MTL - The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods-Chapter 728 lonely! extinguish

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Back in time a few days ago.

A two-story building in the suburbs of Modu.

In this remote corner that would never get too much attention, tonight dozens of top warriors from all over the world gathered, and the purpose of these people is naturally the peerless powerhouse in the small building.

That night, when Chu Mo broke the barrier of the sky for the peak-level mid-rank grandmaster Jiang Dingnan and Hua Zhenyu and let them advance, Chu Mo chose to leave. In fact, in Chu Mo Not long after leaving, most of the warriors gathered here left one after another, and in front of the small building, only a few people were still waiting here.

And in this incomparably simple small building, the top master Liu Ping, the abbot of Shaolin Master Zhishang, and the incomparably mysterious Tianya three people are gathering once.

Although the communication between the three continued to deepen, the huge coercion that was originally uncontrollable also gradually returned to calm. When the time passed by every minute and second, after 20 hours, the life of the great master Liu Ping finally arrived. The stage of running out of oil.

Before his death, Liu Ping converted the purest innate qi that was left in his body into two spirit beads at the cost of burning his own life.

Each of these two spirit beads contains a trace of pure aura, and aura is the foundation of a strong person in the realm of the gods.

At the last moment of leaving, Liu Ping handed the two spirit beads to the two people who represented the peak of martial arts in the world in front of him, and said slowly at the same time:

"I should have left with my family 20 years ago, but because of my obsession, I have lived to this day. Liu Liu is my only relative and my only obsession. When I leave today, the most worrying thing is Liu Liu that little girl.

Although before this, I have used various means to set up a number of protection chips for Liu Liu, but no matter whether it is my fourth disciple or Mr. Chu, I can't completely trust it. After all, twenty years In the past, it was because of the betrayal of the people closest to me that I ended up in ruins.

Therefore, before I leave, I will set up a last safety barrier for Liu Liu. At the cost of burning my life and soul, I will turn the only remaining innate innate energy in my body into a trace of spiritual power. This trace of spiritual power will It will be turned into a guide, which can guide the two of them to break through the shackles and achieve great achievements.

And the only wish of the old man is that one day, Liu Liu's girl encounters a fatal threat. For the sake of the old man, please each take action to protect her once.

If the two agree, the old man will die without regret! "

After burning his soul, Liu Ping finally got the assurance of two peak-level high-ranking grandmasters at the last moment when his soul was extinguished. At this point, this world's peak powerhouse finally lost his soul.

After hesitating for a while, Tianya, who got the Lingzhu, took this Lingzhu which contained Liu Ping Zhipure energy and a trace of aura!

The reason why Tian Ya is so anxious is that there is no way to do it. Today Tian Ya is 137 years old. Although he looks like a young man in his twenties, in fact, his various internal organs have been exhausted. According to his own prediction, his lifespan will definitely not exceed one year in the world.

If he still can't break through after taking Lingzhu this time, it means that Tianya, the second peak powerhouse in the world, will fall within a year.

Therefore, he didn't have time to choose or hesitate at all, so he took the Lingzhu directly.

And after a breakthrough in nine lives, Tianya, who had been practicing hard for 137 years, had already reached the pinnacle, finally, relying on the trace of spiritual energy in the spirit bead, he successfully advanced to the half-step god, and The reason why Tianya, who had just advanced, appeared in Chu Mo's Diwangxuan Villa a few days later was because of an agreement with Liu Ping.

After Tianya advanced to a half-step god, he who could only live for one year once again gained a lifespan of more than ten years, but he wanted to break through again in the remaining ten years and reach the real **** realm. An impossible task, in this case, the average person may have chosen to give up long ago. Even with his half-step celestial strength, he can completely travel the world casually and enjoy the last ten years of life, which may be the choice of the vast majority of people.

But Tianya didn't choose this way. Even though he knew that the possibility of breaking through again was less than 1%, the man still did not choose to give up, but chose to use the last ten years to close his life.

In time, if he can break through, then he is the only **** in the world, a living myth.

And if he fails to break through, then there will be one less peak powerhouse in the world.

It was precisely because he chose a road of no return that Tianya found Chu Mo before the retreat, and then met Liu Liu as he wished.

