MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 206 Retreat, imminent

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Susu fainted there, Su Qi is not, swearing is not, anger is nowhere to go, pinching his fist against the table is a punch.

The table smashed instantly.

Turning his head and staring at the people in front of him.

That little face, no longer the bright future, only a pale face, and the eyes of the blue, plus the forehead oozing blood ... presumably these days must hide very hard!

What kind of man did not marry in her family, but she decided to fix herself.

Why is she suffering?

From the person to the already, but suddenly think of a thousand snow, heart suddenly hurts.

Why is it? !

If it is a thousand miles of snow to his heart, Susu is one of the ten thousand to him, and he is willing to die.

This is the first time he has taken Susu and Mochi Snow.

However, as the thousands of snow said, there is no such thing as the world, only the results and consequences.

She is so infatuated, she follows a thousand miles, but she hates her so much that she doesn't even think about her.

Will it, I Su seven... In the heart of Qian Xue, is it so unbearable? !

For a time, Su Qi found that he had no position in anger.

A trick, take a step back!

Shake his head, no! impossible! If Qian Xue doesn't like him, he doesn't want to accept him, at least he won't hate him!

Regained a little bit of power, turned his head, no longer looked at the pale face, Su Qi was facing the account, shouting loudly, "A Zhao."

Ah called to death, flashed in, "Subordinate."

"Go and pass Mr. Mo over." He squinted at the people on the ground, and Su Qi added a sentence. "Remember, don't alarm other people."

Mr. Mo is a member of several military doctors of Su Jiayang.

This time the Su Qi expedition, the Su family gave Mr. Mo to him.


A call to curiosity swept his eyes, the person on the ground like a gold paper, shook his head with regret, and led his life out.

Looking back, looking at the person lying on the ground, Su Qi wants to harden her heart regardless of her.

Of course, the same disease, pity, things hurt their class.

Thinking of his desperate affection for a thousand snow, his heart softened three points.

She has accidentally injured her, and she can't still let her lie on the ground like this.

In the army, there was no such thing as a servant, and Su Su was helpless. He had to do it himself, and he took Susu from the ground and placed it on the bed of the account.

After a short time, Azhao came in with Mr. Mo.

It is a middle-aged Confucian, and it looks like a scholar.

Putting money, see Su Qi back standing on the outside account, a suffocating, not like a wounded look, Mr. Mo has some accidents. However, he did not panic and gave a silent ceremony to Su Qi.

Waiting for Su Qi to sit down, he is good to take the pulse, and Azhao, who brought him into the account, smacked his clothes. "Not the seven sons were injured."

There was no one to scan the foreign account, and Azhao did not ask much. He took Mr. Mo to go inside.

Since Mr. Mo can enter the eyes of the Su family, it is naturally trustworthy whether it is medical or human.

It is a surprise to wait for the Lonely Su to be a woman from the pulse.

There are women in the army, which is a taboo for the soldiers.

If you are known by others, I am afraid that the reputation of the son will be even worse. The owner is planning to make a name for the son in this war.

Yes, I don’t even see the son’s account. Although there is anger, I am not worried. It should not be the feeling of men and women. I have already guessed the identity of the bed man.

In addition to the Susu County Lord, there is another one that makes it difficult for the son to do so.

孽 !!

Suspiciously looking at the Suqi son who stood in the side of the account, Mr. Mo shook his head invisibly and sighed slightly.

After taking the medicine for oral administration and external use, she gave her acupuncture treatment through her clothes. She was less tired, and after she calmed down, she left.

Mr. Mo was sent away, Su Qi was sitting in a chair, and Azhao had already moved in for a new table.

Looking at the people on the bed.

He has nothing to do.

Finally, let Azhao send an altar of water to sprinkle and drink.

Susu suffered such a heavy internal injury. How can he let Ali call her out now? Send her back to the one account is the man's soldier account?

Can not be too tired, the emotions can not be too unstable, can not let her roll, they can only let her stay in their own accounts, occupying their own bed ... raises.

Su Qi was depressed at this time.

