MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 33

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There is no news about Song Xiaomeng and Xu Changqing, but the two brothers and sisters have received the news that Song Xiaolu is going to bring someone to the capital. The brothers and sisters are a little surprised. Over the past few years, Song Xiaolu has talked about several partners one after another. Song Cun always thinks that she will bring someone back I met a few brothers and sisters, but in the end it was all over, and there was no follow-up.

Song Cun was a little surprised when he saw Song Xiaolu's partner. He was tall and mighty, with a resolute face and majestic eyes, and he didn't talk much. Song Cun could guess at a glance that this was a soldier, and he was not a low-ranking soldier. He was a little puzzled, how did she deceive such an excellent partner?

It wasn't that he looked down on his younger sister, but that the people she was talking about were basically 'boyfriends' with rich families, and one of them was a college student. He thought she liked that type of little boy, but he didn't expect that such a mature and stable man was brought to them in the end.

Song Xiaolu took her partner's arm, and announced to her brothers and sisters with a smile: "The banquet will be held in two months. The clothing store in my hometown was picked up by Jiajia. Minghua has been transferred to the Beijing Military Region. From now on, I will develop in the capital." , I am ready to be a military wife."

Song Xiaomeng looked at her in a daze, did the younger sister get married when she said she got married? Will it be too fast? Does she understand each other? Glancing at the man standing next to her sister, she felt that she had to ask her again in private.

Song Xiaolu has made a lot of money in the clothing business these years, and the villa in the capital has been renovated early. When she came to the capital, she didn't live with Song Cun, but lived in her own villa. After Xie Minghua met the Song brothers and sisters, the army had something to do, so he returned to the army.

Song Xiaomeng pulled Song Xiaolu and asked anxiously: "Why are you in such a hurry to get married?"

Song Xiaolu said: "Only he has the idea of ​​getting me married. Sister, you don't know, the people I talked about before, as long as they mentioned marriage, I was afraid and couldn't help but shrink back. Only he didn't make me afraid Regarding the psychology of marriage, although he has no romantic language, when he mentioned marriage to me, he only said that we are not young, and that we will tear up the marriage certificate at some time, and the banquet will be held. But the moment he said that, nothing came of it. The heart that I had been holding for more than ten years suddenly felt at ease."

Song Xiaomeng listened to her quietly.

Song Xiaolu paused, and said slowly: "Although the elder brother and sister are very kind to me, but I know that when I grow up, the elder brother and sister will have their own small family. What should I do then?"

Song Xiaomeng opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but was interrupted by Song Xiaolu, she said with a smile: "I don't know what you and the eldest brother and the second brother think, but I know, mom is gone, dad is gone, even if No matter how happy I am smiling on my face, my heart is still uneasy. No matter how much money I earn, facing an empty house is still lonely. I want a home, a home that can make my heart feel at ease."

Song Xiaomeng held her hand and looked at her: "Brother and I will always be your older brothers and sisters, why don't you ignore you?"

Song Xiaolu smiled: "I know. But it's rare to meet a man who fascinates me. I am willing to manage a marriage with him. No matter what happens in the future, I am prepared. Besides, he is a soldier, a responsible man Soldiers, even if there is no love in marriage, there will be family affection, I believe in my choice."

Song Xiaomeng looked at her with a smile on her face, thinking that at dinner, when Xie Minghua saw that Xiaolu only ate her favorite dishes, and didn't even look at the other dishes, so she took the initiative to pick up dishes she didn't like, Xiaolu resisted , but knew that the other party was doing it for her own good, so she still insisted on eating.

After the meal, Xiao Lu couldn't help drinking ice water. Xie Minghua glanced at her lightly, and then handed her a glass of warm water. She put down the glass in her hand, took the water glass he handed over, and drank it honestly. Finished the warm water in the water glass.

Thinking of this, she felt that Xiaolu's marriage might be really good. Xiaolu had a very arrogant temper when she was a child, and no one could control her except her elder brother. Seeing that she is under Xie Minghua's control like a quail, maybe this is what people say that one thing is one thing?

Song Xiaolu's wedding was held in the capital, and Song Gaofei's whole family came, including his father-in-law, mother-in-law and brother-in-law's family.

