MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 196 Crisis, Gui Xiaoyu’s thoughts

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Hey! Thousands of snow fell from the sky, and she fell through the ground, and it happened just like a flash of fire.

Ning Shaoqing is fine!

One person blocked this sword for him!

The hung heart suddenly came into practice.

Just -

The man who blocked the sword was never imagined by her!

Gui Xiaoyu!

Just now, that urgent moment.

It turned out that Ning Shaoyu’s wife, Gui Xiaoyu, flew out at a crucial moment, opened her arms and blocked Ning Shaoqing’s sword from Ning Shaoyu’s sneak attack!

The sword stabbed into the chest of Gui Xiaoyan, and the blood flowed like a note.

Absolutely not saved.

When the sword entered the chest of Gui Xiaoyan, Ning Shaoyu also stayed stiff.

Stayed because he thought that this sword must have the life of Ning Shaoqing. He couldn't figure out how he got out of this monk, and how he blocked his sword.

The stalemate is because the needles of the thousands of snow have already worked.

The movement behind him was so big that Ning Shaoqing, who repelled Lu Zhengyang, turned his head immediately.

In the cool scorpion, without a little bit of feelings, watching Ning Shaoyu grow up his mouth's rigid appearance, without saying anything, directly shot his palm on his chest!


Ning Shaoyu spit blood, fell into the grass not far away, the dark guard in the dark directly to the front will be the same as the dead fish, pressed to the ground.

At this moment, no one cares about his life and death!

"Ning Shaoqing, I really can't think of your blessings! Even the sisters are not let go! Today is your life! We are coming to Japan!"

Lu Zhengyang speaks out of his heart.

Between the words, the wall has passed.

Although I am unwilling in my heart, I also know that I will stay again, and I don’t want to step out of Ningfu in my life!

The voice did not fall, flew down and disappeared into the night.


The sneaky voice sounded, followed by a series of sounds. That is the voice of Ningfu’s dark guard.

Ning Shaoqing did not stop.

Cold smile, today he is under the sky.

Lu Zhengyang is difficult to fly.

Unless -

Unless the ghost hidden in Ning's family exposes himself, with his own power, he will block the hidden hermits of Ning's family.

Otherwise, ten Lu Zhengyang, can not escape from Ningfu.

Although Qian Qianxue was taken by Ning Shaoyu, Ning Shaoyu put all his strength on the sword. She only made a point for her, and her needle blew half of the palm of her hand, so she was Flying, but did not suffer any injuries, but the **** fell some pain.

At this time, when she was not worried about the ass, she climbed up with a bone.

"Less... Shaoqing..." Mo Qiangshan stepped forward and looked at the scene in front of him. He really didn't know what to say.

In the heart is fear, it is horror, but also sour!

Ning Shaoqing did not receive the sword of Ning Shaoyu, she is naturally happy!

You know, if Ning Shaoqing was successfully attacked by Ning Shaoyu, then he will be seriously injured even if he is not dead, and he will not be able to go anywhere!


But some people fight hard, don't want to block the sword for him, it is not ordinary feelings.

For example, Lu Zhengyang’s last words were not too shallow, and even the younger sisters did not let go.

This woman is his younger sister and the first beauty in Beijing.

If Ning Shaoqing really has nothing to do with this Gui Xiaoyu, this Gui Xiaoyu relies on what he wants to block his sword.

In the cognition of the stranger, the sword of Ning Shaoyu has been stabbed out, and his wife, Gui Xiaoyu, will make up another knife for her husband.

She is the wife of Ning Shaoyu's wife. If Ning Shaoyu's sword is really successful, she will be the biggest beneficiary.

In any case, she has no reason to block the sword!

There is only one, that is the true feelings of women.

Seeing the truth that is more important than life!

Ning Shaoqing glanced at the woman who fell in her arms and looked cold and cold.

He really wants to use it. Why did Gui Xiaoyu block the sword for him at a crucial moment?

