of Dian Zhiwen at school. He is not in good health."

Song Cun hummed and asked, "Is there anything else you can do?"

Zhang Xiaohua hurriedly said, "It's gone."

Song Cun glanced at her: "I see."

As for whether it will be done, who knows.

As soon as Song Cun entered the classroom, he saw Song Zhiwen waving towards him. He paused, but did not go over. He glanced around and saw that there was no one in the front seat in the middle. He went over and sat down. Maybe he will sit with Song Zhiwen, please forgive him for not being in that mood now, for not being too lazy to deal with him.

Song Cun sat down, put his schoolbag in the table hole, and rested on the table. It was quite tiring to exercise for an hour in the morning.

Song Zhiwen saw that he didn't come to sit down, and his face was not good. His mother said, let Song Cun help with everything in school. Just now he saw from the window that he and his mother ran into each other, so he must have told him to let them sit. Together, how dare he not listen?

After class, the teacher came in with a book in his arms. He was a male teacher in his sixties. There was no self-introduction, let alone asking the students to introduce themselves. The teacher raised the book in his hand and directly asked the students to take out the Chinese books for class.

Song Cun opened the textbook, even if he was not very good at school, he could even be said to be a scumbag, and the knowledge of the first grade was too simple for him.

Although this teacher's class is not as rich and interesting as his former teacher's language, he is absolutely hardcore. He listened with gusto, and when the teacher asked questions, he also actively raised his hands. He was like a real primary school student. Compared with his previous concentration when studying, it was a world of difference. He thought that if he used to listen to the class so seriously, he would definitely not study too much. Difference.

When the get out of class bell rang, the Chinese teacher pointed to him and asked, "What's the student's name?"

Song Cun stood up and said, "Teacher, my name is Song Cun. I lived in Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties. My family has a lot of savings."

The teacher nodded: "Okay, you will be the get out of class monitor from now on, come to my office after class."

After speaking, he picked up the book and left.

The students in the class stayed behind and looked at Song Cun with envy, especially Song Zhiwen. He was not only envious, but also very jealous. He obviously spoke actively in class. Why did the teacher choose Song Cun as the monitor?

It must be because he is in the front and the teacher can see him at a glance. No wonder Song Cun doesn't want to sit with him. He is too bad and cunning. Thinking of this, Song Zhiwen's eyes are red with anger.

Song Cun was a little surprised that the teacher chose him as the class monitor. Looking back, he saw Song Zhiwen's eyes were red with jealousy, and thought it would be good to be the class monitor.

When he went to the office, he saw the position of the Chinese teacher, walked over, and shouted: "Teacher."

The Chinese teacher pointed to the notebook on the table: "Distribute the notebook, one notebook for each person, and write the letters taught today in two rows. On the notebook, write your name. If you can't write it, take it back and ask your parents to write it for you." , by the way, I will teach you how to write your own name. Don’t go to school, you still can’t write your own name.”

Song Cun returned to the classroom with the notebook in his arms, handed out the notebook, and stood on the podium to repeat what the teacher said. The students were at a loss after hearing it. Most of them couldn't hold a pen, so how to write it, let alone writing their names? The teacher didn't teach them either.

Song Cun didn't understand why the teacher didn't teach them how to hold a pen, but let them write, but the teacher naturally had his own ideas, so they just followed suit.

What's more, other people don't know how to do it, which doesn't mean he doesn't know how to do it either. While get out of class was over, he picked up the pencil he had prepared and wrote down the six pinyin letters taught by the teacher one stroke at a time. He was satisfied with the writing. It was the first time in his life that he did his homework so seriously and wrote it so beautifully. He was a little proud. His parents used to say that his handwriting was ugly, and that someone in the class wrote neatly and beautifully. At that time, he was not convinced. There is no way, his writing is really not good, and looking at what he wrote now, he found the reason, it must be that he didn't write seriously at that time, if he was serious, he would definitely be able to write well.

After finishing writing, he looked back and saw that there were several students who were writing. Obviously, they had been taught at home. He had to sigh that the children nowadays are too motivated to learn.

Song Zhiwen couldn't write either. His mother only taught him to count, but she didn't teach him to read. Besides, his mother didn't go to school much. He was secretly anxious. He just saw Song Cun lying on the table and writing. I don't know how he could write, and he didn't see his family teach him. Could it be that he is writing indiscriminately?

Is it because he is the class monitor, he is afraid that others can write, but he can't, the teacher won't let him be the class monitor? So write casually, to deal with the teacher?

