MTL - The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods-Chapter 774 Ten times gravity, kneel down

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The melodious music continued, and the entire bar was still immersed in this calm atmosphere. For the system owners in the bar, what happened in front of them was more like a farce, and it was not worth making a fuss at all.

Anyone here has the ability to subdue the small gangsters in front of them if they make a move at will, so most of the guests in the bar at this time look like they don't hesitate.

At this time, at the entrance of the bar, after a slight pause, a group of second-generation people took their steps again, and at the same time officially set foot in this small bar that does not belong to ordinary people.

The handsome man headed to the bar took the lead, and then sat next to the drunk girl without any hesitation. As for the ponytail girl who had just tested Chu Mo, she was lying in front of the bar like mud. It seemed to her, The group of ordinary people in front of her was not worth her testing at all.

The handsome young man at the head sat down, and two beautifully dressed women also sat around him. At this time, as the handsome man pointed at the bartender, as the big boss behind the entire bar, he also had A Level system, even able to control time and middle-aged men, is very calm for the other party to double the ordinary red wine, completely calm and calm.

As the leader of the youth took their seats, other young people also sat on the booth. At the same time, a pair of young men and women entered the dance floor and kept swaying.

This group of second-generation people is obviously here to have fun. As soon as they came in, they shouted loudly to drink, and at the same time put the bar with explosive music. With the noise of a group of people, the originally calm and elegant bar suddenly became Black smoke up.

But since even the behind-the-scenes owner of the bar did not intend to intervene, there was no need for a guest like Chu Mo to intervene.

Therefore, although the young people in front of him made Chu Mo frown, he still turned around calmly and calmly.

Previously, Chu Mo just watched it in general, and didn't take a close look at each task at all. Now that he has time, he naturally needs to analyze it carefully. What kind of basis are these tasks divided on?

The previous S-level snow drifting can only be regarded as a special case. After all, there is only one task of this level in the entire bar, so it cannot be compared.

At this time, Chu Mo deliberately selected two D-level tasks of the same level. One of the two tasks was to buy flying fruit, which was worth 100 points.

Another task is to sell a talisman, worth two hundred points.

That is to say, even if they are both the lowest-level D-level tasks, but the content is different, the price is still different.

Chu Mo began to inquire about his system, but in his system mall, there was no flying fruit at all, and there was also no immortality talisman.

In other words, these two system props can only be owned by some specific system owners.

The flying fruit should be a prop that allows people to fly freely. If Chu Mo activates the Invincible Golden Body skill, he can soar in the air, but the Invincible Golden Body has a strong time limit.

With flying fruit, you should be able to fly longer and have less idle time.

As for the immobilization talisman, it should be a spell that controls people's actions.

And one hundred and fifty points should not be too expensive. You must know that the cheapest low-level fire dragon technique in the Chumo system mall is worth two hundred divine points, which is relative to two hundred points.

This time, Chu Mo began to search seriously. He wanted to see if there were any items in his system mall among these tasks.

And as Chu Mo inquired one by one, he soon found a useful piece of information.

"C-level mission, buy immortal fruit with a lot of money.

A fairy fruit costs 1,500 points, and the number is unlimited! The more the better. "

Chu Mo's footsteps finally stopped in front of this B-level task. What is the fairy fruit, Chu Mo naturally knows that he has just planted five Chu Chu, and he has just taken one, and his physical fitness is the same under the transformation of the fairy fruit. More than doubled.

The most important thing is that the immortal fruits that Chu Mo cultivated with the immortal tree were only half-finished products. Because they did not reach the time limit of seven, seven, forty-nine days, and there was no thunder tribulation, the five immortal fruits were not the final maturity. fruit.

Of course, Chu Mo's system mall also has immortal fruit for sale. The price of one is 1,000 divine points, and for the C task in front of him, one immortal fruit is worth 1,500 points, and the number is not limited.

If you buy fairy fruit from Central Europe in the system mall, and then sell it to another party, you can earn 500 points of magic value... as long as you sell 100 pieces, you can earn 50,000 points of magic value.

You must know that Chu Mo is very lacking in Godly Value now. He has only earned 50,000 Godly Value after working hard for two or three years before, and he has spent most of it in a short period of time!

Just when Chu Mo was thinking to himself, a quarrel suddenly sounded behind him.

A familiar voice rang in his ears, and he turned around, just in time to see Yu Wenjing arguing with a gangster opposite.

"No smoking here, go outside if you want to smoke, a bunch of bugs!"

Yu Wenjing, as the owner of the system, although until now, Chu Mo doesn't know what the system on her body is, but as the pride of the system owner, she is also extremely conceited.

You must know that even Yu Wenjing, the shield that Yu Wenjing himself cultivated, can easily defeat the Great Grandmaster Lei Ting just by relying on the power of the body.

And Yu Le is just one of Yu Wenjing's acceptance, which shows how terrifying Yu Wenjing's real strength is.

Naturally, in this bar, there are all system owners here. She may be very low-key because she is afraid of the other party's system, but that is when facing other system owners.

Today, all the young gangsters in front of her actually dare to show off their power in front of her. As an extremely powerful system owner, how could Yu Wenjing swallow her anger.

Just after Wen Jing's cold words fell, the young man with an explosive head in front of her immediately screamed:

"Yo, little fan girl, isn't she a big person and has a good temper? But she's very smart. I'll spend one night with my brother, and my brother promises to make you cry and beg for mercy..."

The afro-haired young man was talking while walking towards Yu Wenjing. At the same time, the other party actually stretched out his salty pig hand towards Yu Wenjing with a smirk on his face.

It's just a pity that the explosive-headed youth may be able to show off his power in front of ordinary people, but in front of a system owner, he is definitely an ant-like existence.

