MTL - The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods-Chapter 751 No. 2 Longevity Pill Auction

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Chu Mo didn't have much time to deal with Qinning and Tang Yi.

After experiencing the incident where drinking in the bar still had no effect, he lost his patience completely, and after handing over the two to Xue Yulu, the eldest lady of the Xue family, Chu Mo completely became the shopkeeper.

Of course, this doesn't mean that he really has nothing to do. In fact, Chu Mo has a very important thing to deal with recently.

Chu Mo received news that an auction will be held at the Great World Auction House in the capital, and the Asian item to be auctioned this time is the No. 2 Longevity Pill of the Longevity Club.

When he received this news, Chu Mo was stunned for a whole minute.

The No. 2 Longevity Pill of the Longevity Club is an absolutely secret existence. Only the top rich people know about it. Moreover, the No. 2 Longevity Pill has just been successfully developed. Because the number is scarce and has not even been released, it has attracted the peeps of countless rich people, but until now So far, the Longevity Club has only produced a total of 120 pieces of No. 2 longevity, 20 of which are used for testing and distributed to several scientists who have made great contributions. Similarly, the spokesperson around Chu Mo also has one grain.

Therefore, in the Longevity Club, there are a total of 100 No. 2 Longevity Pills that have just been developed, and these 100 No. 2 Longevity Pills were developed by Chu Mo who exchanged the five Great Returning Pills from the system.

Each of these hundred No. 2 Longevity Pills has a special number, and each one is strictly preserved. Even if you want to use any one, you must get the approval of Chu Mo, and then the three giants of the Longevity Club will come forward at the same time. Chu Mo really didn't know which link went wrong, so that the No. 2 Longevity Pill had not yet been listed, but it appeared directly at the auction.

This matter is related to the future development of the Longevity Club. It can be said that it is of great significance. If the source and channel of this No. 2 Longevity Pill are not investigated and dealt with, then the top rich people will not be allowed to pass through the Longevity Club in the future. Will buy the No. 2 Longevity Pill. If that is the case, Chu Mo spent two years gathering hundreds of top scientists, spending trillions of funds and countless connections to establish the Longevity Distance Club, which will directly become an empty shell. All my years of hard work have made wedding dresses for others.

Therefore, Chu Mo must find out about the auction.

The auction in Beijing Great World is scheduled to be held at the end of December. At the same time, the auction house has invited many top rich people from all over the world to participate.

The Great World Auction House is definitely one of the top three auction houses in the entire country. It has created many auction records. Even if you look at the whole world, it still has its place.

It is precisely because of the guaranteed credibility and the strong interest of countless top rich people in the No. 2 Longevity Pill that this auction has gathered many top bigwigs.

Chu Mo arrived in the capital a day earlier, and now the capital has become Chu Mo's second base, including the capital's tallest building, Tianxin Building, the capital's first bodyguard company and the capital's three major restaurants, Chu Mo's total assets in the capital It has reached hundreds of billions. Moreover, with the operation of the club's No. 3 branch of the Longevity Club in the capital, Chu Mo's influence in the capital has already approached the Luo family in the capital, and is called the second largest force in the capital besides the Yang family. .

After Chu Mo arrived in the capital, several people in charge in the capital came to greet them at the same time, but Chu Mo did not meet these people. On the contrary, Wu Kunpeng was the only person in charge who was received by Chu Mo.

Wu Kunpeng is Wu Youyou's father. With the strength of a half-step master, he was dug from DL City by Chu Mo with great effort. The Kunpeng Wushu Academy in DL City provides a steady stream of fresh blood. As the principal of Kunpeng Wushu Academy Wu Kunpeng's strength has grown rapidly. From the person in charge with the smallest power, he has become the most respected spokesperson in the capital in just one year. Moreover, because Wu Youyou is by Chu Mo's side, his loyalty to Chu Mo has never changed. .

Overall, Chu Mo was quite satisfied with Wu Kunpeng's performance. The reason why there was not much turbulence among the three major forces in the capital was Wu Kunpeng's tremendous efforts.

And precisely because of this, when Chu Mo came to the capital this time, he planned to give Wu Kunpeng a big gift, which could be regarded as a reward for his efforts in the past year.