At that time, he had Lu Zhengyang’s arrogance in front of him. If he did not, he would have something to do with the snow.

Even if he is dead, he will not let Qianxue die before his own eyes. It was a torture that made him more painful than death.

He can only clean up Lu Zhengyang first.

Waiting to clean up Lu Zhengyang, and then go back to collect Ning Shaoyu.

He did not dare to say that he could avoid the sword of Ning Shaoyu, at least he was sure not to let the sword stab.


Ning Shaoqing wants to ask, but at this moment, she does not know what to say.

Under the moonlight, Gui Xiaoyan, Yi Shengxue, hair like frost, face like gold paper, the corner of the mouth is blood, the chest is also blood.

However, at this time, she does not cry, does not make trouble, but smiles.

A smile from the heart.

It’s not her who feels the sword.

"Less Qing..."

In the choking, Gui Xiaoxiao shouted out how many years he wanted to shout out, but now it is not the name that she belongs to. In her heart, she is very satisfied.

Ning Shaoqing looked at the reflection of a thousand snow.

This scene falls in the eyes of Xiao Yan, and my heart suddenly hurts!

At that time, if it wasn't for her confusion, I would definitely be myself in the eyes of Ning Shaoqing.

"Shaoqing... Sorry! I didn't really know what happened in the past. If I knew that Ning Shaoyu had saved her mind, even if it killed me, I would not treat you in public!"

Two drops of crystal tears finally fell from the corner of Gui Xiaoyan's eyes.

The most blame for the marriage of annihilation is her own!

If she was not too weak in the past, if she did not believe in the hypocritical face of Ning Shaoyu and Xie, what would she have today?

All of this is no wonder that others, they blame herself, she is greedy and afraid of death, she is not determined.

On the day of the accident, she unplugged herself and perhaps left a shadow of chastity and firmness in his heart.

On the day of his birth ceremony, she did not save her mourning for the cup of drunkenness, nor would she let Ning Shaoyu’s later rapes succeed, causing him to wander outside for more than a year.

The wound on the chest is still bleeding in Juanjuan. However, Gui Xiaoyu did not care at all.

"Lian Qing, whether you believe or not, Xiao Xiao only loved you a man in his life..."

Although Ning Shaoqing helped her in the arms, but after sweeping the initial look, she would not look down at her.

I don't want to see her! Or, I can't bear to see her!

"Shao Qing, Xiao Yan is wrong. You forgive Xiao Yan. If there is an afterlife, Xiao Yan will not be greedy. Even if he is a blind man, as long as he can stay with you, he willingly..."

This time, the end of this life.

Even though, her words are all against this.

Although Ning Shaoqing does not agree, he does not have the heart to interrupt.

Just looking at the light and indifference of it.

Staring at this dream, I thought for a long time but never looked down at her face. Gui Xiaozi was gray.

Behind his warmth, she has always refused her a thousand miles away, but she is not willing to be awake.

Can die for him, can die in his arms, what is not a kind of happiness.

A thousand people licked their lips. At this moment, another woman lay in the arms of her own man and counted the past with her own man. Although she was not well received, she did not feel a trace of embarrassment.

It is only an infinite pity for this woman who is suffering.

Mo Qianxue thought of giving her a pregnancy soup at the flower banquet, and thought of her own scene of drinking the soup without hesitation!

She hates herself, grabs the position that once belonged to her, she also hates Ning Shaoyu, prefers to drink the sterilization soup, prefers to lose her qualification as a woman, and does not want to be a half-girl for Ning Shaoyu!

For such a woman who planned her own end in the morning, she could say something to a woman who did not leave her way back.

"Hey... Shaoqing, or... still give her a look at the doctor." In fact, there is no meaning in saying this.

Ning Shaoyu's sword is pierced directly from the front chest to the back. Is this deadly sword still saved?

Gui Xiaoyu did not seem to hear the words of a thousand snow, but only stared deeply at Ning Shaoqing.

