MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 28

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There was almost half a year left before the college entrance examination. Song Cun tried his best to ask the teacher for leave, but in the end he still didn't get the teacher's approval.

Song Cun had no choice but to tell the teacher that the time for the college entrance examination was getting closer, and his heart was getting more and more restless. Every time he entered the classroom, he felt a sense of depression and panic. He felt that he had developed an anxiety disorder and wanted to go out. Take a walk, relax, change your mood, and then come back, maybe it will be all right.

Besides, he has learned everything he should learn, and he will know what he should know. If he is panicked when he enters the examination room due to anxiety, it will be useless to do more test questions now.

Seeing that he was serious about what he said, the teacher also began to worry. Song Cun is a key seed cultivated in the class. Based on his scores in several mock exams, he is very likely to be admitted to Qingda Huada University. Even he has an anxiety disorder. Got it.

Based on Song Cun's usual performance in school, the teacher did not doubt his words.

The principal and dean of the school were also very concerned about this matter, and even severely reprimanded the head teacher, asking him how he handled things. The students did not even know that they had anxiety disorders. After discussing with several teachers, they learned more about Song Cun's situation. Fan finally decided to agree to his request for leave.

Seeing how worried the teachers were for him, Song Cun could only apologize to them silently, especially the class teacher, who was criticized by the principal because of his affairs, so he could only confess to them later.

Holding the leave note and documents, and packing up some clothes, Song Cun took the train directly to the Shanghai stock market, arrived at the terminal, got off the train, and out of the station, he saw Xu Changqing standing there waiting for him in the crowd, he said with a smile : "Have you been here for a long time?"

Xu Changqing was studying at Shanghai Jiaotong University. Before he came, he called him and asked him to help arrange accommodation in Shanghai.

Xu Changqing shook his head and said, "It hasn't been long. I found a hotel near our school, shall we go to the hotel first?"

Song Cun nodded. After that, the two took a taxi and went directly to the hotel.

When they arrived at the hotel, Xu Changqing asked curiously: "The college entrance examination is coming up in June. If you are not in school, hurry up and review and wait for the college entrance examination. Why are you going to the Shanghai stock market?"

Song Cun glanced at him and smiled: "You will know tomorrow."

Seeing that he was mysterious, Xu Changqing didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, he will know tomorrow.

In the evening, Xu Changqing didn't stay in the hotel and went back to school. When he came over the next day, Song Cun had finished his exercise and was waiting for him after washing up. The two of them had breakfast and drove directly to the nearby bank. Xu Changqing asked Song Cun: "What do you do in the bank?"

Song Cun replied: "Buy stock subscription certificates."

"Stock subscription certificate?"

Song Cun replied: "Well, if you have money, you can also consider buying some."

Xu Changqing frowned, "Is this reliable?"

He didn't know much about this aspect, but he heard some news vaguely. The subscription certificate was issued for a few days, and most of them felt that the winning rate was not high. Many people were unwilling to gamble, and there were not many people who bought it.

Song Cun strode towards the counter for purchasing stock subscription certificates, and said as he walked, "Whether it's reliable or not, I plan to put all my money into it."

"..." Xu Changqing caught up with him and said, "It's not easy to earn some money, so take it easy."

Having known each other for almost two years, he still knew about Song Cun's family situation, but he did not expect him to earn and spend money quickly.

Song Cun smiled: "Don't worry, I know it well. Besides, even if all the money is put in, it's only a matter of tens of thousands of dollars, and it will be earned quickly. Even if we win half of it, we don't have to deal with it bitterly." The stall is selling clothes."

Xu Changqing shook his head, thinking too well.

Song Cun didn't care what Xu Changqing thought. He had more than 80,000 yuan, and a subscription certificate was 30 yuan. He planned to save some money for emergency use, and buy the subscription certificate for the rest. She said she would put all of Xiaolu's 10,000 yuan into it, and after all the calculations, she bought 330 copies for her. Xiao Meng and Gao Fei each invested 4,000 yuan and bought 130 copies for each of them. Counting down almost 3100 copies. When I got to the counter, I bought it directly.

