MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 181 farce, Ning Shao was stunned.

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Tianxiang County, Xinfu.

Jian Qingyou sat in the room and made new clothes for Xin Yiming, with a smile on his lips and a happy face.

She and Xin Yiming have been married for two months, it is good time to adjust the oil.

Xin Yiming follows her and cares about her.

Thinking of Xin Yiming's various good, Jian Qingyou's lips and corners can not help but draw a perfect arc.

However, when the perfect arc was cut, it reminded me of the day.

If it wasn't for the idea of ​​Qian Xue's sister on the same day, I was afraid that this club had already been married to Chang's Wanjia, and I washed my face with tears all the time, and I had no time to meet Xin Yiming.

I don't know, how is Qian Xue's sister now?

Thinking about it, Jane Tingyou put down the work in his hand and looked out of the window.

After a busy day, Xin Yiming returned to the room and saw that his wife was staring out the window.

The two have a good connection, and he will not know her concerns.

"But think of a thousand snow?" Xin Yiming stepped forward, gently put Jianqing into his arms, bowed his head and kissed gently on her cheek.

Xin Yiming came in suddenly, but his voice was very light, his movements were very soft, and he did not scare Jian Qingyou.

Jian Qingyou took advantage of the warm embrace of her.

Xin Yiming always gives her a little scary and full of joy from time to time.

The more sweet in my heart, the more I miss the strange snow.

"I don't know how she is doing now, I am worried about her."

Speaking of this, Jian Qingyou brow wrinkled unconsciously, took Xin Yiming's hand and turned to look at him.

She is just a woman, and she doesn't have the same strength as a thousand snows. Now even if she is worried about the worry of a thousand snow, it is not easy to casually communicate with her.

After all, the government office is now on the cusp of the cusp, and her father-in-law is the official who was only recommended because of Xie’s recommendation. Xiang Gong is not a white body now. Strictly speaking, it is also an official of the Xie family camp.

The three super-family confession and ambiguity, in fact, the inside is mutual jealous, Jane Qingyou is a big parent in the world, and there is no reason to know.

Originally, Xin Yiming has always dismissed him as an official.

Yes, when I was a Jane family, I had to donate an official in order to stop being rejected by Jane. The father-in-law is a member of the Xie family. Xiang Gong’s official is donated. Naturally, Xie’s family can’t get away with it.

The relationship between this layer is that Jian Qingyou only pinned his hopes on Xin Yiming!

When Xin Yiming saw her anxious scorpion, her heart had already turned into a swell of water.

"You can rest assured that the letter sent in the past few days, I must have arrived in the capital now, perhaps already in the hands of a strange snow, or she has already sent us a reply, on the way back, you said yes?"

A few days ago, from the capital city, what happened in the foreign government office, Jian Qingyou fainted on the spot!

After waking up, I have to send a letter to the capital to stop.

Shrimp has a shrimp road, fish has a fish road, although the camp is different, but send some hidden points of the letter, Xin Yiming can still do.

Xin Yiming's loving and loving body embraced Jian Qingyou's body, and all the hearts were satisfied.

In fact, his heart is grateful to the strangers. If they were not so supportive of them, if they were not created by them, how could they be together now?

Moreover, Mo Qianxue is still a woman that he appreciates very much, and is his business partner.

Therefore, his concern for the strange snow is no less than that of Jane.

Wen Yan, Jian Qingyou can only nod and force himself to put this uneasy heart down!

Then I remembered another thing.

"Yi Ming..." Jane Qingyou gently called his name, and the voice was reluctant.

However, even if it is reluctant, there is no way.

Although the serious mother-in-law is no longer there, there are still father-in-law, and there are a lot of grandfathers in the father-in-law. What they said, she still has to listen more or less.

"what happened?"

"When is there any time, I brought a few sisters of Jane and a few prostitutes from my mother's family to come and gather together... Ok?" This said, her heart is hard to die!

Even the sound is a little trembling!

Before Xin Yiming, she didn't even want a room. Now she has to arrange for him...

Xin Yiming did not speak.

This is so clear, how can he not understand.

He just puts Jian Qing in his arms more hard.

Jian Qingyou was held in his arms. He didn't know what his expression was at this time, and his heart was extremely embarrassing.

I want him to promise, but I am very afraid to hear that affirmative reply.

The heart is tears.

"Yi Ming..."

"Qingyou, do you believe me?"

Suddenly, Xin Yiming loosened the body of Jian Qingyou, bent slightly, and looked at Jane's eyes and asked.

