MTL - The Male Lead Doesn’t Cooperate-Chapter 18 (1)

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Last year was a drought year, but this year there is plenty of rain, but it is not flooded. I think we can have a bumper harvest in autumn. No sooner had the grass been hoeed than there was a storm, and the rainy day was idle. Of course, Song Cun was not idle. He couldn't work in the field, so he went to the pig farm in the village. There are six boars and one old sow.

Aunt Yuan, who was in charge of the pig farm, saw Song Cun and said, "Why did you wander here? This is not the place you should come to. It's dirty and smelly. Go play next to it."

Song Cun said with a smile: "It's okay, I'll come and have a look."

Aunt Yuan joked: "What's so interesting about the stinky pigsty? You're free too. Why, you still want to help me raise pigs?"

Song Cun really wanted to help her raise pigs: "Auntie, I will help you raise pigs. I won't compete with you for work points, and all work points will be counted as yours. Let me try."

Aunt Yuan laughed: "You child, why haven't you seen a pig yet? Try it again, what should you try? You don't need to work in the rainy day, let's take a rest. If you rest, you will be bored. You alone College students, you can read books at home, it’s better than treating me like this smelly and dirty pigsty.”

Song Cun said with a smile: "Auntie, let me tell you, what I learned in college is how to raise pigs. I haven't studied for half a year. I just want to try to see if I can fatten pigs according to the book. , keep strong, so that you can see how well my study is doing."

Aunt Yuan doesn’t believe in teaching people to raise pigs if she doesn’t teach anything in the university. Regardless of her lack of education, she also knows that those who can go to university learn advanced things. Tell a lie to the aunt."

Song Cun said: "Auntie, it's true. When have I ever lied to someone? You just let me try it. You watch it from the side. If you think it's unreliable, you call stop, and I stop, okay." Do not?"

Aunt Yuan thought for a while and said: "Okay, if you want to try it, try it, I think you are just free."

I won't let you try, you still pester me and won't leave. For the sake of purity, try it if you want, and you should dislike it when you have played enough.

Song Cun smiled a few times, and if he is free, just let him feed the pigs, and Aunt Yuan can say what she wants. After looking around the pigsty, he said, "Ma'am, isn't there a pig cesspool here?"

Aunt Yuan smiled and said, "You still say you don't dislike its smell? When you see the pig manure inside, I don't believe you don't think it's dirty. If you don't think it's dirty, what about a pig manure pond? Who raises pigs and even covers them with pig manure? pool?"

Song Cun asked: "What about the pig manure?"

Aunt Yuan said, "Let's clean it up every few days."

Song Cun said: "Auntie, in fact, pigs need a clean environment just like humans. If the environment is clean, it will live comfortably and sleep comfortably, so it will naturally eat more, and it will naturally gain weight if it eats too much. We can't raise pigs as pigs..."

Aunt Yuan interrupted him with a smile: "If you don't raise pigs, you can still raise them as a human being? My aunt has raised pigs for half her life, how can she not know how to raise pigs? You better go to school, don't meddle with aunt."

Song Cun said with a smile: "Although you can't raise pigs as humans, you still need a certain scientific basis if you want to raise them well and make them fat."

Aunt Yuan shook her head and felt that Song Dazhuang's son was stupid in reading, could pigs be raised like humans? But she didn't say anything, since he wants to help raise the pigs, let him raise them, and she can't make a mistake watching from the side.

Song Cun didn't say anything, and cleaned up the pig manure with a shovel and a manure basket. Fortunately, the pigsty is built of cement, with a concrete floor and a water outlet. After cleaning up the pig manure, he carried a few buckets of water to clean the pigsty. After the heavy rain, the sun came out. The pigsty is done.

Seeing what he did, Aunt Yuan couldn't help but said, "No matter how clean the pigsty is, it's not likely to be dirty by them. You can clean the pigsty once in a few days. There's no need for such trouble."

Song Cun smiled and asked instead: "Ma'am, how many piglets has this sow produced this year?"

Aunt Yuan said, "Twelve heads."

Song Cun asked: "How many piggies did the twelve piggies feed?"