Such gaze is to remember the way Ning Shaoqing looks.

Even if you have passed the bridge, drink Meng Po Tang, and lose all your memories, you must also remember his deep affection at the moment.

It is the dawn she never dared to indulge.

However, he is always the same to her. Even now, he doesn't look at her, and even his eyebrows won't lick her.

It’s time to die.

But - not reconciled!

"Xiaoqing, if there is a next life, I must wait for you in the same place early, and will never repeat the retreat. Even if you have never looked at me in the afterlife, I only ask that I can stay with you, forever... ”

The moment the soul is about to leave the body, Gui Xiaoying faintly hears the lingering low-pitched sing.

It is best not to meet, you can not be emotional.

It is best not to know each other, you can not be sad.

It's best not to be in the same place.

With the monarch, the life and death are still acacia...

Deep gaze, raising a trace of sorrow and sorrow, Gui Xiaoyan slowly raised his hand.

The raised hand seems to be trying to caress the face of Ning Shaoqing.

However, it has been exhausted.

The hand only went to the air, and the singing in the brain was completely dissipated, and the hand was unable to hang down suddenly.

The world is silent.

At this moment, no one knows what to say.

Even the strangers did not know what to say, and the words of comfort were empty.

She can't comfort either!

Putting down the man in the arm, Ning Shaoqing has stood up, but his heart, if it really does not have a wave of waves, it is absolutely impossible.

However, it is only limited to being touched, and it is limited to those who will treat the Gui family in a certain range in the future.

Although he and Gui Xiaoxi did not have a text, his father had already told him about the marriage contract, and he had seen her several times.

In the impression, she is a deserted person, not much.

And he seems to be warm, but the temper is also very deserted. At that time, I didn’t understand what love and love, and I was concentrating on martial arts, and then in the family business. In men’s and women’s affairs, it was dull.

In addition to knowing that she may be her future wife, there is not much feeling, how can he feel unforgettable?

However, it is such a woman who has not many intersections, for him to fly to block a sword, for him to even his own life is not.

For a moment, Mo Qiang took a deep breath and chose to go forward.

Kneeling down, patted Ning Shaoqing's shoulder.

"Xiaoqing, I know, she must be very happy, at least at this moment! If it is me, I will not hesitate to give myself, just to protect you a peace."

Ning Shaoqing reached out with a hand, tightly grabbed the hand of a thousand snow, put it on his lips, and kissed gently.

At this moment, his eyes were a little red.

"I know that I think it's a jerk, but... a thousand snow, fortunately not you!"

Fortunately not you! If not, this long life, how do you want me to go on?

With the words of Ning Shaoqing, Mo Qian Xue knew that she was content!

"Come on!" Ning Shaoqing gave a light drink, and suddenly there were several people in the dark, waiting for you at the moment.

Ning Shaoqing glanced at him, and Gui Xiaoying, who was lying on the floor with a smile, sighed: "Take the two young ladies, and the good ones... placed."

This woman, living in the heart of his Ning Shaoqing in this way, is not a decision.

After the dark guard lifted Gui Xiaoyu, Ning Shaoqing got up, regardless of the people on the field, and hugged the thousands of snow in his arms.

He is not cold-blooded, but between life and death, he knows how to cherish.

Just a little snow is fine!

"Shaoqing, you have injuries on your shoulders, let's dress up first!"

Mo Qianxue always missed the wound on Ning Shaoqing's shoulder. When the matter was finished, he hurriedly took Ning Shaoqing's other intact hand and wanted to take him to bandage.

Ning Shaoyu’s sword is really embarrassing. Not only will Gui Xiaoyan stab him on the spot, but the sword tip will also stab Ning Shaoqing’s body through Gui Xiao’s body.

Just because Gui Xiaoyan rushed out of the crowd, he also had no end in power. After the Jianjian’s body passed through Gui Xiao’s body, he only scratched the back arm of Ning Shaoqing, causing a minor scratch. .

