MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 216 Formal contest begins

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(four library books)

To celebrate the New Year, as the helm of a super family backyard, I should have been busy.

However, the old lady's appearance is very leisurely. Obviously, he has been able to cope with these family matters.

She is the old lady, the ancestor of the Ning family, the old master is her son, and the owner of the house is her grandson. No one dares to make the scorpion under her eyelids.

On the other hand, it also shows that she is doing a good job.

I didn't talk about how she didn't talk about it. It was very admirable for the old lady.

As she saw in a few days, although there was no one standing there to listen to the insider, there was no one who was flustered.

It can be seen that they are well-trained and have some ideas. At least they prove that the problem has already found a solution before they come. After going back and forth, just ask the old lady to get an idea.

It’s not a fuel-efficient lamp, but a thousand people only saw her cold face when she first met. Now her face is very sincere and respectful every time she sees her.

From the people who do these things, we can speculate on the old lady's means of managing the family and the way to use people.

I heard that the old lady was always accompanied by Mrs. Mei and Mrs. Jing, but they did not see them in the past few days.

Maybe before she came, they asked him to leave, and they didn’t know.

The people around the old lady are very regular. The people who go back and forth are usually after breakfast, and after lunch, they are very concentrated.

Usually, there are not many younger generations who come to ask for security, but there are always people who come from three to five.

However, according to the observation of the thousands of snow, one person came every day.

That is the four ladies Tan.

The four masters are the old lady's own, and the mother and the old lady of the four ladies, although they are not sisters, are also from the Yuwen family, and they are close to each other. It is understandable to go closer.

When the fourth lady came, she sat with her for a little while, and someone went back and forth, and she was opened by the old lady.

When the fourth time the four ladies came, they also brought the cousin of Ning Shaoqing, who was less than two Ning Shaoqing. The old lady was very happy and asked her to go to the kitchen to take snacks.

In fact, in her capacity, although it is the next generation of the old lady, it is the wife of the owner. It is much higher than the identity of the four ladies. With the kind of snacks, she can go and direct the Shantou women to do it.

When I was tea-teachering that day, I was forced to take her words. Isn’t this the fool of the four who was being robbed?

She didn't want to be close to this woman, but she didn't want to sit there and stare at her eyes. She smiled and died.

Afternoon afternoon, the four ladies came again. This time, I don’t need the old lady to instruct. I’m looking for a head from the head, saying that it’s the old lady’s costume to wear in the New Year. I don’t know how to embroider. She wants to go out and see the progress. how is it.

The old lady was accurate, and her eyes were stunned. She said, "It’s still a good time for you, remember your grandmother. Look at it, remember to go back soon!"

The man who is so sultry and ignorant, thinks that there is a lot of old lady's favor with the stranger, and she is already away from her.

The strange snow has just left, and the dialogue inside will ring.

"Mother, do you really want to hand over the housework to this yellow-haired girl?"

"This woman is not simple, you should not underestimate. If other women, such identity, and the attention of the husband, was accused for three days, long ago annoyed, where like her, nothing."

The four ladies were not convinced. "A yellow hair is a gimmick. What a big deal, the mother is too arrogant."

"She is a yellow-haired girl, but you can't even compare a yellow-haired girl... you learn a little more, hold your breath, and keep your mouth shut..."

The old lady reprimanded, and the four ladies were too angry to face, but they were too angry, but they did not dare to sing against the old lady.

During the period, Ai Ai said a few words of welcoming, and smirked a few times, reported a few words of his own affairs, and left without waiting for the management.

The old lady muttered, "Things that are unsettled."

Late interface asked: "Master, do you really want to hand over the family to the four ladies?"

"Who don't give it to her, who can I hand it over?"

The old lady’s face is helpless.

"If it is given to Moh, to her temper, the woman of Yu Wenjia still has a place of speech in this backyard? You have not seen it, and Qinger is now petting her, and others can’t see it. When I have spent my eyes."

The older the lady said, the more excited she was, the late she stepped forward to caress her for the chest.