Aunt Yuan replied proudly: "Six. These six pigs are the cubs of this old sow."

Song Cun didn't know the survival rate of other people's pigs. In his opinion, six of the twelve pigs survived, and the survival rate of the pair and a half was obviously very low. If the pigs have cubs, they must be able to feed a few more pigs."

Aunt Yuan was full of disbelief, "Where is Aunt Huyou?"

Song Cun really didn't fool her. After cleaning up the pigsty, it was already noon, and he said, "Can you feed them?"

Aunt Yuan said, "No feeding at noon, one meal in the morning and one meal in the evening."

Song Cun nodded, thought for a while, looked at Aunt Yuan and discussed, "Do you want more?"

Aunt Yuan shook her head and said, "What are you feeding at noon? It's troublesome. A meal sooner or later will save trouble." Seeing Song Cun frown, she said instead, "Do you want to feed them a little bit?"

Pigs, feed them, and medicine won’t kill them. I thought to myself, just feed some, at least get rid of this stupid kid who reads and read, don’t mix her here to feed pigs.

Aunt Yuan thought so, turned around and went to the next room to bring pig food, poured the pig food into the pot and cooked it, Song Cun stepped forward with a smile: "I'll help you light the fire."

Aunt Yuan sighed: "You boy has added so much work to the aunt."

Song Cun patiently explained to her: "Auntie, think about it, the crops in the field have enough fertilizer and grow vigorously; we humans eat a lot and grow strong; although the pigs can't talk about it, they can speak the truth. It's the same, eat a lot, sleep well, and you will definitely grow fat. As long as the aunt thinks that she can slaughter a few big fat pigs during the Chinese New Year, she won't feel that she has lived too much."

After hearing what he said, Aunt Yuan also thought about it. She must have some experience in raising pigs for so many years. Pigs eat a lot, as long as they don’t have diarrhea or get sick, and sleep well, they will really grow in those few days. hurry up. But it is not easy to keep it from having diarrhea or getting sick. Sometimes for unknown reasons, it gets sick and dies if you don't pay attention.

As soon as she said what was on her mind, Song Cun said to her, "Have you vaccinated our pigs?"

"What Miao Miao?" She was taken aback, "I haven't hit that Miao Miao before."

"Vaccine." Song Cun said, "Theoretically speaking, whether it is raising pigs, chickens, ducks, geese, or cattle, they should be vaccinated. These livestock are less prone to plague and disease, and can reduce mortality. "

Aunt Yuan suddenly realized: "There is still this kind of vaccine. If this vaccine is given, the pigs will be less likely to get plague. This vaccine should be given. Where can I get it?"

Song Cun said: "There should be an epidemic prevention station in the town, and there should be vaccines for sale there. I'll go to the town to see tomorrow."

Aunt Yuan frowned: "Since the vaccine is so effective, you should go and have a look. If you have the vaccine, we will buy it back, and the village will reimburse you when you buy it."


It doesn't matter that Song Cun went to the pig farm, but there are people in the village who are good at gossip. When they saw him go to the pig farm, they ran to ask Aunt Yuan what Song Cun was doing at the pig farm.

Aunt Yuan told them that Song Cun had learned how to fatten and make pigs stronger in college. If I don't come back, I want to try it.

I don’t know how the people in the village learned this, but after learning it, the taste changed. They said that Song Cun’s college entrance examination was useless, and the school only taught people to raise pigs. Who would know how to raise pigs? I don't know what university I went to, don't be fooling people, even if I graduate in the future, I won't have much promise. What can a pig farmer do?

So much so that Song Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohua couldn't believe it when they heard this. They had no culture, and they didn't know what to study in university, but the university taught pigs, no matter how you put it, it made people feel unbelievable.

Song Zhiwen listened from the side, and asked worriedly: "Isn't it because the second brother didn't pass the college entrance examination, he was afraid of hurting his self-esteem, so he deliberately came back with a fake admission letter to fool us? The second brother also didn't pass the exam. If you don’t pass the college entrance examination, we are all from our own family, so how can we dislike him?”

