MTL - The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods-Chapter 704 Will be Ling Jueding

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"So it is! There is only so much pure and pure energy left. I originally wanted to exchange the Heavenly Spirit Pill with you, but now it seems that it is completely unnecessary!"

Xuanyuan Fanghua, the eldest lady of the Xuanyuan family, just stood up from the crowd, and before she could stabilize her figure, the mysterious man on the side had already come to Chu Mo's side in a flash. In his arms, he shook his head regretfully.

Everyone present did not know the meaning of Tianya's words, but Chu Mo understood that this seemingly young man beside him was a hundred years old, and his eyes were always on the relic in his arms. And what he expressed in his words was also the mysterious energy left by the relic in Chu Mo's arms.

A few days ago, in order to break the barrier of the sky for Jiang Dingnan and Hua Zhenyu, the relic in Chu Mo's hand consumed a lot of mysterious energy, and now there is only more than one-fifth left. Eldest Miss Wei Xinran advanced, and Chu Mo spent a lot of energy again. At this time, the remaining energy in the relic was less than one-fifth.

Chu Mo knew that the reason why Tian Ya in front of him took the initiative to come here to find him should be because he planned to use the Heavenly Spirit Pill in his hand in exchange for his relics here. Before, someone once wanted to exchange a Heavenly Spirit Pill for the relic in his hand, but he refused. If Chu Mo guessed correctly, this person should be Tianya in front of him.

As for the Heavenly Spirit Pill in his hand, this may be the only pill left in the entire world, and its value cannot be measured by money. Perhaps, only the top treasures such as relics can be exchanged.

Chu Mo is very interested in Tianya's Tianling Pill. Tianling Pill is a rare treasure that is more precious than Da Huan Pill. What's more, the number of Tianling Pill is extremely rare. Chu Mo used to be in the Longevity Club. An SS-level quest about Tianling Pill was released, but even so, there was still no news for so long.

According to Bai Xun, the Sword Saint in White, the Great Return Pill can increase his chance of breaking through the barrier of the sky by 20%, while the Heavenly Spirit Pill can increase the chance by 50%.

There is a 50% chance of breaking through the barrier of the sky, which is definitely a temptation for any peak-level mid-rank grandmaster to make them work hard for it.

Chu Mo really wanted to get this Heavenly Spirit Pill in Tianya's hand. Of course, this was not to help someone break through, but to send it to the Longevity Club, where the Heavenly Spirit Pill would be used to continue the development of the No. 3 Longevity Pill.

The reason why No. 2 Longevity Pill can be successfully developed is precisely because of the great effect of Dahuan Pill, and Tianling Pill is more precious than Da Huan Pill. If Tianling Pill is used as a medicinal guide, it may be effective. The more heaven-defying No. 3 Longevity Pill may be released, which will play a huge role in the development of the entire Longevity Club.

This was the real reason why Chu Mo wanted the Heavenly Spirit Pill in the opponent's hand.

It's a pity that the relic in Chu Mo's hand contains less than one-fifth of the mysterious energy left. The efficacy of the relic has been greatly reduced. Chu Mo wanted to exchange it with the other party, but he lost the biggest bargaining chip.

As for the relic, Chu Mo also didn't know what conditions he would use to exchange with the other party.

Chu Mo knew that he was facing a half-step god, and that the other party was definitely not something he could compete with as a fake. For such an existence, money and power could no longer satisfy the other party's requirements. Looking for death, there is absolutely no right or wrong.

But if Chu Mo was allowed to give up easily, he felt extremely pity.

The Heavenly Spirit Pill is a more precious existence than the Great Returning Pill. Maybe in the whole world, only Tianya has the only one in his hand. If you miss this opportunity, you will no longer have any hope of getting the Heavenly Spirit Pill.

And just when Chu Mo was thinking seriously about how to get the Heavenly Spirit Pill from the mysterious man beside him, Xuanyuan Fanghua, who had been waiting for the competition, finally couldn't hold back any longer. She gently came to Chu Mo, while being extremely careful. 's mouth asked:

"Um, Mr. Chu...Senior Chu, can we start the competition?"

Chu Mo, who had regained his senses, looked at Xuanyuan Fanghua in front of him. He had no interest in the competition in front of him. Similarly, Chu Mo knew in his heart that the heirs of the four major families in front of him just wanted to help them improve. It's just strength, but I don't owe them anything, what qualifications do these people have to demand of themselves?