Uncle Song, Uncle Song, Uncle Song and two aunts also came. They didn't want to come at first.

Song Xiaomeng didn't know what Song Xiaolu was thinking, but she even told them to come on, and she would pay for the travel expenses.

If someone pays for travel expenses, if you don’t go, it’s not worth it. If you have never been out of the house in your life, if you still want to go to the capital, then go.

As for Grandpa Song and Grandma Song, the two elders are still alive. In their words, they didn’t go when their grandson got married, and their granddaughter married so far away. Something went wrong, and they wanted to live another day, so they didn't go.

The research room became busy again. My younger sister got married, and my brother-in-law, Song Cun, could only be there on the wedding day. There was no other way.

A group of people followed Song Gaofei and his family to the capital, Xie Minghua arranged for someone to pick them up, and took them to Song Xiaolu's villa. Although the villa was big, they couldn't accommodate such a large group of people.

Fortunately, Song Gaofei originally bought a house in the capital. Although it was not as spacious as the villa, it still had four rooms. His big family lived in a bit crowded, and no one complained about special circumstances.

On the contrary, Uncle Song and Mrs. Song's group looked at Song Xiaolu's villa, and their eyesight was not enough. How much money would it take to afford such a luxurious house.

Song Cun's brothers and sisters didn't usually go back these few years, and they went back to pay homage to their father during Chinese New Year or Qingming. They only know that a few brothers and sisters are working and going to college outside, but no one knows what is going on. I didn't expect that the brothers and sisters developed so well and could buy such a big house in the capital. It's so beautiful, and I can only see such a beautiful and grand house on TV.

Song Xiaolu looked at their envious eyes, pointed to the side, and said with a smile: "The two villas next to me are my eldest brother, and his decoration is even more magnificent."

Aunt Song didn't see Song Cun after she came for a long time, so she asked, "Where is Song Cun?"

Song Xiaomeng explained from the side: "Brother is very busy, his work cannot be separated from others, and he will definitely show up on the day of Xiaolu's wedding."

Aunt Song asked, "What is he doing, so busy?"

Song Xiaomeng said with a smile: "Does the computer know that? It's what he studies. Specifically, you don't understand what I've told you. Anyway, it's quite advanced."

A group of people listened in a daze, and indeed they didn't understand. Although they didn't understand, they knew that Song Cun had great skills.

Song Xiaomeng said to them: "It's fun to come to the capital, you should eat and drink, don't worry about it."

Since you let them come, treat them well. In order not to make it impossible for them to go up or down, their faces are not good-looking, and it will also affect Xiaolu's wedding.

At this time Song Xiaomeng knew why Song Xiaolu called her uncle to come over, to show off. Let them see that a child without a father and a mother can live a better life than a child with a father and a mother. She smiled and felt that her younger sister was naive, and at the same time felt relieved.

Song Xiaolu's wedding was held at the hotel. Apart from her relatives, there were colleagues from Song Cun's laboratory. They heard that Song Cun's younger sister was getting married today, so they all came. There are quite a lot of people on the man's side, including Xie Minghua's comrades-in-arms, and relatives and friends from his parents' side.

Xie Minghua's parents are retired soldiers, and the two old people were more friendly, saying to Song Cun and his brothers and sisters: "We don't worry about anything, except Minghua's marriage. At thirty years old, we are finally willing to get married, so we can rest assured. After getting married, let the young couple live alone, we don't care."

Wang Jiajia was next to him and said, "It's okay if you don't care about it all the time. Although young people like the two-person thing, I think it's better to live with the old people. What do young people know? Just say take care of the children, without the help of the old people." Keep teaching, how many people know? No matter how many books are written, if you haven’t practiced it, it’s useless. We can’t use our own children as experiments, right? It’s just that people’s parents don’t feel sorry for them. Don't you feel bad?"

Wang Jiajia's sister-in-law teased: "Fortunately, our mother will take Kangkang for you. Hearing what you said, why are you so worried?"

Wang Jiajia just laughed: "That's why I always say that I am blessed."

Xie's mother said: "It's all good, let them do as they please. We only have this one son, and the house at home is still enough to live in. We can live with them wherever we want."