Not only did he leave a master-level bodyguard for Liu Liu, but he also left a mark on Liu Liu when he handed the Tianling Pill to Chu Mo. If Liu Liu's life was threatened, the mark would be lost. It will start. At that time, if Tianya is still alive, then he will terminate the retreat and complete his promise, and if he is gone, he can only say that everything is life.

This is the half-step Tianshen Tianya's choice.

As for Shaolin Abbot Master Zhishang, he chose a completely different path from Tianya.

After getting the Lingzhu, Zhishang did not take it immediately, but chose to take the No. 2 Longevity Pill that Chu Mo gave him.

After taking the No. 2 Longevity Pill, Zhishang regained his energy due to the huge medicinal effect. Zhishang, who was conservatively estimated to have only ten years of lifespan, increased his lifespan by ten years again. That is to say, the current Zhishang, For at least twenty years, his life will be safe.

It is because of this that Zhishang has enough time to re-prepare. He can find opportunities for breakthroughs little by little. As for the spiritual pearl in his hand, it is his last life-saving means. At that time, that's right, he still hasn't advanced, so he can rely on this spiritual bead to advance like Tianya.

The reason why Zhishang was reluctant to take Lingzhu at the beginning was not because he did not want to advance to the gods, but because he deeply understood that once he took this Lingzhu, the consequence of relying on external force to advance is that even if he succeeded Advanced half-step god, and then the difficulty of advancing again will increase more than ten times.

Just like Tianya, after relying on the Spirit Orb to advance half a step into the Heavenly God, if he wants to advance again, the chance of success is less than 1%, so it can be said that the chance is slim.

And if Zhishang can break through the half-step **** with his own strength, then his chance of advancing to the realm of gods again will reach one tenth. The one-tenth chance is small, but it is ten times that of Tianya. So much, this is why Zhishang can resist the temptation and choose to break through alone!

However, as time flies, even Zhishang did not expect that it was only for a few days. Chu Mo, who he thought was just an ordinary person, would take the initiative to approach the door with such an almost invincible attitude.

As early as a hundred years ago, when Zhishang was a child, his life was saved by the Xue family, and it was the Xue family who took Zhishang to Shaolin and became a little monk.

The helpless Zhishang can reach the current state, although it has something to do with his diligent study and hard training, but it is undeniable that there is also the faint help of the Xue family behind it. Many times, in Zhishang's youth and youth, whenever When he encounters difficulties, there will always be a mysterious power to help him solve all his troubles. At first, Zhishang Zhishang thought that his parents were protecting him in the spirit of heaven, but as time went by, as his mind became more and more mature, when he When his strength became stronger and stronger, he faintly noticed the trace of the Xue family behind him!

Originally, Zhishang thought that what he owed the Xue family might not be repaid in this life, but now it seems that this time, he can make a break with the Xue family!

Ten years ago, Zhishang came to visit alone with a relic of Shaolin's treasure, and wanted to repay the Xue family's affection with a relic, and arbitrarily decided his marriage with Fanchen, but was rejected by the Xue family.

Ten years later, at the cost of his life, he will protect the descendants of the Xue family and fight against the gods alone. Whether it is life or death, he will have nothing to do with the Xue family in the future!

So, this time, Zhi Shang did not hesitate.

When facing the divine might that destroyed the sky and the earth above his head, he finally crushed the spiritual bead in his hand.

With the shattering of the Lingzhu, the last trace of a generation master Liu Ping left in the world completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

At the same time, a touch of pure spiritual energy followed Zhishang's fingertips and quickly entered the body. With that trace of spiritual energy as a guide, when Zhishang slowly took a step forward, the spiritual energy in his body began to release the most. fundamental change.

At this moment, Zhishang no longer cares about how much hope he has in the future. He just wants to reach the half-step god, block this fatal blow for the descendants of the Xue family, and repay the kindness of the Xue family to him.

Therefore, when Zhishang took the second step, the Innate True Qi in his body began to slowly change under the guidance of that trace of aura!

When the incomparably pure innate qi began to slowly sublime and condensed into a trace of pure spiritual qi, the momentum of Zhishang at this moment increased greatly, and his body began to emit rays of Buddha light, and then, floating light like the sun Light up the whole earth, the heaven and earth that had been condensed by Chu Mo were filled with vitality again under the baptism of Buddha light.

