MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 213 The spell is in the ear, believe him!

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(four library books)

The car squad just arrived at the gate of the government office, the middle door opened wide, and the housekeeper had already brought people out.

A group of people surrounded by Mo Qianxue and Ning Shaoqing came to the front hall. After all, they were not their biological parents. Ning Shaoqing’s status was noble. Mrs. Jia and Jia Lao could not take the shelf too much. They saw the thousands of snow entering the door and all got up and welcomed each other.

A few words of chilling, Ning Shaoqing, along with the strange thousand snow, in the strangeness of the wind and the whisper of the wind, so the hour is not early, it is lunch time.

There are not many people sitting here, Jia Lao and his wife, Ning Shaoqing, a couple of thousands of snow couples, and a stranger to accompany them.

After three rounds of wine, the dinner was scattered.

Jia Lao invited Ning Shaoqing to go to the game, and the stranger squatted to watch the chess. The strange snow went to the inner court with Mrs. Jia.

Mrs. Jia pity her parents early, many things are not taken care of, took her hand, concerned about her standing in the Ning family, and told her about the obligations of the deaf and the big house door Various events that should be noted inside.

Mrs. Jia said that the people and the thousands of snow have a bottom in their hearts. But there is a personal concern for themselves. I am always moved. When I think of the day before the wedding, Mrs. Jia’s pre-marital education dolls are not only funny, but also more It is an acid.

After talking about the family and talking about some new things in Beijing, I naturally talked about the most popular rumor in Beijing--the Susu County owner left home and left.

Although the prince's palace is not unassuming, but looking for it in Beijing, there will be no wind, and there is no one who knows how to have the strength of the eye, but only the eyes are closed.

I heard that Susu left home and found that Su Qi was away from Beijing.

Mrs. Jia is a clear-minded person. She speaks all the time. She only takes a short break and then pulls a thousand snow to the front yard to find Ning Shaoqing and her party.

Go back to the door and go back to the house after returning to the door. Don't delay too late.

When I was empty, I would say something about Susu in a whisper.

Ning Shaoqing just chuckled, he would like to have a Susu to divide the mind of Su Qi.

Although Qian Xue has entered the door, but his wife is remembered by others, no one will be comfortable. It is best that Susu can have some means to get this Suqi faster.

"The reason why the Susu County Lord will leave Beijing, is that Su Qi has sneaked out of Beijing... Hey, I don’t know if she can catch Su. This way, she is afraid that even Su Shi will go. I don't know, this one is not knowing how tall the thick girl is. How can a woman walk outside like this?"

Seeing a few thousand snow, I was worried. Ning Shaoqing patted her shoulder. "Don't worry too much. I will pay attention to her whereabouts and then pass the news back to the Prince's House."

As for the **** of the Susu County Lord, it is not difficult to find her whereabouts.

The two whispered two sentences, and Mrs. Jia came over here.

Jia Lao and Mo Ziyi left and left with Ning Shaoqing walking in front, and Mrs. Jia walked behind with a thousand snows.

Just arrived at the gate, the government office door came a large group of people, Hao Hao soup opened.

The team of people, the palace inside the hospital to be opened, the eunuchs accompany, around the two carriages behind.

Obviously, people are sent by the emperor, and the coming is not small.

Didn’t the emperor have a gift, have you sent it before, the emperor, what do you want to do, and then send a gift?

In the case of a thousand snow foxes, the horse team has stopped.

The guards stood on both sides, and the carriage behind them drove to the front of the government office.

The two carriages had just stopped, and the little eunuch, who had accompanied one side, opened the curtain of the front carriage.

Out of the carriage, it is the emperor's confidant.

The first carriage got out of the road, but the second car that accompanied him was still moving.

Thousands of snow hearts raised an ominous premonition.

The **** supervisor in the palace is the one who met with each other and was very polite. Although the stranger has never seen the road father, but Beijing has been waiting for a long time, just relying on the appearance and wearing can be able to guess the identity of the other party.

He took the lead in welcoming it. "The father-in-law is coming and coming, and it is shining."

Ning Shaoqing stood there and stood still, an eunuch, and could not work on his frame.

Jia Lao arched his hand, and Mrs. Jia pulled a little snow and nodded slightly. It was a full ceremony.