"The day was clearly that Shaoqing himself had overturned Xu Yuniang's soup bowl... Not only did she stand up for her in Zizhuwan, but even Sun Hao also dug it out, and personally shot for her."

When the old lady was young, she also practiced for a few days. Otherwise, how would Ning Shaoqing grab the shot in front of the strange snow.

There is no help in maintenance.

From his shot, this little trick, the father will not debunk, grandma will not speak.

"Then why don't you hand over the family to the four ladies now?"

The old lady sighed. "If she is really worthy, after so many years, I have already handed over the family to her. In the family, it is not the matter of the wife of the family, nor is there a precedent, where Wait until today."

Later, when the master of the Sujia family was in the hands of the previous generation, the wife of the house was not well-informed, but there was no back-court feeding, but it was directly taken over by the family’s younger brother. Later, it was taken over directly by the daughter-in-law of the family. Nowadays Mrs. Sue’s wife has never had a gift in her life.”

The old lady regrets a little, "Yeah... as long as it is the wife of the shackles, there is power in the house. Now I can only suppress Ms., so that she will never look up, and when I enter the door, I will train well." ......When I am going, I will give you her, and then there is another one around her who understands that her wife has got her idea, and I can close my eyes..."

The old lady’s words are not surprised. Obviously, this old lady is not the first time to say.

When he was late, he caressed for the old lady, and asked when he avoided the weight: "So... why are you drying the lady now?"

The old lady said with a deep smile, "Not drying, waiting..."

She knows that she is more patient than the one she is now.

Who can't help but accept a smile, who can't help but make a scorpion, whoever loses.

What she wants to maintain is not only the power of the family, but also the status of two men.

Mo Qianxue knows that in the afternoon, but the four ladies will come, and the four ladies will generally stay until the person who is waiting for the old lady to return to the matter.

Said to be please, in her opinion, is a kind of peek into the feed.

It’s just that she came every day, only to fear that the old lady gave her many family things.

She couldn't figure out why the old lady was so attached to the gunman of the Four Lady.

Isn't the relationship between Yu Wenjia's in-laws really important? ! Important... she wants to pass the power of her hand over her and directly to the four ladies? !

Some do not believe in their own analysis, and there is no rush to go to the thousands of snow, but to pick it up.

When she entered the house, the few things that had happened were gone, as if from the future, the old lady was waiting for a big girl, and she was closing her eyes.

She sat down to the side with a light hand, and then she took the soup and gave it in duplicate.

This is the case in the past few days. The old lady has a good attitude towards her. Seeing her here, in the afternoon, when she drinks the soup, she will prepare more.

"Old lady, the soup is coming, you use it, the solution is lacking."

The late wife gave the old lady a copy, and when she greeted the big girl who helped the old lady, she gave another one to the stranger.

Mo Qianxue is thirsty. She was tired enough on this day. She just turned around for a long time and pointed to the cup of soup.

Picking up, I am preparing to drink, but I smell a scent of medicine.

Look at it again!

This is... absolutely - child - soup!

This understanding is like a thunder, so that the thousands of snow can not hold the bowl of soup in their hands.

If she hadn't come to drink from her before Gui Xiao, she was afraid of being victimized again, forcing herself to remember the taste of the tiger wolf medicine, and maybe she could really do it.

Thinking of the possible consequences, the heart of a thousand snow sinks to the bottom of the valley, cold and cold!

She is really angry!

There is an impulse to get rid of this bowl, there is an anger that wants to kill!

However, at this moment, she can't do this.

This medicine is basically colorless and odorless, but it is not common.

After that day, she heard Ning Shaoqing said that this medicine is not only rare, but also very rare.

It is not a matter of heart filtration, not some basic, it is impossible to get this medicine.

This is... the old lady gave her?

She does not believe it!

Even if the old lady doesn't like her anymore, she still hopes that Shaoqing will have more children and more grandchildren. She will give Ning Shaoqing a non-stop, and she will also want to lift the woman of Yuwen's house to pass the door. She will look at her face and give herself a set. , suppressing myself, but she will never give herself this medicine.

However, if it is not the old lady, who else has such courage, who has such a big skill, put the medicine in this bowl? !

Xie is already dead, Ning Shaoyu has gone to the Great Northern Wilderness, and the oldest owner’s nephew only has Ning Shaoqing, who else will marry her?

Grand Master? He has no children, no women, and he is smashing out, a picture that is going to die, and the big lady is shrinking and shrinking... but...

Mrs. Jing? Mrs. Mei?

Between the thousands of snow, all the people passed through the heart, only that everyone has doubts, and that everyone does not harm her reasons and skills.

I can’t figure it out, so I’m there.

The old lady has already passed the body from leaning back, is preparing to drink soup, seeing a thousand miles of snow there, can not help but laugh and joked, "Why don't you drink? Yesterday, I didn't say that this soup is good, I want to drink more. How many mouthfuls?"

The old lady's ginseng soup here is really good. It is not a single use of ginseng, but a chicken soup to hang the taste, plus the jujube gelatin is specially used for women's qi.

Drink a bowl every day, not only to prolong life, but also to be beautiful.

There are really not many good health products.

The old lady has already had a drink. "You don't drink, grandma, but drink it first!"

See the old lady blowing the soup, ready to drink the second, and thousands of snow quickly put down the soup bowl, blocking the old lady to drink soup.

"The ancestors, this soup can not drink."

The old lady listened to her eagerness, and she was shocked and doubted. Is there a problem with this soup?

But this soup, she has already drunk, the taste of this soup is no different, and there is no discomfort.

The heart was put in the belly, and the smile on his face turned into frost.

"Moh, you are crazy! Do you know what you are talking about? Is it a good person to be a good person, will you give a younger generation of poison?" The self-proclaimed suddenly changed from grandma to the old body.

The voice is also majestic, and the face is very angry.

However, her heart was a slap in the face. Can this girl be unable to bear it?

"You kneel down!"

Mo Qianxue said nothing.

At this time, it is not a time of hard work.

Some things, only when the true image is uncovered, it is the fastest people to see that face change and change, she waits!

In the heart, holding the winning face is aggrieved, and thousands of snow roads, "Wang ancestors, where did Sun Yan do wrong? The ancestors did not like Sun Hao, and could not be like this to Sun Hao..."

Continue to mislead.

The old lady shouted, "Let's take it! Take her soup over and let the body test the poison. It's really unfortunate, there are such unfilial children."

This soup is a pot out, she is no problem, she believes that there is no problem with a thousand snow.

If today she personally passed out for the drug test of Mo's, no matter whether there is any problem with this soup, Mohs can no longer stand.

The stranger knows this reason naturally. Although the old lady is old and widowed, drinking or not drinking the soup is not the same for her.

However, this kind of soup is made fine again. Drinking it will also cause the symptoms of body cold. Even if it does not happen at the time, it will be endless troubles and cold hands and feet.

If she knows that there is something different in the soup, she will say that it is a big filial piety.

"Old lady, how can you test your poison? If you really insist that Sun Hao drink this bowl of soup, Sun Hao drinks it."

Say, pick up the bowl, tears, and drink.

However, the action is extremely slow and gentle, just like drinking a deadly arsenic.

After standing late, she naturally believed that there was no problem with the soup. "Old lady, please ask a doctor to see it."

The old lady does not speak, it is acquiescence. "Come, come over with Dr. Li."

She was just curious. This scented the soup and said that there was a problem with the soup.

She believed in the people in her own house, of course, because she drank a soup, the soup is no different.

If Mo's own soup is different, it is what she has done with her own hands and feet. It seems that this woman can't help it.

As far as she knows, Mo Qianxue does not understand the medical path. She does not believe that Mo Qianxue will look at it like this and know that there is a problem with the soup.

It should be that she has a problem.

Want to frame yourself in your own home? It’s naive!

She has to use actual actions to tell her that **** is still old and spicy!

This book is from the start, please do not reprint! L3l4

(four library books)

Read The Duke's Passion