Jian Qingyou didn't know why he asked this question, but he nodded honestly.

"Good! Since Qingyou believes me, then in the future, if you say something else, don't bother to pay attention to it. Can we live quietly and quietly?"

Jian Qingyou has always been a person who likes to be quiet. How can she think about going to a party with the few unnamed sisters and sisters of her family?

I want to... let him be jealous?

Jane Ting will never have such an idea. She only sees what she just said, and the feeling of tears falling in her eyes proves her deep feelings.

She doesn't want to, but what about others? What about his parents?

It must be the old thing and the few shameless monks who gave Jane Qingyou any pressure, so she would let her say so insincerely!

It seems that he has to rectify it.

He said that nothing would make Qingyou aggrieved.

Xin Yiming did not euphemistically refuse, let Jian Qingyou be happy and stunned. "But, we have been married for so long, I am not pregnant, I am afraid..."

"Is that the problem of your own person? Maybe I can't!" Xin Yiming knows that if there is no child, this is a big stone in Jianqing's heart, and he will pull the fault on himself.

Old things, old people, just don't give up!

To put it bluntly, I am not thinking about his property.

Jian Qingyou eagerly grabbed Xin Yiming’s mouth. "Don’t say it!"

How can this be said? If a man can't do it, then it's all of this man's. How can she afford it, if one of the two people has a problem.

She is willing, that person is her!

"How could it be your problem? It is me! It must be me!"

Looking at the look of a sad and desperate Jane Qingyou, Xin Yiming suddenly hurts!

Xin Yiming sighed and took the pouting hand and tore it on his face. "We will be married for a few months, where is it so fast!"

"But, my mother told me every day that Zhang’s daughter-in-law is sitting on the bed, and Li’s daughter-in-law has been in the door for more than a month. He’s...”

"You are listening!"

Once again, Jane Tingyun was in her arms. Xin Yiming said: "Maybe it is not yet time, the children will not come, we are all so young, and we are healthy, how can we have no children? Are you saying?"

"And, don't think about asking for me or how, even if you think about it, I can't do it! I'm Xin Yiming, I have already satisfied you in this life! Why do you want other women?"

Jane Tingyou’s heart is full of sorrow and grief. There is such a sentence that she is willing to die. The deep feelings in her eyes must overflow.

However, what is said is, "But..."

In the end, she is a woman who grew up with three virtues and four years, and she could not do it at a time. On the other side of the father-in-law, the mother-in-law, but even the people have chosen, she still has to give a confession.

Looking at such a simple Qingyou, Xin Yiming's heartache, he suddenly regretted giving the old things to the county.

However, if he had not tried to fight for the past ten years, he would add an official to the old things. With the identity of the county guarding the big son, he couldn’t get any more money because he had no roots. Jian Qingyou!

"Nothing! Is it true that Qingyou really wants to be a husband, and then let those women destroy the feelings between us? This will be sad for the husband."

Jian Qingyou no longer speaks.

Why is she willing to let those women destroy the feelings between their husband and wife?

Although their two feelings are good, but the father-in-law is reprimanding her from time to time, saying that women are women's rings; saying that Zhang Gongzi 18 has become the shackles of two children, and that poor Xin Yiming is now twenty-four. There is still no child...

The few aunts sneered at her, saying that she was good, saying that she was careful.

"Qingyou, you remember, Xin Yiming has only one wife in this life! There is only one woman in this life, that is, you are simple and blue. What other things, what about you?"

As soon as Xin Yiming thinks about his own mother, he is mad at the **** he is jealous of, and he will not fight one.

He has already made up his mind, and this life is not awkward.

He had to think of a way, quickly leaving this Tianxiang County, leaving this Xinfu.

Although Qingyou is capable, it is the eldest son, and he is also a well-known leader.

Of course, this group of niece has been in the house of Jianfu for more than ten years, and there is another old thing to support, and Qingyou is forced to filial piety. How can I get this right back, how can I have a good time.


Mo Qianxue is a person who will do his best once he has set a goal!

And now she is bound to get this glazed shed, so she began a series of preparations and preparations.

Last night, after eating overnight, lying on the bed again, she thought a lot about the construction and operation of the greenhouse.

In the early morning, the early Tongzi Jing stood in front of the courtyard of the strange snow. It seems that when he was in Wangjiacun, he was also guarded at the door of a strange snow, waiting for a thousand snow to wake up.

