MTL - The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods-Chapter 710 Chu Mo's Dilemma

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At the end of November, the minimum temperature in the magic capital has reached below zero. In this weather, most of the pedestrians on the street wear thick down jackets. Of course, there are occasionally some beautiful girls who still wear thin clothes to show their pride. posture.

At this time, in a western restaurant located at the junction of Kaihua Road and Yinhe Road, a man and a woman were enjoying the food leisurely.

The name of this western restaurant is Wei Drunk Western Restaurant. The chef of the restaurant is a Michelin star chef with superb craftsmanship. It is said that the chef holds a very secret and exclusive recipe in his hand. The steak made is not only more tender and delicious, but also very fragrant and rich in taste. Compared with the general star chef, the steak in this restaurant is more popular.

It is said that there was once a top rich man with a net worth of more than 10 billion. After tasting the steak of this restaurant, he deliberately invited the chef of the restaurant to be his own four-person chef, and offered very attractive conditions. But in the end it was rejected.

Similarly, there are many people who are envious of the unique recipe of this restaurant, and they have also offered various generous conditions, but they have been ruthlessly rejected in the end.

The steak at Wei Drunk Western Restaurant is the best in the entire Magic Capital, and even in the entire country. This is already a consensus in the upper circles of the Magic Capital. However, the chef of Wei Drunk Western Restaurant is also the most bad-tempered in the chef circle. If he If you don't like someone, no matter if you are a big boss with a net worth of hundreds of millions or someone with a distinguished status, he would rather close the restaurant than cook for you.

It is precisely because of this that this restaurant has become more and more famous, and eventually attracted many top rich people to come, but the only difference is that few Internet celebrities here know that many Internet celebrities are constantly checking in for various high-end delicacies. Today, as the top steak in China, it is not known to the public, which is also an anecdote.

Today's Weijin Western Restaurant looks very special. In the past, the restaurant was a little quiet. In the entire hall, except for a man and a woman in the center, there were no other guests.

What's even more incredible is that the weird old man in the restaurant who didn't buy it, but today, uncharacteristically, he didn't stay in the back kitchen, but stood respectfully beside a man and a woman in front of him, looking like he was waiting for dispatch at any time. .

It's not that there are no guests outside the restaurant who want to taste the top steak, but before these people enter the western restaurant, they will be stopped by the men in black at the door.

At this time, at least dozens of luxury cars worth tens of millions were parked in front of the entire western restaurant, and the restaurant was surrounded by dozens or hundreds of black-clothed bodyguards. They are all written with solemnity, and a few of them have an extremely terrifying aura. In front of these men in black, ordinary people simply do not dare to approach, even some small and powerful wealthy elites, in the face of such In the terrifying atmosphere, as long as you weigh it a little, you will understand that there is a huge gap between yourself and the people dining in the restaurant, so naturally you don't dare to be presumptuous, and everyone can only leave obediently.

Naturally, the chef who can let the chef of Weiji Western Restaurant put down his arrogance and dignity and take the initiative to serve personally, even if he looks at the entire magic city, does not exceed one hand.

And among them, Mr. Modu Chu is definitely one of them.

At this time, in the restaurant's chef's careful and respectful service, Chu Mo gently cut a mouthful of steak, and after chewing it in his mouth, a lingering smell of balsamic vinegar kept bursting in his taste buds.

The steak in the mouth is made of the top Kobe beef, and this small piece on the plate is the most essential part of the whole cow. In addition to the superb cooking skills and unique secret recipes of the star chef, it is endowed with this. Top quality steak.

There is a five-star Michelin chef in Chu Mo's family. At the same time, Chu Mo has also eaten many top steaks. Compared with the steaks in front of him, the taste of this restaurant is indeed more memorable.

In front of the chef's eager eyes, he gently picked up the red wine and drank a small piece, then the mellowness of the red wine and the length of the beef were swallowed into his stomach, and Chu Mo, who finally had a smile on his face, nodded slightly and said:


But these simple four words made the top chef around him heave a sigh of relief. This middle-aged man with a strange temper and superb craftsmanship showed a sincere smile on his face. After he bowed deeply, , and then he said:

"Thank you Mr. Chu for your praise, Mr. Chu, Miss April, I won't disturb the two of you for dinner."

