MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 200 desperate, uninvited guest visit

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Lu Zhengyang was dug up behind the scenes, and the elders were annihilated. The interior of the Ning family was cleaned up. It is now washed clean and even iron.

However, this time is the most united time, the most time to test people, and the most weak time.

The elders have been in important positions for many years, and many of them have important positions in the bottom. Nowadays, after the big clean-up, there are vacancies in various positions, and it is a big problem to undertake them.

It is the arrangement of personnel, the management of all aspects, the distribution of dark forces, and the direction of the family.

Ever since, Ning Shaoqing was busy.

It is also very busy.

She had already finished the greenhouse on Zhuangzi, so she began to collect beans and peas. Then I went to the land of Yueya Lake to check the ground many times, and finally gave the plan for the construction of the factory.

Master Xu’s attitude towards her is extremely good, but whenever she asks, or if there are some difficult things in the plan, he will cooperate.

As far as she knows, Xu Yuanyuan has been kept in the mortuary of Xu Fu since the last time. It has been guarded by many people, and even the door has not taken a step.

However, when she asked how the best of her grandmother was looking for her, Xu was not as confident as she was last time, but rather said a little bit of thanks to Miss Dae’s concern. The guest words to the real place.

It’s time for a thousand snows!

Presumably, with the brains of the best Missess, plus this big family business, it is hard to find a man who is reliable and reliable.

People don't want to say that it is not convenient to poke the hearts of others.

Besides, her 200,000 yuan of silver pits the land worth 500,000 yuan of silver. There is no other flower, and there are a lot of colored glass that people can’t buy. People can’t be too kind, so they don’t ask any more. .

Time flies.

More than half a month later, Ning Shaoyu’s news that he had officially arrived at the North Great Wilderness of the Ningzu Seal came.

Ning Shaoqing does not matter, the old homeowner of Ning heard the report, but he stayed for a while.

Shaking his head and telling people to pay attention to protecting his safety, as long as his life is required, as long as it is not too much, can satisfy as much as possible. After all, it is his own biological son, and he will not be a weapon. He still hurts.

However, there is still a bad news coming soon. Lu Zhengyang has already passed the border of Tianqi. Although he was seriously injured, he also arrived at Nanling safely.

Upon hearing this news, Ning Shaoqing's face was cold and cold, and he did not expect that under his celestial net, this person could still stand out.

However, the price paid by Lu Zhengyang for this fleeing is indeed not small.

After escaping from Ningfu that day, in order to survive, he adjusted all the forces behind him, blocking the chasing troops behind him, chaos and grasping the sight of all of him.

I have to say that the power behind him is really not small, no wonder his courage is so big.

Among these forces are the figures on the rivers and lakes, the real powers in the army, the families who are not influx, and the troubles of years of chaos...

Only a few generations, hundreds of years of operation, are also destroyed in this time.

Lu Zhengyang is a descendant of the super family Lu people a hundred years ago. This is a very big thing, and naturally it is not the current emperor.

The fish died in a net, and Lu Zhengyang hated the royal family, and naturally would not make the emperor better. Thus, the truth of the death of a stranger has been made public by the time he fled, and at this time, the emperor wanted to cover it.

Many royalists are now swinging around, and many of the soldiers are also cold.

Under the bell of the prime king, it has hidden the crisis that the building will be tilted.

The emperor was repeatedly provoked several times. He couldn't take the madness of the snow. He couldn't deal with Ning Shaoqing on the bright side. He could only vent his anger on Lu Zhengyang's body and out of the people of Lu.

Ever since, the so-called Lu Zhengyang’s parents, who had already been caught, have been cut off and even married the nine. Most of the people surnamed Lu, who took the entire Shu County, were guilty of unwarranted crimes, killing and killing.

In other places in the Tianqi, the surname of Lu is also in danger.

For a time, all changed their surnames.

Since then, the Tianqi Dynasty, no one has dared to surname Lu.

Of course, in order to annihilate the forces behind Lu Zhengyang, the emperor is also quite anxious, and he has been annihilated three times and five times.

Lu Zhengyang entered Nanling, not only is Ning Shaoqing's eyebrows tight, but on the day of receiving the news, the emperor spurted another blood...

The emperor's body is not good. This kind of internal and external troubles, he can't fall down, and he doesn't want to show weakness.

Since he didn't want to pass the doctor's medicine every day, he made everyone known, so he could only let the confidant Lu Gonggong give him some calm and pill medicine to eat, and he was purely ill-willed.

Since the arrival of a thousand snow into Beijing, the number of times he went to Yuguiyu has been significantly reduced. Today, more than half a month, he has not even stepped into the Yanqing Palace.

First, the body is not very good, no mood, the second is afraid to see her face, afraid to see her eyes, afraid to see the soft smile on her face.

As long as she sees her, he will remember another person.

It used to be a comfort, but now it is a torture.