The staff who sold the stock subscription certificates thought they heard him wrong when they heard his words, so they asked again: "Are you sure you want to buy so much?"

Song Cun: "OK."

Xu Changqing wanted to pull his arm from behind, but it was too late, so he could only watch him buy a lot of stock subscription certificates.

Until the two walked out of the bank, Xu Changqing was a little unbelievable, Song Cun actually bought a stock subscription certificate worth nearly 100,000 yuan, really, really crazy.

Back at the hotel, Song Cun said to him, "Not only mine, but also my three younger brothers and sisters. Even Xiaolu bought nearly 10,000 yuan."

Xu Changqing wiped off the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, and sighed: "That's not a lot, you are really brave enough."

Song Cun said slightly teasingly: "The brave and the cowardly starve to death. The opportunity is right in front of you. If you seize it, it is an opportunity. If you fail to grasp it, it is regret. As a friend, I sincerely advise you to use some of your savings to buy some I was stunned by the stock subscription. Even if I can’t get anything, I can’t lose much money. If I make money, I will have the money to buy a house and get married in Shanghai after graduation.”

Xu Changqing looked at him: "Is this really reliable?"

Song Cun shrugged, "Whether it's reliable or not, I've already bought so many."

What should be said has already been said, whether he believes it or not is up to him. He can't make decisions for him, let alone tell him that this can make money 100%, and even if he says so, he may not believe it.

Xu Changqing was a little moved. Song Cun invested nearly 100,000 yuan in it, and he was not afraid. His current cash totaled only 3,000 yuan. Clench your fist, be cruel, and buy it.

I bought it as soon as I said it, and went downstairs to the bank to buy a hundred stock subscription certificates.

After buying it, he felt a little impulsive and didn't save some money for his usual use. He smiled wryly and said, "Fortunately, my mother will pay me dozens of yuan for living expenses every month, otherwise I would have bought the subscription certificate, and the next few I don’t even have to eat moon food.”

Song Cun patted him on the shoulder: "Believe me, you won't regret today's impulse."

Xu Changqing smiled, I hope.

Song Cun didn't stay in the Shanghai stock market, and the final exam was about to take place. He took the return train and left the next day. Before leaving, he said to Xu Changqing: "At any time, pay attention to the situation of the stock market, and keep calling at least once a week. Tell me what's going on here."

After returning, the teacher went to talk to him: "How about going out for a while?"

Song Cun said cautiously: "I went outside, saw the outside world, and saw many people running around. I think I am lucky. At least I can sit in a spacious and bright classroom without being exposed to the sun and rain. The college entrance examination is just life. Although it can determine a part of my destiny, it cannot determine my whole life. As long as I stick to my heart, face difficulties and move forward bravely, I believe that no matter where I go, I will live a good life.”

What he said was impassioned, and the teacher was also moved when he heard it, and felt that the decision to give Song Cun a vacation and let him go for a walk and relax was the right decision. Walking out of the teacher's office, Song Cun smiled, he was so sorry for the teacher.

After the final exam, the students began to pack their things and go home. Song Cun was carrying a big bag and walked to the bus station. Zhang Xiaomei caught up and asked, "Song Cun, I heard that you asked for leave a few days ago. What happened? something?"

"It's nothing." Song Cun looked back at her and continued to walk forward.

Zhang Xiaomei snorted, looked at his back hesitantly, thought for a while and ran after him, then asked, "Song Cun, which university are you going to go to?"

Song Cun paused and said, "It hasn't been decided yet."

Zhang Xiaomei pursed her lips. Song Cun's grades have always been better than hers. Especially after entering the second year of high school, his grades have improved significantly. May be admitted to Qingda Huada. Such excellent grades have already left her far behind, and she can't catch up with flattery, but she still wants to catch up with him, even if she goes to university in the same city in the future.

Song Cun looked back at her: "The bus is coming soon, I'll take a step first."