Song Dazhuang glared at him: "Shut up, you, your second brother did not pass the college entrance examination, I, the father who personally sent him to school, don't know, want you to worry about it?"

Song Zhiwen pursed his lips, and said aggrievedly, "I'm also worried about my second brother, for my own sake."

Song Dazhuang snorted and said, "Don't worry about yourself. If you are asked to go to the fields to earn work points, you will get sick. Let me see when you will not get sick? You have to force me to beat you to earn work points, right?"

Song Zhiwen muttered: "I'm really worried about my second brother, why are you mentioning me earning work points?"

Song Dazhuang didn't want to talk to him at all, and he was worried about Song Cun raising pigs for Mrs. Yuan's sister. You said that this kid is also a good college student, why do you have to raise pigs? This is not intended to make people think too much.

Several cadres of the production team were knowledgeable. When they heard that Song Cun was going to the town to buy vaccines, they not only wrote him a letter of introduction, but also borrowed a bicycle from the village. As expected, there was an epidemic prevention station in the town. I bought anti-epidemic medicines and bought disinfectant along with it. I even inquired about the raising of pigs in pig farms in other villages and towns, and inquired about many unexpected things.

After coming back from the town, Song Cun gave anti-epidemic drugs to the pigs, that is, the chicken farm in the village and the cattle in the village were given anti-epidemic drugs. After so many years, there were more than four old scalpers in the village. Thanks to the efforts of the cattle, there were five more scalpers.

The livestock were given anti-epidemic drugs, and Song Cun was concerned. As for the gossip in the village and Song Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohua telling him to go home and read books instead of running to the pigpen all the time, he certainly didn't take it to heart. Now is the high temperature season, the weather is erratic, and it is easy to breed bacteria. Song Cun insisted on disinfecting the pigsty once a week, and secretly observed the pig food to see if he could change it.

Since cleaning up the pigsty, Song Cun insisted on cleaning the pigsty every day. Aunt Yuan had the nerve to let him clean it up every day. Needless to say, Song Cun got up to clean up the pigsty at dawn, and then followed what Song Cun said, After feeding the pig, she smiled and muttered while feeding the pig: "Eat well, sleep well, and I will grow into a big fat pig by the end of the year, so that I can taste what it feels like to not finish pork."

The people in the village saw Mrs. Yuan serving those pigs as if they were serving something, and joked: "Ms. Yuan, did you take care of your Hei Liu so carefully when you were young? Did you wash the diaper every day when it was dirty? A pigsty He still cleans it every day. Song Cun is stupid in reading and studying, and you still rely on him for everything, so you don’t feel too tired to panic.”

Aunt Yuan poohed him: "Go, go, don't make trouble, wait until the Chinese New Year kills fat pigs, and eat pork, see you are still laughing at your aunt, don't you look down on Song Cun?"

Aunt Yuan is not talking nonsense, and I don’t know whether it is because the pigs have been given anti-epidemic drugs this year, or because the pigsty has been cleaned up and the pigs have eaten too much food. The pigs have not been sick or have diarrhea for half a month. Looking at the pig is really fatter.

Thinking secretly, the kid Song Cun was right, he could really grow into a big fat pig if he didn't keep enough pigs for the New Year. She agreed with Song Cun's actions in her heart, so she naturally didn't want others to gossip about him.

The villager smiled and said, "Hey, it's still good? Who in the village would say that Song Cun is stupid in studying? He didn't do well in college, and he was thinking about how to feed the pigs every day."

Aunt Yuan retorted: "It is also a great skill to be able to raise pigs well."

Aunt Yuan felt that no one in the village had the qualifications for her to comment on Song Cun. At first, she also thought that Song Cun, a college student, came to help her raise pigs. Well, she doesn't believe in that evil, that's okay, the facts are in front of you, you can't help but believe it.

These villagers have no other intentions, they just want to read jokes in their spare time, life in the village has no other fun, why don't I just read your jokes, and you can read my family's shortcomings. Aunt Yuan was not angry when she said that, she shook her head and walked away with a smile. The way he shook his head obviously felt that if a college student went to raise pigs, the college would be for nothing.