However, at that time, Wang Jiacun’s house was small and there were not so many rules. He was able to enter the room and stand outside the room. Now he can only stand outside the hospital.

In the morning, he would like to enter the courtyard door and stand at the door of the house waiting for a thousand snow, but the sneaky sneaking at the door is not letting him in!

Ghosts don't let him in, and he doesn't want to enlarge the sound. If you have a good dream of your sister, it's not bad.

Of course, he knows that the ghost is Ning Shaoqing's person, to protect his sister!

Since this person wants to protect Qian Xue's sister, then he does not need to turn his face.

As long as he waits at the door, my sister will always come out.

Tongzi Jing was like this, and the cute little rabbit that had not been carved yesterday was carved outside the courtyard of the strange snow.

He doesn't make noises, even if the ghost despise him as a stare in his eyes, but he is not good at driving him away.

The yard where Mo Qianxue lives now also makes people re-hang the brand of Xuewan.

Packed out, after breakfast, out of a thousand snow, I saw Tongzijing standing in the sun with a small carving.

The morning sun fell on his body, letting his body exude a touch of gold, really surprised a thousand snow!

This Tongzi Jing is now superior in both image and temperament, and belongs to the kind of Xiaozhengtai who is very cute and obedient.

"Zi Jing? Why didn't you come into the house? The morning sun is also very good!"

Said, the strange thousand snow directly took Tong Zijing's hand, and then took him to the house.

"Have you had breakfast?"

Seeing that Tong Zijing shook his head, Mo Qiang did not know what to say.

This child just doesn't know how to take care of himself and grows so thin.

In fact, Tong Zijing has been much fatter than she was when she saw him for the first time seven or eight months ago. It’s just that she looks at her brother’s eyes and always wants him to grow fat and grow stronger.

I hurriedly let the first one go to the kitchen to come over and go early, and a thousand snow will take care of Tongzijing to start eating.

Looking at Tongzi Jing, I was hungry and eager to eat. The strangeness of the snow was distressed and blaming. "How long have you been in Jingjing? Why don't you enter the house and wait for me? So we can have breakfast together."

In fact, Tong Zijing is like this. It is no stranger to a stranger. When he was in Wangjiacun, he did it too. The early morning was directly blocked at the door, and no one was allowed to call himself up.

When I remembered that time, I couldn’t help but smile.

When Tongzi Jing saw the look of a strange smile, he ate a meal and his mouth was slightly upturned.

Not long after, Tong Zijing used breakfast in a strange room, and then the two talents went out together.

When the sneaky scorpion walked out of the yard with Tongzi Jing and the strange snow, the mouth of the mouth was pumping.

As for the scene in front of him, he really didn't dare to talk to his family!

He can already imagine that the owner heard about this scene, the black face that is like the ink!

The owner said, but if they had any intimate behavior, they would pick up Tongzi Jing’s collar and throw it eight feet away.

However, this is hand-in-hand, whether it is intimacy or intimacy.

The owner did not give a standard, and he is not good at it!

Of course, I thought of the homeowner’s cautious instructions, and anything that was Miss’s, there was no obituary.

Some things, in the bamboo tube, are hard to say. A bad...

After thinking about it for a while, the sneaky screaming quietly called Ah San, after explaining everything clearly, let the three generations run errands.

The face of the owner... Let A3 first experience it.

Two people, Mo Qiang Xue and Tong Zijing, are going to go around the city to see where there is glass.

There is one more thing, it is also very important.

Wang Tiansong’s apprentices who came from Wangjiacun to learn root carvings had nothing to do in Zhuangzi. They also carved some root carvings. Now they are about to open a market in Beijing.

These root carvings are not really fine for the strange snow.

However, this group of children worked hard to make it. The strange snow is still going to take these root carvings to the capital to look at it and ask what the price is.

She and Xin Yiming said that the root carving of the carving house in Wangjiacun was underwritten by him, but it was different when he arrived in Beijing.

She did not sell to Xin Yiming.

Mo Qian Xue and Tong Zijing set off in the direction of the capital in the carriage.

In the capital of Ningfu, Ning Shaoqing has not had a smile all day and night!

The words that Mr. Qian Xue said yesterday made him feel angry!

That tone seems to never love yourself again!

Really mad at him!

He loved her so much, gentle care, and feared in the mouth, holding the palm of his hand and slamming, but did not think she would say such a thing to make him angry!

However, angry and angry, but Ning Shaoqing still remembers the strange snow.