Zhang Xiaomei opened her mouth, wanting to say that I want to take that bus too, and we can go together. Seeing his figure flying away in the dust, she shut up in frustration, sighed and quickened her pace, and followed to the bus stop.

After returning home, Song Xiaomeng, Song Gaofei, and Song Xiaolu had already returned home on vacation. They didn't ask Song Cun about his business, and they all thought that he hadn't started business yet. After all, he was so busy with his studies, and the school teachers couldn't let him go. Feel free to go out of school to do business.

Song put away his luggage, carefully locked the subscription certificate in the box, and came out to ask casually, "How did Xiao Meng and Gao Fei do in the exam this semester?"

Song Xiaomeng said with a smile: "I did well in the exam this time, and I actually got eighth in the exam."

Song Cun looked at her: "Class ranking, or grade ranking?"

Song Xiaomeng smiled and said, "Grade ranking."

Song Cun put a smile on his face: "That's pretty good. It's improved a lot from last semester. What's the total score?"

Song Xiaomeng said his score.

Song Cun murmured: "If the third year of senior high school can also maintain this score, according to the score line of previous years, there is no problem in being admitted to a junior college."

After three years of junior college, you may still be able to catch the last bus assigned by the package after graduation.

Song Xiaomeng clenched his fist when he heard what his elder brother said, "I will definitely work hard."

Song Cun nodded with a smile. He still believed in his sister. She was steady and patient in her work. Although her talent was not very good at studying, she was more serious and diligent. Thinking of this, he looked at Song Gaofei: "How about you, after entering high school, how is your study?"

Song Gaofei's cheeks were flushed, he hesitated and said: "I can keep up."

Song Cun frowned, hearing what he said, he could guess what his grades were in school, and he didn't ask him how many points he got in the exam, he just said: "It's not enough to keep up, don't go out to play during the holidays, Just study at home."

Song Gaofei replied in a low voice: "I see."

On the 30th day, as usual, the brothers and sisters spent the New Year together. None of the grandparents, uncles and uncles came to see them, and let the brothers and sisters celebrate the New Year with them. The brothers and sisters are used to it. No one cares whether they come to see them or not. Even their children can still prepare a big New Year's Eve dinner. They have everything they should have, and they have prepared a lot of what they shouldn't.

After the Chinese New Year, school will start in a few days, and vegetables and other food that are not eaten at home cannot be taken to school. Song Cun asked Song Xiaomeng to give them all to the left and right neighbors. After all, they are not at home. , it was the neighbors who helped look after the house, otherwise the house would have been burglarized long ago.

Grandpa Song and Grandma Song knew that the grandchildren of Song Jianguo were white-eyed wolves. Seeing that they would rather give the leftover vegetables and fruits to their neighbors than give them to them, they could only curse in secret and arranged for those neighbors who accepted Song's things. , There is nothing else they can do, after all, they know that Song Cun and his brothers and sisters will not talk to them, so they are too embarrassed to make fun of them.

After returning to school, Song Cun sank into his studies, and called Xu Changqing a week to inquire about the situation there. Xu Changqing has been paying attention to the situation of the stock exchange. He invested 3,000 yuan in it, being cautious.

Time passed quickly, and more than two months passed in the blink of an eye. When Song Cun received a call from Xu Changqing again, he was pleasantly surprised and said to him: "It's done, let's do it."

Song Cun hummed.

Xu Changqing noticed that his tone was flat, and thought he didn't understand: "Let's send it out. A subscription certificate on the black market is almost 8,000 yuan. I can't help but want to sell them."

Song Cun said with a smile: "Wait a little longer."

Xu Changqing hurriedly said: "Forget about earning some money, if we don't get the number, we will lose everything."

Song Cun pondered for a while and said, "I'll come over in a few days."

When the college entrance examination was in the fall, it was even more difficult to ask the teacher for leave, so he could only use the old method. Although I was sorry for the teacher and ashamed of the teacher's trust in him, there was nothing I could do.