The words fell, and in the nod of Chu Mo's approval, the middle-aged man beside him bowed deeply to thank him, and then slowly exited the hall.

At this time, only Chu Mo and Lu April were left in the entire western restaurant.

"This chef Geng has a notoriously weird temper. I heard that Zhou Weiming, the head of the Zhou family, one of the ten major families in the magic capital, once wanted to recruit the other party into his own home to be his own full-time chef, and even fired him with an annual salary of five The astronomical price of one million was rejected by him in the end, and there are not many people who can make this weird-tempered Chef Geng serve personally, even if you look at the whole country, I have taken advantage of you, Mr. Chu this time."

One of the four major families in the magic capital, the eldest lady of the Lu family, Lu April, was full of spring breeze.

As one of Chu Mo's spokespersons, Lu April has now controlled half of the cosmetics market in China, and with Hermes and Chanel, two of the world's top brands, Lu April has successfully entered the international market.

Lu April's net worth is now very close to 800 billion. In China, she has been called the queen of cosmetics, and her status has completely surpassed her grandfather. Now, if someone mentions the Lu family, it is no longer Modulu. Lord, it's the eldest miss of the Lu family. It can be said that Lu April's prestige has reached its peak. Looking at the entire magic capital, she can at least rank in the top five.

Chu Mo lightly cuts the top steak in front of him. He occasionally glances up at the beautiful woman in front of him. In fact, Lu April is two years older than Chu Mo. Lu April, who is 28 years old this year, has long been When it was time to talk about marriage, Master Lu had arranged for her young talents more than once before, hoping that the eldest lady would settle down as soon as possible.

But now, with the continuous rise of status and status, the net worth is close to 800 billion, and Lu April, who holds the two top luxury brands of Chanel and Hermes at the same time, has changed his status. The patriarchs of the big families are chatting and laughing, and they can even be on an equal footing with the eight big families that are famous throughout China.

With Lu Siyue's current status, even facing the patriarchs of the eight major families, the other party will greet them with a smile, and it is precisely because of this that she and the young talents of the younger generation are no longer on the same level.

If in the past, those top family heirs could still be at the same starting line with Lu April, then now, Lu April has left them far behind, even surpassing the level of the fathers of the second generation, and here Under such a clear situation, those second-generations who were on an equal footing with her in the past would unconsciously shorten their head when facing Lu Siyue, and even those who used to be very close friends who played together from childhood to adulthood, Now facing Lu April, there will be a feeling of tension and fear unconsciously.

Perhaps because of this, when Lu Siyue saw the second generation of the same generation again, she no longer regarded them as the same generation in her heart, and only spent the day drinking, or eating, drinking and having fun. In the eyes of Lu Siyue, the second generation , just like the younger generation who grew up forever, so that she no longer felt the slightest heartbeat.

But now, looking at the whole country, and even the whole world, there is no other man of the same age who can make Lu April bow his head, except for Chu Mo.

At this time, Lu April stared at the young man opposite, because of his concentration, even the whole person was a little stunned.

Chu Mo put the steak in his mouth, he chewed it carefully, the mellow taste kept sweeping his taste buds, and after a while, Chu Mo, who picked up the goblet again, said slowly:

"April in the world has now entered a bottleneck of development, and there is basically no room for development in China. What are your plans for the next step?"

Chu Mo's faint voice rang in her ears, and Lu Siyue, who had been absent-minded at first, immediately recovered. She put down the knife and fork in her hand, picked up the napkin and wiped the corner of her mouth gracefully, and then said:

"In China's cosmetics market, at present, our company in April has a monopoly on half of the country. In order not to be annexed, several other companies have joined forces to defend us, but they are definitely not monolithic inside. Use some means to win over a group, suppress a group, and then give a little sweetness, and their union will be self-defeating.

However, I don't plan to start cleaning them up right now. Huaguo's market is only so big. Even if I annex them all, it won't do much good, and in the end, I may end up with a domineering reputation. Let them be like this now. They will develop their own, and there should be greater gains when they are annexed when they grow up! "

With a net worth of nearly 800 billion, Lu April's vision, who has already stood in the top circle of the entire China, has long been different from what it used to be. Perhaps it is because of her high standing that her vision and mind are constantly expanding. In her eyes, she is just like the second-generation heir who is childish and ridiculous, and she really doesn't like ordinary fish and shrimp.