Road Gonggong three steps and two shakes have come over, a light cough, calm look.

"It’s the life of the emperor to sprinkle the family, and the emperor comes to the mouth."

Mo Qiang Xue marry a person, his identity is not ordinary, and the stranger can indeed represent the government office to a certain extent, and he has made a request for the action. "Grandfather, please ask inside."

The stranger led the way, and everyone returned to the hall of the National Government.

Ning Shaoqing is the identity of the transcendental, the emperor has a mouth to pass, he always wants to listen to it.

Entering the hall, the road is standing still, and his face is solemn. In addition to Ning Shaoqing and Mo Qianxue, the ground is smashed.

"The emperor's mouth, the pillar of the Ningjia main country, is the foundation of the heavens. The strange thousand snow is the prostitute of the National Government, but there is no dowry when he marries, and it is inevitable that the food and drink of the Ning family will not be able to do so when they are on the weekdays..."

Just heard here, the strange snow is not good.

What is inevitable when the power is not in the heart, does not mean that she can not be in the same room every month, can not wait?

Of course, the iron-blue color of a strange face can not block the mouth of the road father.

Those curses are still one by one into her mind.

"My emperor is intimate with a prostitute who has no relatives and no reason. The special gift... Wan Yu Shijia, the eldest daughter Wan Ziying, went back to the government to help the Miss Mt.

"Give the Yuanyuan Weng master with the strange thousand snow back to the government to help Miss Mt. to wait for the Ning family..."

Wan Ziying, she has seen, which is the root of the Yuanyuan?

A thousand miles of snow can not be suppressed.

Ning Shaoqing stood there, twisting his eyebrows, but it was motionless.

Mrs. Jia, the old lady, thanked Mrs. Jia, and thanked the emperor.

Lu Gonggong reached up and lifted up. "Get up."

Glanced at the strange face of the snow, the road father turned his head and smiled at Ning Shaoqing.

Holding the scorpion again, "The emperor said, Mrs. Ning's identity is precious, and the owner of Ning's family is high and clean. She doesn't have to be too tall, and she will be a good name. I think Ning's family will not give this face to the emperor. Mrs. Ning is born in a famous name, and she will not be ignorant of her generality.

Waiting? It’s just a mother.

Although the status is not high, it is not low.

To know the home of the super family, it is to see the people who do not need to kneel.

The identity of the first lady is higher than that of Wang Hao, and it is only for the queen to use the blessing. Mrs. 便 is a lady of a higher rank than the prince of the royal family, that is, the acolyte is not something that ordinary people can take.

Of course, this is also divided into three or six, etc.

In the end, it is a new marriage. Although the emperor wants to add some blockages to Mo Qianxue and Ning Shaoqing, he does not dare to give it to anyone.

If it is a general minister, the emperor will give a few palace ladies or singers, and others will be grateful.

If it is his royal family, it is understandable that this identity is given by him.

However, the identity of Ning Shaoqing is decided, that is, Mrs. Zhai is not given by him.

This is where the emperor hates the super family.

Fortunately, Xie’s family has fallen, and now there are only two left in the existence of these two anti-days.

Xie’s family was full of shackles, which was not in his expectation. However, he did not intend to let go of Xie’s family. It’s just that Xie’s family is too useless. He’s not looking for death, but he’s broken his overall plan.

He does not believe that the people who are late are all iron buckets.

He was inquired, and the family is now in his fifties, and his two sons are not in a climate.

If you want to keep a hundred years of foundation, or have something to do, the best way is to choose to join forces with Lonely...

Mrs. Jia saw the strangeness of the thousands of snow and the back was stiff.

The last time she had refused her niece, she knew that this daughter was a person with no sand in her eyes.

In her eyes, what can be done to accommodate the sand, but what is the way for a woman, she is strong again, and Jia’s character is high and clean, isn’t she still getting two?

Mrs. Jia was not close to the traces, and she gently returned to the gods.

She knows that she does not nod, Ning Shaoqing will never accept these two women.

However, the words of Lu Gonggong are sleek, and Shaoqing just wants to refuse and can't find a reason.