Aunt Yuan looked at Song Cun's calm expression, she didn't take what the villagers said at all, she also corrected her attitude and said: "In previous years, the pigs weighed heavily during the Chinese New Year slaughter, and this year, the pigs weighed heavily during the New Year slaughter. Anyone with eyes will see , We don’t talk to them, if we continue to raise them like this, our pigs will surely grow into big fat pigs, and we will naturally beat them up.”

Song Cun was actually not satisfied. He wanted to raise a big fat pig, but he still lacked the main thing, pig food. But the conditions in the village are such that people are not full enough to eat, let alone pigs. Even if he has a good recipe for pig food, it is difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, so nothing happens.

Aunt Yuan saw that Song Cun frowned and said nothing, she patted her chest: "Er Cunzi, what should I do next, you tell the aunt, and the aunt will definitely do as you say."

Song Cun asked her: "This pig can almost breed piglets, right?"

Aunt Yuan asked him in surprise, "How do you know?"

Song Cun glanced at the old sow, and explained: "Generally, a sow conceives a cub once every six months. Looking at the boar next to her, it should be about the same."

Aunt Yuan looked at him curiously: "You even know this? Could it be that the university really raises pigs?"

Song Cun just smiled: "The main research is the raising, management, breeding and other knowledge of livestock. Pig raising is only one aspect."

Aunt Yuan asked in bewilderment: "Do you still have to learn?"

I want to say just raise it like that, what to learn. But think about raising pigs according to Song Cun’s method during this period. The pigs grow slowly and swallow their words. Sometimes people have to admit that some things, even if they look simple, are still done by people every day. Yes, it's not entirely reasonable, and you have to learn to believe in what science is doing, so that you can do better.

Song Cun had nothing to chat with her: "There are not only those who study livestock, but also crops, how to increase the yield of wheat and rice per mu, how to prevent pests, how to graft, how to select seeds..."

Aunt Yuan became interested when she heard him talk about increasing the yield per mu of wheat and rice: "Then how to increase the yield of wheat and rice?"

Song Cun said: "I didn't study this major, and I didn't study such books. I know alumni who have studied this. Go back to school and ask him."

Aunt Yuan hurriedly said: "Then just ask, if we can increase the yield of wheat and rice, we won't have to worry about starvation." No matter how delicious the meat is, the villagers farming are most worried about the harvest in the crops.

However, Song Cun knew that it was not so easy to increase the yield of crops. Fertilizers and seeds were both difficult problems. Of course, even if these were difficult problems, they would be overcome one by one slowly.

One summer vacation, Song Cun was either working in the field or in the pig farm. When he was free, he and Aunt Yuan took the old sows in the pigpen to the town for breeding.

In the past, Mrs. Yuan used to breed pigs casually in the next village. Song Cun went back to the epidemic prevention station to inquire. There is a pig farm in the town that specializes in breeding pigs. Easy to fatten.

Song Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohua saw that Song Cun was free, so he ran to the pig farm. School started soon and he was still worrying about those pigs. They are upset. Thinking about it, they are a good college student son, but he was turned into a pig breeder. They didn't dare to tell Song Cun, so they could only tell Aunt Yuan that she should not let Song Cun go to the pigsty to feed pigs again. , He is a college student with a pen, so it's fine to do farm work, but what's the matter with feeding pigs? Is it possible to still be a swineherd?

Aunt Yuan led them to the pigsty and showed them: "Look at these pigs. According to Er Cunzi's raising method, they have gained a lot of fat in less than two months. Do you still think they are so fat?" Are you messing around? Er Cunzi also said that what he learned was how to raise pigs. If he can raise pigs well, it means that he has learned his skills. I didn’t know Er Cunzi before, and I didn’t know his temper. After getting along with him for a long time, I think this kid is a man with a plan in his mind, not a person who has no plans. Not to mention that he will not raise pigs in the future, even if he will raise pigs in the future, it will be different from other people's pigs. You What are you worried about?"

Song Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohua looked at each other, Song Dazhuang coughed, blushed and said: "This kid, I can bear him. He really fattened the pig."