He was slightly unhappy in his heart, and waved casually:

"Today's competition is here...!"

Chu Mo's words fell, and all the people in front of them showed disappointed expressions. It's no wonder that they just saw Wei Xinran and Wu Youyou, two A-level warriors, broke through the half-step grandmaster in one fell swoop, and just watched others get their hands on it. Given the opportunity, it can be said that now is the time when their hearts are surging. At this time, they are told that the competition is over. These people who are waiting for their opportunity to come, seem to have suddenly lost all hope, and are naturally full of anxiety.

However, Chu Mo was not in the mood to pay attention to the mood of the second generation. Now he only cares about the Heavenly Spirit Pill in Tianya's hands. If anyone can help him get this Heavenly Spirit Pill, Chu Mo is naturally willing to pay the corresponding reward.

Just when a group of second-generation heirs were extremely disappointed, the mysterious young man beside him suddenly shook his head and said:

"Aren't you going to compete? Although these young people are of average strength, they are also the most promising group of people in the entire China. Since there is no competition, then my old man has no reason to be here!"

Tian Ya, who has the strength of a half-step god, stretched lazily, and just as he was about to turn around and leave, Chu Mo, who frowned slightly, suddenly said:

"If any of you, no matter who it is, can be favored by Senior Tianya, then I will grant you a wish, and I will help you realize any wish!"

Chu Mo's words fell, and a group of second-generation heirs who were still full of disappointment in front of them immediately raised their heads. At the same time, their eyes all turned to the man beside Chu Mo.

At this time, Tian Ya, who had turned around, was watched by dozens of eyes, and the blurred figure became condensed again. Obviously, Tian Ya, who was just about to leave, changed his attention this time.

The strongest existence in the world with the strength of a half-step god, his eyes full of vicissitudes looked at Chu Mo lightly, and then put his eyes on a group of young people behind him, and finally, he stopped looking at Tianya. You Ruowu looked at Wu Youyou, he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"In this world, the old monk Zhishang has almost no possibility of breaking through. As for the two children over there who have just broken through the barrier of the sky, their aptitude is too poor, and there is almost no hope of progressing again, and those middle-ranked grandmasters are not enough. Try hard, you can't count on them at all.

Looking at the whole world, perhaps the only one who can hope to stand at the same level as the old man is the girl who practiced the 9th rank magic power, but she is still too immature, and when she grows slowly, it may take at least two hundred years. To be able to succeed, at that time, whether the old man is still or not is two things.

Although the old man stood on the top of the mountain, he saw the beauty of the mountains and small mountains, but he no longer had a close friend to talk about. Understand once the prosperity of this world. "

Tianya's words fell, he suddenly put his hands behind his back, and at the same time turned his eyes to the group of young people opposite, and said in a flat voice:

"Don't you want to please the old man, even if you let the horse come over, if someone can please the old man, and the old man is happy, it's okay to see you have a bright future."

When a group of young people on the opposite side were stunned, Chu Mo's eyes slowly turned to Wu Youyou, who was the youngest, but a little girl who received much attention because of her practice of nine-turn magic. After taking a deep look at Chu Mo, he trotted all the way to Tianya, and opened his eyes wide and said:

"Whatever you say, if I can make your old man happy, are you asking me to improve my first-order strength?"

Wu Youyou just jumped two levels in a row, and she met the half-step master from the middle of A-level in one fell swoop. It stands to reason that she should cultivate with all her heart to stabilize the innate innate energy in her body, and then lay a solid foundation, and then slowly hit the peak A half-step master is right.

However, the little girl obviously does not have the patience to cultivate slowly. In her opinion, the opportunity now can be said to be rare in a century. If the half-step **** in front of her can help her improve her strength again, Wu Youyou may save a few years or even more than ten years again. Cultivation time, in one fell swoop, reached the point of a peak-level grandmaster.

Tianya obviously pays special attention to Wu Youyou, and I don't know if he is moved by Wu Youyou's innocence and splendor, or because Wu Youyou's nine-turn magic makes him look at it differently. Without any disgusted expressions or thoughts, he rarely leaked a smile, and nodded slightly in agreement.

At this time, Wei Xinran, who was half a step full, was also not to be outdone. This eldest lady of the Wei family was also a master who was not afraid of heaven and earth. After seeing Wu Youyou's promise, Wei Xinran, who was very greedy, was also jumping up and down. When they came to Tianya, the two little girls were not afraid of the sky and earth. At this time, one of them took Tianya's arm and directly pulled the other to walk out of the courtyard.

