MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 18 He punished Su Qi, but he pitted himself.

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Su Qi stood in the door and looked at it, and Susu was busy in the kitchen outside the door.

Such a serious Susu, so that Su Qi heart is a bit sour, and some can not bear.

He turned and continued to return to the bed, closing his eyes and letting his ears and the various senses of his body disappear, not wanting to be dragged by this matter.

The Susu in the kitchen is holding her lips tightly, her eyes fixed on the water and rice in the pot.

I have to say that the words that Su Qi said yesterday were really exciting to her!

Isn't it a cooking? Can you still stump her?

Susu thought, as long as he is doing things seriously, he will definitely make this meal! She just wants to let Su seven see, some things, not others can, and she Susu can't!

She wants Su to know that those things that she can't do are not that she will not be born, but that she has not gone to school!

As long as she really uses her heart to learn, she will be successful!

Looking at the rice in the pot soaked under the water, and saw that the water has been burned by the fire can already hear the sound of sorrow, Susu feels very satisfied!

Looking down at the fire in the stove, I found that it was already missing, and then hurriedly held a large hand, thrown directly next to the stove, and stuffed into the stove.

After the fire was over, he began to stare at the rice in the pot again.

Because she was afraid of worrying about things like yesterday, she simply didn't cover the lid. In her opinion, she could observe the situation in the pot nearby, and there would be no such thing as a heart-wrenching thing!

Look, she is still very smart!

Suddenly, Susu gave a brow.

The stomach is so swollen!

I didn’t sleep well last night, and I started to cook early in the morning, and I forgot to go to the toilet!

She glanced at the rice and water in the pot and thought about it again. After the phenomenon of the pottery last night, she hurriedly turned and went out!

However, Susu had forgotten to look at the stove. Her eyes were only staring at the pot, and she forgot to look at the stove at the foot!

Especially next to the stove, she gave so much firewood, and now the fire burned a little bit, and soon it reached the outside of the stove, connected with the firewood, the fire...More Fierce!

Su Qi didn't know this because he had closed his five senses. At this time, he was lying in bed, meditating on the inner workings.

The fire was a little bit up, and the sound of the screaming voice was getting bigger and bigger, and the tongue of the fire was getting higher and higher!

When Susu came out of the huts, when she saw the black smoke in the kitchen, she was dumbfounded!

"I added so much water, can I still cook?" She is incredible!

Especially in this case she can't accept it!

It’s really hard to accept the scene of your hard work and the ultimate ruin!

Do not dare to think, she rushed to the kitchen to run!

"Cough... What is going on here? Burning the house?"

Zhao Feilu was the first to discover that there was an intrusion of odors. He hurriedly awake the Azhao on the other side. Two people even refused to put on their clothes, and hurriedly opened the door and ran out!

When you open the door, you will see the fire in front of the kitchen stove!

"This... is this really going to burn the house? It’s a big New Year... fire!" Hey, Zhao Feilu hurriedly pushed Azhao, and two people rushed to the fire and picked up the pickpocket guy. Start beating the fire!

When Susu ran in, the fire was basically under control.

"This... what is going on here?"

I saw Zhao Feilu and Azhao two people standing in front of the stove, and even holding a wooden stick in their hands, and also copying the lid, Susu said that there was a moment of loss!

They... What is this?

Zhao Fei Lu Wenyan, turned to look at Susu.

"You ask us? We know what's going on here? This kitchen is good, how can it catch fire?"


He threw the stick on the ground.

This is about to see the New Year, but fortunately it is timely to find out, or else I really can't say that they can't go through this year!

A Zhao also breathed a sigh of relief, put down the lid in his hand, went to the door of Su Qi and knocked on the door.

Su Qi suddenly opened his eyes.

The first thing I felt was the smell of the air, which seemed to be a smoky smoke.

He glanced at the door that was ringing and hurried out of bed to open the door...

"Cough... How is it going?"

After opening the door, the taste is bigger and people can't help but cough.

He glanced at the Azhao standing at the door, wearing a white shirt on his body, standing on the side with a gray face, and then looking at it, Zhao Feilu’s equipment and Azhao were not much worse, and finally Susu.

Susu squinted his eyes and looked at the place in the kitchen at this time!

Without thinking about it, he can know what is going on!

Because he just saw Susu fire in the kitchen, and now there is a fire in the kitchen, and it is also irrelevant to her!

"Lonely Su, do you want to burn us?" Su Qi pressed the anger and asked Susu, a look of forbearance!

Looking at the mess in the kitchen, Su Qi really glad that they were not left in the home of a thousand snows last night!

Otherwise, is the Susu fire burning today, is it a house with thousands of snow?

Susu seems to be scared! Susan was so shocked that he was shocked.

Zhao Feilu disapproved of seeing Su Qi.

In the end, it’s a girl, why do you always talk like this?

Su Qi turned a blind eye to Zhao Fei’s eyes.

A few steps went to Susu, pointing to the direction of the stove, shouting Susu loudly.

"Look at you! This is what you do! On the first day, I burned the rice in the pot. The next day was better. I almost ordered the house! I’m so I want to ask you. If there is another third day, are you ready to cook and then poison us?

What are you doing this? Are you ready to let us go this year? ”

Susu hurriedly looked up and looked at Su Qi incredulously.


"What happened to me? Lonely Su, if you messed up one thing, please don't do this again in the future, okay? Do you really want to kill us all, are you willing? Are you? Don't know if you have no talent for cooking?"

Su Qi’s words are simply awkward!诛 Susu's heart!

She blinked a little, and her tears fell out of her eyes and flowed on her cheeks.

"I just want to make a meal for you. I didn't think so much... How do I know that I will almost burn the kitchen..."