Chu Mo didn't intend to interfere too much with Lu April's development ideas, he just nodded slightly, and then stopped asking about work.

And just as Chu Mo was slowly tasting the red wine, the opposite Lu April finally said:

"That... Mr. Chu, the reason why I invited you alone this time is actually for the No. 2 Longevity Pill in your hand... My grandfather is over 80 years old this year. Although he is in good health, I am worried that if What happens one day... I've never been by my grandfather's side, so it's like can I ask for a No. 2 longevity pill for my grandfather, so that if my grandfather has an accident, he can keep his name. I work outside. You can rest assured...!"

Lu Siyue had a hint of caution in her eyes. As one of Chu Mo's spokespersons, she naturally knew about the Longevity Club, and she was also the first to know that the No. 2 Longevity Pill was successfully developed.

Chu Mo gently put down the goblet in his hand, and he looked at the beautiful woman opposite him with vague eyes. After a moment of silence, he didn't say much.

Although the No. 2 Longevity Pill has been successfully developed, because the No. 2 Longevity Pill needs a precious big return pill as a medicinal guide, the output is very rare. In Chu Mo's hands, there are only ten pieces left, and Chu Mo has used it before. Lost one, and now there are nine remaining. It can be said that any one is precious.

The spokespersons around Chu Mo are not just Lu April, including Zhan Bingxue, Dong Xun'er, Yang Xuan, Qiushui, such as Yu Liangbing, etc. Even, Liang Bing's mother is still in the nursing home.

As one of the three giants of the longevity club, Liang Bing, the reason why she promised to take charge of the longevity club at the beginning was to cure her mother. It can be said that the development of the longevity club can be so smooth, and Liang Bing's contribution also has a lot to do. big relationship.

It stands to reason that when the No. 2 Longevity Pill came out, the first person to enjoy it should be Lian Bing's mother, but because the No. 2 Longevity Pill was too precious, even Lian Bing did not get it.

Chu Mo breathed lightly. In fact, he was most afraid of this happening. Whether it was Yang Xuan, Liang Bing, or Lu Siyue in front of them, there were elderly people in their family. No. 2 Longevity Pill, the nine pills left in Chu Mo's hand were not even enough for him to share.

But if you just refuse with a straight face, these people are her most personal spokespersons. Each of them is very important to Chu Mo. If you push these spokespersons to their opposites, for Chu Mo, All his previous efforts were in vain.

At this time, Chu Mo couldn't help but fall into a difficult situation. This was the first time he had such a difficult choice.

Breathing lightly, Chu Mo's expression quickly returned to being indifferent. Chu Mo's eyes looked straight at Lu Siyue opposite, and he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"April, your grandfather and I are friends for a long time. I am also very concerned about the physical condition of Master Lu. If Master Lu really needs it, I will never say anything else and send the medicine pill directly."

Chu Mo's voice was calm, but in the silent restaurant, Lu Siyue, who was opposite, had already sat upright, and in Lu Siyue's slightly widened eyes, Chu Mo continued:

"However, this first batch of No. 2 Longevity Pills is too precious and scarce. If we give all of these pills to our own people, then our subsequent plans will be affected, whether it is Lord Lu, or I am very concerned about the physical condition of the elders in the family of the other spokespersons. As long as any of you need it, I will not hesitate to give you the medicine pill, but now, they have not reached that point!

So, I think, when the second batch of medicinal pills comes out, and when the second longevity pill is not so in short supply, I will definitely give you one one. Believe me, this world will never be too far away...! "

Chu Mo was thinking of comforting Lu April, who was on the opposite side. Before his words could fall, there was a sudden noise outside the restaurant. He turned his head to look, but saw that there was a chaotic scene on the road outside the restaurant.

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared beside Chu Mo, and the great master Lei Ting said in a serious voice:

"Mr. Chu, someone broke into the restaurant outside the door. It seems that the other party knows that you are inside. The situation is unknown. Shall we evacuate first?" (To be continued)