MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 192 counter-calculation, please enter the 瓮

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When a strange snow came out of the house, it was Wang Mu and Tong Zijing arguing under the weeping willow in front of the courtyard.

Mo Qianxue was busy asking the first day standing on the side. "What is going on?"

When I first met with a thousand snows, when the next fifty-one was said, she had an opinion on Tong Zijing, but she was also objective.

"Zi Jing Shaoye came in the same morning as usual, waiting for the lady to ask for security. General Chang Mu also came, but insisted that the ghosts enter the house to inform. The ghosts have not made a sound, the young master of Jing Jing came forward to let Changmu The general waited a little, saying that the master was resting, so that General Changmu would not bother the lady to rest, then..."

The latter thing, no need to say that a thousand snow has already guessed.

Although Changmu is not a rashly acute child, the death of the three people who made it yesterday has hit him too much. I am afraid that I have not slowed down yet.

Yesterday, he was rushing to go back to the city, handing the brand to the emperor, and going to the holy face of the saying.

However, under the circumstances that the emotion is out of control, how can a thousand snows let him act alone.

He is still on Zhuangzi, and he can guarantee his safety. If Zhuangzi is killed, it will not be able to explain to the West.

He said good yesterday, and went to face the holy together today. I just didn't expect that this time was still early, Changmu came.

Because of yesterday's event, today's early morning will definitely open very late.

And some words, it is inconvenient to talk to the emperor on the main hall, can only wait for the next dynasty, and then glimpse.

Of course, this one of the Jian Jian Mo Xue did not say, Chang Mu is also anxious.

At the moment, I don’t listen to what I’m saying at the beginning, just go to the courtyard.

Fortunately, the two saw that a thousand snow had come out and had already stopped the dispute.

"Please give Missy."

"Sister Ann!"

Two people are kind to please, a thousand snow smashed Tongzi Jing a look, then look at Changmu.

Changmu's face was pale and his eyes were dark and black, apparently he had not slept overnight.

It’s a bit of a distress, but it’s not comforting.

"Changmu, I know that you are in a hurry, my mood is also like you. However, sometimes I can't eat hot tofu. I have already prepared people, and I will start in Beijing for a while, you will wait for a while."

Chang Mu also realized his own grievances. "Yes, Missy. It is Changmu's abrupt, please Missy, don't blame."

See Changmu 眸 in ​​the clear, a lot of thousands of snow turned to look at the side of the face is not too good rain.

Commanded, "Rain spin, take Changmu to go to the hall to eat something."

I have come so early, I must have not eaten yet. They are going to Beijing this time, but they are not going to play. They will definitely give up with Zhennan Wang, saying that they must not stay until the evening to eat, and do not have enough energy. fight.

The respectful saying in the rain whirl is "Yes."

Then pull Changmu away.

After entering the room again, Ning Shaoqing had already dressed and sat in the hall.

"His temper is a little anxious, and it is no problem to grind it." The natural thing he refers to is Changmu.

Sitting next to a stranger, Xue Ning Shaoqing, there are some headaches.

"Yeah, the two ethnic groups take the black wood family as the head of the horse. The two will be respectful to the two races. The Western Territory will finally have to hand it to Changmu. If he is unsettled, he will take the responsibility in the future."

Ning Shaoqing handed over the tea.

"First drink tea, go with some breakfast, go back, you remember that everything is for you to be the master, to the top of the hall, the hard to be hard, but see the momentum is wrong, do not hard against the emperor ..."

I crossed my eyes and reached for the tea. "Know it, hey!"

Some people care, some support, although the mouth is awkward, but my heart is sweet.


It’s a good guess. It’s such a big event. Today’s early morning is really very late. It’s almost noon, and it’s only early.

The exhaustion of the emperor.

However, the ministers only left, he received the folds that Mo Qianxue and Changmu saw.

In this extraordinary period, Nanling is always ready to move. He must first comfort the West and ensure that he does not suffer from the enemy.

Also, yesterday he talked with Zhennan Wang about half a night.

The two men suddenly took up their troops from Nanling last year. They talked about the death of a stranger, and the attitudes of some people in the DPRK, and then the series of things that happened later, one after another, all of which made the Tianqi civil strife...