When I asked for leave, I took the train and went to the Shanghai stock market. Xu Changqing picked him up at the train station, with a proud face, pulled him and whispered: "Now a subscription certificate has been sold for 10,000 yuan on the black market. We really sent."

A subscription certificate is worth 10,000 yuan, and a hundred copies are worth a million. He didn't even dare to dream that he would become a millionaire all of a sudden. Even when he got the university admission letter, he didn't get so excited. But Song Cun bought more than 3,000 copies, and if he sold all of them, he would become a multi-millionaire immediately, but his face was very flat, as if the 30 million was only 300 yuan, and he felt that he had not cultivated enough. home.

After getting into the taxi, Xu Changqing said, "Let's go to the black market first and sell what we can."

Song Cun nodded in agreement, earning money is important, and the college entrance examination is equally important. When the number is drawn, the college entrance examination is coming soon, and he has no time to come here. It's better to sell the subscription certificate to the black market and accumulate some funds first.

The two went to the black market and observed it. Song Cun asked someone, "Is there a subscription certificate for sale?"

The man glanced at him: "You asked me to buy a subscription certificate, and I still want to buy a subscription certificate, but I don't know who to turn to!"

Song Cun asked him, "How much do you pay for a subscription certificate?"

The man said: "Now it's all raised to 10,000, and there are still 12,000 for sale, but 12,000 is too expensive, so I didn't buy it."

Song Cun said with a smile: "I have a subscription certificate here, 10,000 copies, do you want it?"

The man had a happy face: "How much?"

Song Cun raised his eyebrows and asked him, "How much do you want?"

The man stood up straight: "Return what I want! Do you have as much as I want?"

Song Cun said: "Let's talk about how much you need first, and then see if I have it."

The man asked, "I want a thousand copies, do you have any?"

Song Cun looked at him: "I'll show you the goods first, pay with one hand and deliver the goods with the other."

The man nodded: "Okay, as long as you have the goods, I have money."

Song Cun replied: "As long as you have money, I have the goods."

Xu Changqing came back to his senses and found that the two had already negotiated and were about to go to the bank to transfer the money. When they got outside the bank, the man said, "Can you show me the goods first when you get here?"

Song Cun took out the subscription card from the big bag he was carrying and showed it to him. As soon as the man's eyes lit up, he reached out to touch it. Song Cun quickly closed the bag and looked at him: "Go and transfer the money first."

The man said awkwardly: "You really have a subscription certificate to sell. Then I have a check, so I can write you a cash check directly, okay?"

Song Cun looked at him lightly, and the man raised his hand: "Okay, okay, my fault, I didn't believe you had so many subscription certificates at all just now, I thought you were fooling me, so I followed you to see, see See what you want to do."

Song Cun snorted, "Do you still want to buy a subscription card? If you want to buy it, write a check quickly. After the check is done, I will give you the subscription card after I have withdrawn the cash. Who knows if your account balance is enough? I like fooling so much, I don't believe you reputation."

The man laughed and said, "How dare I write a bad check? Then I will be held accountable and fined."

Song Cun glanced at him lightly: "You still know the legal responsibility."

The man knew that he had offended Song Cun just now, so he didn't say any more, and directly wrote a check, and the two went to the bank to cash the cash. The man was also afraid that Song Cun would run away, so he followed him every step of the way.

Song Cun let him take the money here, and gave him the subscription certificate on the other side, agreeing to pay the money with one hand and the goods with the other.

The man knew the authenticity of the subscription certificate at random. He took the subscription certificate, walked out of the bank, and asked them with a smile: "Do you still have the subscription certificate? How much can I buy?"

Song Cun squinted his eyes and asked him, "Do you still have money to buy?"

The man stared at him: "You underestimate people, don't you?" The conversation changed: "Of course, even if I don't have that much money, I can still borrow money. Don't worry about whether I have that much money, but how many subscription certificates you have. I can buy as much as I want."

He can't eat it by himself, why don't he have brothers.

