MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 21

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After the road was repaired, Song Cun contacted a group of new researchers through the farm where he practiced. The fertilizers that were put into production last year and put into production this year did not require fertilizer tickets. The villagers voluntarily bought them, not compulsory.

Some people think that they have never heard of this chemical fertilizer, and they don’t need a ticket. They can’t believe it, but it’s not reliable; That is, his family is here, so he can’t run away; some of them simply think that Song Cun is not an unreliable person, and that everything he does for the village is for the benefit of the village, since he taught Aunt Yuan When feeding pigs, they know his character without asking for anything, and they are willing to believe him.

Song Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohua wanted to buy chemical fertilizer, regardless of whether the fertilizer could be used or not. With the support of his parents, his son’s work was stopped by Song Zhiwen and his daughter-in-law Qian Xiaomei. Now that he has graduated from college, he doesn’t need your support anymore, and you live with us, so you can’t just think about other sons. The fertilizer was never used before, so I don’t know what’s going on. Do not buy."

Song Dazhuang said: "This is my home, I can buy it if I want, you don't care about it. Live as long as you can, and if you can't, the family will be separated."

In a hurry, his three sons would not follow anyone. He and the child's mother lived alone, which was more enjoyable than living with them.

I thought that after Zhiwen got married, he would be more diligent and they would be more relaxed. How could he have thought that the daughter-in-law would marry back, but he would marry an ancestor. Not only do you have to serve your youngest son, but you also have to serve your youngest daughter-in-law. It's been so long since they've been in the door, not to mention that they haven't been in the kitchen, even their mothers do the cleaning of their own rooms, and the clothes are washed by their mothers. What's the use of such a daughter-in-law marrying in?

Qian Xiaomei pursed her lips, and said disdainfully: "Your son can't lift his hands or hold his shoulders. You don't know what to do? You still have to separate the family. It's okay to separate the family. Your son and I are divorced. You can separate the family as you want. "

Even if she is divorced, she can still marry. Let's see if Song Zhiwen can cheat his wife.

Song Zhiwen said impatiently at the side: "Father, do you really want to make trouble for my divorce?"

When Zhang Xiaohua heard her mentioning divorce, she quickly said: "What kind of family is divided, no family is separated. I will live with you from now on." After finishing speaking, he did not forget to stare at Song Dazhuang, telling him to talk less.

Song Dazhuang glanced at her with a dark face, said nothing, and walked behind with his hands behind his back.

Zhang Xiaohua sighed, Qian Xiaomei looked at Song Dazhuang's back, sneered, went back to the room with melon seeds, and said: "Mother, if you want to do laundry, Zhiwen's dirty clothes are on the stool in the room, don't forget what."

Zhang Xiaohua ordered her to go to her son's room to get dirty clothes. Seeing that there was only a pair of trousers for her son, and the rest were clothes for her daughter-in-law, she sighed again. Marrying a daughter-in-law and coming back is a crime, what is her fate?

The head of Lijia Village next door heard that Song Cun had free fertilizers, so he found Song Cun and wanted to get a batch of fertilizers. Song Cun said to him, "Aren't you afraid that the chemical fertilizer will ruin the crops?"

Li Jiacun said: "I have no education, but I know that this fertilizer was researched by educated people. Since they produced it, it must be usable. I am not afraid, and neither are the people in our village. You can make it for us." Come, even if it’s a bit more expensive, it’s nothing.”

He was afraid that he would not be able to get fertilizer, so he added a sentence at the end.

Song Cun responded with a smile, and only said: "The price is the same as our village."

Village head Li was very grateful: "We all in the village remember this kindness."

When he came, he met Mr. Yang, the village head of Yangxu Village. Out of good intentions, he wanted to come to Song Cun with him to see if he could get fertilizer, but he said it was unreliable, since he thought it was unreliable. Alright.

Song Cun smiled.