And a Heavenly Spirit Pill, for Wu Kunpeng, who has been in the half-step master for more than ten years and has not made progress, is definitely what he hopes most.

With the Heavenly Spirit Pill here, Wu Kunpeng's chance to advance to the Grand Master instantly hit 50%. As long as he takes the elixir here, if there is no accident, he should be able to advance soon. This is definitely something Wu Kunpeng dreams of.

After appeasing the forces in the capital, the next day, Chu Mo accompanied Tianya and Lei Ting to the auction hall.

This time, Chu Mo didn't bring dozens of bodyguards by his side as before, because it was really unnecessary.

In terms of the strength that Chu Mo has shown now, bodyguards are really useless, not to mention those A-level B-level warriors, even half-step masters like Jiang Tao and Fan Gao, they are by Chu Mo's side. It doesn't work anymore. Although Chu Mo doesn't have any force, with the system in hand, he can not be afraid of any challenges. Once he encounters any danger, the system will automatically activate the invincible golden body skill. He is invincible in the world, not to mention the great master of martial arts, even a half-step master as powerful as Tianya, it is impossible to break through Chu Mo's golden body.

As for the various skills in the system mall, there are a wide variety of system skills worth 10,000 points, and there are even legends that can directly kill the ancestor of the Xue family, and an ordinary skill worth a few hundred points can easily To make a great grandmaster lose his combat effectiveness, it can be said that the current Chu Mo has no rivals in the whole world. In this case, he naturally does not need to follow dozens of bodyguards when he goes out as before.

Of course, even so, Chu Mo did not weaken the idea of ​​Jiang Tao Detective Agency. Although Chu Mo is already invincible, the people around him still need to be protected. Not to mention, it's just the spokespersons around her and him who are far away. Parents from other places, even her cousin Chu Xiner at school, without the protection of bodyguards, Chu Mo would not be able to feel at ease.

At this time, Tianya and Lei Ting, who were following Chu Mo's side, one was a first-level grandmaster, and the other was a half-step god. Even Lei Ting, after taking the Heavenly Spirit Pill that Chu Mo gave him some time ago, his strength Even more rapid progress, he originally needed several years to break through, but now there is a faint sign that he is about to break through the median Grandmaster.

With the two of them by his side, even if Chu Mo didn't take action himself, there were not many people in the world who could threaten his safety.

The start time of the Great World Auction was set at 8:00 pm, and the current time is 7:50. When Chu Mo walked into the auction hall, there were already a lot of people here, and this time Chu Mo came here, he just In order to investigate secretly, he didn't want to attract the attention of others, so before he came, he prepared a pair of sunglasses for himself, and at the same time sat in the back corner of the hall, so he didn't attract attention at all.

Similarly, Chu Mo also saw a lot of familiar figures in the hall, such as several tycoons on the rich list of Huaguo, the patriarchs of the eight major families, and even several patriarchs of the four major families in the magic capital, except for the Huaguo's Rich people, and other top rich people from all over the world.

What can attract the interest of these top rich people is naturally not ordinary things such as antique calligraphy and painting. Those rare treasures in the eyes of ordinary people simply cannot satisfy the appetite of these rich and powerful predators in the hall. Listening, just concentrating slightly, the discussion of the crowd sitting around has already entered my ears.

No. 2 Longevity Pill's reputation is too great, there is no doubt about this.

As early as half a year ago, when the No. 1 Longevity Pill was released, as the No. 1 experimental subject, the old man Situ, when the other party's body on the verge of collapse was rescued, everyone recognized the efficacy of the Longevity Pill, but the No. 1 Longevity Pill had too many side effects. , so although many rich people have one in their hands, if they are not cornered, no one will easily take No. 1 Longevity Pill.

Almost all the top rich people just use the No. 1 Longevity Pill as a means of saving their lives.

However, unlike the No. 1 Longevity Pill, the No. 2 Longevity Pill is not only more effective, but more importantly, it has almost no side effects. Anyone who takes the No. 2 Longevity Pill can prolong their lifespan by at least five to ten years. , and the sooner you take it, the more obvious the effect will be.

This is an irresistible temptation for the top rich who regard money as dung.