This mother-in-law is relatively open-minded, Song Xiaolu has a strong sense of territory, and she doesn't want to live with her father-in-law and mother-in-law in private, but just like Wang Jiajia said, even if they don't live together now and have children after marriage, her mother-in-law will still come over Those who help take care of the children, besides, the parents-in-law only have one son, so they can't leave the two old people aside and ignore them. It's better to be generous from the beginning and agree to live together.

Xu Changqing also came to the wedding, seeing him being the groom, he glanced at Song Xiaomeng who was busy greeting the guests, thinking that he could get married sometime.

No one informed Hu Yanqing, and she had no idea that her youngest son and daughter were married before she knew it.

Uncle Song and Uncle Song attended his niece's wedding, and went back after seeing the wedding banquet that could only be seen on TV. Some people take care of food and housing, and they would like to spend a few more days in the capital, but the crops at home are waiting for no one, and if they don't go back, the grass in the field should be as tall as a person. He could only follow Song Gaofei's family back to his hometown.

After returning home, people in the village came to inquire about the situation one after another. Auntie Song had seen enough of the strange things in the capital, and she showed off her energy when she came back. As for the unpleasant things with her brothers and sisters a few years ago, she had selectively forgotten about it. Praising Song Cun and his brothers and sisters, saying that Song Cun is researching such computers, which ordinary people can't do. Song Xiaomeng was teaching in the capital, and several brothers and sisters bought a house in the capital, especially the one bought by Song Cun and Song Xiaolu, it was big, it was exactly the same as the one on TV, it was beautiful, and Song Xiaolu's wedding was also very good, it was very grand. .....

After Aunt Song and Aunt Song showed off, people in the village have been spreading the legend of Song Cun and his brothers and sisters for many years, saying that although Song Jianguo passed away early, and the mothers of the children also left, the four of them are fighting for their strength. In the capital, what great things did they do, how much money did they earn, it was really smoke on the ancestral graves, so that when Song Cun and his brothers and sisters went back to their hometown to pay homage to their father, they could still see the envious eyes of the villagers.

Song Cun graduated from graduate school and went straight to his doctorate. He was busy doing scientific research all day long. For him, Hu Yanqing's matter was no longer a matter. Even if Hu Yanqing still refused to give up and came to him once in three or two months, he would only deal with it indifferently, and then he would not take it seriously.

It's just that in the few months before her death, the Liu family notified the brothers and sisters, and the brothers and sisters went to see her, gave birth to them, and sent her off for the last time.

Song Cun has been doing scientific research all his life, and later he has his own research room and research team, and the research results have been used in all walks of life, even in the military field.

Song Cun has never been married in this life, even if his younger siblings are anxious about his marriage, he doesn't care about it, being single has its wonderfulness.

During his lifetime, he made a will, and all his research results and properties were donated to the country for charity. After his death, the country announced the will, and the whole country was in an uproar. They all knew the research results of Academician Song's life and how huge his wealth was, which was calculated in hundreds of billions. Even his private company Haowei fast food restaurant has already been listed. Opened all over the country, the market value is several billion.

None of those properties were left to his relatives, and all were donated to the country. People began to post on the Internet commemorating Academician Song.

As for Xu Changqing's crush on Song Xiaomeng for four years, and chasing her for four, eight years, he fought against the Japanese War. No matter how long it took, fortunately she finally agreed to his pursuit, and that was enough.



[System: You are the hero, go and capture that cute girl, she is the heroine. 】

Song Cun: "I have a fiancée, so I can't cheat."

[System: In the previous world, it was fine if the host was not married, but in this world, it is impossible not to be married, right? The original owner doesn't like his fiancée, and sooner or later the engagement will be divorced. Hurry up and chase the heroine, otherwise you will be single again in this life. 】

Song Cun: "I'm very sorry, I'm not a white-eyed wolf, and I can't do things that go back on my word."

Because the original owner had a problem with the family group, the female partner Zhou Suling's family was willing to contribute money to help their family solve their current difficulties. The two parties discussed marriage.

He thought this way at the time, he didn't have a girl he liked, and now the Zhou family proposes marriage, he and Zhou Suling grew up together, the two sides are familiar with each other, and they also understand her, marrying someone is not marriage, since it can help solve the company's problems, engagement is the right choice Get engaged.