I really hate why I don’t say hello first, then I will shoot.


The Xie Jiaxuan in Beijing was full of shackles, and the land was also attacked between the Thunder. In less than a month, he was conquered.

In this way, the trend of Tianqi's three-legged trip is somewhat subtle.

In the past, the Lonely Royal Family and the Xie Family united, and the forces barely stood above the Sujia and Ningjia.

Today, the Xie people are extinct, although the land is closed, the royal family on the surface is a big bargain. In fact, the emperor agrees that the Suning and the two can leave Beijing at any time, which is another compromise.

If the two really got out of the mind of the capital, they would be even more difficult to control in the future.

Ning and Sio and Nalu are different from each other. Both of them hold hands that are visible and tangible.

The Xie people have fallen, and there will be major changes on the top of the court. There are so many people in the emperor where there are so many people to fill the vacancy, so many positions are filled by the people recommended by the Ning and Sio.

The emperor won't be able to eat even the rice.

In the disputes of the harem, he just smiled.

These uncleless women really don’t know what they are, so they think they can get on the back seat when they fall down.

too naive!

The back position of his lone family has never been prepared for any woman.

He must find another Confederate army.

So I made several secret orders, and sent out several people to go out and negotiate with the hidden worlds that have no power but no power.

He believes that there will always be people interested in his post.

"The emperor, the prince is coming." Lu Gonggong, the eunuch's general manager, interrupted the emperor's thoughts in a timely manner.


When the prince saw the ceremony, the emperor was not welcome, and he went straight.

“What do you say about your family?”

Looking at the world, there is also a hidden family that can compete with Sujia and Ningjia. Only Yuwen, Baili, Yuchi, and the East are four.

Among the four, the strength is the strongest and the most suitable.

This late family not only controlled nearly half of the minerals in Tianqi, but also held some military power.

The Li Jiajun of the miscellaneous army and the tens of thousands of horses of Zhang Jiajun, Mingli is surnamed Li, Zhang, but in reality, it is the Qijia family.

"Bali and the East are completely hidden. There is no contact person who can do the main thing. The family is back, but they don't want to participate in any disputes. But...the Yuwen family moved."

"Yu Wenjia?" The emperor is a bit embarrassed. In their view, the most unwilling thing is that the Yuwen family is right.

The prince’s face is not shameful. “If Yu Wen’s family and the Ning people have married, it’s already a generation. The old master does not have a woman who worships Yu Wen’s family. The new owner does not have a woman’s backyard. This Yuwen family has a heart and mind.

Moreover, now the owner of the Yuwen family does not have much to do, I heard that it is a shameless person who can only drink wine. According to the courtiers, it is only outside the strong, and Yu Wenjia is only going to finish his generation, no need to pay attention to it. "The emperor smiled silently. For so many days, he finally got a good news.

Strong outside? shameless? The more shameless this Yuwen family is, the better.

Since I want to rely on Lonely, I will give them some grace.

Even if they are useless, they can add a blockage to Ningjia. In the backyard of the Ningzu, the woman of Yuwen’s family always has a place, and maybe even add some eyes and ears.

Sometimes, the usefulness of a woman is still very large. "Returning to the Yuwen family, if you are willing to contribute to the country, you are sure to be the seat of the Yuwenjia women."

Born to see the royal, political people, how stupid.

"Chen is honoring." When the emperor spoke, the prince knew the meaning of the emperor.

"What do you do when you are late? Give up? If we are backed up by our family, we will not be afraid that Sujia and Ningjia will not obey."

The emperor has been silent for a while, very cautious. "This way... This time, the uncle, the uncle, went to see the late family and talked well with the family. If they talk well, let them be prostitutes. The list was sent, and the marriage contract was signed with the Prince..."

"The emperor wants to establish a prince?" The prince thought that the emperor would make his own queen.

"Hey is old, I am afraid that I will not be able to toss for a few years..."

The implication is that he is old, and there are already three young emperors, and the last position has not been attractive.