In the Yanqing Palace, Zhu Xi is closed, the green account is drooping, and the golden sputum in the smoked cage spits out a sweet and sweet, such as fragrant honey into the water, lingering in the exquisite 暧 。.

Today is the life of Yu Guifei, and the jade around Yu Guizhen carefully examines the greetings of everyone.

He Liduo is a cloth, a purse, a head, an ankle ring and the like. Occasionally, people with special intentions send some famous flowers and birds, landscapes, paintings and the like, and specially cast the elegance of Yugui.

In the palm of his hand, he hailed the gift list and told the following people to pick up some important and valuable presents to Yu Gui.

Yugui is a look of sorrow, and the eyelids can't be lifted up, letting the palace people explain on the side.

Today is her birthday, but the emperor did not come to see her.

The emperor has not come for a while.

"That was sent by Zhang Meiren, please ask the niece to turn around and relax." The waiter's palace man took a booklet and explained it.

Yu Gui reluctantly took back some of his feelings and dealt with the road. "It is difficult for her to bother."

It was said that a painting of the famous Coats was taken up and the Hanmei was very pleasing.

The waiter's palace man was careful, "This is the sacred sacred sacred girl, and the cherished ancestor of the ancestors, these things must be a lot."

Yu Guizhen suddenly asked: "The emperor has not come for many days."

These things that are usually loved are not able to mention the spirit of jade.

These days, the sunset is slanting, the grass is smashing, the light wind blows through the window to blow out the oil lamp, and the night rain whispers on the air level. She is lying on the bed and slumbering.

She only knows what it is like to be ruined by the emperor.

The emperor never looked at her for such a long time, and did not call her. Did the emperor find that the new, despicable little monk was more like her?

No! The emperor has not been to her recently.

The emperor only went to Jane and went to Li Meiren. Did the taste of the emperor change?

The more she thinks, the more she is desperate.

Since entering the palace, we must fight for favor. Since we are competing for pets, we must specialize in pets.

The desperation of a woman in the harem is not because of the lack of favor at the beginning, but also because of the long-lost pet, and then suddenly fell out of favor, such a gap, often forced people to use whatever means.

Former dynasty, for the name, for the benefit, for the flow of the world.

The harem, for the pet, for the right, to win the Zhonggong, the son of the living, to fight for the son to the throne of the supreme.

These staggered woven together form the true essence of the former and the harem.

Yugui is not calm now.

The person sitting on the throne of the emperor, his heart will never belong to a woman, the way of survival in the harem is only a forbearance.

However, although his heart did not belong to her in the past, his people are always here.

If the emperor does not see her again, all the forces she built in the palace will collapse.

She has no throne in the palace. She has no son yet. She has no powerful forces behind her. In this deep palace, what she can rely on, has always only the emperor's favor for her.

If you lose this pet, the consequences are unimaginable.

The problem of Yu Guifei, the palace people did not dare to answer, only replied, "I just sent a message from the Qing Palace, saying that the emperor is very busy today, and the dinner has already been passed in the study."

That is to say, the emperor will not come today.

Yu Guifei put down the scroll and looked at the sky and said, "Go down and prepare some soups that are solid and cultivated, and wait for the palace to change clothes."

"Is the sissy going to see the emperor?"

Yugui's eyebrows wrinkled.

She has been to see several times, but it has been blocked for the next time. Today is her birthday, there should be some opportunities.

As long as there is a chance, she has to grasp it. Recently, the Queen has become more and more proud. If she can no longer have the emperor's heart, the power of the six-party association will only be variable.

Yu Guifei took the soup to ask for security, Lu Gonggong was distressed by the emperor, and the second was to receive a lot of benefits from Yugui, so he said a few good words.

The emperor is a very hard-hearted person, not to say that a few good words can change his mind.

Wei Yi weighed, the former has many things, the harem thing is best to maintain the status quo, the queen can not be a person who has no one, so he ordered it.

In the end, it has been a favorite for so many years. This woman looks like a person in her heart. If she does not see it, she will inevitably lose her sight.

The jade chaise machine sprinkled and sold well, and the emperor left the house to stay.

However, even if it is expensive, you should not spend the night in the Qing Palace. Although Yu Guifei, who was carried back in the middle of the night, was more practical, the hatred in her heart was unrecognizable.

Today, the emperor unintentionally called the name of the woman. Although it was very light and fuzzy, she still heard it. This name, she has heard it inadvertently several times.

She is just a substitute.

If there is no such woman, the emperor will be enamored by her appearance and means, rather than worrying that it can be replaced at any time.

The woman is dead, but the woman has a daughter.

She didn't have a chance to deal with her, but she could still do something to her daughter.

Returning to Yanqing Palace, looking at the coldness of a palace, Yugui’s brain is unprecedentedly clear.

Calmly asked her to wait for her labor.

"I heard that since the last incident of the feast, no one dared to send people to the government office. The strange lady of the National Government Office did not even have a decent dowry. Is it true?"