Unexpectedly, not long after the engagement, he met the heroine, a naive, cute and silly girl. He had never met this kind of girl before. The rich ladies in the circle, including his fiancée, wore exquisite makeup every day, Wearing high-end clothes, extravagant jewelry, and a fake smile on his face, he felt bored, and was immediately attracted by the innocent appearance of the heroine

And the heroine has another identity, the daughter of the hero's father's first love. The mother of the original owner liked Zhou Suling, and felt that she was the only one who could match her son. She didn't like the heroine at all. After knowing the mother of the heroine, she united with her daughter, sister, and son's fiancee to make things difficult for her.

The hero fought against his mother, younger sister, and fiancee for the heroine, and in the end his mother died of anger, and his younger sister broke her leg in a car accident and went abroad. The fiancee was arrested and sent to prison for murdering the heroine. All those who opposed them had their own bad end.

The male protagonist and the female protagonist finally achieved a positive result, and held a grand wedding with the blessings of his father and the female protagonist's mother.

From Song Cun's point of view, this is what the whole play is about. In fact, in the plot, the hero's mother, sister, and fiancee are all villains. And the hero's father is a godly assist in the development of his relationship with the heroine, and he is a positive person.

Song Cun does not comment on whether the plot is reasonable or not, but he will never act according to the plot.

[System: But the original owner doesn't like his fiancée, you can't go against the original owner's wishes. 】

Song Cun: "The original owner hasn't fallen in love with the heroine yet. I'm very sorry. Although you sent me here a bit late, it's not too late. At least the original owner hasn't had any entanglements with the heroine yet."


The system felt that this was the worst decision it had ever made since it became a system. With the character of the host, if it sent the original owner here before he got engaged to the female partner, it might still have a chance with the female lead. It regretted it. Cut off the way to complete the task.

As soon as Song Cun stepped into the president's exclusive elevator, there was a rush of voices outside: "Wait a minute, wait a moment."

[System: It's the heroine. Host, wait a minute. 】

Song Cun directly pressed the button to close the elevator, the sound of footsteps gradually increased, and the elevator slowly closed. In the elevator, Song could still hear the sound of angrily slapping on the elevator door outside.

Song Cun asked the system suspiciously: "Innocent and cute?"

[System: It's so innocent and cute, who dares to snap the door of the president's exclusive elevator in this building? She is not naive, does she dare to shoot? 】

Song Cun snorted and ignored it.

Song Cun took the script of the domineering president this time. Every domineering president always has a celestial attitude superior to others. His face is cut like a knife, his nose is straight, and his eyes are like a bottomless cold pool. Test... All in all, looking at the description, you will feel that this is not a human being, this is the masterpiece of heaven, he should not appear in the mortal world, he should be in the sky.

However, Song Cun looked in the mirror and knew that the appearance of this body was indeed good, at least better than the appearances of the two worlds above. So when he appeared in the office, the office suddenly fell silent, and all the men and women stared at him like crazy.

Song Cun complained: "This should be a funny and domineering president."

[System: That's why the original owner is too charming. 】

Song Cun refused to comment. He entered the office and began to look at the information. He had just arrived and had no memory of the original owner. It is still necessary to have a clear understanding of the business that the group is operating and the current situation of the company.

He was looking at the documents when there was a knock on the door of the office, and he said lightly, "Come in."

Secretary Zhang came in with a document and said, "President, Liyuan's project needs your approval."

Song Cun glanced at him and said, "Let's put it there first, I'll talk about it after I've seen it."

Before he understands the situation of the group, he is not going to approve some important documents.

Secretary Zhang stood there without moving, Song Cun looked at him and said, "It's all right."

Secretary Zhang opened his mouth and said, "President, Liyuan's project board and Vice President Song have urged you several times, asking you to approve the documents. Next, we will prepare for the foundation stone laying ceremony, and then arrange workers to enter the site."

Song Cun frowned slightly: "I said put it there first."

Secretary Zhang didn't dare to speak anymore. He had been with the president for half a year, and the president looked indifferent. When he didn't offend him, everything was easy to talk about. If you offend him, he will let you try the majesty of the president.