She is not afraid of her bad reputation, nor is she afraid that others will not be able to accept her. However, the words of the emperor are soft and hard, that is, the words that do not give face are also said.

Moreover, the person who sent it, a one-of-a-kind eldest daughter, a lord, is not a low-ranking, but only an ordinary acolyte.

Just when listening to the mouth, the moment when the strange snow changed his face, Ning Shaoqing’s mind was also a thousand times.

If you really refuse this person, it is equivalent to provoking the emperor, and the emperor and the emperor openly confront each other.

However, if it is received... He said that his woman in this life is only a thousand people, he said that she will never let her be sad, he said that she will protect her life...

He can't accept it, can't let her suffer wrong!

It was the next time the emperor began to make a move against Ning's family. He also has to be willful once again today.

The emperor had long been determined to eradicate the family. They were so devious, and it was only a few days.

Blinking his eyes, Ning Shaoqing said, "The family of the family has its own decision, please ask the father-in-law to take people...".

"People stay! Thank you for your concern! Thank you for your grace!"

It’s a thousand snows.

Ning Shaoqing's thoughts on how she does not know, as long as he can have this heart.

The husband and wife are united and their power is broken.

She believes in him!

Mrs. Jia’s body shouted, and Mrs. Jia took a deep breath.

The atmosphere in the hall was just cold, how could she not see it.

Not only did she see it, but Jia Lao and Mo Ziyi were all puzzled. The emperor gave a woman only. Is it so true?

I like to be petting, but I don’t like it.

"Thousands of snow!" Ning Shaoqing frowned, a pain in his heart.

Only he knows how difficult it is to say something like this.

Meng Qian bravely looked back, since she chose to stand by his side, do not become his drag.

If these two people do not bring back, some people in the family will come up to ask him where the family is in the family interest...

If the emperor is for the royal face, it is not known that the situation is really expanding with the heart of jade and burning.

Everyone in the world thinks that the owner of Ningjia is arrogant, and he does not know how to be good. He does not put the emperor in his eyes, and he loses his heart. The consequences are unimaginable.

Some things can't be carried on him. He has done enough for her. She should also think about him.

She is not the kind of woman who has no brains and only knows how to be jealous and bad. As long as he does not live with her, he has her in her heart, and she will stay with him for the rest of her life.

People are like this. Different environments have different bottom lines.

The four eyes are opposite, and the two people have the same mind. Needless to say, they all understand each other's wishes.

Wronged her! Although Ning Shaoqing’s heart is uncomfortable, it is not an impulsive person. The current situation is subtle, and the mind of a thousand people is clear. If you refuse, you will not say it.

Quiet and sullen on the court.

The general manager of the road is in the shadow of the haze, but his face is full of smirk.

"Ning's family and Mrs. Ning's love is like the sea, so that the sprinkling of the family is very moving. Mrs. Ning is really good, congratulations to the Ning family and the good man."

After all, he told the little **** behind him, "Go, let the two mothers come down to the Ning family and Mrs. Ning."


"No need." Ning Shaoqing said the pace of leading the eunuch.

The two women are fairy, and he doesn't want to see it. He doesn't want to let the strange snow stand again and feel uncomfortable.

At the moment, I am not talking too much. I took the hand of a thousand snow and went outside.

The road sneered with the public on the road, the emperor really brilliant.

Only one move made the Ning family panic.

The Lord is gone, and the stranger will naturally go off.

Although Jia Lao was a high-ranking person, he was also a ceremonial person. He also brought Mrs. Jia together to send them to the middle gate.

Out of the gate, Ning Shaoqing took the carriage of the strange snow and sat on the bus, and the driver drove the car, leaving it for a moment, and went away.

Lu Gonggong’s footsteps were also very fast. He immediately followed them. The carriage behind him told me a few words. The carriage followed the carriage of the Ning family and headed for Ning.

On the carriage, Ning Shaoqing squatted in the arms of the strange snow, and the thousands of snow also forced back.

Neither of them spoke, but it was an emotional exchange that was silent and vocal.

It's like two wounded animals, wounding each other.

The carriage is always behind, not far from it, just like a big stone pressing on their heart, not too light or heavy.

This book is from the start, please do not reprint! L3l4

(four library books)

Read The Duke's Passion
Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy