MTL - The Leisurely Life of Infinite Gods-Chapter 689 Raising superstars

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"Mr. Chu, there is news from Northwest Desert City that the man named Zhao Jiadi has now acquired his company, and he has hired ten professional bodyguards at the same time. These bodyguards are all arranged by us. All of them have the strength of B-level warriors. In addition, the Wu family in the northwest seems to be interested in this Zhao Jiadi. The Wu family is currently sending people to secretly inquire about Zhao Jiadi's information. !"

The time has entered the beginning of November. Today is the beginning of winter, and the temperature in the magic city has dropped a lot. It is like wearing a shirt two days ago, and I will add a sweater to my body in a blink of an eye.

In Villa No. 1 of the Emperor Community, because the bodyguard captain Fan Gao stayed in the desert city, he was in charge of managing the assets of the Xuanyuan family in the northwest, and monitoring Zhao Jiadi's every move, so Chu Mo's safety is now handed over to the detective agency Changjiang Tao is in charge.

At this time, Jiang Tao with a respectful expression was standing in front of Chu Mo, reporting the latest news with a serious face.

Chu Mo, who was flipping a book in his hand, raised his head slightly. He put the short-form essay collection of Chu Mo in his hand on the coffee table in front of him, picked up the top-quality Longjing tea in front of him, and took a sip. He opened his mouth and said:

"Zhao Jiadi has the one chapter and one trillion platinum card that I gave him. The Wu family in the northwest must have smelled something, or heard some rumors, so they want to take that card as their own.

The Wu family ranks fourth among the eight major families in China, with a total asset of 111 billion, which is not to be underestimated. However, if the Wu family wants to move Zhao Jiadi, you still have to ask me. This Zhao Jiadi is mine. Man, you let Fan Gao go to Wu's house in person, and let them dispel any thoughts of Zhao Jiadi, otherwise, the consequences will be at your own risk! "

Chu Mo put down the teacup in his hand, and when he picked up the book in front of him again, Jiang Tao who was in front of him immediately nodded respectfully, and then he continued:

"However...Mr. Chu, Miss Xuanyuan Fanghua seems to be also very interested in this Zhao Jiadi. Miss Xuanyuan went to the Northwest some time ago, and then deliberately created a chance encounter to get close to that Zhao Jiadi. The relationship is a bit...too close! Do you want to warn Miss Xuanyuan?"

Chu Mo has been paying close attention to Zhao Jiadi's movements. The other party holds a centurion black gold card with one trillion funds, and that card is provided by Chu Mo. This Zhao Jiadi is one of Chu Mo's. As a test subject, he first wanted to see how an ordinary person would eventually grow when he suddenly got a lot of money that he couldn't spend all over.

As for Xuanyuan Fanghua, Chu Mo was afraid that she would be bored before, and Zhao Jiadi was still relatively cautious and vulnerable in the early stage, so Chu Mo ordered Xuanyuan Fanghua to take care of her.

However, Chu Mo didn't expect that Xuanyuan Fanghua actually approached Zhao Jiadi on his own initiative, and appeared in front of the other party, which Chu Mo did not expect.

Gently opening the book in front of him, Chu Mo said without raising his head:

"Zhao Jiadi is now on the right track. Since he has hired more than a dozen bodyguards to protect his safety, ordinary gangsters should not be able to pose a threat to him. As for the strength of the Wu family in the northwest, you can send someone to warn him. If the other party insists Hands-on, knocking each other out if necessary.

In addition, I told Xuanyuan Fanghua to let her return to the magic capital as soon as possible, and said that I have important things to arrange for her to do! Go down! "

As Chu Mo waved his hand, Jiang Tao, who was 2.2 meters tall in front of him, immediately bowed respectfully, then slowly turned around and left the villa hall.

Xuanyuan Fanghua is Chu Mo's next key training target. As a genius who has received elite education since childhood and has the strength of a half-step master, Xuanyuan Fanghua is definitely a rare seedling. Chu Mo does not want to waste her talents. On a Zhao Jiadi.

However, Chu Mo hadn't thought about what he wanted Xuanyuan Fanghua to do for a while. At this time, when he called her, Chu Mo also had some headaches and changed our arrangement for the number one talented woman in the Northwest.

After sighing softly, Chu Mo slightly raised his head and glanced at the stunning beauty in front of him. Sitting in front of Chu Mo was Sun Qingruoxi, a first-tier superstar of Hua Guochao. She has gradually diminished her status as an artist, and instead All thoughts are on the management of the company.