All this is definitely not the adviser who had been cut off in the past, and the judgment of the moment was wrong.

Behind him, there must be a black hand.

Just over a month ago, an emperor was actually put together by a grasshopper and a small people, so that he could not tell.

Ever since, the emperor can't see Changmu, can't see the strange snow, and announce the two masters.

Mo Qian Xue and Chang Mu came to the Imperial Study Room and invited the Emperor to the ceremony.

Although the fire of Changmu’s heart has not been extinguished, people have calmed down.

"Please ask the emperor to preside over justice, and I am fair to the West."

"He has already made people thoroughly investigate this matter. I believe that there will be a paragraph in this matter."

The confession given to the emperor, the strange thousand snow does not agree, there is no one paragraph, as long as the emperor thinks, it is not easy to find a dead ghost within seven days?

"The ministers heard that yesterday, Zhennan Wang went to the embassy, ​​and there was a military blade used by the generals of the town of Wang Nanjun. The relationship between the minister and the western world was quite deep. I wanted to ask the king of the town to come over to the scene."

The emperor did not raise any objection and glanced at Lu Gonggong next to him.

Lu Gonggong knows the emperor's heart well and sings loudly. "Xuan...Zhen Nanwang sees you."

Since yesterday, Zhennan Wang has remained in the palace.

The question raised by Changmu, how could the emperor not think about it.

The emperor received the deduction of the thousands of snow and Changmu hand, so that people passed the town of Nanwang and waited.

Lu Gonggong fell, and there was a person outside the study.

Wearing a golden crown, a robe, a gloomy face.

It is the king of Zhennan.

"The younger brother sees the emperor, and the emperor is long lived."

"The emperor does not have to be polite, flat."

The emperor’s attitude today is very peaceful, and everything is in his grasp.

The two men who pointed to the church introduced Wang Nanwang. "This is the eldest son of the Western Black and White patriarch, General Chang Mu, which is the only blood of the town."

Scanning people, Mo Qianxue and Changmu looked at each other and saw hate from the other's eyes.

A thousand dollars went to Wanfu, "I have seen Zhennan Wang."

Chang Mu was hated by the town of South China because of the stranger’s business. I heard that when the incident was related to Zhennan Wang, I wanted to kill the South King of the town. I only had too many shoulders and could not directly do it. At this time, my heart was raging.

Just clenched his fists on the chest and bowed his head to express etiquette.

In any case, before the king of Zhennan was convicted, the ceremony could not be abolished.

It must not be lost due to the temperament of the moment.

"Don't ask Zhennan Wang, what is the explanation for yesterday's business."

If it is a weekday, some people dare to ask Zhennan Wang such disrespectful face-to-face questions, and they have already died under the sword, but today is different.

Even if Wang Nanwang knew that this was obviously a situation, but the West was looking for his troubles, he could only breathe.

Zhennan Wang was very calm and answered the words of Changmu with no expression.

"When the king arrived yesterday, the three Westerners came to the death. The king entered the house and found out that people were dying. It was only a moment before the people in the station. In this short time, how could the king kill? General Zhang General of martial arts, together with the other two."

Changmu is a little anxious. "You can't kill, then your men."

Zhennan Wang is still expressionless. "This matter has nothing to do with this king. It is a blame for others. If you don't believe it, you can ask the generals of the nine generals who are responsible for investigating this matter."

"Please upload the general Sue to ask..."

"No need." Zhennan Wang's words have not fallen, and a thousand snow has been spoken to stop.

Changmu will also come to mind.

Since the emperor and Zhennan Wang are not flustered, they are answering questions, and they are asking questions. That is, they have already arranged for the West to shut up and sincerely serve.

Then came Su San, I was afraid that I would pull out the rumors that Su Qi said yesterday. One is not good. Maybe I can let the Emperor and the South King of the town fight for a while. When it’s time to end, the last thing I can only hope is that. The real murderer.

Take a deep breath, Chang Mudao, "I will believe that this matter has nothing to do with Zhennan Wang. Can you be a foreign country? Do you dare to say that the death of a stranger has nothing to do with you?"

When I was on the road, I was negotiating with Changmu: If I saw that the head was wrong, I immediately turned the gun. Take this matter to do the work, let Zhennan Wang take responsibility for the death of the stranger.