Tongzi Jing’s hungry wolf was watching there. He was really afraid because of this small contradiction between him and Xue Xue, and Tong Zijing had another hole!

As long as I think of the strange smile of the gentle snow to Tongzi Jing, the tone of care, the maintenance of the demeanor, his heart is just like the fire!

**** off!

The palm of the hand went down and the cup on the table was slammed.

"Homeowner, Ah San is here."

Just at this time, the voice of the knife slave sounded at the door.

He does not want to touch this brow, and the discerning person knows that the owner is in a bad mood.

The owner has always been gentle and courteous, Taishan collapsed in front of him and did not change color, so this kind of bad mood, must be because of the awkward relationship with the Miss Moss!

Ah San is the person who the family owner sent to the Missy Miss. He must have something to come over!

Maybe, he brought good news that made the homeowner dissipate.

The knife slave held this lucky idea, so he couldn't delay it in a minute, and slammed it with the end of the fire!

Ning Shaoqing slightly narrowed his eyes in the study.

It’s Ah San, not a flying pigeon, or another dark guard. Is it...

"Let him come in!"

The knife slave took the lead and a few of them followed.

"What?" Ning Shaoqing has already received the heart of anger and jealousy.

Ah San couldn't see the slightest, and he respectfully said to Ning Shaoqing that the sinister confessed to him.

Thousands of snow into the city?

Ning Shaoqing tightened her lips and said nothing.

There is nothing on the surface, but there is an unstoppable excitement in the heart!

Although I know that a thousand snows are not coming to see him, there are other things to do, but he still can't help but be happy!

Maybe, this turn is already here.

Yesterday I left, I don’t know if Snow and Snow are sad?

I wanted to go see her at night, but I really couldn't swallow the tone and didn't go to it at all. I was too embarrassed to go.

But now he can't take care of that much! Awkward time is long, it will hurt the feelings, not to mention there are two other witnesses.

In the city, everything is easy to handle.

It’s also a good idea to come across something.

This Xiao Nizi always said that he didn't understand romance. Today, let her see and see what is romantic...

However, when I thought of Tongzi Jing, I was carrying it at the side of the strange snow, and I looked at it, and Ning Shaoqing had to wait until the most perfect lip corner.

However, in such a situation, where does he have any leisure to get angry or what?

He can't wait to appear at the side of the strange snow at this time, and then hold the person tightly in his arms!

Let the appearance of Tongzi Jing, who is abacus in the outside, know that the relationship between him and Xue Xue, he would like to participate!

"Go on."

A faint voice, let Ah San go down, Ning Shaoqing can not wait to return to the room for a dress, and then come out, the whole person is standing in the standing, there is still a little bit of decadence ?

The scene of this amazing transformation is to let the knife slave look at the corner of his mouth and raise his thumb!

The owner is mighty!


Sitting in Xufu, a variety of fields in Crescent Lake.

Some time ago, Miss Xu Jiada was sent to a distant Zhuangzi by her to be locked up!

However, he saw the strange snow to buy the land, and he was giving the baby a kiss, and expected that there would be no serious problems, then he would pick up his daughter.

Just did not dare to let go, it was closed in the mortuary of the government.

Of course, even if it is locked up, the flower idiot named Xu Yuanyuan will never know what to stop!

She is eager to go out now! Because she lives in a person!

The man who has been a stalwart and has grown up is destined to be the only one who can match her in this life!

She has been shut down for so long at home! Her beautiful man doesn't know how, how can she not worry?

Just right, this time, the ring around her came to give her breakfast!

Xu Yuanyuan has a chance!

"Ah... it hurts... it hurts..."

Xu Yuanyuan fell to the ground, and his pain was suppressed.

Her room window was nailed because she was sick.

Every time she sends a meal, she will send the food from the small window.

But the window is too small, she can't go out!

Xu Yuanyuan clearly knows that there must be a key on the body!

Then I heard the anxious, approached, and heard the voice of the lady crying inside.

I hurried forward and saw that their family fell to the ground, where the pain was rolling!

At this time, no one will think about whether this is true or not!

The little girl was so scared that she hurriedly opened the door and ran forward.

"Miss? Miss, are you okay? Hehe..."

In the hands of Xu Yuanyuan, I don’t know when I hid a platform. When the little girl ran in and ran to her side, the whole person slammed into her back neck!

The little girl didn't have time to look back, and she had already snorted and fell to the ground.

"This lady is naturally fine!"