Although I also accepted my son's help in raising pigs in my heart, I thought about how my son, who had finally been admitted to university, went to raise pigs. Why is the feeling so mixed.

Zhang Xiaohua said embarrassingly: "We can't control this kid since he was young, he can do whatever he wants, and we always rely on him."

Aunt Yuan pursed her lips and said nothing, they all lived in the same village, who could not understand each other, Zhang Xiaohua's preference for her youngest son had been talked about as a joke by the villagers for several years, but she herself didn't know anything about it. That description.

The school started, and before leaving, Zhang Xiaohua finally made Song Cun a good shirt under Song Dazhuang's anger, Song Zhiwen complained in his heart but dared not say anything, he was about to start school, and his father, whom he wanted to coax, agreed to repeat his studies .

Mrs. Song watched her grandson put on the newly made shirt, and said with a smile, "A man depends on his clothes, a horse depends on his saddle. With the new clothes, he looks refreshed."

Mr. Song said reproachfully: "Look at what you said, our Er Cunzi has such an appearance and temperament, even if he wears a sack, he is energetic."

Song Cun laughed beside him: "In the eyes of my grandparents, no matter how ugly I am, I am still handsome."

Mrs. Song rolled her eyes at him: "What are you talking about, my grandson is so handsome, who dares to call him ugly? Search all over the village, who has my grandson?"

Song Cun smiled helplessly, and Mr. Song nodded in agreement: "Your grandma is right, the second son of our family is talented, and he will not worry about finding a wife. Sigh, when it comes to daughter-in-law, I just want to ask Alright, did you have a date at school? If you want to date yourself, you can take it back and let's have a look, and we will try our best to meet any requirements." Then he looked at Song Cun.

Song Cun shook his head hastily: "How can I talk about the person I'm talking about? I'm in college, so I'm only eighteen years old?"

Mrs. Song said disapprovingly: "Eighteen is not too young. If we meet a suitable one in school, let's talk about it first. We can get married after graduation."

Song Cun bowed his head silently, and said to his heart that my grandma, you are always good at planning for me, the key is to make other girls think of me.

[System: Even if a girl likes you and confesses to you, you have to understand, a straight steel man like you, please be lonely. 】

Song Cun: ...

After returning to school, Song Cun knew the test results of the previous period, and then devoted himself to his studies. The route was classroom-canteen-library-dormitory, almost every day. Teachers and classmates wanted to find him when they were not in class, so they went to the library. Find a standard. Of course, there are many students in the class who stick to this line, and Song Cun is not the only one.

After staying in the library for a long time, the relationship with Grandpa Guan became better. When his granddaughter brought him food again, Grandpa Guan invited him to eat with him. Grandpa ate alone. If he ate, Grandpa Guan would not be full. Later, Grandpa Guan proposed to eat in the cafeteria and asked Song Cun to buy some more food. The two of them ate together, and he agreed.

The first time he ate the food given by Grandpa and granddaughter Guan, Song Cun gave him a thumbs up. Also so fragrant.

Then Grandpa Guan asked him with a smile, "Is it delicious?"

Song Cun nodded, and said with unsatisfactory meaning: "It's delicious."

Grandpa Guan smiled and said: "My granddaughter's handicrafts are good since she was young. When I was sent down to me, she didn't have much to eat, and she could make delicious wild vegetables. Now that she has grown up, the family conditions are good, and even more If there is room for improvement, the food you cook will be even more delicious."

In Song Cun's mind, a picture of a little girl standing behind a high stove trying to cook vegetables with her feet on her feet, he smiled: "Cooking also requires talent. Some people even if they mess up the recipes, I can’t cook a decent dish either, even if some people haven’t read the recipe or seen someone cook that dish, they just ate that dish and can make it when they go home.”

Grandpa Guan immediately said: "Yes, yes, you are right. My Xiaofan is like this. As long as she has eaten, there is nothing she can't cook. This is talent."

Song Cun smiled: "This talent is good. People regard food as their heaven, and they can't live without food. People who can cook food are always admirable."

That's what Song Cun said, and he also thought so. Although he can cook, he can't make it so delicious. It is a skill to be able to make food so delicious.