Song Cun said to him: "You have to prepare at least 20 million yuan."

The man's eyes lit up, "Okay, you wait, I'll call and get someone to bring the money right away."

Song Cun made a gesture of invitation.

In less than half an hour, the check was delivered, and the few people did not delay, and the money was delivered immediately, and the subscription certificate was given to them. Of course, Xu Changqing's one hundred subscription certificates were also sold, and the money was transferred to his account.

After selling the subscription certificate, the two were relieved. Xu Changqing thought of the one million in the account, and his steps were a little light, so he asked Song Cun, "How dare you conduct such a large transaction with that person in private?"

Are you not afraid of being deceived and robbed of the subscription card?

Song Cun said with a smile: "That man looks like a fool, but there is a sense of nobility in his actions. There is no hostility in his brows, but his eyes are clear and open but with arrogance. I think his family is either a businessman or a military administration. Don't worry about doing business with him. To be deceived by him is perfect."

Xu Changqing looked at him in admiration, but Song Cun didn't expect Song Cun to have such eyes.

Song Cun didn't delay, bought a train ticket directly, took the car back to school that night, and went back to school to ask the teacher to sell the leave. The teacher saw that he was in better spirits than ever before, so he was relieved, and let him go back without saying anything. But I thought in my heart that I had to pass the college entrance examination well, and nothing else could happen.

On the day of the college entrance examination, most of the parents in the class came to accompany the exam, even Zhang Xiaomei’s mother also came to accompany the exam. The head teacher looked at the lonely Song Cun, no one cared about it, and planned to let him go home with him, so he came to see him off. Song Cun went to the exam. Song Cun refused, saying that he was used to living in the dormitory, so he went to the teacher's house suddenly, and the strange environment affected his sleep. The teacher didn't force him.

The three-day exam passed by in a flash. Now after scoring, fill in the volunteers. After confirming the answers with the teacher, Song Cun began to fill in the volunteer form. The first choice was Qingda University majoring in computer science and technology, and the rest filled in several other universities with higher rankings.

He gave the completed application form to the teacher. When the teacher saw his first application, he paused and asked, "Are you sure?"

Song Cun said: "If it is still the same as last year's score line, there should be no problem." Even if it is higher than last year's score line, there is actually no problem.

The teacher nodded and said with a smile, "It's good if you have confidence."

After filling in the application form, the students suddenly relaxed and started having dinner parties one after another. Song Cun watched them make a fuss, and followed them to raise money in the restaurant to have dinner, bid farewell to teachers and classmates, and went back to the dormitory to pack up their things. Going back to school for accommodation, Song Cun packed all the books and clothes and planned to carry them back.

At this time, the schools were not on holiday yet, so Song Cun went home directly. When the villagers saw him coming back, they were stunned for a while. He came back with his things on his back before the holiday. Don’t just commit a crime at school and be expelled from the school. Well, I asked him with the mentality of watching a joke: "Why did Song Cun come back?"

Song Cun smiled and said to them: "I just finished the college entrance examination, and I came back after the exam."

The villager let out a oh, how time flies, this kid has already taken the college entrance examination, and asked him with a smile: "How is the exam? Can you be admitted to university?"

But I thought in my heart that college entrance examination is not so easy, and Song Cun may not be able to pass the entrance examination.

Song Cun said modestly: "Not necessarily, the score has not come down."

The villager said: "When I am admitted to university, I must treat guests to dinner. This is a happy event."

Song Cun said with a smile: "Let's talk about it after entering the university."

When I got home, I cleaned the outside of the house and made some casual food for myself. After eating, I sat in the courtyard under the plane tree in a daze, and suddenly I was not used to it. The summer vacation was long, and I was young. It's not a problem for the young man to stay at home like this. Thinking of this, I decided to go to the town tomorrow to see my younger siblings, talk to their head teacher, and ask them about their school situation.

