MTL - The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods-Chapter 696 Chu Mo in the realm of the gods

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"Advanced... Old man Jiang really broke through the barrier of the sky and reached the top Grandmaster!"

Outside a small building in the outer ring of the magic capital, Yan Nanfei, who is also one of the top ten masters, stared blankly at Jiang Dingnan, who was in the surging weather. He was also rated as one of the top ten masters twenty years ago. Yan Nanfei, one of the masters, is now in the realm of the peak-level middle-ranking master, and he has also been trapped in this realm for more than ten years. Breakthrough, known as a high-ranking grandmaster.

On the surface, Hua Guo is only ten great masters, the ten people selected twenty years ago, but in fact, in addition to those ten masters, there are some people who are unwilling to show their faces and choose to remain anonymous. Together, there should be about thirty-five masters at the national master level.

Except for a few junior great masters who had just advanced to the stage, the others were all long-established middle-ranking masters. As for the upper-ranking masters, looking at the entire country, there were only three of them.

Huaguo has nearly twenty middle-ranking Grandmasters, but all of these people are stuck at this level and cannot do anything, and even many people have tried for decades without results.

Not to mention the current state of China, even if we look at the history of the entire world for thousands of years, the ratio of the upper-ranked grandmaster to the middle-ranked grandmaster is maintained at a ratio of ten to one most of the time, that is to say, every ten median Among the great masters, only one person can successfully advance by virtue of luck, chance and other reasons.

The root cause of this situation is the barrier of the sky.

The so-called barrier of the sky is a roadblock that exists between the middle-ranked grandmaster and the upper-ranked great grandmaster. This barrier can keep 90% of the people out of the door, so that these people will never be able to advance successfully.

And if you want to successfully break through, the only way is to break the barrier of this layer of heaven.

In fact, in martial arts, there are two barriers, namely, the barrier of the sky and the barrier of the earth. The barrier of the earth exists between the half-step master and the first-level master, and the barrier of the sky exists between the middle-ranked master and the upper-ranked master. Among the great masters, anyone who wants to reach the peak of martial arts can only succeed by breaking through these two barriers one after another.

For ordinary martial arts practitioners, breaking through any barrier is as difficult as reaching the sky. Just like Wu Chi Lei Ting back then, after he became a half-step master, he spent more than ten years. And it was only after the Shaolin Abbot had been a lay disciple for a year and received the guidance of Master Zhishang.

Lei Ting has paid too much for the advanced master, and his own aptitude is excellent. In order to practice martial arts, he has abandoned all distractions, abandoned family, love, friendship and other personal interests. Even so, he spent a full thirty It took five years to be called a primary master.

Among the dozens of grandmasters standing at the scene, none of them worked as hard as Lei Ting, and they were able to achieve their current achievements. Everyone here gave up their favorite things, but even if they paid a huge price, there are dozens of them here. Famous masters can reach the peak and break through the barrier of the sky, but very few, even if it is extreme, dozens of people here may not even be able to break through.

The barrier of the sky is the stumbling block that stops everyone in the middle of the peak level. As long as they can break through this barrier, they will truly reach the pinnacle of martial arts. This is the wish of every martial artist to win.

At this moment, under the eyes of dozens of great masters, they witnessed the birth of a high-ranking master, and witnessed the entire process of Jiang Dingnan, one of the ten great masters, breaking through the barrier of the sky.

Jiang Dingnan, whose meridians in his body have widened and stabilized again, and whose innate qi has expanded more than five times, has already sat cross-legged at the door of the small building, and then began to quickly adjust his breath and vitality.

For a high-ranking Grandmaster who has just advanced, he should be the most vulnerable and most dangerous time, because at this time, the innate innate energy in his body that has exploded fivefold is completely uncontrolled in the meridians. You need to use all your heart and energy to guide the flow of true energy. It can be said that there is no self-protection ability at all.

If there are enemies or people with bad intentions disturbed at this time, then Jiang Dingnan will inevitably be smashed by the innate innate energy in his body because of his avatar, and the final result will be his death.

But at this time, in front of dozens of top masters around him, especially under the protection of the mysterious gods in the house, Jiang Dingnan was the safest at this moment.