"The emperor is trying hard to get rid of the solitude..."*

At the Su family's side, the Su family has already been fifty, and there has been some powerlessness in this chaotic situation.

Most of the affairs have been officially handed over to the hand of the eldest son, Su Jintao, who only won the Suqi and returned to the DPRK, and then opened the ancestral hall and held the inheritance ceremony.

On the surface it looks calm and waveless, but it is actually an undercurrent.

The same is true of Ningfu.

The lips are cold and the rabbits are dead and sorrowful.

I witnessed the end of Xie’s family and recalled the demise of the Lu people in that year. Ning Shaoqing and his homeowners could not calm down.

"Father, we will also prepare for the Ning family. The birds will do their best, and the good bows will be hidden. If there is no precaution, one day, one day, my Ning family will be..."

"He dares!" The old master was angry.

"At least in the lonely night when they were in the DPRK, they did not dare to move the Ning and the Sioux. Unless they wanted to die!"

The Ning people are in charge of the economic lifeline of Tianqi, and the Sioux is in charge of nearly one-third of the military power. Both of these are different.

The movement of the Ningzu, Tianqi economy is rampant.

The Sui nationality will not be a country.

Unless the lonely mountain is not wanting to sit!

However, there is no absolute thing in this world.

The royal family accommodated the Ning people and accommodated the Su family, only because both of them were under his eyes. Because of this, they can control two families and use two.

Nowadays, the two companies have been operating for hundreds of years, and their existence has directly threatened Huangwei. Even if they can't do it now, they will have a day to do it.

Lu Jia’s death is self-destruction, Xie’s family is destroyed, but also self-destruction.

However, the demise of the two families has one thing in common, and that is what they did not care.

The family cannot smuggle the army, and it is not more than a million troops to be raised on the land.

The Xie family raised the army of 100,000 troops on the land. If it was not for the emperor, it would kill the family. Then quickly surrounded the Xie family, quickly sealed the city, killing the Xie family was caught off guard.

If Xie Jiafeng’s private army has a thank-you owner or Xie Sangong’s town, I’m afraid that this Xie’s family is not so fast, and it’s not a problem to support it for a year and a half. Having said that, although the leader of the Xie family’s demise this time, the driving force behind it is self.

Although Ning Jia is a hundred times stronger than Xie’s internal defense, he is still in Beijing. The capital city is the site of Gu's.

Ning Shaoqing could not put the future of the Ning people in the judgment of Lonely.

In Beijing, including the suburbs of Beijing, only the royal family has always been able to station troops. Once something happens, the nine doors are closed, and the killing of the cockroaches is difficult.

Even if there is dark power, you can't win less, and you can't hydrolyze it.

Just like the Lu family of the year.

For example, the calendar is in the hope of the home.

That day and night, killing half of the sky...

This month, sent troops to send the people of the Xie people one by one...

The more I think, the deeper the face of Ning Shaoqing. Without a foundation, there is no life. This is also why, when he and the Su family took the risk to ask the emperor to ask for grace.

"It is this reason! But the son wants to send people to the great wilderness. First go to the road construction, see if you can transform the environment there, and it is also a big retreat for my Su family."

Retreat, imminent!

Among them, the interest of the old family is unknown. For so many years, it has been difficult for the royal family to allow them to sit flat. He also wants to change, but...

"The land is vast, it is a stubborn land, how to change?" The face of the old master is gray. "Xie is an example! It was said that it was for the land, but it was all the place where the birds did not pull. Xie's The land was flooded in ten years and nine years. I have no land in the land of the Ning family, but there is no flood in the land, but the land is not long, the wind and sand are big, and there are very few people living there..." The gray, Ning Shaoqing's face is determined.

"In the beginning, the two cities of Heimu and Ruoshui were not much better than the vastness of our homes. But after ten years, it was not so much better. I heard that three years ago, I was able to be self-sufficient. We can also send people there. Learning, watching... There is always a glimmer of hope." "Do you think there are a few strangers in the world who are arrogant and whispering? After a decade, all the family and life will be there!"

The old master coughed up sharply.