The next day, Song Cun rode his old bicycle at home and wandered to the middle school of the town. When he arrived at the school, he first went to Song Xiaomeng's class. When the get out of class was over, he stood outside the classroom and swept a few times inside. Soon, he found Song Xiaomeng and saw that she was immersed in her homework. He smiled. No wonder this girl's grades have improved a lot. After class, everyone else is playing, and she is the only one reading her homework.

The student sitting by the window saw him and asked him curiously through the half-open window: "Who are you looking for?"

Song Cun smiled: "Can you call Song Xiaomeng for me?"

The student turned around and shouted: "Song Xiaomeng is looking for!"

Song Xiaomeng subconsciously raised her head and looked out of the window. Seeing that it was her eldest brother, she stood up and ran out in surprise, shouting as she ran, "Big Brother, why are you here?"

Song Cun looked at her with a smile, Song Xiaomeng ran out and stood in front of Song Cun and asked, "Brother, have you finished the college entrance examination?"

She knew at school that her elder brother was going to take the college entrance examination and was worried about him, but she couldn't accompany him to the college entrance examination. She still felt a little guilty. The elder brother treated them so well, but they couldn't accompany him on his most important day.

Song Cun said, "The exam is over."

Song Xiaomeng asked him how he did in the exam, but he didn't ask after thinking about it, no matter how his elder brother did in the exam, he has already finished the exam anyway, whether he did well or not, it's already a fact, it's better not to worry about it Let big brother relax and relax.

Song Cun looked her up and asked, "How is school?"

Song Xiaomeng said with a smile: "It's not bad, the teacher said that I have made great progress."

Song Cun nodded, talked to Song Xiaomeng for a few words, and then went to Song Gaofei's class. Song Gaofei may also realize that his grades have dropped too much. If he doesn't study hard, he may not even pass the college entrance examination. When Song Cun came to his class, he was a little emotional when he saw him reading a book. At least this kid was still willing to work hard. Song Cun called him out to ask about his situation, chatted for a while, and when the class bell rang, he left.

Song Cun didn't leave the school, but turned around and went to the teacher's office. He found the head teacher of the two and learned about the situation of the two at school. Teacher Song Xiaomeng mostly praised Song Xiaomeng, saying that Song Xiaomeng was honest and hardworking, studied hard, and made great progress. As for Song Gaofei, his head teacher said that the child is smart if he is smart, but he is relatively passive in learning, active for a while, lazy for a while, and he has to be tightened up from time to time, otherwise he will relax.

Song Cun said a few hard words about the teacher, asked some other questions, and left. Afterwards, I went to the market in the town, bought some vegetables and went home, and called Xu Changqing at the Post Office, asking him to buy some books on computers and send them back.

Back home, he got a bamboo pole, made a fishhook himself, dug some earthworms, and went fishing by the river. When the villagers passed by the river, they saw Song Cun sitting under a big tree by the river, holding Reading a book, fishing while reading it, even after a few lifetimes, he has never read many books. Reading has become a habit in his two lifetimes. When he doesn’t read a book or flip through a book, he feels a little less. What, just like the "Dream of Red Mansions" bought by Xiaomeng in his hand, he has read through the four major classics in his previous life, and he has a different experience after reading it this time.

The villagers couldn't help laughing and teasing him: "Song Cun, are you fishing or reading?"

Song Cun smiled: "Fishing doesn't delay my reading."

Song Cun's fishing skills are quite good. He can catch a lot of fish every day, and he can't finish them all by himself. After thinking about it, he slaughtered them, put them in the sun, and dried them to eat.

When Song Xiaomeng, Song Xiaolu, and Song Gaofei came back from vacation, they saw dried fish hanging on the wall, and the corners of their mouths twitched. Song Xiaolu laughed and joked, "Brother, what did you do at home? How did you get so many dried fish?" ? Could it be that they robbed the fish seller?"

Song Cun glanced at her coolly: "This is all fish I caught." What robbed the fish seller? underestimate him.

Song Xiaolu said with a smile: "Then you are really patient to catch so many fish."

Song Cun pointed to the bucket next to it: "There is still half of the bucket alive. I can eat enough fish for a few days, and the bucket is reserved for you."

