MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 178 Wind waves, caused by the mantle.

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No matter what people outside think, anyway, the two people in the car are heating up at this time.

The two did not do anything out of the ordinary. Ning Shaoqing understood the strange snow, and the strange snow was really not allowed, so the two of them were very quiet together.

Of course, occasionally, you will kiss and make a whisper.

After the kiss, the carriage was completely quiet.

Two people enjoy the warm and quiet moments.

"Shao Qing... Do you know what dream I had in the morning?"

Suddenly, the strange snow reminded of the dream she had made, and the corners of her mouth could not help but curl up.

Ning Shaoqing holds her in her arms, her hands are soft and the Buddha's long hair is strange, and she is very curious.

"What did you dream of?" The curvature of the lips opened, and the eyes were narrow. "Isn't Snow Snow dreaming of me?"

Who is this man's bear child, and quickly take it away!

Mo Qianxue once again gave him a blank eye.

However, Ning Shaoqing said that there is nothing wrong with it. It is indeed dreaming of him, but dreaming of him, but also dreaming of others...

Thinking of that dream, the face of a strange snow did not consciously smile.

"I dreamed that we were living in Wangjiacun, living a comfortable life, and there are three children, little buns sprouting, very cute! You are so petting them. Let me all smash..."

Everything is said to be thoughtful, and there is a dream in the night. In fact, this is also what the thousands of snow are longing for.

Wen Yan, Ning Shaoqing's hand was a meal, and suddenly I felt sorry for the strange snow.

If it weren’t for him, even if it’s really a prostitute of the National Government, it’s just like the idea of ​​pursuing stability before her, I’m afraid that it’s not going to be on the road to Beijing, and it’s not going to be so dangerous. Come in life.

However, his snow and snow is because he is dismissive of the dangers of the future, choose to follow him, and suffer from such frost and rain.

I don't want to make the atmosphere become awkward. Ning Shaoqing gently evoked the chin of the strange snow, and smiled slightly: "It turned out that Snow Snow has already planned for the husband, and has three children..."

A thousand miles of snow, she was teased by this bad guy, and now she rushed to make a bite. "You are too bad!"

Ning Shaoqing’s eyelids flashed, but he chose to close it, and the light cello sound rose again. “It’s so bad for the husband, then... snow and snow like it?”



The nine-door admiral is at the door.

In the performance of the military field, Su Qi Ming bravely challenged the five majors of the Admiral.

The five permanents used to be the imperial predecessor with a knife to defend, and later step by step to be the garrison commander, his skill is not low.

Under the blue sky, in front of many soldiers, although the two men are handed in, they can only point to it.

After receiving the work, the five regulars were still set up in the performance of the martial arts field. Su Qi was fanned by a small fan and left.

On the surface, there is no distinction between the top and bottom. In fact, the soldiers in the presence are all bright, and the deputy General Su shocked the adult.

In the past, Su Qi did not see the powers and responsibilities of this deputy. This deputy is only a matter of expediency. However, now he is extremely impressed that he has not put the power of the nine-door admiral in his hands.

Contrary to the five regulars, but his heart is angry.

I remembered the fire that night, so many people could potential Beijing, sneak into the government, so big movements, but he did not know, can only be the five common ghosts.

With his years of experience in the military, with the strength of their Su family, the overbearing of the five permanent, the power of the entire nine-door admiral house is only a matter of time.

Although she does not accept him, he still will protect her.

She chose to stay with Ning Shaoqing, and it is not a hard road.

I can't help her through the obstacles around her, she can secretly protect her, and it is another kind of perfection.

Fans of small fans, seemingly chic Su Qi out of the door of the nine-door admiral, they walked in the direction of the National Government.

Regardless of why the emperor ordered the appropriation to allow the public officials to build a government office, he would never allow anyone to make trouble.

The Susu County Lord has been quietly following him, suddenly opening his mouth. "In fact, why are you suffering?"

Su Qi was a stalemate and stopped.

Susu County did not guard against the Suqi will stop, suddenly hit the back of Su Qi, suddenly the nose is sour.

I didn't expect it to be in the ear, Su Qi's counter-request, "Why are you suffering?" Make her more sour.

Yes. Qian Xue didn't want him, he was busy with Qian Xue. Su Qi didn't want her, but she was busy with Su Qi.

Covering the sadness, the Susu County Lord seems to be justified. "You are not married, I am not married."