Zhennan Wang Qingjin took a shot. The last thing he wanted to mention was the matter. The tone of the moment was aggravated. "Zhen Guogong is a victim of the country."

"A good one is for the country..."

A thousand snows screamed coldly. "The king of Zhennan should not think that it was a thing of the past. It is seamless. I don't know if I don't know it!"

In her hand, she has already held Ning Shaoqing to find evidence for him. Waiting for this opportunity, even if he can't kill the town, he must be blind.

"Last year, Nanling was guilty, Zhennan Wangben could personally defend the enemy, but Zhennan Wang did not confront Nanling, and directly retreated 30 miles. Then Nanling stepped closer, and Zhennan Wang not only resisted but also escaped and abandoned the city. Escape, causing illusion..."

There is some evidence, and the thousands of snow will say that the score is not bad at the beginning and the end of the matter.

Even if the emperor and Zhennan Wang hand clenched their fists, they could not find a reason for rebuttal!

"My father asks for the country to help you to defend the enemy against the city. You are not only different from the enemy, but also behind the knife, breaking the grain... What is your heart..."

The thousands of snow sentences are pressing, and the words are heart-wrenching. They will not put Zhennan Wang and the emperor in their eyes.

"Why is the traitor who is treason, why the emperor does not bring him to justice."

When talking about the word of traitor, the thousands of snow are sharp and sharp, and it is not the king of Zhennan, but the emperor.

It’s like the traitor who said that it’s not the king of Zhennan, but the one who sits high in the ninety-five.

The emperor is angry.

When you shoot the case, drink it. "It’s a thousand snow, you are bold! Even if things are as you said, your father’s day is really a sacrifice for the country, and you have got the sorrow, what do you want to do. Or, You don't want the head on the shoulder!"

If you change someone else, the emperor is furious and murderous, but he is afraid to beg for mercy.

It’s a thousand snows, but it’s not to let it go, returning the anger of the emperor back.

"Or, the emperor wants to let the ministers publicize these things to the world, let the subjects, let the people know how the emperor counts a courtier who really supports him; and how to treat a loyal person who really supports the royal family?"

If this matter is circulated, the heart of the royalist party will be cold, and there will be several people in the heart of the royal family.

The world is in chaos, the country will not be a country!

Chang Mu remembered the various kinds of strangers in the past, tears in his eyes, and comfort, and the country has a woman, so rest in peace.

Zhennan Wang’s eyes are awkward, but he does not speak.

He can't find anything to say, and the truth of the matter is like this. Or, he has disdain to argue.

The traitor who had entered the words had already been killed by him, but he did not regret it.

He is a person who does not come into the family, who can get the military's heart, can get the army to support, and why he can be equal to him in the army.

I want to know the strong relationship, the emperor is ashamed, and the tone is calm.

"Zhen Nan Wang is really wrong with this, but..."

"But just because of his temporary mistakes, let a loyal and righteous man die, the emperor breaks the law, and the sins of the people, not to mention the princes, please the emperor decree, pick the king of the town..."

A burst of words interrupted the strange snow.

"Let's relax!" Zhennan Wang was indifferent, and could not tolerate a woman requesting the emperor to dispose of him.

The emperor raised his hand and stopped the words of Zhennan Wang.

In this case, the royal family does have a loss.

Although the emperor is greedy to get all kinds of benefits, it is not a person who cares for the shortcomings.

It’s a painful thought. If he doesn’t give a lot of money to him today, it will be endless.

"Zhen Nan Wang listened to the purpose."

Emperor uploads the purpose, Zhennan Wang can only kneel down, shut up and listen to the purpose, "From now on, Zhennan Wangzheng Nanqiang, no call to Nanqiang, never enter Beijing!"

This is the biggest concession he can make.

It is impossible for him to marry the king of the town, or to marry the king of the town.

Although this sacred decree seems to have no substantial punishment, as long as it is the king of the imperial order, it will not be able to leave the sect of the earth for the rest of his life. He can’t enter the ancestral temple, and he can’t die in the ancestral temple. For the ancients. It is the greatest sorrow and another insult.

Mo Qianxie does not want the life of Zhennan Wang.