Song Gaofei enviously said: "Brother is living a leisurely life today."

"If you take the college entrance examination, you can still be so leisurely. The premise is that you have to do well in the exam. If you fail the exam, you have to repeat it. You can't be leisurely." Song Cun said.

Song Gaofei was stunned. Although he did better in the exam this time than last semester, he was not as good as his elder sister. The elder sister's progress is too fast, he can't keep up.

Song Cun didn't ask about their grades. After talking with their teachers, he had a rough idea of ​​their grades. Even if he didn't, he could tell how they were doing by looking at their expressions.

At the beginning, Song Xiaomeng, Song Xiaolu, and Song Gaofei felt that there was fish to eat, and they were quite satisfied. After eating fish for several days, they looked at Song Cunqiu and said, "Brother, can we stop fishing? I don't want to go fishing again in my life." Eat fish."

If you don’t fish, you don’t fish. The book Xu Changqing bought for him has already arrived, and he has no time to go fishing. Although fishing does not delay reading, it depends on what kind of book it is. The professional books of study are different.

So next, the brothers and sisters were pleasantly surprised to find that their eldest brother did not go fishing anymore. Instead, they were bored in the room reading a book. They didn't know what book they were reading, so the three brothers and sisters could only guess by themselves. Song Xiaolu said worriedly: "Could it be that my eldest brother failed the college entrance examination, so he hid in the room to review, and planned to fight again next year?"

Song Xiaomeng was also worried about this, she pushed Song Gaofei: "Why don't you go and see Big Brother?"

Song Gaofei glanced at her: "I want to go with you, but I won't." What if the eldest brother punishes him?

After the results of the college entrance examination came out, the brothers and sisters did not expect Song Cun to be ranked third in the province and first in the city. The school teacher also gave the bonus, and the worries in my heart disappeared suddenly, and a pleasant smile appeared on my face.

In fact, the school teacher did not expect Song Cun to do so well in the exam. When Song Cun returned to school, he was quite embarrassed and asked the teacher about asking for leave before the college entrance examination. Fortunately, Song Cun confessed to him now. After all, the grades have already come down, and he already knows that the student did well in the exam. Instead of confessing to him after the exam, he will definitely lose his hair in sorrow, worrying that he will not do well in the exam.

After the surprise, the brothers and sisters shook their heads and laughed because of their previous worries. They thought too much, how could the elder brother's mind go wrong because of the college entrance examination? Even if you do not do well in the exam, you can take the exam again next year.

Song Xiaomeng said: "Brother, this result is quite good for Qingdahuada."

Song Gaofei and Song Xiaolu were also very happy.

Several people have always known that the eldest brother has good grades, but they never knew that the eldest brother has such good grades that he actually got the third place in the province.

Song Cun said: "The admission notice hasn't arrived yet."

After a while, Song Cun received the admission notice from Qingda University as he wished. Even though he was prepared, the three younger siblings were excited. Song Xiaomeng's eyes were red with joy, and he held the admission notice from his elder brother: " If Dad is still alive, I don’t know how happy he would be, let’s burn some incense for Dad later, and tell him that his elder brother has been admitted to Qingda University, which will make him happy too.”

Song Cun nodded: "Burn, burn more. After all, it's not only a happy event for me to be admitted to university, but it's also a happy event for you all to become millionaires."




Song Xiaolu blinked and asked first, "Brother, what millionaire?"

Song Cun didn't say much, just said: "You are all sixteen years old, you can apply for an ID card, after you get your ID card, go to the bank to open an account, and transfer all your money to you, I don't care about you gone."

The few people hadn't recovered from the millionaire's words, but Song Xiaomeng's eyes turned red when they heard that the eldest brother ignored them, "What should we do if the elder brother doesn't care about us?"

Song Cun said helplessly: "It's not that I don't care about you, I just give you all the money you put with me, and let you keep it for yourself."