Naturally, a group of second-generation people who were aware of it later did not want to miss such a heaven-sent opportunity, and they also hula around.

Although Tianya looks like he will be twenty-six or seven years old, and is about the same age as Chu Mo, but in fact he is of the same generation as the Shaolin Abbot Master Zhishang, and his real age is already over a hundred years old.

However, in the past Tianya did not have contact with outsiders at all. He was withdrawn, always alone, and even very few people saw him, and like now, he was surrounded by the stars and the moon in the center. , For him, it was a new thing, so although it was a little noisy, Tianya did not refuse.

Along with Xuanyuan Fanghua, the eldest lady of the Xuanyuan family, who also let go of her restraint and strode up, the dozen or so heirs of the four major families all followed Tianya at the same time.

Chu Mo was thinking about the Heavenly Spirit Pill in Tianya's hand, so he didn't leave, but also followed.

Beside him, the patriarchs of the four major families looked at each other. They were about to follow when Chu Mo suddenly waved his hand and said:

"Don't follow along. With you here, those juniors can't let go. This may neglect the guests, so let's all retire!"

After receiving the bright light from Chu Mo, Hua Zhenyu, the most powerful head of the Hua family, immediately bowed and promised:

"We are nearby, if you have anything to do, feel free to order me!"

As Hua Zhenyu stopped, you, the leaders of the other three clans, also stopped.

The figure of Tian Ya got into the car with a group of the second generation, and then left the Diwangxuan Villa. Chu Mo also got into the Rolls-Royce Phantom. Watching the scene of the long motorcade leaving, Wei Zhengpin, the head of the Wei family, suddenly Shaking his head:

"It's a pity, I miss this opportunity, we old antiques, I'm afraid there is no possibility of advancing!"

Wei Zhengpin is also a peak-level middle-ranking grandmaster, but he has also been trapped at this level for five or six years, and his aptitude can only be classified as medium among the four. The possibility of the barrier is very small, not even a half chance.

Originally, Wei Zhengpin was still thinking about swearing loyalty to Chu Mo today, and then seeing if he could get Chu Mo's advice, a word from an advanced high-ranking grandmaster, but with Chu Mo's departure, his wish came to nothing.

Lu Yuanming, who thought the same as Wei Zhengpin, shook his head and sighed helplessly. The middle-aged man known as Mr. Lu in the Devil's Capital looked at Hua Zhenyu beside him with envy, and sighed softly:

"We don't have the good luck of Senior Brother Hua. Not only did we get the help of the master, but also Mr. Chu's favor. Senior Brother Hua should be the only one of the four of us who has advanced to the top Grandmaster."

Facing the jealous glances from the four brothers and sisters around him, Hua Zhenyu just breathed lightly, but didn't say much.

Just as the four great masters exchanged glances, a convoy carrying a group of second-generation heirs drove out of the Diwangxuan villa area, then passed through the downtown area, and soon stopped in front of the bustling shopping mall.

Before the car was stable, the two little girls Wu Youyou and Wei Xinran couldn't wait to pull Tianya out of the car, and then the two little girls dragged each other into the luxurious shopping mall in front of them.

For the two little girls, shopping spree is their happiest thing, so they naturally brought Tianya here.

For Tianya, who has never set foot in such a bustling shopping mall, all the experiences today are the first time in his life. Although he does not like this noisy atmosphere, he does not refuse.

And just after a group of second-generation people walked into the luxury mall, Chu Mo also walked off the Rolls-Royce Phantom.

He just got off the car, but Wei Ran, the second-generation eldest son of the Wei family, followed him with a respectful face.

"Mr. Chu!"

Wei Ran is the most outstanding heir of the second generation of the Wei family. At the age of 31 this year, he has already reached the level of a half-step master at the peak level. He is stronger than the bodyguards Jiang Tao and Fan Gao beside Chu Mo. .

However, the young man at this time was extremely humble. He bent down deeply and stood in front of Chu Mo. His handsome cheeks were also full of respect.

Chu Mo looked at Tianya, who had entered the luxury mall, he walked directly past the young man beside him, and said in a flat voice:

"Let's go together!"

The faint words fell, and the man who was five or six years older than Chu Mo immediately straightened his back, and then strode up to Chu Mo's footsteps. (To be continued)

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