Although, she also hates the town of Nanwang.

However, modern-born people are far from seeing life as a reference, killing and killing.

Moreover, Nanling people are blind, she can not be for a personal grievance, such as the meaning of Lu Zhengyang, such as the meaning of Nanling, so that the border of Nanqiang is chaotic, so that the people of Tianqi are caught in the fire.

She couldn't let the stranger put this peace that she had never met before, but admired the father's death for a long time, because she broke in one sentence.

That is not a stranger. Unfamiliar, life is a great person; death, is also a ghost.

He lived in the sky, and he died in anger. He could not tarnish his spirit because of his personal grievances.

Moreover, let the town of Wang Nan live, not only to be humiliated and suffer, but also to protect the mountains and rivers, it is better than let him die.

"The emperor." Zhennan Wang Yu is on the ground, wanting the emperor to recover his life.

The emperor turned his back.

"I will leave Beijing tomorrow and never return to Beijing."

Since the emperor can allow Zhennan Wang to hold the army alive, let Zhennan Wang Chengfu serve him for life, and he took his weakness and let him have to serve.

The face of Zhennan Wang is as dead as gray.

He had no desire for that position. He understood the emperor and did not hate the emperor. He understood the difficulty of the emperor.

The back of the imperial embarrassment, the head of the slightest, all said that his heart is more bitter and more uncomfortable.

A ninety-five lord, forced by a yellow-haired hoe, where is the heavenly way, what is the prestige of the royal family? !

The Lonely Royal Family has gone on for more than three hundred years, and each generation of emperors is conscientious, but it is still the step of today. The royal talents are dying, the military power is increasingly unable to control, and who can blame.

Slowly stood up, staring at the strange star, and then the light passed over Changmu’s face, and Zhennan Wang turned and walked.

Although the back is lonely, it is still quite strong.

Seeing the strong back, there is no hurry in the heart of the thousands of snow.


The big day when the Ning family is married, but can't be sloppy.

Entrusted by the owner of Ning's home, one day, Qin Tianjian has already been on the ground, and the two men's waters and soils have figured out the best three good days of the year.

Ning's old master got a definite good day, and let the Qin Tianjian go to the emperor.

Mo Qianxue and Changmu just left, the emperor also received the news that Zhennan Wang quickly left Beijing.

At the moment, it is on the air.

However, I received the wedding invitation from the old master, even if the emperor was in the air. He can't stop this.

Tightly pinched the fold, the black clouds in the eyes of the emperor, hate to crush the fold.

Qin Tianjian, who has been depreciating, has never seen the emperor so angry.

The birth of this pressure was overwhelmed by the pressure, and the battle was raging, and the cold sweat was sweating.

The emperor sat there and did not move. Qin Tianjian did not dare to move on the ground, and even dared not say a word.

In the eyes of the emperor, the anger was burning, but at this time, in addition to appeasement on the bright side, he really could not reveal any emotions.

Can not refuse, can only be completed.

Holding a sigh of relief, in the three days, hooked the day farthest from the present, it was approved to the fold, let Lu Gonggong hand over the singer to the Qin Tianjian, and then transferred to the Ning old family, which is accurate.

The selected day is December 12, a few days away from the New Year.

But there are still half a year from now.

He still has half a year.

He must make these two unsightly people disappear in the first half of this year. Let those who do not listen to him all bow to him.

The person who passed the purpose went away, and the old blood that the emperor had in his heart could no longer hold back, and spit it out on the spot.

A blood, straight sputum sprayed on the desk of the royal study.

Blushing red!

Stunned, has been serving on the side of the confidant **** Lu Gonggong.

Lu Gonggong wants people to ask for a doctor, but he is blocked by the emperor.

He has to be strong all his life. How can he know that his body has a problem at this juncture? !

Lu Gonggong was distressed.

The emperor refused to let the sound, he could only pull out a parch, clean up the blood on the table a little.


The sun is west, the sky is not early.

When Qian Qianxue just walked out of the palace, he saw a dark carriage parked not far away.

The carriage is not unassuming, but it seems to be very inconspicuous, but the power of Jingzhong knows that it is made of millennium agarwood, free from insect bites, windy and rainy, hard and incomparable.