As the No. 1 company in the entertainment industry and the chairman of Shiyuan Entertainment, the current status of Sun Qingruoxi has changed. In the past, she was at most a second-tier artist in the company, and favored artists like Ding Xiaoni and Ding Qian. There is still a big gap, even because she has not made a hit for a long time, and there is no work that she can do, her popularity has declined significantly in the past two years. In the last selection of the most popular female artist, Sun Qingruo Xi is only ranked twenty-ninth.

But now, from the moment she officially became the chairman of Shiyuan Entertainment, the label on her body has changed from a down-to-earth artist to a top tycoon who controls the entire entertainment industry.

Even, because Chu Mo just invested tens of billions in Shiyuan Entertainment some time ago, the assets of Shiyuan Entertainment exceeded 250 billion, and the entire company was one point higher than the second-ranked Shangyuan Entertainment. In this case, Sun Qingruoxi's status has completely surpassed Ren Wenxuan, the godfather of entertainment, and is called the veritable first person in charge of the entertainment industry.

However, at this time, Sun Qingruoxi, who had already controlled half of the entertainment industry by herself and her status was not what it used to be, but at this time, she sat respectfully across from Chu Mo, even though she was one person under ten thousand people outside. Countless people are eager to curry favor, but in front of Chu Mo, Sun Qingruoxi has a clear understanding. She understands that Chu Mo can give her everything she has now, and naturally she can easily take away everything she has. Therefore, when facing Chu Mo, the big boss behind the scenes, Sun Qingruoxi's attitude was more respectful and cautious than the above.

The indifferent Chu Mo glanced at the stunning woman in front of him, and said in a flat voice:

"Ruoxi, don't be nervous, I have always been rewarded and punished. You have done a good job recently, and the entire World Source Entertainment has achieved good results under your leadership. What do you want? Say it anyway, I will satisfy all of it. yours!"

Opposite Sun Qingruoxi's beautiful face flashed a touch of gratitude.

Before she was called the chairman of Shiyuan Entertainment, she was a super first-line star. Similarly, Sun Qingruoxi has an absolutely good appearance, even if it is a little worse than Ding Qian, but her appearance of 97 points definitely belongs to the goddess In the category of her, countless fans went to great lengths to meet her.

Sun Qingruoxi, who was wearing a light blue dress, immediately lowered her head, and she said in a clear voice:

"Thank you for Mr. Chu's love. Being able to sit in this position is due to Mr. Chu's support. I will definitely work harder in the future, but this time I came here to discuss something with Mr. Chu...!"

Sun Qingruoxi in front of her had a hint of caution in her eyes. Seeing that Chu Mo seemed to be in a good mood, she dared to say:

"Mr. Chu, I came here this time to talk to you about Wang Guangju joining us in Shiyuan Entertainment.

Wang Guangju is a top international superstar. This is not good. His popularity alone is enough to drive the development of a top entertainment company. Mr. Chu, you use our company's Wang Tuo, super first-tier superstar Li Zhiqiang, and super first-tier actress Su Lingyun San People, plus 15 billion for Wang Guangju, I personally think it's still a bit inappropriate...

Of course, I didn't insist on your decision, Mr. Chu. It's just that although Wang Guangju is famous enough and is the head of the Four Heavenly Kings, his popularity has reached the ceiling two years ago, and he is hardly growing. space.

Moreover, although Wang Guangju is the first artist in China to reach the box office of 30 billion, but in the past two years, the box office of the three films he starred in has not exceeded 2 billion, and the most important thing is that one is better than the other. Low, which shows that Wang Guangju's influence is declining.

In one, although Wang Guangju is very famous, his ability to attract money is not as high as imagined. It is precisely because he can't make enough money that Wang Guangju will frequently hold concerts to make money, which hurts his popularity.

Of course, this is only an objective reason. In any case, Wang Guangju is also the world's top superstar. It is a good thing for any company to sign him, but Wang Tuo's exchange, in fact, has a great influence on us...! "

Sun Qingruoxi's words suddenly paused, because she saw Chu Mo frowning slightly. At this time, the whole hall became extremely safe, and even Chu Mo was the only one left to read books. After a while, her expression was flat. Chu Mo said:

"I want to hear your opinion, go ahead!"

With permission, Sun Qingruoxi, who was breathing lightly, continued:

"Originally, if we only used Su Lingyun and Li Zhiqiang as two superstars, although there is not much profit, it is not too much loss, but Wang Tuo is the first brother of our company. He has good looks and acting skills. He has worked hard enough and is called the new generation of traffic. Recently, the company has put a lot of resources on Wang Tuo. I expect Wang Tuo to grow into an international-level superstar in two years at most. Compared with Wang Guangju, it will not be much worse.