Seeing the unconscious little sister, and then glanced at the open door, Xu Yuanyuan was happy!

He hurriedly smashed the clothes of Xiao Yan and dragged her to his bed, creating an illusion of sleeping.

I put on the round of the clothes, and I left with satisfaction!

Beautiful man, waiting for me, I am coming!


Two people, Mo Qianxue and Tongzijing, took the root carvings of the apprentices and first went to the place where the roots were sold in Beijing.

This thing is also a popular item, it is very popular with those who are loyal, the beginning is out of the thousands of snow in the carving workshop in Tianxiang County.

However, this carving is a craft. With new products, there must be imitators.

Root carving, although it seems very cumbersome, but it is not difficult to learn with a little bit of brain and practice.

As a result, similar things have appeared.

Learning is easy and proficient.

The production of root carvings is very slow, and other imitators have not been systematically polished, and the shape or handwork made is good, but it has lost a bit of agility.

Therefore, the root carving market is still in the hands of Xin Yiming.

Therefore, the root carving is out of stock is very serious!

The disciples brought by Wang Tiansong were not the ones who first learned with her system, and the carvings were varied.

However, although they are doing a rough job, it is a rare treasure for the hot things in Beijing.

A little inquiring about the market, Mo Qianxue and Tongzi Jing directly came to Yipinxuan.

I used to hear from Xin Yiming that the capital of Beijing is their home.

Although she did not sell her to him, but after some inquiries, she also knew that Xin Yiming was very sincere to her.

In this case, it is better to be familiar with life. This root carving in Beijing is still looking for Xin Yiming.

When Tongzijing saw that Aji went to Yipinxuan when he was driving a car, he was very curious.

"Thousands of Snow Sisters, why don't we open a root carving shop ourselves?"

You know, now that the root carvings are so big, if they open a shop themselves, not only can the price be bought well, but they will not share the profits with others. It is necessary to know that the profit in the middle is very high.

"No!" Xiaoqian Xue shook his head without thinking about it.

"I just want to get the sheds in the glass. I don't want to think so much, and I don't want to chew it. This carving doesn't intervene."

In fact, this problem of Tong Zijing, I have thought about it before.

But at that time, it was the time of the various forces in the capital, and there was no time for the various visitor banquets.

In addition, she already has a seasoning factory, and she does not want to get so much industry pressure to be burdened.

A person can't take care of everything.

Root carving, there is a market, but the entrance of this carving is not high, if someone vigorously cultivates research, the technology of the imitator will soon follow, and the profit of the market will not be so high now.

Now, she has to prepare for the winter vegetable greenhouse, and also to build a condiment factory in Beijing. This is a major event that others can't study for a while, and can't imitate it.

I wanted to use the newly-built spice factory to think of the land next to the Crescent Lake. I thought of the best woman who had not seen her face at the time, and thought of the hero of the incident, Ning Shaoqing.

When I thought about Ning Shaoqing, I thought of the unpleasantness of last night, and I was still in a mood of high interest, and I was dull.

I don't know what he is doing now?

Did you miss her?

"Thousand Snow Sister, look at this."

Tongzi Jing has been paying attention to the strange snow, and saw the strange feelings of the strange snow, wrinkled his eyebrows, and hurriedly took out the carvings that he had in his arms, and handed them to the front of the strange snow.

It’s a frowning eye, and it hurts him by taking a knife and licking his heart.

When I looked down at the snow, I saw the palm of the hand that Tongzi Jing spread, lying on the bunny who had been stunned!

"this is……"

"I carved, Qian Xue sister likes it? Is Zijing giving you good?"

In fact, the shape of this little rabbit, Tongzi Jing was originally intended to give to the thousands of snow, but was interrupted by the sudden arrival of Ning Shaoqing yesterday.

After that, Qian Xuejie and Ning Shaoqing both made a fuss, and eventually he did not continue carving. After carving, naturally he did not come up with a treasure.

Mo Qianxue took the carving from Tongzi Jing’s hand and placed it in his palm. The rabbit was awkward and lively.

In the heart of the snow, there is a softness in the heart.

Not to mention that Tong Zijing’s intention for himself is just this little rabbit, but also the best!

Although in the past, thousands of snow knew that Tongzijing had a high talent for this aspect of root carving, but did not think that his talent turned out to be so high!

In less than a year, progress is so fast.

The carvings are about the soul. For the little rabbit, perhaps the shape is not the best, but it is like a soul.

"Is Zijing really going to give it to my sister? Then my sister really accepted it! Don't regret it."

In the depths of the thousands of snow, Tongzijing was treated as a child with autism in the past, so when talking to Tongzijing, they all whispered and never severely scored.

After the words, I couldn’t help but tease the little rabbit with my fingers. "Bunny, don’t run around with you. Follow your sister, have carrots, have flowers and clothes...hehe..."

Seeing the thousands of snow and lifting the laughter, watching the thousands of snow and jokes of children's words, Tongzi Jing is very satisfied.

The two of them were satisfied in the carriage, happy, and the ghosts behind them also listened to this word in the heart.

The sneaky said that their family owners are really sad enough.

Yesterday, the two men had a cold war because of a disagreement. He could imagine the appearance of the owner at this time, but the young lady of the stranger was still happy to go out shopping and tell jokes with the culprits of Tong Zijing.

Ghosts are very sympathetic to their family.

As for the whispering whispering words, he did not seem to hear Miss Moss in front of their homeowners.

This Tongzi Jing is really lucky!

However, the sneaky thought is not right.

Different people, different ways to treat the law.

Mo Qianxue did not say the same tone in the face of Ning Shaoqing, but that spoiled, that happy words, but not less to Ning Shaoqing.


After Ning Shaoqing was dressed up, she took the knife and went out.

He wants to understand now, nothing is worth a thousand miles!

Tongzi Jing always attracts the attention of thousands of snow.

Although it is said that as long as the heart of Qian Xue is on his body, there is no such thing as a man or a woman for Tong Zijing. Some of her sisters are just the kind of brother-in-law of her sister. He doesn't have to be afraid of Tong Zijing's little movements.

However, if there is no 10,000 things, there will be a case.

Knowing that it is one thing, doing it is one thing, Ning Shaoqing is the vinegar that can't help it!

This old vinegar is what is most troublesome.

Ning Shaoqing has always been low-key, and does not like to make friends with him. He spent five years in Xiangguo Temple and later went to the Great Wilderness.

Even in Beijing, most of the time wearing masks, the identity of his homeowner, only those who are highly weighted.

The ordinary people of Pingtou, how can they know that this jade boy who is walking next to them is the owner of the super family?

The person looking back is not a two.

Even people walked and ran into it.

However, Ning Shaoqing is not squinting.

Although he did not care about the eyes of others, Ning Shaoqing was still somewhat intolerant. He asked the knife slaves behind him. "But know they are going there?"

The capital is so big, it is so hopeless to find, and they can not find them.

The knife slave looked strangely at Ning Shaoqing.

When Ah San came, did he already tell the family owner about their whereabouts? Why should the owner ask again?

But even if it is curious, the knife slave is honestly telling Ning Shaoqing that the first thing they have to go is the Yipin Xuan in the capital, followed by the glass.

Ning Shaoqing heard the words, nodded and took the lead to go to Yipinxuan.

Where did the knife slave know that Ah San really told Ning Shaoqing about their whereabouts, but at that time, Ning Shaoqing was thinking about smashing a thousand snows, thinking about the strangeness of a thousand snow suddenly seeing him, for Ah San Those words that are said are automatically blocked.

However, there is still a word that is not shielded, that is, a thousand snow is going out with Tong Zijing.

As soon as I thought of a strange snow, I went out with Tong Zijing, and Ning Shaoqing felt that her roots were very painful! He hurts, he can’t wait to unplug the Tongzi Jingna’s eyes!

It is too irritating.

Xu Yuanyuan successfully broke through the shrimp and crabs in Xufuli, and then stood on the street with joy!

She is finally out! After being shut down for so many days at home, I finally breathed fresh and free air!

However, she now has a very important thing to do! But you can't breathe here casually.

The beautiful man who is obsessed with her heart, she will definitely bring people into the hands!


However, one thing is that Xu Yuanyuan is having a hard time.

The last time it happened was too sudden. She just remembered the man’s appearance, but she didn’t know who his surname was, and lived there. How to find it?

However, Xu Yuanyuan is born with a thick line. If you can't figure out anything, you don't want to.

She thought that since she could meet the man at Crescent Lake, it shows that there is a fate between them! If there is a fate, you can meet there!

Therefore, she decided to go straight along this road in front of her eyes! I will definitely meet her beauty!

When two people from Mochi and Tongzi Jing came to Yipinxuan, many people came in and saw that the hall of Yipinxuan was still very hot.

Going in for a lap, the strange thousand snow will kill people who have carried the root carvings in the car.

Then, a thousand snow and Tongzi Jing two people, directly with those root carvings into a product Xuan.

This huge, people who don't understand things, think that this is the way to go!

After all, people's Yipinxuan is selling root carvings, and it is undoubtedly provocative to carry out a pile of carved root carvings so much in a strange way!

In fact, they all want to be wrong. The reason why Mo Qianxue did this is that he wants to give Yipinxuan a little more popularity.

When she first came in, she had already looked at the root carvings in the room.

Although it is not a defective product, it is not a good thing. Those root carvings are reluctant to see a general shape. Most of them can't be compared with the ones she lifted.

However, she also provided Xin Yiming with the carvings in Wangjiacun, and there should be better goods. When I thought about it, I was a little bit ignorant. I knew that Xin Yiming had a set of business. It’s probably good. It’s not outside, because it’s less, you have to book it.

So, just give him an ad.

Naturally, these root carvings in the hands of a thousand snow, although the sculptor's technique is not good.

However, it was created under her careful guidance, but it is not the top grade, but it is not a grade compared to those of Yipinxuan.

From the eyes of the surrounding guests, you will know one or two.

"Who is coming to Yipinxuan to make trouble?"

The first sentence since the ancient opening ceremony is always such a sentence.

Mo Qianxue looked at the person who spoke.

Look at the sample, it should be the shopkeeper in this product Xuan, wearing a very neat, but also has the unique savvy of businessmen.

"You are the treasurer of this product?"

"The old man is! I don't know if this girl is the lady of that family. What is the intention of coming to the store?"

The shopkeeper looked at a thousand miles of snow, and the raw face did not know, and then he put his gaze on the pile of root carvings behind her, and suddenly the eyes were released!

These root carvings, that are top grades!

His product, Xuan Xuan, is already the best root carving in the capital.

Good root carvings have always been out of stock.

If you can contract the sculptures brought by this lady and establish a cooperative relationship, that is a great achievement.

It’s natural to see the light in the eyes of the shopkeeper, but it’s just a smile.

"My surname is a stranger, and I am a friend with your family." Naturally, I have an identity, and I don't want to have any misunderstandings after this.

Surname is strange?

The treasurer was still a little surprised when he heard the surname.

This surname is familiar to the students, but it is a time to remember that I have heard it.

And this woman still knows their family and less...

"Ah!" The treasurer suddenly realized!

The voice dropped very small, but there was no lack of respectful questioning. "Excuse me, this girl is a stranger in the foreign government, a young lady?"

A thousand snows heard the words and picked up the eyebrows.

"It's me." Is this Xin Yiming mentioning himself with this treasurer?

"It turned out to be a big lady, and the old man was polite here."

Mo Qianxue saw this shopkeeper's salute for himself, and he hurriedly sideways, and he also gave a half ceremony.

"Mr. Moss invited the inner court to take a seat." The shopkeeper hurriedly asked Mo Qianxue to enter the inner court, because some things could not be said in front of these outsiders.

In the heart of the thousands of snow, I also understood that the shopkeeper was afraid to have something to say to her, and now there are so many people here, there are many people, so I nodded and smiled and followed him into the inner court.

Naturally, the same person who follows is also Tong Zijing.

The sister is there, he is there.

Tongzi Jing calculation is to implement this sentence thoroughly.

The treasurer saw a young boy after seeing the strange snow, but there was no slightest concern about the strange snow, he would not be a bad person, and also respectfully welcomed Tongzi Jingjin.

Seeing the appearance of the treasurer, the strange thousand snow can not help but smile.

It’s a man who loses the treasurer, if it’s a woman...

Mo Qianxue is now in the heart of YY Tongzi Jing throwing people out of the scene.

When I first knew about her fault, I sent it early today and left it early to return to the door.

Because of Tong Jijing’s fault, she did not dare to bring it today.

When Ning Shaoqing stepped quickly to Yipinxuan, it was already half a day to talk to the treasurer.

When Ning Shaoqing was preparing to come in, he just caught up with the strangers and the Tongzi Jing.

For a time, no one was prepared, and they were opposite each other.

Ning Shaoqing’s heart leaps.

It’s just that I didn’t meet each other for a night. I didn’t have this kind of thing before, but I don’t know how. This time I really thought about Ning Shaoqing!

I really want to hug people into my arms without delay! Good pity!

But how many people come and go, how can Ning Shaoqing do these rogue things regardless of the reputation of the family?