After buying the fertilizer, Song Cun listened to the weather forecast and asked them to scatter the fertilizer the day before it rained. Chemical fertilizers were sprinkled during the day, and after a spring rain at night, all the chemical fertilizers melted and penetrated into the ground. In a few days, the wheat seedlings flourished, forming a sharp contrast with the nearby wheat fields that were not sprinkled with chemical fertilizers. Those villagers who didn't buy fertilizer started to regret it, and they came to Song Cun to ask if they could still get fertilizer.

When chemical fertilizers were put into production for the first time, there were not many produced. He could get it because he was an intern on the farm, because the professors knew him. It may not be possible for others to get it. Of course, it’s only that batch, and it’s gone after that, and there’s nothing I can do to regret it. For some things, it's too late.

Song Dazhuang saw the sparse and yellowed wheat seedlings in his own house, and then looked at the green wheat seedlings next to him. He was furious, and when he returned home, no one was pleasing to his eyes. Seeing his dark face, Zhang Xiaohua asked him, "What's the matter?"

Song Dazhuang snorted: "I can't live through this day."

Zhang Xiaohua was also angry, so she shouted: "It's just that, I lose my temper well, am I born to be angry?"

The more she thought about it, the more uncomfortable Zhang Xiaohua felt, and she couldn't help but her eyes turned red. Her son and daughter-in-law made her angry, and now the man also made her angry. What's the point of her life?

Song Dazhuang pointed at her: "Go to the field and look at other people's wheat seedlings, and then look at our wheat seedlings. If we sprinkle chemical fertilizers, our family will not know how much more wheat this year. What a waste of money!"

Song Zhiwen came out of the room and said impatiently, "Father, what are you yelling at?"

Song Dazhuang glared at him: "Separate the family, this family must be divided."

Song Zhiwen frowned.

Qian Xiaomei came out of the house: "If you want to separate, I will divorce. I won't take care of your lazy son who doesn't work."

Song Dazhuang looked at her and said, "Divorce is divorce. Do as you please, I can't worry so much." Zhiwen is lazy, and you are not diligent. You two are about the same.

Zhang Xiaohua looked at her son, daughter-in-law, and then at the man, and said anxiously, "What kind of family do you want to divide? We don't want to divide the family."

Song Dazhuang looked at Zhang Xiaohua fiercely: "You really don't want to separate?"

Zhang Xiaohua didn't care about being angry anymore, she looked embarrassed, and said in a low voice: "What kind of family do you want to divide? If we do, our family will be broken up."

Song Dazhuang insisted on asking her: "I just ask you if you want to separate?"

Zhang Xiaohua looked at him tangled: "Which family is it..."

Before finishing speaking, Song Dazhuang interrupted: "Okay, you don't want to separate the family, right? I'll go. Your mothers, let's go." After finishing speaking, he went to the house to carry food, bag by bag. Carry next door.

Seeing him carrying food home, Mrs. Song was startled: "What's wrong, isn't it the food for the elderly? We can't eat that much food."

Song Dazhuang said: "This is my ration. I will live with you from now on."

Mrs. Song looked at him blankly: "What do you mean?"

Song Dazhuang said with a dark face: "I have separated from their mothers. From now on, I will live with them. Let their mothers live together."

He finally understood that Zhang Xiaohua's mind would become muddled whenever Zhiwen was involved. For so many years, he couldn't control his wife or his son. The daughters are all married, and the only son is Ercunzi who is still unmarried. If you want to come to Ercunzi, don't let him worry about it. Now that the children have families, let's separate, and he won't be annoying there anymore.

Mrs. Song said: "If you divide the family, you will divide the family. What are you doing here?"

Song Dazhuang said grimly: "My son and daughter-in-law despise me. You are my parents, and I am your son. You can't despise me."

Mrs. Song yelled, this is getting old and squeamish, well, he will come and live, she will add more bowls of water for cooking, if he doesn't come, she doesn't care, just let them.

Zhang Xiaohua didn't expect the man to move away as soon as he said he would, and was dumbfounded for a moment. Even Song Zhiwen and Qian Xiaomei were stunned.

It wasn't until Song Cun came home to see Song Dazhuang and listened to Mrs. Song's explanation that he knew the whole story. He didn't care so much, Song Dazhuang wanted to come and live with his parents, as long as his grandparents agreed, he couldn't care about it as a grandson.