Grandpa Guan nodded, "That's a good point."

Another weekend, Song Cun went to the compound of the military region to deliver things to his old comrade-in-arms instead of his grandfather. The old comrade-in-arms was named Qiao. Later, he heard from his grandfather that he was an army commander. When he arrived at the home of Commander Qiao, Commander Qiao was boxing in the yard , Seeing Song Cun, he withdrew his punching hand, waved at Song Cun, led Song Cun into the house, and chatted with him: "How is your grandfather? Let him come to the provincial capital for a while, and he will unwilling."

Song Cun smiled slightly: "Grandpa has always been in good health. There is a big river behind our village. When he is free, he goes fishing with my grandpa. During summer vacation, he often eats the fish they catch."

Walking into the room, she saw a young girl sitting on the sofa. She seemed very surprised to see Song Cun, but she didn't give him a lot of glances. She glanced at him and turned to Commander Qiao: "Grandpa Tang, you Are you done exercising?"

Commander Qiao nodded and said, "Grandpa Tang has something to do, please help Grandpa entertain the guests first."

Qiao Tingting waved her hand: "It's okay, grandpa can be busy if he has something to do. I'm here."

Commander Qiao looked at Song Cun and said, "Song Cun, sit down first." He called the helpers at home to pour tea and fruit for him.

Song Cun nodded, "Go and do your work!"

When Commander Qiao went upstairs, Qiao Tingting ignored him, eating apples and watching TV by herself.

Song Cun sat in a well-regulated manner, but the helper next to him couldn't see it, so he stepped forward and said, "Eat some fruit!"

Song Cun looked at her and smiled: "Okay, thank you."

Qiao Tingting glanced at them, then turned back and continued watching TV and eating fruit.

Song Cun took a grape and ate it, then continued to sit calmly.

Half an hour later, Commander Qiao changed his clothes and went downstairs. Qiao Tingting sat up straight, turned around and greeted Song Cun: "You are welcome to eat fruit."

Song Cun smiled faintly at her, "Thank you."

Seeing that they were getting along happily, Commander Qiao nodded and said, "Tingting will have lunch here at noon."

Qiao Tingting was a little flattered, Grandpa Tang never took the initiative to keep her for dinner, this was the first time. Then she heard Commander Qiao say: "Accompany Song Cun, you are all young people, you should have something to say. Oh, by the way, Song Cun is a college student, don't you want to go to college, let him tell you, Lest the old man fail the exam."

Qiao Tingting's face collapsed, and she said unwillingly: "Grandpa Tang, isn't Shu Yang also a college student, and it's the same if she teaches me."

Commander Qiao waved his hand: "Shu Yang hasn't come back for a long time, he's too busy looking at people all day, let Song Cun teach you."

Qiao Tingting secretly stared at Song Cun.

Song Cun raised his eyebrows quite innocently, what's the matter with him? He still doesn't want to teach this kind of delicate female character. Besides, he originally wanted to sit here and leave. Commander Qiao said that he could only stay here for lunch before leaving. He was still full of depression. When he came back to visit Commander Qiao last time, Commander Qiao was the only one at home. If he knew that there was a pretty girl here, he would never choose to visit Commander Qiao today.

After lunch, Song Cun was about to say goodbye and leave. Commander Qiao asked Qiao Tingting to see him off, and told Song Cun to come over to play when he was free on weekends. The two walked outside the compound of the military region. Qiao Tingting looked at him and warned, "Don't think I don't know what Grandpa Tang means, and don't even think about eating swan meat."

Song Cun frowned and looked at him: "What do you mean?"

Qiao Tingting snorted, "You really don't know why Grandpa Tang wants you to teach me to study for no reason?"

Song Cun was impatient with her, and was warned by her, so he mocked: "Because you are stupid." What else could it be.

"You!" Qiao Tingting's eyes were burning.

Song Cun ignored her, turned around and strode towards the nearby bus stop.

Seeing that he left without explaining clearly, Qiao Tingting chased after him and grabbed Song Cun's arm: "Speak clearly for me, who is stupid?"