The few people breathed a sigh of relief, and Song Xiaolu asked, "Brother, what's the matter with the millionaire you just mentioned?"

Song Cun explained it to them roughly, and after several people confirmed it again and again, they knew that they had really made money. Song Gaofei said in a daze: "Are we all rich?"

Song Xiaomeng sighed: "So I really earned so much money."

Song Xiaolu's eyes brightened: "I am rich, I want to buy new clothes, new shoes..."

Song Gaofei said with great interest: "It turns out that stocks are so profitable!"

Song Cun frowned: "The stock market is risky, and it doesn't mean you can make money if you enter the stock market. If you don't have vision, you don't have opportunities. Bankruptcy is just a matter of minutes. You are still young and there are not many places to spend your money. You can use this money to buy some houses. Store. No matter what happens in the future, with these things at least you won’t be hungry.”

Song Xiao dreamed about it and said, "I'll listen to elder brother."

After going through so many things, she can see that the elder brother is successful, and what the elder brother said is right.

Song Xiaolu has long seen the ability of her eldest brother, otherwise she would not have given all her savings to her for investment. As a result, Song Xiaomeng, Song Gaofei, and her, the three of them, she earned the most, 3.3 million. She had to buy as many houses as she wanted, and she woke up laughing just thinking about it.

Thinking of this, she suddenly asked, "Brother, where are you going to buy a house?"

Song Cun said: "I went to university in Beijing, and I may develop there in the future, and I will definitely buy a house there for the time being. Moreover, it is the capital, and the value of houses rises faster, and the return on investment for buying a house is relatively high."

Song Xiaomeng fell silent, and suddenly remembered that their mother is from the capital, and the elder brother went to the capital, will he meet her?

Song Xiaolu and Song Gaofei also thought of this matter, Song Xiaolu said hesitantly: "Mom..."

"Shut up!" Song Xiaomeng roared with red eyes, "From the day she abandoned us and returned to Beijing without hesitation, she is no longer our mother."

Song Gaofei didn't know what he was thinking, so he didn't speak.

Song Xiaolu shrugged and said indifferently: "When we needed our mother, she left. Now that we are older, we don't need her anymore. It doesn't matter if we can meet her or not. Even if we meet her, just pretend she doesn't exist. Besides With big brother here, big brother led us to earn so much money, can mother do it?"

Song Xiaomeng lowered her head and said nothing.

Song Xiaolu sneered: "It's been more than ten years, she should have married long ago. I have so much money, I don't want to find myself a mother to take care of me and have multiple fathers to be filial. Why? My father only has Song Jianguo , I don’t want to support someone else’s father.”

Song Gaofei suddenly looked at her, and Song Xiaolu said disdainfully: "What are you looking at me for? Do you think I'm wrong?"

Song Gaofei laughed all of a sudden, and said: "Xiao Lu is right. She abandoned us, and we are no longer her children. Now that we have money, we don't need her. We can live as we want. Really If you want to recognize her, you really have found yourself a Tai Sui pressure. As you said, she must remarry, and she may already have other children. At that time, she must not only be filial to other people's fathers, but also take care of her. Those children. This matter is too bad, and we must not do it."

Song Xiaolu nodded: "You are still sober."

She was not surprised by the second brother's words. After all, the second brother has always been an egoist. When he heard that he would be under the control of his stepfather and mother and had to support his stepfather, he could still recognize them, so she wrote his name upside down.

Song Cun smiled lightly. In the plot, the brothers and sisters’ mothers lived in the capital. They graduated from university and became teachers. However, after remarrying, they never had children, so they were not treated well by their in-laws. It was not until it was found out that it was the man’s problem that things got better. And because she was entangled in this matter, she was in a bad mood, her work was not very smooth, and her family conditions could only be regarded as an ordinary family in Beijing. Even so, it was unattainable for the brothers and sisters at that time.

As for now, the brothers and sisters already have a lot of money, and they don't know what their attitude will be when they face their biological mother who wants to recognize their biological mother. But judging from the reactions of several people, she must not be very welcome.