Seeing him close the door, Song Cun picked up the document and read it. It was mentioned in the plot of this project that it was the second uncle who dug the hole for him. The hero stumbled hard because of this project. The file was thrown on the table, and he continued to look at other materials of the group.

At noon, he took out a bento and heated it in the microwave. When Secretary Zhang came in and asked him to order food, he saw his movements and opened his eyes wide. Song Cun turned a blind eye to Secretary Zhang's veiled scrutiny, and ate the heated bento in the lounge.

After get off work, he drove home directly with the cleaned bento box.

Back home, younger sister Song Rutong ran over and hugged his arm and asked, "Brother, is the bento I made delicious?"

Song Cun let go of her arm, took out the bento box and showed her: "It's delicious, I've eaten everything."

Song Rutong took the bento box happily: "I'll prepare a bento for you tomorrow?"

"Don't tire you. It's the same when I eat outside." Song Cun said with a smile, this sister lived a pampered life since she was a child, when did she need to cook by herself? Now she is willing to cook for her brother, which shows how much she likes the original owner.

Song Rutong said, "Cooking is not tiring."

Song's mother, Li Lingzhen, came downstairs with a smile, and said with a smile, "Aren't you busy these two days?"

It used to be good for my son to come back one day a week, but this week he came back two days in a row.

Song Cun smiled: "No matter how busy you are, you have to come back to see your mother and sister."

The smile on Li Lingzhen's face deepened. Her son has always been her pride, but he has a cold personality and is not close to the family. Now that he is willing to be close to her, she is happier than anyone else. This must be because of his son's engagement, Su Ling taught him, he has a good eye for picking his daughter-in-law.

At dinner time, Song's father, Song Zhengnan, came back from outside. At the dinner table, Song Zhengnan looked at his son's handsome face and said, "The daughter of an old friend of mine should be hired to work at the group headquarters. Please take care of her."

Song Cun finished drinking the soup his mother gave him, put down the bowl, picked up a paper towel and wiped his mouth slowly, then threw the paper towel into the trash basket, and then said lightly: "Dad said take care, what do you mean by taking care of him?" ?”

Song Zhengnan paused, then looked up at him: "I know you've always been business-like, but that's my old friend for decades, for the sake of our friendship, you don't need to do anything for me to take care of that girl , that is, if she has any difficulties, please help me."

Song Cun frowned: "This is not right."

Song Zhengnan also frowned, and said displeasedly: "What's wrong? You don't need to do anything and you don't want to?"

Song Cun looked at him: "Dad, I'm engaged. I have a fiancée. How can I take care of other girls casually? It's easy to cause misunderstandings. Dad shouldn't agree to such things. Besides, the employees in the group even clean the toilet. My aunts are all trained, they are polite and demeanor, as long as the girl works hard in the company, no one will bully her, so I don’t need to take care of her,”

Song Zhengnan was about to say something, Li Lingzhen who was next to him said angrily: "Song Cun is right, he is engaged, so there is nothing to do with other girls, don't let Suling see the misunderstanding, it will mess with the two families You don’t even look good on your face. So do you, and if you’ve been friends for decades, can it be important to have a son?”

Song Zhengnan threw down his chopsticks and glared at her: "It doesn't make sense to you."

Li Lingzhen shook her head: "Your father's temper is getting worse and worse."

Song Cun served her a bowl of soup, and said: "He just has this temper, let's not care about him, I will take you out to play when the National Day is off, look at Uncle Zhou and Aunt Zhou who go out for a trip when they are free, every time they come back from a trip , the mentality is much younger.”

Li Lingzhen smiled and said: "Your Aunt Zhou went out to play, and that was accompanied by your Uncle Zhou. Who should I go with?"

Song Cun pointed to his sister, and then to himself: "Isn't there us? We will accompany you to play. I guarantee that you will be ten years younger when you come back."

Li Lingzhen laughed, and when Song Rutong heard that her brother was going to take her out to play, she enthusiastically suggested which place was fun and where the scenery was good. After a while, the dining table was full of laughter.

When Song Zhengnan heard the laughter outside the room, he became even more angry.

Volume 3: It's the president, not the domineering president

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