MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 44

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After watching the plot, Song Cun knew that the eldest daughter was Song Youyou, who was five years old this year. The youngest daughter is Song Weiwei, who is three years old this year.

Song Cun has no experience in raising children. He once had a son in another world, but due to work reasons, the child was either handed over to the nanny or the child’s mother. Later, the child’s mother went to work and the child’s grandparents took care of him.

That child is obedient and sensible, has his own opinions, rarely worries him, and is still a boy, although Song Cun does not have a patriarchal concept, and knows that some women have nothing to do with men when they become powerful.

You can see two soft and glutinous dough balls, like a doll when not crying, twitching when crying, a tear that will not fall is hanging under the big dripping eyes, and the little furry head is not stopping. Rushing into his arms, as if he was their only support, and his arms were the only place where they could feel safe, his heart was so soft, he felt that girls were really different from boys.

He hugged them into his arms, slumped on the bed, and suddenly felt the wetness on his chest, he smiled helplessly, rubbed their little breasts, watched their red eyes, hugging his waist tightly, Lying obediently on his chest, a strong sense of fatherly love rose in her heart for no reason. Such a cute and cute daughter should grow up happily and not suffer from a little haze.

Song Cun was thinking about things aimlessly, and patted their backs with his big hands. When he came back to his senses, he found that the two little girls had stopped sobbing. Falling asleep on his body, he smiled and breathed a sigh of relief.

He gently moved their little bodies, and hugged them aside. The two little guys realized something was wrong in their dreams, and they groaned twice. Song Cun hurriedly coaxed softly: "Daddy is here, Daddy is here. Don't be afraid."

After speaking, he was stunned. In less than half a day, he had already entered the role of the father of the two little girls, without any entanglement.

He touched their little faces. He thought it was a very happy thing for such a cute little girl to be his daughter, so there was no need to worry about it.

The two little girls slowly fell asleep in the soothing voice of their father.

Seeing that they were fast asleep, Song Cun let out a soft breath and leaned against the side of the bed. The little girl was so cute, and she was really annoying. If I had no patience, I wouldn't be able to coax them.

The original owner's mother, Mrs. Song, came in quietly, saw the granddaughters lying side by side on the bed, and said, "It's hot, just cover them with a thin sheet, don't cover them with a thick sheet."

Song Cun nodded, "I know."

Mrs. Song took her son's hand and signaled him to go out and talk.

Song Cun sat on the edge of the bed and put on his shoes. The shoes were cloth shoes with thousand layers of soles. The ex-wife of the original owner did not know how to do needlework. The shoes for the adults and children in the family were made by Mrs. Song stitch by stitch.

When we arrived at the main room, we found that old man Song was also there. The three of them were sitting in the main room. Mrs. Song said with a sad face, "What do you say about you, what can I say about you? Your father and I have worked so hard to bring you up, and finally saw you The two older sisters got married, and you also got married and had a child. It’s been two years since the good times, and it’s over, the daughter-in-law ran away, and the family broke up.”

Song Cun moved his lips, wanting to say something, but he didn't know how to change his words, so he could only sit there and let her speak.

Mrs. Song knew her son's temper, and she couldn't hit a fart with three sticks. To be honest, she gave him a hard look, and said, "I told you not to marry her, but you insisted, and fought and robbed him with some young men in the village. , I snatched a daughter-in-law, and I am also happy for you. But I can't help worrying about you in my heart. Does that enchanting girl look like a girl who lives a life? Sure enough, the girl is a good girl, but she is not suitable for a life. Now you know you regret it? "

Song Cun didn't speak, and he really didn't know how to say it. He didn't know if he regretted it later. After all, he only had sporadic memories of the original owner. According to the plot, the original owner regretted it when he was not reborn.

Mrs. Song saw that he still didn't speak, and wanted to beat him angrily, "Look at those young men who are fighting with you, they found our peasant girl, which family's life is not in a hurry..."

The old man Song interrupted her impatiently: "Okay, the thing has already happened, what's the use of making noise and complaining? Think about what to do in the future."

Mrs. Song glared at her son again, and said, "What should I do? Of course I need to find someone to inquire about it, and find another capable wife for Song Cun."

Song Cun finally had something to say now, and he said directly: "I don't plan to look for it for the time being."