Therefore, he can only suppress it.

A thousand snow is staying!

At the moment when Ning Shaoqing appeared, she even suspected that she would have thoughts about Ning Shaoqing.

How can Ning Shaoqing go shopping without a secretary? !

"Zi Jing, I seem to see Shaoqing..." Nearly to the self-speaking Tong Tong Jing Qiu Zheng.

When I heard the strange snow, Ning Shaoqing’s face was black again.

Tong Zijing is gentle on his face.

"Thousands of snow sisters, it is indeed my brother-in-law."

"..." It turned out that Ning Shaoqing was coming.

To tell the truth, in the heart of a thousand snow, I am really happy!

Ning Shaoqing is a person who never visits an antique shop. He likes to have someone who is naturally sent to him.

Besides, they are arrogant in the world of money, what is there in the warehouse? !

This time, then there is only one purpose, it is yourself!

Although it was angry yesterday, Ning Shaoqing’s sleeves left, angry that he did not look at himself, but at this moment, nothing is important!

As long as he comes, as long as he is soft, as long as there is a step... everything is not important!

If there is still a trace of reason in my heart to tell her, here is the ancient, not the modern, open-minded, I am afraid that this time the strange snow has already plunged into the arms of Ning Shaoqing!

Although she only did not meet for one night, she missed Ning Shaoqing so much!

It turns out that not only can the feelings become alienated, but also the feelings become more intense and hot!

I think that the things that they have been entangled in the past are simply vain!

If you have been suffering for a few decades, why bother to hurt each other's feelings for something that you don't have to worry about at all?

Therefore, at this moment, Mo Qianxue really put down the knot that was injured by Ning Shaoqing yesterday, showing a smile.

Tong Zijing stood on one side and showed a heartfelt smile on his face.

As long as his sister can be happy, he does not care who the person who makes his sister happy.

Although it is said that Ning Shaoqing is the murderer who provoked her sister's anger and sadness, but isn't he also let his sister renew her smile?

For a moment... just forgive him once.

Mo Qianxue is going forward, but at this time...


In the crowd. Suddenly a burst of cheers!

The voice was too high, so everyone on the street followed.

Just seeing the door of Yipinxuan, Ning Shaoqing is 10 meters away. He is standing with a woman, wearing emerald green costumes, his face is very happy, very shocked!

... looked at Ning Shaoqing.

Look at Ning Shaoqing!

Of course, although this voice is large, Ning Shaoqing did not pay attention.

Others shouted at the public and shut him down.

At this time, all his eyes have been given to thousands of snow, only one person in the eyes of the strange snow, other things in the world have become a foil.

Ning Shaoqing is thinking now, he took the initiative to go, will Qianxue still be angry? Will you give yourself a back again?

I don't know, there is a dangerous object that is approaching him quickly!

Of course, a woman is born to be sensitive to gossip, and a thousand snow has noticed the woman who is close.

This... When did Ning Shaoqing hook up on another woman? And this woman still manages Ning Shaoqing called Xianggong!

Is it that after a fight yesterday, he got a sigh?

Isn’t he coming to see her, is he shopping with the donkey? !

Suddenly, the face that was just happy, sank.

Tong Zijing also noticed the woman.

This woman suddenly appeared, but also looked at Ning Shaoqing with a burning look, Tongzi Jingxin just forgive Ning Shaoqing's point, immediately disappeared without a trace!

Dare to hurt his sister, kill innocent!

After talking for a long time, in fact, all this happened between the electric and the flint.

Tongzi Jing wants to block Ning Shaoqing before, and the knife slave pulls forward Tongzi Jing.

Ning Shaoqing has brewed emotions, "Thousands of snow..."

That is the best of the car, "Song Gong! Xianggong I can find you! We really have a relationship, I will say, I just follow this street and go down, you will be able to find you!"

Ning Shaoqing just had to step forward and wanted to go to the strange side of the snow to ask her what happened, but this step has not waited to go out, suddenly there was a gust of wind, and then he was completely hugged!

Hug! Hug...

Ning Shaoqing was shocked by what? And at this first moment, I almost forgot to go to Buddhism, a madman who didn’t know where it came out!

Standing behind Ning Shaoqing, the knife slave who took Tongzi Jing was stupid??


Is this their family owner being teased?

What is the world like? Want to change the day?

Read The Duke's Passion
Read Versatile Mage (Web Novel)
School LifeComedyMartial ArtsTragedy