This carriage is inconspicuous, but in Beijing, it is the same in the whole day.

It is a special car driver of the Ningjia family in the past.

The heart is warm.

A small slit sewed into the curtain of the carriage, a sweet smile.

Feeling that the small stitch on the open, the strange thousand snow turned back.

On the other side, Chang Mu did not return to the station and lived in her Zhuangzi. He sent Changmu to the carriage of the five-hundred-and-a-half, and he walked to the dark carriage with a smile.

The driver who is driving, sitting on the side of the car is naturally a knife slave, and there is a team of horseback guards behind him.

Seeing thousands of snow coming over, a **** quickly jumped down and took a small stool for a thousand cars on the bus.

The hand just touched the curtain and was caught in the car by a gust of wind.

Then, people are getting up and down.

Then, I was examined.

There was a scream in the carriage, but the outside of the car could not hear anything. The carriage is still moving forward, not too slow.

Another advantage of this millennium agarwood is sound insulation.

It is determined that there is no injury to the thousands of snow, and someone has eaten some dessert, which is to let go.

A thousand people covered the whole clothes and looked at the perpetrator.

The perpetrator pulled her in her arms again, but this time there was no change, but she was gently in her arms, and she was concerned about what happened on the lobby today.

Mo Qianxue said the end of the town of Nanwang, Ning Shaoqing is not allowed.

Snow and snow are good, in addition to the hatred of their parents, the heart is also loaded with the people of Tianqi.

I hope that Zhennan Wang can wake up from this and stop looking for the troubles of Qianxue and the West.

If he really wants trouble, he will have his life directly. He doesn't care what people are not people, war does not war, he only needs a thousand snow to be safe, he only needs once and for all.

They are only family, not emperor, but not the Lonely Royal Family. The mission of the Ning family is to make the family prosperous, no matter who is the emperor.

Ning Shaoqing, who made up his mind, saw that there was some depression in the snow, and he said something to the stranger.

"The Nanling spies have checked Lu Zhengyang's affairs and inspected him. His master, the so-called high man is Nanling, who is a high-ranking person in Nanling, and has assigned his daughter to him..."

Ning Shaoqing found Lu Zhengyang’s identity in Nanling’s darkness, and he was puzzled in the heart of the snow. “Is he Nanling?”

How can a Nanling person lurk in Tianqi for so many years? Is he having the ability, or the people of Tianqi are too grassy.

"No! He is a native of Tianqi, but his identity is very special. And even Nanling, few people have seen his true face."

Since Lu Zhengyang’s identity has been determined and his purpose has been determined, there is no need to keep him.

It is not difficult to catch him.

They also have Yun Yao's line in their hands.

Without Ning Shaoqing's point pull, Mo Qianxue has already come up with a coup to let Lu Zhengyang vote for himself.

Ning Shaoqing smiled and touched the head of a strange snow. Xu was acquiescence.

After sending a thousand snow back to Zhuangzi, Ning Shaoqing rushed to the car and was ready to listen to the good news of the thousands of snow.

Thousands of snow dragged back to Zhuangzi, and told the first time to bathe and change clothes.

After the joy of yesterday, it was already late at night. How can I ask someone to take a bath in the middle of the night? I just went to sleep with the hot water coming in at the beginning.

It is even more impossible this morning. Changmu has been waiting for it early in the morning. Even if she wants to grind the wood, she will eat it slowly, and it is not good to have water.

The first one was a smile, so let the side go to the kitchen to prepare for fifteen.

While walking on the road, I said, "Miss, my grandfather is very kind to you! So in the future, we will not worry that my grandfather will treat the lady badly."

When I go, I will send it back. When I return, I will send it back. I usually have a good temper and I am obedient to the lady.

After the thousands of snow went out, Yunyao used excuses to help the bamboos clean them up. They had already searched all the places in the room, but they did not find any strange black wood signs with black wood and water.

I heard that the strange snow has come back, she feels a little restless, do not know how to engage, is the heartbeat is very powerful, and the right eyelids have been jumping non-stop!

This time the West came to death, she always felt like a son.

However, why should the son do this?

Isn't the son only the black wooden card?

Black wood, if water, yes, this black wood family, if the two ethnic groups are supporting the slaves of the sons, but in the end they are rebellious, actually will be the treasure of the Lu family, dedicated to the strange .

In this way, black wood and people who are in the water, **** it.

Thinking about this, Lu Zhengyang's figure appeared in Yun Yao's mind, and his smile.

If you can get the black wooden card soon, can you quickly help the public to do things in your heart, and the son can take it away with you soon, and you don't have to worry about it anymore.

Of course, she didn't know that she could clean up in the room over and over again. It was a sneak peek.

She didn't know that every place she cleaned up would be cleaned up again.

She did not know that every movement of her was under the supervision of everyone.

Fifteen had just sent a message and said that Missy had to bathe and change clothes.

It is a good opportunity to find out if Blackwood is on Missy, how can she miss it.

It’s just that she has something to ask Missy, and the gift that Ning’s family sent her has been adjusted yesterday and made a booklet.

When the snow fell into the snow, Yunyao smiled and greeted him. After helping the first time to help the stranger to sit in the hall, he handed in the booklet.

The strange snow is not like yesterday. It doesn't care much about the treasures, but asks a lot about things.

These are exactly the meaning of Yun Yao, she is still thinking about what reason to stay for a while, it is best to stay and wait for Missy to bathe.

The enthusiasm of the thousands of snow did not make Yun Yao feel that there is any curiosity.

After all, yesterday's strangeness was not good, and those who gave her a gift were just a glance. If the world does not love money, now I think about it. It is also human nature to figure out how many quantities there are.

Fortunately, she is not a greedy person, if not, it is estimated that troubles will come to the head!

However, the more she talks, the more uneasy her heart is!

Yunyao nervously grabbed her chest and held the beating heart.

No matter what, she still has to do what she needs to be the most important thing! As long as she can gain the trust of a thousand dollars, then no matter what happens in the future, she can stand in a place to defend herself.

Talk about the question, the water has been lifted.

Yunyao homeopathic proposed to help the first fifteenth to wait for a thousand snow bath.

In the first day, when she was taking a bath, she only used her and fifteen to serve her.

It was the first day, it was a big enthusiasm, and she was loyal, and she said, "Stop the bamboo and go to the big lady to eat. You have nothing to do, just help the big lady to look at the door outside, let the eyes look. The bamboo will be ready for eating, and the young lady will use it after bathing."

"Yes." Although Yun Yao was somewhat disappointed, he still retired.

At the beginning of the first day, when I was washing the snow, I was still a little shy when I saw the traces of her body.

But this kind of thing can't stand back to life, two times cooked.

Now, when they face the traces of the strangeness of the snow, they are already able to take it easy.

Seeing the traces of the lady’s body, and the sticky smell of her grandfather’s departure, as well as the ten-mile red makeup that was brought in during the official ceremony, all this is the first and fifteen envy and inner joy. .

They are an ancient person in the end, so they are also deeply rooted in the concept of the ancient world.

Even if the present lady can be alone, she can sway one side, but she still feels that the woman itself is attached to the man's existence.

Mo Qianxue did not educate them about it twice, but they never opened it, so the strange snow finally gave up.

Fifteen mouths are stupid, straight and straight, and add water to the strange snow.

The first day was different. While wiping the back of the snow, I said, "Grandpa is so good to the young lady. Miss is good to serve the good lord. Like the young lady combing the hair today, only the aunt will go out, if it is changed Someone else has already been drunk."

After listening to the first day, it’s a smile.

If Ning Shaoqing used the head type to go on the streets in Beijing, it was only that people thought that it was the latest type of men's head. The men in Beijing will be eager to imitate tomorrow.

Mo Qianxue was laughed at by his own YY ​​thoughts. "The hearts of the people are all out of the product for a long time. What did you buy with Ning Shaoqing in the first day? How did you say good things for him?"

On the first day of the news, I didn’t care. "Miss!"

"Okay!" Knowing that this girl is not a casually teasing person, a thousand snow swings to stop, then turned around and looked at the first day.

After receiving the gaze of the thousands of snow, the first day looked out of the window, and the figure's ear was sticking to the door, and suddenly realized.

Everything has been done, and now they are waiting... please, please.

Read The Duke's Passion