No one dared to act against Jiang Dingnan in full view at this time. Even if the other party and Jiang Dingnan had a deep blood feud, they would never dare to be presumptuous in front of a powerhouse in the realm of the gods. Otherwise, the other party would inevitably face It is the end of the body and soul.

At this moment, the dozens of grandmaster-level powerhouses present had recovered from the shock just now, and their eyes were all staring straight at the young figure standing at the door of the room, their eyes full of complicated expressions.

At this moment, in the eyes of everyone, the young man with golden glasses and a gentle and gentle person is definitely a real powerhouse in the realm of the gods.

To be able to easily break the barrier of the sky of a peak-level middle-ranking grandmaster, and help the opponent break through the upper-ranking grandmaster at will, with such terrifying strength, I wonder who can do it except for the masters of the realm of the gods?

Even if it is a real upper-ranked master, if he wants to help a middle-ranked master to break the barrier of the sky, he will have to pay a huge price no matter what, and he may even degrade himself. Even if the other party can barely do it, it is absolutely It is impossible to achieve it easily without even frowning when waving like the young man in front of the room.

In this regard, the person who has the most say here is Hua Zhenyu, the head of the Northwest China family.

As a disciple of the three high-ranking master Liu Ping in the house, Hua Zhenyu chose to surrender to the Liu family precisely because Liu Ping promised him to help him break through the high-ranking master, and Liu Ping did fulfill his promise before.

Originally Liu Ping should have two to three years of lifespan, but just to help Hua Zhenyu break through, he didn't care about his precious source power at all, nor did he care about the possibility that he might be relegated, and forcibly used his source The power to help Hua Zhenyu open a gap in the barrier of the sky.

And with this gap, Hua Zhenyu, who was never able to advance, has the possibility of 30% of the advanced masters.

Don't underestimate these 30% hopes. The average middle-ranked grandmaster has a 10% chance of being a gifted person, and those who can have a 20% hope are called the chosen person. Hua Zhenyu originally even There was no hope at all, but only on the premise that Liu Ping did not hesitate to spend his original lifespan, he helped him expand to 30% of his hope. In this way, Hua Zhenyu was already grateful.

And precisely because of this, when Hua Zhenyu saw with his own eyes, the young man on the opposite side directly broke the barrier of the sky in Jiang Dingnan, and his inner shock had reached its peak.

Others don't know, Hua Zhenyu is absolutely clear that if he wants to break the barrier of the sky with a wave of his hand, even a peak-level high-ranking grandmaster can never do it. The only possibility is that the other party is the legendary master of the realm of the gods.

Only the legendary existence can break the barrier of the sky so easily.

At this time, Hua Zhenyu suddenly had an extremely strong impulse in his heart. Originally, he could have a 30% chance to break through to the upper master. He was already satisfied and grateful, but the 30% chance does not mean that he will succeed. On the contrary, A 30% chance means that there is a greater possibility of failure. Even if he decides to solve the shock, there is a high possibility of failure. Once he fails, it means that he will never be able to be a high-ranking master again in his life.

Therefore, at this moment, Hua Zhenyu's heart became extremely urgent. He tightly squeezed his gums, and then he stared at the young man in front of him with extremely firm eyes. After deeply touching each other, he said extremely solemnly:

"Mr. Chu, if you help me break through today and achieve the peak of martial arts, I, Hua Zhenyu, swear by my life, I will definitely follow Mr. Chu to the death, and the four tigers under my sect will always be at the command of Mr. Chu. If I violate this oath, the sky will thunder. Chop, I, Hua Zhenyu, die without a place to be buried."

In front of the door, Hua Zhenyu, the head of the Northwest China Clan, one of the four major families, suddenly knelt on one knee.

At this moment, Chu Mo not only narrowed his eyes slightly, he glanced at a kind of top powerhouse in front of him, only to find that dozens of people had gathered in front of the small building at this time, and some of these people were even very familiar. For example, the swordsman in white from the Xiangjiang Long family is among them.

And more, are some hermit masters who have never met.

Chu Mo knows that those who can appear here are definitely people with extraordinary identities. Here, everyone is divided by strength. The stronger the person, the closer to the small building in front of him, and the half-step as Chu Mo's personal bodyguard. Grandmaster Jiang Tao can only be in the last position, half-step grandmaster, not even qualified to be close to the small building.