Su Qi has a heavy weight, and he has never had a good tone on the Susu County Lord.

"I advise you not to waste time on me. Lonely Su, don't blame me for not warning you, you are almost eighteen years old, and dragging it down will only harm you."

The Susu County Lord has already practiced the iron wall and the wall, and he said, "I am not hurting myself, can you manage it?"

Su Qi was caught.

He has always been mad, but since the Susu County’s main name was Lonely Sue, he has always been angry.

The Susu County Lord can follow him like this, not only the Prince’s Palace agreed, even the Su family also defaulted.

A woman can't walk or walk, he can't go, he... there is no way.


The word of the wind and dust sent back to the wind home has been well-received. The letter there is said to be a good luck, let him go to the wind home to answer, and give this door in advance.

As long as the eight characters are combined, the rules are only waiting for the days to be settled, and the marriage is on the face.

Since the marriage is about to pass the bright side, the blue family is not a stingy person, so they will leave the wind and dust in the dusty garden, let the blue dream go to the tea.

After picking up the cup, there was nothing to say.

Lan Ruo Meng asked the National Government Office with politeness, and asked about the strange snow, the wind and dust would open his mouth.

"Thousands of snow have grown up in the wind, and I have treated her as a sister. Her parents have both died. At this time, they have been in great trouble. I will take you to see her in the next day. You are all women, so comfort and comfort." ”

He was very worried about her and wanted to go to the farm. However, I did not want to add chaos to her.

Since he can no longer do it, he does not want to let the thousands of snow suffer the slightest damage.

Ning Shaoqing is jealous of him, how can he not know.

Otherwise, he has already visited the door alone.

Lan Ruo Meng knew that the wind and dust had a bad feeling for this cousin. She also liked the strange snow, and she agreed.

Neither of them was an active person, and they talked about this topic on this topic.

Of course, the more you talk, the more things will be revealed in the eyes of the wind, and the blue dream will sink down a little.



When he returned to Zhuangzi in the evening, Ning Shaoqing did not go along with him.

Now there is such a big event in the government office, and all parties are closely watching the actions of the thousands of snow.

Even if he did not have any threats, he had to take care of the thousands of snow.

Besides, there are still a hundred soldiers in the squatting camp staring there.

When Zhuangzi was still three or four miles away, Ning Shaoqing left with a knife slave. Soon, the guards who followed her to Beijing chased them up.

Not far away, the Wei deputy of the 骁 营 都 迎 都 都 都 都 都 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦 韦

Wei Dudu was also very hard, and the emperor said that he would lead him to protect Zhuangzi. If he was in the city, he would be protected, but...

It was unfortunately very early this morning. When he left the house, he was a little sick with a few prostitutes, so...



Early the next morning, when the strange snow was still asleep, the people in Zhuangzi had already been busy with the work of the three fires.

These days have been too exhausted, and it’s rare to wake up and wake up to wake up naturally.

I originally wanted to sleep on the carriage that I came back yesterday. It was destroyed by Ning Shaoqing’s bad guy.

Two people roll in the carriage, although the final is not really made, but those who touch and touch are also full set.

Thinking of this, just a blind eye of a thousand snow all of a sudden sweet like honey, where there is a trace of annoying emotions.

As long as she thinks of Ning Shaoqing, her whole heart is warm and sweet.

Stretched a sigh of relief and sat up.

Looking at the few meters of sunlight coming in from the window, she suddenly felt that life was really beautiful!

When I heard the movement inside the house on the first day outside, I hurriedly knocked on the door to signal the approval of the strange snow, and came in.

Waiting for a thousand snow to clean up and clean up, after breakfast, the time is almost noon.

A rare good mood, a thousand snow is ready to take a turn in Zhuangzi.

She really wants to make a good turn, Zhuangzi's general she knows, but a lot of things have to be implemented on the details.

For example, now she went to the backyard.

Because, she wants to open the seasoning factory on the land of the Crescent Lake, and that the cover warehouse has hoarded beans, which has become a top priority.

Although the Crescent Lake and her villa are a bias toward the east of the city, they are not too far away, and they are all flat, and the road is also good. Transportation is also very convenient.

This piece is a farmland, and it is convenient to collect beans.

Thinking about it, a thousand snow would come to the backyard without knowing it.

Looking up, I saw Wang Tiansong leading a group of people who were digging the soil there.

Mo Qiang felt a little curious. She did not say what to do in this backyard. Why did Wang Tiansong not report it, but did not use her consent to make a big move here?