Song Cun pulled her hand away, stared at her, and said anxiously: "Man and woman can't kiss each other, what are you doing?"

Qiao Tingting chuckled: "Which young master is this who came out of ancient times, and he can't get along with men and women. What kind of university did you go to? You are so old-fashioned."

Song Cun ignored her and continued walking.

Qiao Tingting chased after her: "Would you like to tell me?"

Song Cun still ignored her, saw the bus coming, got on the bus and left. Qiao Tingting watched the bus go away, stomped her feet angrily, and said, "Wait and see, don't tell me, if you don't believe me, I won't find out."

Song Cun only thought that she was a delicate and crazy girl, and he didn't bother to talk to her at all. When I went back to school and devoted myself to my studies, I immediately forgot about it.

The more books you read, the more you learn, the more knowledge you will have. Professor Chen from the school saw that he spent all day in the library and never went out to play, so he asked him to try to translate materials.

Song Cun tried to translate, and he didn't find it difficult to translate, and he translated it easily. After the translation was finished, I gave it to Professor Chen, who took it over and looked at it, but didn't say anything. The next day he had the manuscript and asked him to help translate it. After a month, he couldn't remember the number of manuscripts he helped translate, and of course he didn't.

When Professor Chen came to him again at the end of the month, he gave him an envelope. He took it and felt the thickness of the envelope: "Is the manuscript this time so thick?"

Professor Chen pushed the eye sockets on the bridge of his nose, and said with a smile: "You have translated so many manuscripts for me, and you can't let your work be wasted. This is the manuscript fee for translation."

Song Cun was taken aback, holding the envelope and looking at Professor Chen.

Professor Chen patted him on the shoulder and said gratifiedly, "It's because of your labor, take it."

Song Cun came out of Professor Chen's office, put the envelope in his trouser pocket, and opened the envelope when he returned to the dormitory. There was a stack of 10 yuan in big unity. He counted it, and there were 260 yuan. He put the money away , For the first time, Song Cun felt that the money was really easy to earn.

Song Cun had no idea of ​​saving money. He wanted to spend it when he had money. He managed to exchange three shoe tickets from his classmates. He went to a department store on the weekend and bought a pair of leather cotton boots for his grandparents and grandpa. Those translators The fee is not enough, and he has used up a lot of his original capital. But it's nothing, you can earn money after spending money, but you can't buy leather cotton boots all the time, after all, it's rare to have a shoe ticket.

After buying the shoes, Song Cun wrote a letter and sent it back together with the envelope. It's already cold, and the shoes can be worn after sending them back. When it snows, wear leather cotton boots to go out, not afraid of getting wet and keeping warm.

When the shoes were sent back, Mr. Song and Mrs. Song put the shoes on immediately. The grandson said in a letter, don’t be reluctant to wear the shoes when you buy them, and buy them for them next year when you earn the manuscript fee. Don’t worry about running out of shoes, maybe in two years When the economy develops well, there will be more styles of shoes, and the shoes will not look good.

The two elders are at odds, they have never worn leather shoes in their whole life, and when they are old and enjoy the blessings of their grandchildren, they finally caught up with the fashion and put on leather boots, so just wear them. So, the two old men went to Grandpa Song's house wearing the newly bought leather cotton boots and gave him leather cotton boots.

Uncle Song had a pair of lint boots, but they were broken. He was just thinking about buying a pair of lint boots in the county one day, but Ercunzi bought them for him. He also immediately changed his shoes, tied them, walked on the ground a few times, and said with a smile: "I didn't tell this kid my shoe size, why did the shoes fit so well?"

Mr. Song said rather jealously: "He must have seen you buying shoes someday and remembered it in his heart."

Grandpa Song nodded: "Maybe."

As soon as the three old men walked out wearing leather cotton boots, they immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the village. With their envious eyes, the three old men looked at each other with a sense of complacency and secretly smug.

Especially Grandpa Song, although others didn't scold him in front of him as a lonely old man, he has no children, and no one will die in the future. Not sure what to say about him behind his back. He was about to wear the leather cotton boots Er Cunzi bought for him and go out to show them, let them see if he had died of old age. Even if Er Cunzi is not his own grandson, he is still more filial to him than three or five other grandchildren.