And then, Zhishang, who put his hands together, blurted out the Dharma!

"Goodness, goodness!"

Taking the third step, all the innate qi in the body has been transformed into pure spiritual qi. Zhishang, who was originally full of white hair, turned black in an instant, and the momentum of the whole body suddenly increased by more than ten times. a step change.

At this moment, Zhishang, whose whole body exudes incomparably pure Buddha light, has finally reached the peak that mortals can only dream of.

Half-step god!

"Master Chu! The sea of ​​suffering is boundless...!

Back to the shore! "

The third step into the demigod Zhishang's black hair fluttered in the wind, the cassock on his body moved without the wind, and the whole person was like a **** and a Buddha descending to earth.

Under the protection of this Buddha's light, behind Zhishang, the four masters and servants of the Xue family were finally no longer under the terrifying coercion of Chu Mo, and at the same time, the four were finally able to breathe fresh air again.

At this time, the girl in pink, who had fainted directly under the huge pressure, finally woke up leisurely. This fourteen-year-old girl in bloom was in full bloom, and she didn't even have time to reveal her joy. In mid-air, the mysterious man But suddenly he stretched out his hands slowly.

The next moment, the terrifying coercion that was more than ten times larger than the previous one continued to condense again. This time, Zhishang, who had just advanced to the half-step **** and was just able to compete with Chu Mo's aura, once again showed despair on his old face. look.

"Good... good!"

With the announcement of the Dharma, Master Zhishang's black hair turned white again, and then, the terrifying pressure on his head that was enough to move mountains and seas, Wei Ran came!

"I am invincible to the world... You and the others are all ants!"

It was just the last word that Jisang heard in his ears.

At this moment, Zhishang did not have the slightest regret or anger in his heart, nor did he have any resentment and hatred.

At this moment, a thought suddenly flashed in Zhishang's heart:

I am invincible to the world... What a proud and lonely picture!

However, no one answered Zhishang's sigh, and what was coming over his head was the terrifying coercion that ripped apart the space!

Even if Zhishang at this moment has reached a half-step god, even if he is the strongest existence in the world, but facing the power of gods, he has no chance of challenging at all.

Therefore, without any pain, without any regrets, Zhi Shang, who put his hands together, closed his eyes gently and went to death calmly.

The terrifying coercion that ripped apart the space instantly reached the top of his head. The golden Buddha light that originally surrounded Zhishang didn't even have the slightest resistance to resist.

When the pressure of the tearing space was about to reach his head, Zhishang heard the young man's faint voice again!

"If you leave here, I will spare your life!"

Zhi Shang, whose silver hair kept disappearing, did not hesitate at all, and his voice was extremely calm:

"I just hope that the Chu donor can spare the Xue family's children and grandchildren! The old monk is very grateful!


Goodness goodness! "


The melodious Dharma came to his ears, and at this moment, a voice full of metallic texture suddenly sounded in Chu Mo's mind!

"The invincible skill is about to end, the one-minute deadline is approaching, please return to the ground as soon as possible!

Countdown to the end of the skill!



three……! "

At this moment, Chu Mo, who was in the air, gently closed his eyes, and his raised hands suddenly pressed downwards. In an instant, the huge pressure that was tearing apart the space directly bombarded the ground.

At the last second of the system's countdown, when Chu Mo's body slowly fell to the ground, the whole world regained its calm, and everything seemed like nothing had happened. The only difference was that in front of Chu Mo, a one meter diameter appeared out of thin air. , but a bottomless pit!

At this moment, Chu Mo suddenly discovered that the broken relic in his arms suddenly became hot. When he took the relic out of his pocket, he found that the columns on the relic had disappeared, and the entire relic had disappeared. The relic is filled with mysterious energy again.

Looking at the relic in his hand lightly, Chu Mo suddenly murmured:

"So that's the case... The relic is the condensed congealing of the passing away of Shaolin Abbots of all dynasties...!"

He took back the relic that was full of energy again, and Chu Mo's eyes were put on the opposite side again. There, the four masters and servants of the Xue family were all silent!

Chu Mo's eyes lightly looked at the four people on the opposite side, and suddenly, he said softly:

"System Skill, Eye of Death! Open!" (To be continued)

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