But the things at the moment have not been dealt with, how can Ning Shaoqing have the mood to dress up this less important wound?

Raise your hand and tap a few times on your shoulders, then smile and comfort the strange snow: "Now, no problem, thousands of snow, we still deal with things."

In this way, everyone will be at ease.

"But your wounds..." A thousand snows are still worried. What should I do if I don't deal with it in time? !

"No problem, let's go!" smiled at the gentle snow, and then took the hand of a thousand snow, and walked to Ning Shaoyu's side.

In the scorpion, there is no more brotherhood, flesh and blood.

"I thought, if you are safe, I will look at my father's sake and keep you safe, but in the end, your mind is too big! Your heart is too embarrassing!"

The disappointment in Ning Shaoqing's eyes, for Ning Shaoyu, there is no wave of waves!

He hates!

He only hates Gui Xiaoyu, who will suddenly rush out after that and stop his plan! Destroyed his good deeds!

The monk is dead, it is to live!

He had a needle in the snow and was pressed by two dark guards. Although his body could not move, his mouth was eloquent.

"Ning Shaoqing! You are pretending to be a deep and righteous person here. It is always right to do what you do. I always think that I am the best. I always think that I am doing things for others... you This is really disgusting! If you really care about me, if you really take me as a brother, then you should not come back! You should die outside!"

Ning Shaoqing frowned, but Ning Shaoyu said that the more vigorous.

"The king is defeated! Now, as your wish, you want to deal with me, you are not very happy, is it very deflated, my dear big brother..."

Looking at Ning Shaoyu's appearance of resentment, Ning Shaoqing's look is faint, and there is no loss or sadness.

He has no hope for Ning Shaoyu.

Turning around, I don’t want to see him again, I can’t hear the emotions. “Ning Shaoyu, you are wrong! No matter what you say, I will not dispose of you. I will hand you over to my father and hand it over to Zongtang. You ask for more happiness."

Ning Shaoyu changed his face. " are so beautiful! You are not a good thing, you are not, the old guy is not."

Buddhism: If you want to perish, you will make it crazy. Ning Shaoyu’s eyes are now in a state of madness.

"In his eyes, he only has you. Even if I do it well, I can't win a smile. I have done more, and I don't see him give an encouragement... Ning's family has both Ning Shaoyu, why? Have you Ning Shaoqing? Ning Shaoqing, why are you born in this world, you are the culprit of all this!"

In his words, Ning Shaoqing has never heard of it, but a thousand snow is a ghostly look at Ning Shaoyu.

"Do you such a person is a beast? You can also go to such a heavy hand to your own brother. Do you not beat the thunder? Now, you not only admit your mistakes but also blame everyone..."

Ning Shaoyu disdains the martyrdom, "Mr. Qian Xue, you are a monk! Where are you talking..."

However, his words had not yet fallen, and he was kicked by Ning Shaoqing’s free kick. He flew up and slammed into the courtyard wall, and the back was naturally returned.

Ning Shaoqing has just been a cloud-like appearance, but it has already been clouded!

"Tell me! I don't care. But you dare to say that she is not half a sentence, I will not care about the only blood between us, and now let you live instead of death!"

Cold eyes come, domineering side exposed!

Mo Qianxue does not want Ning Shaoqing to dispose of Ning Shaoyu personally, and then hate it. After all, this person is his younger brother.

It will be handled by him and what the outsiders will say. Even if the outsider does not say, what the old master thinks, what does the old lady think, what should I do if I regret it one day?

"With this kind of person, it is nothing to say, it is just to add a block to yourself. Let's go!"

When the stranger turned into a snow, Ning Shaoqing also took back the knife-like look and told him to "close into the dungeon, strictly guard, and pay with the old master tomorrow!"

Today is destined to be a troublesome sleepless night. It is the time to clean up the inner vitality of the Ning. After that, he still has a big fish to catch, and he does not have to distract himself for this jumping clown.

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