He didn't say that he would never find a wife for the rest of his life, and if he said it, it would only make the two old people anxious and angry.

Sure enough, Mrs. Song glanced at him and said, "It's okay, that woman just left. Yoyo and Weiwei are still arguing to find a mother, and suddenly find a stepmother for them. The two children must be making trouble. We will wait for them in the next year." Forget their mother, let's talk."

At this time, old man Song took out a box, Song Cun looked at him because he didn't understand, and old lady Song said excitedly: "I told you to give this thing to my son, but you didn't listen."

Old man Song didn't speak, he opened the box silently, took out an old thread-bound book from it, and handed the book to Song Cun: "This is handed down from the Song family's ancestors, and now it's handed over to you."

Song Cun looked at the book without moving, while old man Song looked at him and said loudly: "Take it."

Song Cun looked up at him, "What is this?"

The old man Song looked at him: "This is the achievement of several generations of the Song family. As the only inheritor of the Song family, you must accept it and pass it on. Otherwise, you will be in vain for the Song family and my son. "

Song Cun didn't have all the memories of the original owner, and the novel didn't mention this matter. The old man had already talked to this extent, and it was obviously inappropriate not to answer it. He slowly stretched out his hand and caught the book.

Old man Song looked at him with relief: "Open it and have a look."

Song Cun opened the first page of the book, and the large characters of Song's recipes came into view. He looked up at old man Song.

Old man Song said with a smile: "My ancestor of the Song family once had an imperial cook."

Song Cun flipped through the book and hummed.

Seeing that his reaction was flat, old man Song frowned, obviously dissatisfied, and couldn't help but said, "I said that the ancestor of the Song family had an imperial cook."

Song Cun looked at him: "I heard it."

Old man Song was so angry with his own son, he stared at him with wide eyes: "Don't you feel proud? Our ancestors were imperial cooks, don't you think our family background has suddenly become different and grown taller?"

Song Cun said: "You also said that we are ancestors. Now who knows what our ancestors did? I only know that our family is now an ordinary farmer's family. Although I work as a cook in a restaurant in the county town, I also missed work because of family affairs. , was fired by the boss. And you, I have never seen you in the kitchen, and you can't get involved with the cook, "

The old man Song's shoulders drooped, and he said listlessly: "You haven't seen me in the kitchen, it doesn't mean I can't cook. The time is wrong. If I was born a few decades later, I will definitely be a chef and regain the glory of my ancestors." .”

After speaking, he looked at his son: "Our family's hope is pinned on you. You must live up to me! You must defeat..."

Having said this, the old man suddenly stopped talking.

Song Cun squinted his eyes to look at him, and old man Song looked away guiltily.

Song Cun even felt that the old man was tricky.

Seeing his son looking at him with scrutiny, old man Song stood up, put his hands behind his back, and said, "Anyway, you just need to remember that if you accept the recipe, you must pass on the recipe of the Song family. Otherwise, it is unfilial."

Song Cun looked at the back of the old man leaving with a guilty conscience, lowered his head and opened the menu. He didn't take the recipe to heart before. After turning a few pages, he slowly sat up straight.

This recipe is quite famous, maybe the old man is not lying. Xu Shangxu, the ancestor of the Song family, was an imperial cook. Of course, as he said, what happened to our ancestors is a thing of the past. The Song family is indeed just an ordinary peasant family now.

It's the early 1980s. In this era, any daughter-in-law who ran away or divorced was a big scandal. Some honest men would like to hide in the house and be ashamed to see others.

The original owner had two daughters to raise in his previous life, and when he was not too ugly, he would not feel ashamed if he was replaced by the current Song Cun, he didn't feel it at all, and it wasn't his daughter-in-law.

While his two daughters were asleep, Song Cun walked out of the room. When he went outside, he met a group of people with malicious smiles on their faces.

One of the tall young men looked at Song Cun and said with a smile: "Song Cun, I have to thank you for talking about it! If you hadn't married Liu Qinglian back in a hurry, it would be our daughter-in-law who ran away with someone now. "

"Yeah, we all have to thank you."

"You sacrificed yourself to fulfill our large group of people, how should we thank you?"

"You can't say thank you either. Song Cun's daughter-in-law is gone. Do we have to help him find a wife?"

"How about the black widow in the next village?"

"That black widow is too ugly! Song Cun likes pretty ones."