The villagers were really envious. Those leather cotton boots cost only forty or fifty yuan, so they couldn't even buy them. Someone said sourly, "Uncle Song didn't recognize his grandson for nothing. These shoes are not cheap, are they?"

Grandpa Song raised his foot, his eyes narrowed into a smile: "It's not cheap, this style, this quality, it can't be bought without a hundred dollars."

"What?" the man said with his eyes wide open, "One hundred yuan? So expensive?"

Uncle Song hummed: "Expensive? I just need shoe tickets, and you can't buy them without shoe tickets."

"My God, one pair of shoes costs one hundred yuan, but three pairs of shoes cost three hundred yuan?" The man counted with his fingers and exclaimed.

"This is also my Er Cunzi's ability to translate materials for the school professor, and the professor gave him the manuscript fee." Uncle Song was full of pride. The child looked up to him, and he liked Er Cunzi since he was a child. He was smart, transparent and down-to-earth. Looking back now, I still feel that my vision is good.

Someone said: "I saw him spend all day in the pigsty during the summer vacation, and thought he was stupid to study, and went to raise pigs if he didn't read. Now look at it, he is a college student, and he just translates manuscripts for others. I can earn hundreds of dollars. No wonder I can go to university, the brains of ordinary people really can’t compare."

Grandpa Song stood beside him with a smile on his face and listened to their fancy praises of Song Cun. Don't mention how proud he was, it made him happier than boasting himself. They even forgave them for saying that Song Cun was stupid in reading. If you don't read books, you will be stupid, and everyone has eyes to see.

Some talkative women ran up to Song Dazhuang and Zhang Xiaohua, and asked provocatively, "Song Cun bought shoes for his grandparents and grandpa, what did he buy for you?"

Before Song Dazhuang said anything, Zhang Xiaohua countered: "Our second son is the one who knows how to be grateful. He has been taken care of by his grandpa since he was a child. After the separation, he lived with his grandparents. His grandma washed and cooked for him. Fan takes care of him, now that he can earn money, why buy a pair of shoes for his great-grandfather and grandparents?"

The woman in question went home dejectedly, thinking to herself, Zhang Xiaohua didn't look very smart, but she didn't think she was so smart. If it were her, she would buy three pairs of shoes for a few hundred yuan. Whether he is a college student or not, she can go to school to pull her son back to have a meal. Three hundred dollars, why not do it? How many old people have to buy three pairs of shoes? There is money to burn.

But Zhang Xiaohua poohed her behind her back, trying to sow discord in front of my old lady, you are still young, do you really think my old lady is a fool? Although Er Cunzi didn't buy her shoes, she felt a little uncomfortable, but she couldn't tolerate those provocations who liked to read jokes.

A semester passed by non-stop learning and translating manuscripts for professors. Of course, Professor Chen didn’t have so many manuscripts to translate for him. Seeing that he likes translating manuscripts, his own students helped him a lot during this time. Professor Shang Chen also knew the family background of his students, so he introduced several professors who needed to translate manuscripts to him, and asked him to translate when they were sent in from outside.

Whether it was the manuscripts that needed to be translated, or the manuscripts that the professors asked him to translate, his translations were very good, they were all satisfied, and the manuscript fees were generous. By the winter vacation, he already had a lot of money in his hand.

Thinking of the summer vacation, Zhang Xiaohua made clothes for him, and went to the department store to buy a scarf for her and Song Dazhuang each. After shopping all over the mall, he looked at the ragged jacket on his body, bought a black down jacket and black leather boots, and changed into it. He didn't buy down jackets for the elderly, knowing that they wouldn't like them. After all, down jackets are not as warm as cotton-padded jackets. After thinking about it, it's almost Chinese New Year. If he doesn't bring them something back, he always feels that something is missing in his heart. While shopping around, he saw a seller of wool. He had a flash of inspiration and weighed a lot of wool to go back. As for who the wool would be knitted for, he didn't think of going there for the time being.

Song Cun came home with big bags and small bags. This time he heard Song Da

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School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy