MTL - The Lord’s Empire-v2 Chapter 3371 Assassinate

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Volume One, Chapter Three Hundred and Fifth

The man nodded.

Sea Mountain King shouted angrily, "Take me right away!"

The glamorous woman sighed, "I don't know who is going to be unlucky again!"

She is the Sea Swallow, the three queens of the Sea Mountain King, and naturally does not like Sea Mountain King in her heart, but she can only succumb to Sea Mountain King because of the power of Sea Mountain King.

Sea Mountain King rushed towards the door in angrily, but the man quietly took out the dagger and stabs Sea Mountain King swiftly. Sea Mountain King's expression was stunned. He didn't even think that he would attack him when he looked at him.

The man seized this opportunity and stabbed the dagger into the body of Sea Mountain King. Sea Mountain King was furious and slapped him with a slap.

The man hurried to the side to avoid the attack of Sea Mountain King.

Sea Mountain King waited for the man to say, "Why do you do this?"

The man did not answer, because at this time he was already controlled by Zhao Fu and would only act according to Zhao Fu's orders.

Although Sea Mountain King was not injured lightly, he still had power. He slapped the man with a palm, and a powerful force hit the man with a strong wind.

The man dodged in a hurry, but was still hit, and his body flew out.

At this time, a few people ran over with soldiers, and a young man with a fish head asked, "My lord! What happened?"

Sea Mountain King said coldly, "Catch him to me!"


As soon as Haishan King's words fell, the young fish head smashed Hai Shan Wang's body together, still playing with a pain in his body, and looked at the young fish head in stunned expression.

Several other people immediately came over and attacked the Sea Mountain King.

Seeing the scene before him, Haiyanzi also looked astonished. Why did Haishan King's subordinates betray him? Haiyanzi stepped aside and didn't intend to help.


The Sea Mountain King burst out with a huge force and shook his attacker away. Due to the sneak attack by a few people, Sea Mountain King was seriously injured.

The soldiers who had brought them wanted Sea Mountain King to rush over, because they were guards of several people and would not obey the Sea Mountain King.

Sea Mountain King slapped a few soldiers into pieces of meat with one palm, and dozens of arrows shot at Sea Mountain King. Sea Mountain King let out a sigh, turned into a violent wind, and blew out the many arrows.

A man appeared on the back of Sea Mountain King, holding a spear and piercing Sea Mountain King's back, Sea Mountain King shot the man out with a palm.


Another man slapped the sea mountain king fiercely in the head, knocking the sea mountain king flying out and fell to the ground.

Haishan King stood up angrily, and several people passed over to him again.

In the end, Sea Mountain King couldn't resist, his body was pierced by a spear, and he died on the spot. Many soldiers were also killed around him. The battle was very tragic.

The news of the death of Sea Mountain King spread all at once, and the palace fell into chaos. But soon someone appeared and took control of the situation.

Zhao Fu was sitting on the throne, living upstairs with Hai Junru with one hand, and holding Haihuayu with the other, smiling at the women who kept coming in.

Many women looked nervous and worried. They had heard that it was this person who controlled the Sea Mountain King’s several subordinates and killed the Sea Mountain King. Now they have become the new king of the Sea Mountain area. Some people worry that this person will be more terrifying than the Sea Mountain King. Some people hope that this person can be a good person.

Zhao Fu looked at the people in the hall and couldn't stand, and smiled and said, "How many women are there in this Sea Mountain King?"

Hai Junru smiled and said, "There are probably a few thousand, and there are hundreds of those who have been named princesses, and some of them are court ladies who look good. If you count them, there will be more."

Haiyanzi looked at the scene before her and couldn't help asking, "Who is Haijun like her?"

Hai Junru smiled and said, "He is my man, what do you think?"

Haiyanzi said, "Why don't I know about the two of you and him? It was hidden so deeply that I was worried before."

Hai Junru smiled and said, "We don't know his plan, but we can share him with you now!"

Haiyanzi looked at Zhao Fu with both eyes, showing a slight smile.

A plump woman, she called Haihai Yunwei the Fourth Princess, looked at Zhao Fu, and asked, "What did you call so many of us over?"

An icy woman in a blue dress, named Hai Mo, said to the Fifth Princess, "He wants us too, can't you see it?"

Haihaiyun sighed, "I thought I could leave here!"

Zhao Fu smiled and said, "I did not intend to imprison you here, and I am not the Sea Mountain King, and I will not be able to give him a glance."

A woman with a cute face named Haihai was surprised, "Really?"

Zhao Fu nodded, "As long as you want to leave, you can leave anytime."

Hearing this, many women were very happy. Almost all of them were robbed, imprisoned in the palace, and never left.

Hai Mo looked at Zhao Fu and said, "Then why did you call us here again? Instead of letting us leave?"

Zhao Fu said with a smile, "Because you didn't say anything wrong, I do want you too!"

Hai Mo nodded, UU reading www. uuká looked at Zhao Fu and said, "When will it start?"

Zhao Fu chuckled, "You can start now!"

The hall soon fell into chaos.

Hailiu came to the prison at this time, looked at a man with scars in the prison, and immediately ran over and shouted, "Manggong!"

The man is her husband, and he looked at Hai Liu excitedly and cared, "Why did you come here? How did that **** bully you?"

Hai Liu recalled what happened before, and felt pained in her heart, but when she remembered what she had done with Zhao Fu, her face blushed and said, "The Sea Mountain King has been killed, and now I am here to save you."

The man also said happily, "This Sea Mountain King is a beast, and he died well!"

Hai Liu also nodded, "That person was still asked by our two daughters to come and rescue us."

The man worried, "Why did the two of them come to such a dangerous place?"

Hai Liu smiled and said, "Don't worry, Xiang Gong, that person has already placed our daughter in a safe place."

The man said gratefully, "We have to thank him well in the future. Now I seem to see our daughters. I thought I would never see them in this life."

Hai Liu nodded happily, "I will let you out now, and we will see our daughter soon."

When the prison door opened, Hai Liu took the man out and asked him to help him treat him.

Finally Hai Liu also came to the hall, looking at the chaotic and fierce picture in front of him, and walked over with blushing face.

A few days passed, Zhao Fu put his arms around the girls and asked, "Have you heard about the Bafang Water World?"

Haijun said, "No, but I heard that Haishan King has a treasure chest, which should contain his very important things."

Zhao Fu took out the Sea Mountain King's storage ring, looked at it and took out a silver treasure chest, and asked, "Is this one?"

Hai Junru nodded.