Someone smiled and suggested to Song Cun: "Song Cun, don't choose now, you are no longer what you used to be. You ran away from your wife."

After speaking, he laughed loudly.

Song Cun looked at them and said, "I really like pretty ones."

The smiles of the group stopped abruptly.

Then those people persuaded them with hypocrisy: "If you can't recognize yourself, marry a beautiful one, marry one and run away."

"You really think you are the original Song Cun. At that time, you were a young man. Now you not only have two children, but also ran away from your wife. You should find someone who can live a life like us! That's it. It’s not bad to marry you if you can live. Besides, what’s the use of a beautiful daughter-in-law. She’s going to run away!”

"Everyone likes a beautiful woman. The key is you have to keep it! It's useless if you can't keep it. So people have to accept their fate. You don't have the fate to marry a beautiful wife."

Song Cun blinked: "I don't care about forever, I only care about having it once."

A group of young people were puzzled, "What do you mean?"

"As a man, even if he has a beautiful wife for a short time in his life, this life is worth it."

Song Cun looked like I once married a beautiful woman in the city, I am proud, and I don't regret it at all.

That expression made a group of young people watching Song Cun's joke feel disgusted like swallowing a fly.

When did Song Cun become so shameless?

Could it be that he deceived Liu Qinglian with this shameless appearance?

Song Cun didn't care about the shock of the crowd, he looked at the group of people meaningfully and slightly regretfully, and walked away.

A group of people stared blankly at Song Cun's leaving back, and asked stupidly: "What does Song Cun mean?"

One of them snorted and said, "Is he looking down on us? Think we didn't get a beautiful wife? He ran away from his wife, what right does he have to look down on us?"

Another person said: "Where does he look down on us? He thinks that as men, it's a pity that we don't have a beautiful woman in our life."

The third person said: "Think about it, what man doesn't want to find a beautiful wife? If he says he doesn't, it's all nonsense and deception..."

"What beautiful daughter-in-law?"

As soon as the third person finished speaking, a sinister voice came from behind.

The third person was nicknamed Da/Pocky because of the pockmarks on his face. When Da/Pocky heard the familiar voice, he trembled in fright. He turned his head slowly and looked at his wife, stuttering and stuttering. Said: "Children's mother, I, I drank some wine, my mouth is blind, blind..."

Da/Mazi's daughter-in-law went up and lifted his ear, and said angrily: "I will make you blind, I will make you blind, and you will not look at your pockmarked face, but you are looking for a beautiful wife. Are you worthy? Are you worthy?" ?”

Big/Pocky covered his ears, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "I am not worthy. What kind of beautiful wife can I find, can a beautiful wife give birth to a fat boy for me? Absolutely not."

Da/Mazi was carried away by his daughter-in-law, and the group of people behind laughed loudly, and after the laugh, Da/Mazi could still hear Da/Mazi coaxing his daughter-in-law.

A young man said: "Da/Mazi is a guy who is afraid of his wife."

"Big/Mazi is afraid of his wife, as if you are not afraid of his wife. If you don't believe me, go back and tell your wife that she is not pretty, and see if she will kick you."


There are men who don't know who lives in a village, and men who still want to live a life, usually just goofing around outside, who dares to talk nonsense in front of their daughter-in-law, even if the daughter-in-law is not beautiful, she is still her own daughter-in-law.

The two little girls slept all afternoon, Mrs. Song wanted to wake them up, but Song Cun was afraid that they would wake up and cry for their mother, so he said, "Let them sleep."

Mrs. Song glanced at him, "I've had enough sleep in the afternoon, I won't be able to sleep at night."

Song Cun didn't have such a deep understanding, but seeing them sleeping soundly, he was reluctant to wake them up, so he said, "It's okay, I'll take them."


The son said that, and Mrs. Song didn't insist anymore.

When the two little girls woke up, it was already dinner time. They stopped crying now. After eating, Mrs. Song bathed them, and Song Cun took them to bed. The two little girls just woke up. I didn't feel sleepy at all for a while.

There is no TV at home, and the father and daughter lie on the bed and stare at each other.

Seeing them staring at him with wide eyes, Song Cun asked with a smile, "Can Dad tell you a story?"

The two little girls said together: "Okay, let's listen to the story."

Song Cun thought for a while: "Then dad will tell you the story of Snow White?"

"What is Snow White?"

"Father will tell you slowly. In a distant country, there lived a king and a queen. They had a daughter named Snow White..."

The two little girls slowly listened to their fascination, and suddenly said leisurely: "The new queen is a villain, Dad doesn't want a new queen."

Weiwei held her face and asked: "Father, why did the new queen harm Snow White, and her father didn't save her? What did her father do?"

Song Cun: "..."

Youyou said beside him: "Snow White's father must have gone to work in the fields. Her father has to earn money and has no time to save her. But she has dwarves and Prince Charming."

Weiwei: "I still want her father to save her, father is the most powerful..."

Song Cun: "...Okay, let's go to bed, Dad will sleep with you."

Yoyo: "Dad, I'm not sleepy yet."

Weiwei: "I'm not sleepy either." After speaking, she giggled.

Song Cun: "But Dad is sleepy."

Yoyo pulled up the quilt to cover her father, Weiwei reached out to close his eyes, "Dad, go to sleep!"

Song Cun closed his eyes with a smile, and after a while, Yoyo pushed him, "Dad, I want to pee."

"..." Song Cun sat up, "Come on, Dad will take you two to pee."

After peeing back, Weiwei said, "Dad, I still want to hear the story."

Song Cun: "Okay. I'll tell you the story of the ugly duckling. It's a beautiful summer..."

Yoyo wowed: "What does a swan look like?"

Weiwei tilted her head and said, "I also want to see the swans."

Song Cun: "There are no swans in our village. Dad will take you to see them later. Well, it's time to go to bed after listening to the story!"

The two little girls lay down together on the bed. Song Cun looked at them and said, "Dad, turn off the light!"

Weiwei: "Dad, I'm already asleep."

Yoyo: "I fell asleep too."

Song Cun: "..."

The village had already been powered on, so Song Cun turned off the lights, closed his eyes and prepared to sleep. While falling asleep, I heard crying from next to me. He sat up all of a sudden, turned on the light, and found two little girls crying under the quilt. His heart tightened, and he quickly asked, "What's the matter? Why are you crying?"

"I want mom."

"I want mom."

Song Cun paused, he could only hold them in his arms, and coaxed: "Can't Dad stay with you?"

Weiwei: "Where's mom?"

Yoyo: "Mom doesn't want us?"

Song Cun said: "Mom is going to earn money like Snow White's father. Mom loves you so much, why doesn't she want you?"

Youyou asked: "Will you earn money to buy us candy?"

The two little girls looked at their father expectantly.

Song Cun said: "Yes, I earned money to buy candy for you. So you have to be obedient and don't cry, otherwise mom won't be able to earn money."

The two little girls quickly covered their mouths, wiped away their tears, and promised again and again: "We will not cry, absolutely not."

Song Cun: "Stop crying, let's go to bed, and Dad will coax you to sleep."

After crying for a while, the two little girls were also tired. I fell asleep in my father's arms after a while.

Song Cun was relieved to see that they finally fell asleep.

Not surprisingly, the father and daughter slept until the sun was high on the second day before getting up. Seeing them getting up, Mrs. Song said, "Breakfast is in the pot. Go brush your teeth, wash your face and eat."

For several days in a row, the emotions of the two little girls were up and down. Song Cun stayed with them for a few days, and gradually they stopped looking for their mother, so Song Cun could leave with peace of mind. He planned to visit the town or the county and find a job to do.

"Song Cun!"

As soon as he left the village, he heard someone calling him.

Song Cun got off his bicycle, looked at him, recalled that his name was Song Weimin, and asked, "What's the matter?"

Song Weimin looked at him provocatively, "Song Cun, I said at the beginning that when Liu Qinglian chose you, sooner or later she regretted it, and she regretted it, and you divorced. If she marries me..."

Song Cun interrupted him: "If she marries you, she will also get divorced. After all, her goal is to go back to the city. Besides, it is impossible for her to marry you..."

As she spoke, she looked him up and down, and said, "You don't fit her aesthetics. Even if she marries a farmer, she has to choose the best one."

After speaking, he got on his bicycle and left.

Song Weimin clenched his fists, looked at his back fiercely, and spat: "What the hell, the family is so poor, and the best one! No matter how good she is, why doesn't she want you?"

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