Ning Shaoqing knew that he could no longer be controversial at this time. Some of them distressed and patted the back of the old master.

The cough slowed down, and the old master sighed. It seemed to be a way of thinking. "According to your own ideas, it is a good thing to have hope." Ning Shaoqing thought about this problem, the owners of all generations thought about it, and they all sent People have been to cure the wind and sand, to cure the wasteland, to cure the yellow mud that does not grow grass, but all of them are not good, and they return without success.

The old master came out of the main house, and Ning Shaoqing arranged some matters. When he was restless, he came to the government office.

It is already late October and the weather has cooled down.

The vegetables in Beijing have long been green and yellow, and there are only some cabbages and the like.

Because of the great efforts of the farm, there are Wang Tiansong, a farmer, and the vegetables in the greenhouse are already available.

Of course, due to the small number, it can only be used for the family.

As a result, the language of the building is now a sea of ​​people, the booking has been scheduled for seven days.

Xin Yiming will give Yipinxuan to the stranger, after a series of marketing methods, and now the root carving has a brand.

The most authentic, the best root carvings naturally have to be counted in the thousands of snow.

The land of Crescent Lake has been in hand for five months. The factory has already been built. The first batch of vinegar has been on the market. The first batch of soy sauce is already brewing. It will only be available in the spring of next year. In this sensitive period, everyone is in danger, and the business of the thousands of snow is getting better and better, and naturally it is too busy.

When Ning Shaoqing came, the strange snow was under the light.

Today's duty is the first day and the late Qing, seeing the sudden appearance of the figure in the hospital, the surprise room is trying to inform the owner.

Ning Shaoqing raised his hand to signal that they do not need to pass.

The first day and the end of the face are red, and my heart is clear.


The business is too busy, the general ledger in Beijing, although she has chosen another manpower. However, it used the old rules of Yun Yao at the end of the day.

It’s the balance of the major stores in Beijing today.

Serious, rigorous, meticulous!

In fact, with her status today, she is completely free to take a look at it.

But if you want to do it, you must do your best. It has always been the creed of her life.

Only when everything is on the track, forming habits and rules, the following talents are not willing to come, she can slowly let go.

Gently stepping inside, looking at the people under the lamp, Ning Shaoqing is full of sadness.

Can this mountain wind be able to protect her?

On the bright side, he gave her the richness of the sky, but in fact, what he brought to her was nothing but a fear.

She, can she still wish to go with him? !

Get closer and take a closer look.

She was still the one who was eager for him.

She is still that

People have a sixth sense, and they feel that someone is staring at themselves.

Seeing the people in front of me, I smiled. Ning Shaoqing hasn't seen her for a long time.

She missed him, but she never blamed him.

Recently, there have been many things in Beijing, and the Ning people are in it. He is also the leader. It is naturally a thousand things.

"How did you come?"

"Snow and snow? Is it not welcome to be a husband?!" During the speech, Ning Shaoqing had already bypassed the table, standing behind the strange snow, gently holding her, blowing in her ear.

"Which doesn't welcome you, obviously you are too busy to turn around, forget about people, but also a good fight!"

Ning Shaoqing sighed and felt that she had not seen her recently. It is really something that should not be.

However, every time he came, it was late at night, and he really couldn't bear to wake her up.

A lot of times, just want to see her, look at her peaceful sleep, his heart is a satisfaction.

No longer entangled in that topic, Ning Shaoqing only wants to enjoy the peace that belongs to him and her.

Looking at the books on the table, "Isn't it finished? You can count for the husband to help you count."

Mo Qianxue closed the account and went back to the neck of Ning Shaoqing. "It’s already finished, just boring and want to check it again."

Her movements are gentle and her tone is gentle.

The heart is not too calm! Today's Shaoqing is so weird! Although she looked at her, she still smiled.

The smile is warm and the smile is quiet, like a pot of intoxicating flower carvings.

However, she did not fully feel the kind of narrowness and affection that he came to see her on weekdays.

Not only that, but she also saw the heavyness from which she saw the stunned.

Really worried!

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