What do they want to do?

When I think of asking questions, I am blurted out. "What are you doing?"

A group of people who dig and resist, turned back and found that the strange snow stood nearby.


"Missy is good."

The greetings sounded one after another, but the thousands of snow did not care, and squinted forward, but they wanted to see what they were doing.

In the distance, it’s just that a group of people are digging holes. Specifically, they can’t figure out what they are doing. This is a look, they dig this pit...


Slanting down, with a steep slope, is clearly the situation of the mantle.

Wen Yan, Wang Tiansong nodded, it seems that he was not aware of the feeling of a thousand snow, and he was very careful when he spoke.

"Missy, let's dig a cellar here. When it's autumn, just store the cabbage radish and eat it fresh."

"Is it used in the fall? Why don't you wait until the fall to dig?"

"The Missy does not know, this place must first be dug, and it has to be dried up before it can save things."

"What about the front yard? Why not dig in the front yard?" A thousand snow coldly glanced at Wang Tiansong.

It’s not that she is stingy and doesn’t let them dig in the backyard.

But in this backyard, she was just interested in building a warehouse of beans.

This bean will mature in June, and it has been less than a month since the golden season of collecting beans. As a raw material for soy sauce and vinegar, soy beans are the most important! She is not allowed to have a little difference!

If you build a warehouse in the backyard and dig up the cellar, then the people who are worried will hide directly in the cellar, crawling out with the black wind at night and putting a fire...

The consequences are really unimaginable.

Wang Tiansong saw a cold face, and explained it again and again.

"Missy, you know the front yard. There is no place, and since the ancient times, the cellars have been dug in the backyard and placed in the front yard... there are many things that are rushing."

A thousand miles of snow and lips, not talking.

The ancients were superstitious, and it was impossible for them to change them. It has been so many years, even if they want to change them.

In fact, what Wang Tiansong said is really true. No one will ever dig a big hole in the front yard. This in itself is a bad thing for life.

It was her own speech that didn’t go through the brain!

The fact that the backyard digs the mantle is indeed a continuation of tradition.

But I don’t want to let this place be placed here! Don't want it at all!

She couldn't let her set up the condiment plant with a little bit of damage due to any suspicious factors.

She wants to kill the hazard in the bud!

"Don't there be other places?"


Wang Tiansong is really hard to say.

To say this is the best place, that is, the backyard.

Other places are indeed able to choose, but the road is far from saying, and the second place is also a frequent departure.

If this is to dig a mantle in a place that often walks, Wang Tiansong is also drunk...

Missy, you can do it well. Do you really want to see them in this group of people, and suddenly disappeared one day while walking?

After seeing Wang Tiansong’s helpless eyes, Mo Qianshen also reflected it in an instant.

"Cough... then don't dig!"

She must keep the backyard, since there is no choice in other places, then simply do not dig this so-called cellar!

After the big winter, go out and buy some green vegetables!

"Ah?" Wang Tiansong suddenly burst into surprise!

If you don't dig the ground, things like cabbage radishes fall down in the fall, where should you put them? What are they going to eat in the winter?

"Missy, this... If the cellar is not dug, we will have no vegetables in stock in the winter!"

Once upon a time in Wangjiacun, the autumn harvested those who made it, and in the winter they all eat pickles.

However, now that Zhuangzi is so big and the land is fertile, it is a good harvest to plant some vegetables at any place. There are good days, but that’s really... oh...

"Go and buy it. When it's winter, buy some seasonal vegetables, just right."

Mo Qianxue really feels that this idea is very good!

The winter is cold, and basically I don’t want to move. The big fish and the big meat are always tired. Although the winter vegetables are not cheap, but spend more money to let everyone eat a fresh one. of.

After the first day in the snow, the mouth of the mouth was pumped...

"Miss, go there to get vegetables in the winter? The only thing you eat the most is cabbage radish."

Although the rain spin is not a local person, I also know that there is no so-called vegetable in the winter. It is indeed a bit shameful to listen to the words of a thousand snow.

“No?” A thousand thousand snow instantly looked back at them with surprise.

"Yes, in the winter, there are still ways to live with those things." The first day hurriedly nodded, for fear that their family would not believe.

So, this place is still honestly digging here!

A thousand miles of snow, she spent the winter in Wangjiacun.

The shop in the dock sells the main course of tofu pig lung soup, and then the buns.

At that time, it was far from the city, and the conditions were poor. Naturally, I did not expect to buy any vegetables, so I could make some dishes like Chinese cabbage Robb potatoes.

It seems that there is something floating in the mind of the stranger, but it is not caught!

She hurriedly closed her eyes and felt a little...


Wang Tiansong just wanted to ask about the strange snow. This place was dug or not dug, but it was stopped by a thousand snow.

Seeing the serious appearance of the strange snow, everyone did not dare to say more, simply stood by and waited.

Hundreds of snow closed his eyes and he was already immersed in his own thoughts.

No vegetables... no vegetables...

But how can there be no vegetables? In modern times, can winter still eat vegetables? Not to mention vegetables, even fruits are commonplace!

Although transportation is a big part in modern times, another part...

Open your eyes!

The strange thousand snow mouth smirked and smiled.

"Okay! It’s not necessary to dig this place, fill it in!"

For a moment, everyone’s mood is not good!

"Missy, if this is to fill the cellar, what should we do in the winter?"

"Yes, Missy! Otherwise, let's fill this piece with death. It's a big deal to dig in the west. How do you see it?" The west side of Wang Tiansong's mouth is the so-called sidewalk, most of which are everyone walking. local.

Wang Tiansong has no way. He can’t always look at Zhuangzi’s no cellar. In winter, everyone has no food to eat?

A thousand snow always smiles at the corners of his mouth. The anxious look of the surrounding people was not contagious to half.

"Do not worry, fill it, I promise that in the winter, you will be sure to eat fresh and delicious vegetables."

Mo Qianxue is the master. Since the master said that he did not dig the ground, they also asked for a long time, and they did not persuade the thousands of snow.

Even the first day and the rainy two followed suit, but they did not succeed.

In the end, they still buried the cellar that had just been dug.

After the strange snow saw that they blocked the cellar, they turned and left.

The first day and the rain swirled two people and looked at each other. They didn't understand that the cellars were all filled up. What are they happy about?

Compared with the incomprehensibility of the people, after a few thousand snows returned to the house, they directly prepared the pen and ink, and then spread the flat on the desktop to write and draw.

And what she painted is mainly the greenhouse!

Yes, yes, just in the backyard, the flash of light is the winter greenhouse!

Although she passed through this world, although it was almost a year old, my mind did not pay attention to it.

If it is not today that I saw Wang Tiansong, they are digging the cellar, maybe she will not think of it in my life!

Since modernity can swell out of the greenhouse, why can't she get it out in this ancient time?

And she believes that there is even an instinct. If she really gives the winter shed, it will be a scene of financial resources!

Which conditional free-selling person does not want to have a green vegetable in the winter and eat a crunchy cucumber...

"A three!"

I want to do it, this is the creed of life.

So after thinking about this series of things, Mo Qiang directly screamed Ah San, who had been outside the door. "Go and ask your family to come over."

Ghostly injury has not yet returned, Ah San and A Wu will become her hip-hop.

Want to build a greenhouse, it is simple to say, no material is not simple.

Ningjia is the first super family of this dynasty, and the business is very extensive. If you communicate with Ning Shaoqing, you may get unexpected results.

Ah San is naturally afraid to follow and lead his life.

After an hour, Ning Shaoqing came.

"Thousands of snow, find me something?" Ning Shaoqing knows that a thousand snow is not a sticky person, this time eagerly called him to come, there is something.

"Ning Shaoqing, you told me that there is no plastic sheet in this era!"

When I saw Ning Shaoqing coming in, it was like seeing the sun **** Apollo, and the whole body was full of positive energy!

"Plastic cloth? What is that?"

Ning Shaoqing was very surprised by this strange vocabulary that Mo Qiang suddenly asked. After thinking about it, I decided that I had never heard of it, and I looked at the strange snow.

I really don't know his snow and snow, why is there always such a strange thing.


Seeing the expression of Ning Shaoqing, a strange snow knows that in this time and space, plastic cloth has not yet been born.

The main thing used in winter greenhouses is plastic sheeting. If this thing is not there, then what is the winter greenhouse?

For a moment, a thousand miles of snow.

Seeing a thousand snow seems to be a poor pity of the abandoned puppy, Ning Shaoqing's heart has long been soft and messy!

In the first two steps, I embraced a thousand miles of snow, and softly comforted me: "What is Xue Xue looking for?" Although I have seen a lot of people walking in the north and the north, but this kind of thing you said is still unheard of. ""

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