Song Dazhuang's feat became the topic of people's after-dinner and tea time. It was the first time in the whole village to separate from his wife. Can people not see the joke? Even when Song Cun went to the village, he was also teased , Asked his parents separated, who will he raise in the future.

But for Song Zhiwen, the sky is falling. After all, his father doesn't want him anymore. He has to work to support himself, but it is not a big deal for Song Cun. it is good.

Soon it was the harvest season in May, Song Liang came to Song Dazhuang and Song Cun, and wanted to buy a walking tractor with them. A walk-behind tractor costs three to four thousand yuan, which cannot be afforded by one family, so everyone can only pool money to buy it together. He is worried about pooling money with others. The three brothers of his family will pay one thousand yuan each, and the rest will be paid by parents. , The money for the walking tractor came out.

Mrs. Song glanced at him sideways and said, "Second Cunzi has no land, why should he buy a tractor? He still has to keep the little money he wants to build a house for."

When Song Cun went to college, his household registration was removed. Without a household registration, the village would have no land. He had no land, but Mr. Song, Mrs. Song and Mrs. Song were allotted six mu of land, but they were older, and the three sons of six mu of land, each with two mu of land, were allocated to them for planting.

Song Dazhuang glanced at his eldest son. The walking tractor was not cheap. Even if he chipped in to buy it, the family would have to spend more than a thousand yuan. It seemed that the eldest son had saved a lot of money quietly over the years.

Song Cun thought for a while and said, "Brother and Dad discuss buying it. If the money is not enough, I can lend it to you."

It's not that he saved the money to build a house to talk about, just like grandma said, he really doesn't need those things if he doesn't have land.

Song Liang was overjoyed and looked at Song Dazhuang. Song Dazhuang touched his pocket and said in embarrassment, "Where did you get the money? All the money you earn is wasted."

Song Liang frowned: "You should spend less money, you can't buy a walking tractor for our family, you don't pay a penny, do you?"

Song Dazhuang did not have any money.

Song Cun said to Song Liang: "Then you buy it yourself, and then buy a harvester, and the villagers can rent it after you buy it."

Song Liang hesitated and said, "Can we still do this? Would it be bad?"

Song Liang dragged Song Cun into the room. The two brothers muttered for a long time in the room. When they came out, Song Liang smiled. He looked at Song Dazhuang and said, "Father, you don't want to pay for handrails?" Forget about the tractor, when I buy a walk-behind tractor, no matter who uses it, I have to charge rent, even if you use it, don’t say it’s stingy.”

Song Dazhuang's face darkened. Song Liang smiled and left.

Song Liang bought the tractor and harvester back, which caused a great commotion. When it was time to harvest the wheat, they saw him driving the tractor and saw a large piece of wheat fall to the ground. They were envious. Song Liang helped cut the wheat, and it cost one yuan per mu of land. Some well-off people are too lazy to use a sickle to cut the wheat one by one, so they pay him more than ten yuan to help cut the wheat.

Song Zhiwen and Qian Xiaomei beat their waists with a sickle, and they were in a state of distress. Song Zhiwen was so tired that he said out of breath, "Mother, let the elder brother help us cut the wheat with a harvester. When will you cut it with a sickle? It’s too tiring to finish cutting, it’s really not a human job.”

Zhang Xiaohua didn't make a sound, and continued to bury her head in harvesting the wheat. It's not a human job. She's been doing it for decades. Would it be unbearable for them to harvest the wheat for a day?

Seeing that her mother-in-law was silent, Qian Xiaomei couldn't help but said: "Mother, you are talking. Your eldest son bought a harvester and let his parents suffer. This is unfilial. You should make trouble."

Zhang Xiaohua raised her head and looked at them: "I want your elder brother to help you cut the wheat, yes, it costs one yuan per acre, you pay, and I will go find him and let him come to cut the wheat."

The two immediately fell silent. If they wanted money, they would have gone to Song Liang, and would they still be cutting wheat here?