As for Lei Ting, who had just advanced to the first-level Grandmaster for a few months, he was only barely close to the small building, at the edge of the periphery.

And those closer to the small building are all long-established masters. Among them, Qin Lan, who has just advanced to the middle-ranking grandmaster, can only barely stand in the center of the crowd.

And standing in front of Chu Mo, the crowd closest to the entrance of the small building, they are naturally the most powerful beings, each of them has the strength of a peak-level median grandmaster, as for Hua Zhen who is kneeling on Chu Mo's face at this moment Yu, under Liu Ping's training, this person is only half a step away from the high-ranking Grandmaster, and his strength is naturally the most tyrannical.

At this time, Chu Mo's eyes swept across the many great masters in front of him, and anyone who was swept by his gaze would definitely bow his head deeply, and would never dare to look at Chu Mo at all.

At this time, Chu Mo lightly stroked the relic in his palm, accompanied by the mysterious energy emanating from the relic that kept wandering around his body, Chu Mo felt a warm feeling all over his body, and it was precisely because there was a relic in the relic. With mysterious energy, Chu Mo can walk freely under the pressure of the three peak-level high-ranking grandmasters behind him. It can be said that if there is no relic, with Chu Mo's body, he may be instantly squeezed into a meat pie by the terrifying pressure. .

Chu Mo didn't know what happened to the group of people in front of him. He just thought that the group of great masters in front of him were afraid of the three people behind him. In addition, there was a kneeling Hua Zhenyu in front of him, so he didn't think about it carefully. think.

After taking his eyes back, Chu Mo's eyes were placed on Hua Zhenyu in front of him.

Among Liu Ping's four disciples, Hua Zhenyu's aptitude and cultivation are the highest and the best, and most importantly, Hua Zhenyu's family has also cultivated four masters, that is to say, including Hua Zhenyu Including myself, he alone represents the will of the five masters.

If Chu Mo can control Hua Zhenyu, they will represent the masters of the master level around him. From the original two, they will directly expand to seven people, and the most important thing is that the weakness of the original lack of the top combat power is also will make up.

Chu Mo knows that people who practice martial arts generally regard their reputation as more important than life. A master-level master like Hua Zhenyu, once he makes an oath, will basically not break the contract. Especially at this time, he is in many masters. Mian swears that if he really breaks his promise, he will definitely be ridiculed by the martial arts of the whole world.

So Chu Mo still believed the man in front of him very much.

There is only one point, just in order to save Jiang Dingnan, the relic in his hand has consumed half of the energy, and Hua Zhenyu, who is in front of him, also uses up the remaining half of the energy, so how can he bear the release of the three peak masters behind him? Coercion?

Even Jiang Dingnan, the middle-ranked grandmaster, could barely stand at the door of the room, how could he resist this pressure.

Therefore, Chu Mo wanted to help Hua Zhenyu in front of him, but he couldn't do anything at all.

Just when Chu Mo was about to refuse, suddenly, the terrifying pressure released by the three masters behind him disappeared instantly. When Chu Mo turned around, he saw the three people behind him surrounded by a triangle, and then each put his hands against the other two. It is precisely because of this that the terrifying infuriating energy released by the three grandmasters forms a closed circle and does not escape.

Without the terrifying coercion, Chu Mo could clearly feel that the relic energy in his palm was slowly disappearing, and at this moment, Chu Mo looked back at Liu Ping behind him.

The old man will soon go west and lose Liu Ping's suppression. Originally, Chu Mo was still worried about how to deal with the four disciples under Liu Ping's family. Now is the chance to recover them.

As long as Chu Mo can master Hua Zhenyu and his four masters, plus Qin Lan and Lei Ting who are beside Chu Mo, there are seven masters in total, and the other three will not be able to make any waves.

With this in mind, Chu Mo did not hesitate. Before the mysterious energy in his body disappeared, he suddenly put his right hand on Hua Zhenyu's shoulder!

In an instant, the mysterious energy in the relics flowed along Chu Mo's arm, constantly flowing towards Hua Zhenyu in front of him.

At this time, Hua Zhenyu, who was originally kneeling on one knee, suddenly found that the barrier of the sky that had plagued him for more than ten years was slowly loosening!

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