MTL - The Long-awaited Mr Han-Chapter 3443

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Reference 3443

Only now she is glad and happy.

Love can remember such happiness.

"My second brother still blame for being ahead of time." Han Zhuofeng was startled.

When they are not in love, they can make Xia Qingwei feel that they are in love.

Just when he was in love, he called others mothers.

No matter what is a step ahead.

Han Zhuofeng felt that he should learn from Han Zhuoli.

Han Zhuofeng couldn't help but sat forward and leaned in and asked, "Second Brother, how can you grasp such a good mentality?"

"That's because my mother-in-law speaks nicely and is gentle and likes me." Han Zhuoli said, "Do you know your father-in-law?"

Han Zhuofeng: "..."

"I think I'm a little bit difficult," Han Zhuofeng said, "you also know about the sister Lingling."

When Xie Jiling said that day, everyone was there.

"So, my mother-in-law is very worried that Ji Ling is also hurt in this way. When facing her son-in-law, she is more cautious. It must not be as good as my mother-in-law and Er's mother," Han Zhuofeng said with a headache.

Xie Jiling didn't know what to say.

Han Zhuofeng learns very quickly.

I have n’t seen each other yet, I already called my mother-in-law, and really treat myself as a son-in-law.

Han Zhuo Li heard it too.

This kid, I'm learning fast in this area.

"Okay, you take the shamelessness that appears here, even if your mother-in-law doesn't worry about you and dislikes you, but as long as you are shameless, there is nothing impossible." Han Zhuoli said.

Xie Jiling: "..."

She was a little worried about her mother.

This evening, Xie Jiling heard that Han Zhuo Ling and Han Zhuo Li gave Han Zhuofeng suggestions.

What to do, oh no, how to please Han Zhuofeng's father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Xie Jiling quietly said to Han Zhuofeng, "You really don't have to worry about it. When I called home, my parents actually agreed."

"Then I'm nervous, too. I have to perform well." Han Zhuofeng said, "Sleep early tonight and keep my spirits up. No, I have to go to bed early, sleep on the plane tomorrow, and then see you in spirit. Parents. "

Xie Jiling did not know if Han Zhuofeng could fall asleep.

Anyway, he got back into the room early.

Because it is an early air ticket, you have to go to the airport at least 90 minutes in advance.

Han Zhuofeng bought first-class, but did not need to add the time for security check-in.

Otherwise, depending on the daily passenger flow at the airport of city B, it would take at least half an hour to just queue up for security screening.

Han Zhuofeng set off with Xie Jiling early to the airport.

After getting off the plane, after tossing and getting to Xie's house, it was dark at seven o'clock.

The Xie family is really in the old forest in the mountains, without exaggeration at all.

If you don't know the way, no one will take it, it is really difficult to find Xie's place.

The old woods are lush, and from the outside, they are all lush trees and no buildings can be seen.

But when the car drove past, it was surprised to find that there was such a large manor hidden inside.

Although the Chinese-style manor is elegant, it is built in this old mountain forest, and it is getting dark again, it really makes people feel weird.

Fortunately, although the manor is antique, the facilities in the manor are still very modern.

From the doorway, the lights were bright, and there was less horror.

When Han Zhuofeng was on the road, he whispered to Xie Jiling, "It's because you brought me here. If I change people, I have to wonder if he has to kill me halfway."

Xie Jiling: "..."

After seeing the brightly lit Xie's Manor, Han Zhuofeng was relieved.

It's reassuring to be so bright.

"Fortunately, it is not a lantern." Han Zhuofeng whispered again.

Xie Jiling was amused by his sentence, and explained: "Our manor has also been passed down from ancient times. It's been hundreds of years. But here you can rest assured, the family except the spiritual master, Nowhere is it safer than here. "

"I'm looking at this place. Why can't I see it from the outside?" Han Zhuofeng asked.

"Because there are enchantments," Xie Jiling explained. "Since the first Xie family except the spiritual master, they have arranged enchantments outside the Xie family manor. There were not so many spiritual exorcists in the original Xie family, and the power to arrange enchantments also Not as big as it is now. "

"But because generations of spiritualists are constantly improving and strengthening the enchantment, the enchantment is getting larger and larger, and the coverage is getting wider and wider, and as the Xie family has more and more spiritualists, The Xie family's estate has also been built from generation to generation.

"In the end, the current scale has been formed. The enchantment has also been formally formed. By now, we no longer need to improve anything, only to strengthen the enchantment every ten years."

"This enchantment, how to say, it is like an invisible hood. When Xiejia Manor is covered inside, it is invisible."

"No matter how outsiders see it, they always see dense forests." Xie Jiling said.

"The road to the Xie family was designed in accordance with the gossip array." Xie Jiling explained, "If the enchantment is combined with the matrix method, if you are on the right path, then the real thing will appear in front of you. A good flat road. But if you go wrong, the enchantment will immediately expel you. "

"You will find that you suddenly appeared in the old forest in the mountains, and there are unbuilt mountain roads at the foot of it." Xie Jiling said, "So if no one brings, no one can find Xie's home, let alone see . "

"It's amazing," Han Zhuofeng praised, "when you're fine these days, stay with me, let's try it."

Seeing Xie Jiling's confusion, Han Zhuofeng explained: "You took me intentionally wrong, and I will see the effect."

Han Zhuofeng was eager to try, and suddenly remembered something, and asked, "Walking wrong, will not trigger any organization, will not be dangerous?"

"You think too much," Xie Jiling laughed. When the director's brain was big, "wrong if you go wrong the most is to drive out. It won't hurt."

They talked while meeting many people along the way.

They are all from the Xie family.

They all greeted Xie Jiling and Han Zhuofeng cheerfully.

"Spirit, we all heard about it, bring your boyfriend back!"

"Haha, your boyfriend is handsome."

"That's right, I told you earlier, don't patronize learning and de-eating."

The attitude of the Xie family made Han Zhuofeng relieved.

At least everyone was kind and didn't think he was bad with Xie Jiling.

Walking further inside, suddenly a group of children rushed over and surrounded them.

"What are you doing?" Xie Jiling asked with a smile, "Are all the homework done? Have you finished your exercises today? Are you free?

3 more comprehensive ~

Ask for a monthly pass at the beginning of the month ~

(End of this chapter)