Song Liang earns several hundred yuan in one wheat harvest season. During this period, Song Zhiwen and Qian Xiaomei were too tired to work, so he came to ask him to help cut the wheat for free, but he didn't go. Even Song Dazhuang stopped him from going.

Song Zhiwen had never done any work, and after two days of harvesting the wheat, he was too tired to move. Both of them were paralyzed at home, no matter how much Zhang Xiaohua yelled, they refused to go to the field to harvest the wheat. Zhang Xiaohua had no choice but to go to the field by herself. Slowly cut the wheat. Next to it is the land allocated to Song Dazhuang. He saw his daughter-in-law harvesting wheat in the field alone. He felt bad and didn't help her. It's all right. Let her get used to Zhiwen and see how long you can bear it. .

After the wheat was harvested, some people were happy and some were worried. Those who bought chemical fertilizers and sprinkled them on the wheat had smiles on their faces. This year is a bumper harvest, and they are not afraid of starvation! Those who did not spread chemical fertilizers on the wheat were weeping. Obviously they could have a bumper harvest and fill their stomachs, but they were delayed by themselves. Who can blame them? I can only blame myself for not knowing the goods.

The village head and villagers of Lijia Village came here to thank Song Cun. If it wasn't for the fertilizer he got, how could their wheat harvest be bumper? All the villagers in a village pooled more than 100 catties of wheat and sent it to him, but Song Cun didn't ask for anything.

The village head of Yangxu Village watched their two villages harvest wheat in a hurry, even if he regretted it, it was too late!

Zhang Xiaohua also sighed, obviously her son got the fertilizer back, but she didn't spread it, so she could only blame herself for not being firm. If she insisted on spreading chemical fertilizers, wouldn't there be a good harvest this year? After all, she still blames herself. The younger son doesn't understand anything at all, why should he listen to him?

During Song Cun’s two years as the head of Songjia Village, the village has undergone earth-shaking changes. The people in the village have changed from cattle farming to mechanical farming. The yield per mu has been greatly increased, and brick and tile houses have been built in every household. From him, the villagers know the importance of studying. For two consecutive years, the village has admitted several high school students, and even one person has been admitted to university. Song Cun is no longer the only college student in Songjia Village.

Next, Song Cun was appointed by the county party committee as the deputy head of Hongliu District, and a year later, he was appointed as the head of another district. Later, he was transferred to the municipal party committee, where he met Grandpa Guan's granddaughter Guan Xiaofan.

At this time, Song Cun was already thirty years old, no matter the superiors or his grandparents were very worried about his marriage. With the help of caring people, Song Cun had a good impression of Guan Xiaofan, especially her cooking was very delicious. , he often thought about it, the two got along for a while and felt good, so they got married under the witness of their parents and relatives.

Compared with the elder grandfather, the grandparents are in much poorer health. After Song Cun got married and had children, the two elders felt that they were complete and left with peace of mind. Sending off his grandparents, Song Cun was sad for a long time. When they left, Grandpa Song was not used to it either, and often squatted in a corner by himself, smoking a cigarette silently. Seeing him like this, Song Cun couldn't bear it, so he took him to the city and asked him to help take care of the children. He had something to do and diverted his attention. His mood improved, and Song Cun finally felt relieved.

I don't know if it's because of seeing off her parents-in-law or because she was too tired, Zhang Xiaohua, who had worked so hard for decades, collapsed all of a sudden. Song Zhiwen and Qian Xiaomei panicked, they really panicked, their mother was down, who would help them take care of their children, wash and cook, and work in the fields?

Song Dazhuang wiped his red eyes, looked at Song Zhiwen and his wife in a daze, and knew that what they were worried about was not their mother's body, but that they would have no one to rely on them. Zhang Xiaohua was pulled to the town hospital with a tractor.

Song Cun and Guan Xiaofan came back from the city and asked the doctor. In fact, there was nothing serious, but Zhang Xiaohua was very tired and owed a lot, and needed recuperation.

Guan Xiaofan burst into tears. It took so much hard work to get tired and sick. She looked at Song Cun and said, "Let's take my mother to the city. There are good Chinese medicine in the city, and Chinese medicine is better for health. From now on, I will let you She will live with us."

Song Cun looked at her, she was a kind girl, nodded silently, and sent Zhang Xiaohua directly to the city hospital of traditional Chinese medicine through the town hospital, and Song Dazhuang followed.

Song Liang bought a house in the city two years ago, and Song Cun suggested to him: "Why don't you move to the city so that a few children can go to school?"

Song Liang thought that his eldest son was going to high school, and the quality of education in the city would be better. He also thought that his father and mother had gone to the city so that they could take care of him, so he went back to discuss with Yang Ping, and moved to live in the city.

Song Zhiwen and his wife waited at home and didn't wait until their parents came back, so they simply didn't wait. Anyway, there was rice and vegetables at home, and Qian Xiaomei was willing to cook to fill the stomachs of several people. Stomach is more uncomfortable.

A few days later, when they saw the eldest brother and sister-in-law coming back, they rushed over to ask. Seeing that they were moving things, they left after moving, and ignored him. Said: "Brother, where are the parents?"

Song Liang looked at him expressionlessly: "My father and mother are not coming back in the city."

Said to let the driver drive away.

Song Zhiwen froze in place stupidly, Song Cun went to the city, his parents went to the city, his elder brother and sister-in-law also went to the city, they all went to the city, leaving him at home, what should he do? Who will do the job?

Zhang Xiaohua was discharged from the hospital after two months of recuperation. Song Cun took her home. After returning, he didn't say a word to Song Zhiwen, and told her to stay in the city as long as he wanted, and he didn't say that he wanted to go back to his hometown. When I can't sit still, I want to help with cooking, washing clothes, and mopping the floor, but the family has hired a helper, so she is not needed at all. Help look after the child, the child does not follow her.

Song Cun saw that there was no way for them to stay like this, so he rented a store at the gate of the community next to the government compound and opened a convenience store for them. The convenience store has two floors, where they live on the upper floor and shop on the lower floor. With the convenience store, the two of them found something to do. I don’t earn much every day, there are still hundreds of dollars and tens of dollars. They didn't save the money they earned, so they bought toys, clothes, and snacks for Song Cun's son...

Song Cun didn't let them pamper their children, they said they couldn't pamper their children, then buy books for their children, if they don't know how to read them now, they will read them when they grow up, and they can buy all kinds of books. Bookcase with books.

Guan Xiaofan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, how much pressure her son had grown up with, with so many books, when would he have to read them, she smiled and shook her head, letting them go.

After more than half a year like this, Zhang Xiaohua never mentioned Song Zhiwen and his wife, not even Song Zhiwen's two children.

Song Liang and his wife first helped cook in other people's restaurants, and then went to a cooking school to learn cooking skills for a few months, and then they opened a restaurant in the city. Both of them are hard-working people, and they didn't hire a chef And the waiter, except for a few children who will come to help during the holidays, washing dishes, wiping the table, chopping vegetables, and cooking are all done by themselves. Sometimes they would come over to see Song Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohua, seeing that they were doing well, they went back to work again.

During the Chinese New Year, Song Cun and the others wanted to go back to their hometown to burn paper for their grandparents, and all adults and children went back. Song Cun rebuilt a one-story house in his hometown. After Zhang Xiaohua came back, he followed Song Dazhuang to live in the house where Song Dazhuang used to live.

Song Cun thought she would visit Song Zhiwen's family, but she didn't mention it. If she hadn't recognized the villagers and greeted them, he would have thought she had lost her memory. But if she doesn't mention Song Zhiwen, don't mention it. After all, it's his mother. As long as she doesn't make trouble, she can do whatever she wants.

When Song Zhiwen heard that his parents were back, the whole family rushed over. When they saw Zhang Xiaohua, they lay down on Zhang Xiaohua's lap with a thud, yelling mother and mother.

Zhang Xiaohua remained expressionless and let him cry. Song Zhiwen cried for a long time, but when no one answered him, he raised his head to look at Zhang Xiaohua, and asked in a daze, "Mother, what's wrong?"

Zhang Xiaohua pushed him away, stood up and asked Song Cun, "What do you have for lunch, I'll cook?"

Guan Xiaofan hurriedly said: "Mother, you can rest, Song Cun likes my cooking, I will cook."

Zhang Xiaohua smiled and said, "Okay, I'll light the fire for you."

Guan Xiaofan sighed.

Song Zhiwen stared blankly at Zhang Xiaohua, and asked, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

Zhang Xiaohua looked at him: "I'm fine, I'm doing well, eating well and sleeping soundly, better than anyone else."

Song Zhiwen looked at her expression, panicked, turned around, saw his son and daughter, and hurriedly pulled them up: "Daqiang, little girl, call grandma, grandma still loves you?"

Seeing that they were not moving, he pushed them angrily.

"Grandma!" Suddenly a waxy boy's voice came from the room. Zhang Xiaohua hurried in and carried a two-year-old boy out. She walked and said, "Grandma's good grandson, are you hungry, grandma?" Can I get you some fruit to eat?"

"Eat fruit, eat fruit!"

Zhang Xiaohua carried Baby Song to the kitchen, "Wait a minute, grandma is peeling fruit for Xiao Chenchen to eat!"

Song Zhiwen watched helplessly as his mother carried Song Cun's son to the kitchen. The big and strong little girl looked at their father with tears on her face, "Grandma doesn't love us anymore."

Song Zhiwen gave them a hard look, and Qian Xiaomei pushed him back: "Why are you staring at the child? The child is right, your mother has a grandson, so she doesn't care about other grandchildren. She has a biased eye."

Song Zhiwen pursed his lips and looked gloomyly at the kitchen.

Qian Xiaomei's voice was a bit loud, even Guan Xiaofan and Zhang Xiaohua who were in the kitchen could hear it. Zhang Xiaohua looked at Guan Xiaofan reassuringly: "It's okay, leave her alone."

Guan Xiaofan continued to cook.

Zhang Xiaohua sneered, she had hurt Zhiwen for more than 30 years, and he didn't even ask her a question when she was sick, and he didn't even look at her, worse than a stranger. No matter how much Ren loves him, he will be heartbroken. Among the sons, Song Cun is the one she owes the most. Even if she makes up for Song Cun, she will make up for her little grandson with the love she missed for Song Cun.

Song Cun and the others burned incense for their grandparents, and after the Chinese New Year, a group of people returned to the city.

Song Zhiwen stared blankly at the car they were leaving in the distance, still unable to believe that his mother who had loved him for more than 30 years didn't want him anymore, what should he do?

What to do, no one answered him.

Since then, Song Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohua seldom returned to the village. Later, when Song Cun was appointed to serve in the provincial committees of other provinces, they followed suit, and they seldom returned to the village. They didn't ask how Song Zhiwen was doing.

I only heard that the couple was extremely lazy, the grass grew half a person's height in the field, and no one hoeed, the crops they planted were all neglected, and the children were screaming hungry, so they had to take them back to their mother's house and eat there.

They ate too much when they went back to their natal family, and the natal sister-in-law disliked them, so they had thick skins and continued to rely on them. When the parents of the natal family passed away, the brothers of the natal family were not used to them and drove them out.

At that time, when the child was grown up, the couple sent the child out of school and went out to work to earn money to support them. No matter how much money the child earns, he can't save it, and seeing his parents clearly, he started a family in another place. When Song Cun went back to burn incense for his grandparents, he heard that Qian Xiaomei had run away with someone, and Song Zhiwen was drunk all day long, stealing chickens and dogs.

No one in the village said that Song Cun had lived a good life and ignored his brother's gossip, not because he was a big official and was afraid of him. It was Song Cun who was a good man, no matter how good he was as an official, he was a good official doing things for the people, not to mention they all knew Song Zhiwen's virtues, such a person could not be cared about. What kind of conscience can you expect from a guy who doesn't care about his mother's illness? His children don't care about him, who can control him. Let him fend for himself.

Volume 2: Don't be the male protagonist of a bitter drama

Read The Duke's Passion