Moreover, although Wang Guangju is known as an immortal male god, he is nearly fifty years old after all, and Wang Tuo is only in his early twenties, so he has an age advantage. If Wang Tuo can stay, I am confident that he will be called a new generation of the world. Top star. "

As the chairman of Shiyuan Entertainment, Sun Qingruoxi is obviously very optimistic about Wang Tuo's development prospects. Otherwise, it is impossible for him to find Chu Mo in person and report this matter specially.

But at this time, when Sun Qingruoxi made her views and opinions fully stated, she stopped talking, but looked at Chu Mo carefully, waiting for the man in front of her to make the final decision.

Chu Mo, who had been flipping through the books in his hand, bent down and picked up a piece of gold leaf from the coffee table in front of him. Then, he put the bookmark made of gold leaf in the book. After putting down the short-film essay collection of Chu Mo in his hand, he breathed lightly. Then Chu Mo said slowly:

"As for Wang Tuo, I have already promised Tian Yong, the CEO of Tianhua Entertainment, and this matter has been settled, and it is not easy to change. Since Wang Guangju has joined the company now, we should cultivate it well, not to say that Wang Guangju has recently Is his popularity a bit low? Then invest in a few big productions, find the best screenwriters and directors in Hollywood, and tailor a few top-level productions for him. Before, Tianhua Entertainment also thought that Wang Guangju’s popularity had reached the top, and he could no longer make breakthroughs for a while. Therefore, the resources invested in him have been reduced, which is the main reason for Wang Guangju's low popularity in the past two years.

We Shiyuan Entertainment lack everything, and the most important thing is money. As long as we are willing to invest, Wang Guangju can still shine to the limit.

As for Wang Tuo... Although he is in charge of the new generation of traffic, we are not short of these kinds of artists. This year's trainee recruitment should start. Double the investment, expand the recruitment, and recruit a few more people. The trainees with good looks, and then select a few of the best and the most good-looking trainees from these trainees, and the company will train them with all their strength. I believe that it will not be long before there will be a few artists like Wang Tuo in our company. "

Chu Mo's light words fell, and the opposite Sun Qingruoxi opened her mouth slightly. She originally wanted to raise some doubts, but in the end she buried all her doubts in her stomach!

Sun Qingruoxi naturally knows that young artists like Wang Tuo who have strength, good looks, and are willing to work hard and have no lace scandals are really not that easy to cultivate, otherwise it is impossible for there to be only a few top performers in the entertainment industry. It's a new generation of male artists. If you want to cultivate a Wang Tuo again, it's not just a matter of how much money you spend and how much resources you put in. It can even be said that it depends on luck.

After all, a good seedling like Wang Tuo is really one in ten thousand.

However, Sun Qingruoxi also knows that since the big boss in front of her has already arranged shifts, no matter how much she says, she can't change the other party's absoluteness, and if she talks too much, I'm afraid it will only reduce her impression in the big boss's mind, so Without further ado, at this time Sun Qingruoxi just nodded deeply and said:

"Mr. Chu, Chu knows how to do it. After I went back, I immediately waved to arrange the promotion and packaging of Wang Guangju, and increased the publicity. In addition, this year's trainees will expand the enrollment scale. I will personally check and try to post a few more good ones. seedling!

Then I won't disturb you, Mr. Chu! "

The words fell, and Sun Qingruoxi, who was in front of her, stood up gently, and finally, after she bent deeply and insisted, she slowly turned and left.

After a while, Sun Qingruoxi's figure disappeared in front of her eyes, and Chu Mo suddenly said:

"How is Liuliu now?"

The next moment, a stunning girl suddenly appeared behind Chu Mo. She was dressed in a long snow-white dress. Qin Lan's voice was clear and sweet like a fairy descending from the earth:

"Liu Liu has officially returned to the campus now. Now she is the same as before, hanging out with those classmates and friends all day long, but the only difference is that she is no longer an anchor now. Once she has time, she will calm down. Seriously read a few economics books!

However, Miss Liu Liu spends most of her time in vain. Mr. Chu, do you want to bring her back from school and find some famous professors for her to teach her individually? "

Hearing that Liu Liu had returned to campus and started a normal campus life, Chu Mo only slightly raised the corner of his mouth, and said in a flat voice:

"No, that's it!"

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