"I didn't expect it! I didn't expect it! Can you tell me what is in your heart? Do you have to do all the wrong things, you have to use the statement without thinking that you can solve it? You know that this house is what we ask for." Someone else borrowed from us, but what if you burned it? Have you thought about this?"

Su Qi grabbed this thing and did not relax, and he reprimanded Susu.

Such an unrelenting accusation, let Zhao Fei deer and A Zhao, who stood on one side, could not help but frown.

Su Qi, what happened to him? He is not like someone who will be so angry? And the object is still a woman...

Susu looked at Su Qi, and from his eyes, he clearly saw disgust! That moment, the heart tears the general pain!

"Su seven you bastard!" She screamed at Su Qi, randomly smashed Zhao Feilu and ran back to her house.

In the kitchen, there was no sound.

Su Qi sighed deeply after Susu left.

He doesn't want to be like this, but... some things are constantly interrupted and disturbing.

He can't let Susu care about this vain feeling as a life. He wants to wake up Susu!

After Susu ran back to the room, he immediately picked up the things!

This place, she really can't stay anymore!

The words that Su Qi said are really the same as using a knife to lick her heart! There is no difference at all!

She never knew that hurting a person with words would even hurt like this!


When I packed up my baggage, suddenly something fell to the ground, and Susu wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and bent over to kneel.

But in the next second, the things on the ground were pinched tightly in the palm of your hand.

Susu no longer packed up, she sat on the bed, holding her hand tightly in her hand, in a daze.

To be more precise, she is thinking.

She just, it was really hurt by the words of Su Qi! I thought about it, since you don’t want to see me, I am so disgusted by your side, then I am leaving! But after the gas passed, she was not reconciled!

Why should I leave?

It was his su 7's own promise, let him stay with him for three months, but now there are ten days from three months, why should she leave?


Even if you want to go, then you have to wait until the time is up, when he really can't accept his heart, go!

However, Susu sighed with a sigh of relief, according to Su Qi’s attitude of disgusting her now, after ten days, I wonder if Su Qi would not have a slight preference for himself.

Susu took out the things in his hand and looked down.

This thing was the last time Zhao Feilu went to the famous * to bring her back. At first, Zhao Feilu misunderstood her. She thought that she was going to make a hard bow on the Suqi Overlord, so she bought this kind of potent medicine, even Colorless and tasteless, the kind that blows into the air!

This thing is indeed intended to be used on Su Qi's body, but it has never been to let Su Qi and her...

She just wants to take this lesson to teach Su Qi!

But I had no courage in the last two days, and this thing was stranded, and now...

Susu decided that she would punish Su Qi well!

Let you dare to do this to me!

In the morning, because there was no food, Zhao Feilu and A Zhao arranged the kitchen slightly, and sorted out a little, and went to the town together.

There is no way, no one at home can cook, and can only go outside to buy!

In fact, it is also intended to give them two spaces to be alone. After all... the misunderstanding between the two of them seems to be quite large!

Susu heard the voice of Zhao Feilu and Azhao. She waited for about half an hour in the room, and then she opened the door and walked to the door of Suqi.

Biting his lip, Susu thought in his heart with resentment: "Let you bully me! Let you marry me! Today the county owner will give you some bitter food!"

Take out the porcelain bottle that has been shackled in your hand, and pull out an open hollow from the arms, something like a bamboo tube.

Pour out the powder from the porcelain bottle and put it into the bamboo tube. It blows directly into the door that is not closed to Su Qi!

Susuben thought this thing, she is doing seamlessly!

But it has always been forgotten that Su Qi is a martial arts person, martial arts people unless they do not want to listen, or else their ears are very good!

In particular, Su Qi is now in a mess of chaos, and even more worried about what stupid things he will do if he is embarrassed, and his emotions have always been highly vigilant!

In Susu, she opened her own door and stood in front of her own door. All these movements did not escape the ears of Su Qi.

When you saw a bamboo pipe stuck in the crack in the door, even if there seemed to be any gas being blown in the next second, Su Qi knew it!

Perhaps it is his own reflection. At the moment when Susu blows in, Su Qi will directly move the palm of his hand, and in a moment he will put all the things that are colorless and tasteless back!

Next second...

"Ah... cough! Hey!"

Susu will think that this kind of thing will actually rebound!

She clearly remembers that she was blowing in, but why did she stuff these things into her mouth?

and also! Zhao Feilu said that it is wrong, this thing has no color, but it has a taste!

Super bitter!

The next moment, the door in front of him was opened, and Su Qi stood at the door.

"Lonely Su, what are you doing?" He frowned and looked at Susu, his face confused.


Nature is to retaliate against you! Give you this medicine, and then let you bear the kind of torture that is said to be very inhuman!

Non-human... torture?

Susu looked up and looked at Su Qi with an unbelievable look!

It seems that she just didn't use that kind of thing for Su Qi, but she ate it all into her mouth... Is it?


The bottle in his hand fell to the ground, and the bamboo tube fell to the ground.

Susu is stupid!

Su Qi blinked a little, and she saw that she was so sad at this time that she must have done something bad!

I took a look at the bottle on the ground and didn't have a name. Su Qi didn't know what the thing was, but it would not be a good thing to think about it!

"Lonely Su, what did you do?" His voice was unknowingly stunned!

After all, what was blown in, but he was all backed up by him!

Sussoon was panicked...

"Su Qi... I just want to punish you, but now that medicine has been eaten by me, do you say that I will die?"

This is a sentence that has no head and no trouble, so that Su Qi suddenly tightened his brow, really do not understand what is so small Su is what is said!

"What medicine did you take?"