Yu Wenjing, who was in front of her, looked slightly cold. She looked directly at the young man with a wicked smile in front of her, and then suddenly said:

"Kneel down!"

The crisp sound fell, and an invisible sound wave instantly swept the entire bar hall. At this moment, even Chu Mo's heart felt a wave of fluctuations.

But when Chu Mo looked at him intently, he saw the afro-headed young man kneeling in front of Wen Jing with a dull face.

At this moment, there was a loud bang in the bar, and a group of gangsters on the opposite side spoke out to ridicule the special hobby of the youth with explosive heads. Obviously, these gangsters thought that the explosive heads were resources kneeling in front of Wen Jing. Not realizing the horror of offending a system owner.

Chu Mo on the side narrowed his eyes slightly, and he began to recall the shock he felt just now.

Unlike Xue Yulu, the eldest lady of the Xue family before, Xue Yulu's mental attack has infinite charm skills. As long as Xue Yulu takes a look, or just hears her voice, people with low willpower will be directly controlled by her, completely. loss of resistance.

But what Yu Wenjing in front of her didn't seem to be using was an enchanting skill, but a tougher and more direct control.

It seems that at the moment when Wen Jing opened her mouth, a small domain space had formed around her, and in this domain space, everything had to obey Wen Jing's instructions. The first young man ordered, an incomparably powerful force of law, which directly made the young man kneel on the ground.

Chu Mo breathed lightly, and he seemed to understand Yu Wenjing's system ability.

At the same time, Chu Mo also knows why the system owners here are reluctant to expose their systems easily, because as long as they use the system, they can guess their own system capabilities and be targeted and cracked.

On the opposite side, with the release of Yu Wenjing's realm, amid the ridicule of his companions behind him, the afro-headed youth seemed to be unable to bear such humiliation. He gritted the crown of his teeth. The whole person moved his body little by little, as if he wanted to stand up from the ground again.

When the afro-headed youth gently stood up with one foot, the laughing voice behind him gradually disappeared. At this moment, looking at the companion who was struggling to get up, they finally realized that something was wrong.

At this time, the explosive-headed youth had already stood up, and at the same time began to slowly straighten his waist.

But the invisible power around is too terrifying, even though the young man has gritted his teeth and exhausted all his strength, he still can't stand up straight.

On the opposite side, Yu Wenjing was obviously a little surprised. The gangster in front of him was able to escape the shackles of the law and stood up again.

Of course, this does not mean that the other party is strong, but the pressure exerted by himself is too small.

The next moment, with Yu Wenjing gently raising the corners of her mouth, she said in a clear voice:

"Five times the power."

The words fell, and a crisp fracture sound came out, and with a bang, the young man who had already put his hands on his knees and was about to stand up, the whole person seemed to be crushed by a terrifying weight, and fell straight to the ground. There is no more power to move.

"Green hair... fuck!"

Behind him, a tall young man with a height of 1.8 meters, saw his companion being bullied like this, he shouted loudly, then picked up a high chair in front of him, and smashed it in the direction of Yu Wenjing.

The tall young man used the strength of his own milk this time, and the high chair smashed straight at Yu Wenjing's face with a whistling sound. If he was hit this time, he would at least be seriously injured.

But an even more bizarre scene happened. When the high chair was one meter away from Yu Wenjing, it seemed to be oppressed by some invisible force, and the whole high chair fell to the ground instantly.

Seeing that a single blow could not be done, the tall young man who roared immediately rushed towards Yu Wenjing with his fists. Obviously, his anger had swallowed his reason and made him lose his basic judgment on the situation in front of him.

Otherwise, normal people will definitely be frightened when they see such a strange scene in front of them.

The young man who was waving his fists just took a step. When he approached the distance of five meters, an extremely terrifying pressure instantly squeezed his shoulders. Kneeling on the ground, if he hadn't supported the ground with his hands in time, the young man would have been lying on the ground, unable to move, just like the explosive head in front of him.

At this moment, a group of gangsters behind him no longer dared to act rashly, and everyone's eyes were directed towards the handsome long-haired man in front of the bar.

At this moment, the long-haired man who was known to be very quiet finally got up from the bar. Then he was accompanied by two charming women to the dance floor. He looked at the two companions who were squeezed by invisible pressure on the ground, and the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked. He got up, and then let out a sneer:

"It's interesting. It seems that this small bar is really extraordinary. This trip really didn't come in vain."

The words of the long-haired man at the head fell, and he took off his jacket directly. After revealing a body of strong muscles, the young man slowly stepped forward, and at the same time walked in the direction of Yu Wenjing.

When the opponent slowly stepped forward, the power of the field began to increase, and the invisible pressure around him began to condense on him. However, this power was not enough for the long-haired youth, and it did not even affect his footsteps at all. .

However, when the long-haired youth was close to the distance of five meters from Wen Jing, the pressure around him had increased fivefold. Under this terrifying force, both the young man with the explosive head and the tall man were blocked and unable to do so. Move forward every inch.

Five times the strength is already the limit for this group of gangsters, but for the long-haired man at the head, this strength is not enough to stop him.

You must know that the two two-meter security guards in the bar before, each had the strength of a half-step grandmaster, but the two were still easily defeated by the long-haired youth. It can be seen that the strength of the other party is at least half-step grandmaster or above. , not even a true grandmaster.

And a great master, whose strength has surpassed that of ordinary people, five times the strength is definitely not enough to stop him.

Sure enough, as the young man took another step, he was only four meters away from Yu Wenjing.

At this time, Yu Wenjing frowned slightly.

After breathing lightly, she said coldly again:

"Ten times the strength! Kneel down for me!"

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