It must be so. He comforts himself.

The second class is mathematics. The math teacher is relatively young. He is an educated youth from the village. His surname is Hu. He is more active in class. Compared with the previous class, Song Zhiwen is obviously more active in answering questions in this class, but being active is useless. His effect after listening to the class was obviously not very good, and he answered a few questions wrong.

After he answered wrongly, Song Cun raised his hand to answer a correct one. Seeing him angry, he laughed in his heart, and he didn't feel like bullying a child at all.

After one class, Song Zhiwen was both angry and ashamed. He didn't expect that he gave so many wrong answers. What should the teacher think of him? What bothered him even more was that Song Cun could know it. He really didn't want to admit that Song Cun was better than him, but the fact was that for the same problem, Song Cun knew it, but he didn't.

It must be that the eldest brother and the elder sister taught him when he was not paying attention. They are really biased. They don't see him as a younger brother at all, which made him not know many problems. Thinking of this, tears are about to flow out.

When Song Cun came back from the toilet, he brushed him inadvertently, and his eyes were moist when he spoke, he was taken aback, could this kid be crying? I usually see him scheming and calculating, but I didn't expect him to be so weak in admitting that he would even cry about a trivial matter.

In the third class, when I was in the Chinese class again, the Chinese teacher asked how many of them had written their homework, and found out how many had actually written their homework.

He checked those who had written their homework one by one, and found that the writing was okay. He nodded and praised Song Cun emphatically, saying that his handwriting was neat, and then he explained how to hold a pen several times on the podium. Still can't hold a pen, let a few students who can write teach those who can't hold a pen.

It was rare to be praised, and Song Cun was a little embarrassed. After all, he was not thick-skinned enough to be compared with a group of children. It was because these children were not as annoying as Song Zhiwen, so he was embarrassed to bully him.

But this is also a rare time for him to be so serious about his homework. Cough, it is normal for the teacher to praise him. It is also necessary for a scumbag to be affirmed if he is serious. Maybe he can become a **** of learning.

Hearing that Song Cun was praised again, Song Zhiwen squeezed the nib of his pen vigorously, and kept scolding Song Cun for being cunning in his heart. He obviously learned it secretly at home, but didn't tell him. Fortunately, they are still brothers.

Now the school only has two courses of Chinese and Mathematics. The four classes in the morning are one Chinese, one Mathematics, one Chinese, and one Mathematics; the two afternoon classes are also one Chinese and one Mathematics.

Although the subjects are monotonous, the teachers teach in detail, and their students study hard. Except for the teacher saying that he should practice calligraphy more at home, there is basically no homework, which is done at school. It's not like when he was in elementary school before, when he returned home, he had to be tutored by his parents for homework.

When school was over, he didn't go with Song Zhiwen, nor was he in a hurry to go home. Instead, he went to his grandfather's place, intending to mow grass by the river. When I arrived at the grandpa's house, I saw the production team leader talking to the grandpa, and when he heard the production team captain and the grandpa discussing how he would get 2 work points for herding cattle, he didn't make a sound.

Putting down his schoolbag, he took the sickle and rope and left, thinking about what the production team leader said just now. It seems that he went to school and herded cattle, and he also got 2 work points. Some people in the village were dissatisfied.

After mowing the grass, he discussed with his grandfather that he would not herd the cows in the future, so as not to delay the cattle from grazing. Besides, he didn't care if the villagers gossiped, since the grandfather was old, it would be bad to be gossiped about him again. .

The grandpa said: "It's okay, I'm here, you can get this work point, so you can get it."

Although with the prestige of the great grandfather, even if he gets two work points, even if others are not satisfied, there is nothing he can do about it, but Song Cun is the kind of person who treats him very well if others treat him well, and he can't allow others to question him. grandfather.

Song Cun said: "How about I get a work point?" Cleaning the cowshed every day, and mowing the cows after school. If you get a work point, no one should say anything.

The grandpa glared and said, "That's not necessary. Our grandpa and grandson are in charge of the two cows, but we are given two work points a day. What is there to be dissatisfied with? The two cows in charge of the production team leader's father are also two work points a day. We didn't Steal it or not, earn it by yourself, why not?"

When the grandfather said this, Song Cun understood. The emotional grandfather was responsible for raising the two cattle and never asked for work points in the village. He came to herd the cattle, so the work points were given to him. Then his work points were given by the grandfather, not from the village, so the work points should not be in vain.

He's not that generous, he doesn't need wages after doing the work, and he is short of money now.

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