It's just a pity that the number of No. 2 Longevity Pills is rare, and it is destined that every member who joins the Longevity Club cannot have it like No. 1 Longevity Pill. It may even be used by very few people in the world. In this case, No. 2 Longevity Pills. Pill has not yet come out, and it has already been copied to a sky-high price. Therefore, when the Great World Auction House announced that they will have a No. 2 Longevity Pill for auction, it will take the initiative to cause a storm.

"Everyone who has come from afar, welcome to the Great World Auction House, tonight, we will definitely give you an extraordinary experience, and I hope you can all come back with a full reward.

Okay, I've been disrespectful for so many words. This old man of mine knows why everyone came from afar. Everyone came here for rare and exotic treasures, not to see me, a lousy old man with age spots. I announce that this auction is exactly the start.

Next, there is the first exhibit tonight... A pair of oil paintings from Master Magellan's early years, Master Magellan does not need me to introduce more, the master's name has already resounded all over the world, and this is the earliest Master Magellan's For the work, the low price of this painting is 10 million yuan, and the price increase is not less than 200,000 yuan each time. Now the bidding will start. "

It was just eight o'clock when an old man in a gray-haired Tang suit on the booth announced that the ranking would officially start, and as the other party's words fell, a tall and beautiful woman in a cheongsam was holding a pair of words in her hand. The money went to the auction.

Sure enough, although most of the top rich people in the hall came for the last No. 2 Longevity Pill, the name of Master Magellan also attracted their attention. Peak, but the atmosphere in the entire auction hall has become heated. For a time, the reserve price of 10 million has been copied to 17 million, and looking at the scene, there are still many interested people. The price of this painting is estimated Can continue to increase a lot.

Under the stage, Chu Mo was naturally not interested in the paintings in Miss Qipao's hands. He was originally a layman. Even if there were several top-level famous paintings that were worth hundreds of millions or even billions in his family's collection, he couldn't see anything famous. However, Chu Mo's eyes were slightly sideways. In the center of the hall, Master Lu raised his hand several times to bid for it. Obviously, this painting was very appealing to Master Lu.

In the end, Magellan's painting was auctioned off at a sky-high price of 23 million, but the final winner was not Lord Lu, but a fat middle-aged man.

In the warm applause from the audience, the ranking of the first item finally came to an end. At this time, seeing that the atmosphere in the hall was already hot, the old man on the auction platform struck while the iron was hot and immediately displayed the second auction item.

"After seeing the authentic works of Magellan, I think everyone should have a certain immunity to antique calligraphy and painting, so next, the second exhibit of friendship is a No. 1 longevity pill shot by a top member of the Longevity Club.

As we all know, the Longevity Club is the most mysterious club in the world. Only the top billionaires with a net worth of hundreds of billions of trillions can join. In the Longevity Club, there is also a mysterious task hall, where various tasks are released all year round. This guest is a senior member of the Longevity Club. Because he has done a lot of tasks, he has obtained several No. 1 Longevity Pills, and No. 1 Longevity Pills are flawed due to well-known reasons, so they do not need to store much. Particles can save lives.

This No. 1 Longevity Pill comes from the members of the Longevity Club. The quality is absolutely guaranteed, and each Longevity Pill will have a unique verification code. As long as this verification code is used to identify the authenticity, our big world The auction will be guaranteed by credit, and here is the authenticity of the No. 1 Longevity Pill.

According to the request of this guest, the base price of this No. 1 Longevity Pill is... 100 million, and the price increase shall not be less than 1 million.

Start bidding now. "

The old man's words fell on the booth, but there was a momentary cold scene in the hall.

Those who can appear in this ranking hall are all the top richest people in the world, and most of these people have joined the longevity club. Naturally, they already have the No. 1 longevity pill, and the reason why they come here is naturally They came for No. 2 Longevity Pill. They really didn't have much interest in No. 1 Longevity Pill.

However, not everyone in the hall is qualified to join the longevity club. Like those rich people with a net worth of tens of billions, they are naturally not qualified to join. Naturally, for these people, the No. 2 Longevity Pill is not qualified to compete at all. , and the No. 1 Longevity Pill is already an unexpected joy for them.

So, after a moment of silence, a middle-aged man with bald hair raised his placard and said:

"One hundred and ten million!"

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