Su Shi is not clear, but he is still respectful and answering. "The palace people have passed this way, it should be."

"Ming Er early in the morning, you are not used to serve the palace, first to send a letter to the Wan Yu Shijia, let him not allow Ziying to make a random appointment, the palace has a good place to give her arrangements."

Su Shi covered the quilt of Yu Guifei, and blew a candle, turned and left the house, but Yu Gui’s eyes were rounded.

one stone two bird.

The niece of her brother's family, Ziying, has seen her for a few times. She was a peace of mind when she was a child. She is a good seedling who knows how to get in and out, a rare calmness.

From her game of chess to calm, not doing things, we can see that the mind is quite deep, is a must-have candidate for a major event.

If she can let her go to Ningjia, if she can get the favor of Ning's family, Yuwan is a good thing, and she is also a big helper against the Queen.

If it is not allowed to be favored, at least it can also add to the daughter of the monk, and the daughter of the monk is not comfortable, she can also solve the problem.

It’s just a good thing to be in pairs. It’s not enough to have a purple flower.

When the people are ready, she will find another chance to go to the emperor and give the person immediately. At that time, the monk wants to refuse and refuses.


When Lu Zhengyang entered Nanling, he quickly entered the Nanling's Terracotta Warriors.

His master, the legendary high man, is actually the Marshal of the Terracotta Warriors under the Nanling Regent.

The name of the martial arts was defeated by Mingtai, and his family was born for generations. The ancestors died in the battle with Tianqi. His father had hoped to come to his generation and abandon the martial arts.

He knows that his personality does not match his name. He has been a fan of childhood, and he travels around when he is a teenager. He also named himself after he was an adult.

This manpower is endless, not only in the military, but also very pretentious, but also very cunning, repeatedly sneaked into the sky to inquire into the military.

When Lu Zhengyang became a disciple, it was a sleepy encounter with a pillow.

Lu Zhengyang is not a martial arts, but blue is better than blue.

Not only have they learned the power of the martial arts in the martial arts, but they can also combine the martial arts of the Lu family and combine the two into one with the epee.

People can't see the factions of Nanling's Taiwanese family from his moves, and they also see the Lu family's way of doing things.

When Lu Zhengyang entered the Grand Marshal House this time, he presented the military map of Tianqi and the formations of the various fortresses of Zhennan Wang.

One for the sake of snow shame and hatred, vigorously invigorated the Nanling army to suppress the sky.

One has long wanted to slash his sword and kill him.

The two did not shoot together, but actually managed to sleep in the middle of the night.

On the second day of the morning, when the Fujian and Taiwan were eliminated, they handed in the promise of the war.

So, on the temple of Nanling...


Time is spent in such a busy schedule.

Another sway, it is August.

The gold wind is thin, and the leaves fall into the phoenix tree.

A few days ago, according to this ancient etiquette, after the fast bathing, Mo Qianxue was accompanied by Ning Shaoqing, and had already paid a tribute to the couple. The filial period of one year was officially over, and there was no taboo ever since.

August is the harvest season and the season of fruit ripening.

Mo Qiansong took Wang Tiansong and pointed to Tong Zijing. Next to Zhuangzi, he built a small workshop dedicated to making jam.

Ning Shaoqing found a way to deal with Tongzi Jing, but when Tongzi Jing came over to guard him and talked to him, he made three times and five times to ask for a thousand snow to find a wife, and also suggested which one of the thousand families arrived. In the year of the year, the door is the right one.

Tongzi Jing people are not stupid, naturally knowing the truth, not like the past, every day, guarding the snow.

As long as he saw Ning Shaoqing in a strange place, he would not go back, and he would not be as straight as he used to be, or stand outside the hospital and be sympathetic.

However, Ning Shaoqing still did not let him go. From time to time, he let the knife sneaky, and in the middle of the night, the woman entered his yard, making him annoyed.

In the long run, it is not a problem.

Between them, Tongzi Jing used his own Zhuangzi in the suburbs of Beijing and the owner of the Zhuangzi on the edge of the snow, and added some money. He finally bought it with the nearest Zhuangzi of Qianxuezhuangzi.

Hanging up the brand of Tongzhai, it was officially moved a few days ago. It is also a home in Beijing, and Ning Shaoqing no longer makes people play with him.

However, although he moved to another house, he was all in the heart of everything.

Not only the heart, but also the construction of a farm with a lot of snow, he will certainly build the same in his own land.

The vegetable shed, built in the snow, he also built a few with the shed of thousands of snow.

The workshop for making jams was set up by a thousand people, and he built one on the side of his own village.

In his spare time, he can also teach the children of the carving workshop some sculpting skills.

In short, with Tongzi Jing, a lot of thousands of snow and worry.

Commanding the farmer to work, the strange snow sits on the hillside and eats the fruit just picked from the tree, looking into the distance.

Here, although she is not pampered, she is also free.

However, at this time there are uninvited guests visiting.

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