MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 166 Su Qi's confession

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Mo Zhen reveals the most happy smile of his life in the arms of a strange snow. The first fifteenth squatting on the ground, sobbing in depression, the shoulders shrug.

There is sadness in the heart of a thousand snow, but I can't cry. In the life of the world, the grass and the autumn, the fingers and the waves, and fleeting, are all over the eyes.

Only when you have the most wanted days, and you are with your favorite people, you can really live. Although Mo Zhen walked, but she walked with a smile, for her, what is not the best ending, not only can not be sad, but also happy for her, she finally saw her dream people.

At this moment, Mo Qianxue suddenly had an epiphany.

The mind is uncertain, naturally confused, the heart has no place, and the nature is lonely.

Mo Zhen’s heart has been set, and it is truly a death, and it is a kind of ultimate happiness to die in the dream of knitting.

And her, where is her stable harbor?

Yes, there is Ning Shaoqing.

Yes, she actually disappoints the beauty of the good for what name, what position, and again and again...

It’s enough to retreat for some feudal ethics!

From today, she has to live her life. The stranger saw the color of his face on the face of the master. Some worried wit, "Mo Niang has already gone, Missy Day is sad! Just, it is not appropriate to stay here for a long time, we still have to leave this dark road."

Although the dark road was built to be strong, the fire on the top was too big, and the bottom was also somewhat uncomfortable. Of course, the stranger thinks that it is not that they are uncomfortable, but that the government is now in a mess, or it is better to protect Missy and go out to host the overall situation.

After returning to the gods, the thousands of snows were calm and quiet, and the stranger did not see the sorrow in the imagination. The heart was painful and comforting. He was really scared, Mo Niang died, Missy was indulged.

Handing the cockroaches in the arms to the fifteen, the strange thousand snow stood up and came up. "The road ahead." The sound is cold, but there is no sadness and no joy on the surface. It is like walking in the garden and enjoying the flowers.

The raised sputum is dark and dark, and it is the stability of the Taishan Mountain that collapses in front and does not change color.

This is a kind of calming and calming that needs to be accumulated through the years and the time, and there is no trace of arrogance, gentle and pleasant.

It’s not just a stranger’s house, but a stranger’s stranger is a glimpse.

Next, all are admired.

If the weight is light, and it is easy to retract, this is a must for a successful superior.

The stranger was only slightly injured, and the action was not dragged. He held the torch and carefully pointed the direction and walked forward.

Although this dark road leads to the outside, it can be used as an escape route. There are naturally numerous ramps to confuse the enemy.

Mo Qianxue followed behind, and the rain swirled on one side to help her, but she refused. Although she was also a fierce battle, she was protected. Although her clothes were messy, her body was weak, but she was not hurt.

It was rain, the lips and blood, the sleeves were cut, the blood on the body, it seems that the injury is not light.

After all, A San A is a man. After looking at each other, I want to take Mo Yan from the 15th. However, the fifteenth is very sloppy. Although there are some injuries, he bites his teeth and will be behind him. The first one is on the side.

This is the last thing they can do for Mo Zhen.

About the time of touching a column of incense, the pedestrians passed a few martyrdoms, and there was a step in front of them. The front was a stone wall. The stranger touched the organs and the stone walls moved.

Out of Shimen, it seems to be a cellar. There is still a person standing by the door. When they see their group, they come out and ask, "Is it the old steward?"

In the cellar, there was a light, and the person who saw the sound was a thousand-year-old man. He was a one-armed middle-aged man. Although he has only one arm, the line on the surface is steel.

Seeing the thousands of snow and looking up, the one-armed man was in a series. "I heard that there was a big event in the government, and the old slaves were here. It’s okay for Miss Tian."

The stranger managed to put the torch in his hand on the wall and introduced, "Missy, this is Laowu. It was the soldier who was under the grandfather of the country. Because of the injury, he could not go to the battlefield again. He is here, running this small store."

"Lao Wu asked Miss An." This is a standard military ceremony on one knee.

"Uncle Wu is polite." Mo Qiang raised his hand and gestured to him. "How is the situation outside?"

Laowu got up and replied: "I heard that something happened, Laowu sent people to explore the news. The government office has been burned to ashes, and there is a rumored Missy... the rumor that Missy is buried in the sea."

Funeral fire? !

Even Laowu got the news, and Ning Shaoqing must have arrived at the scene.

How can he suffer from such a bad consumption? !

It must be a pain, and my heart is like a knife...

No, she is going to see him. What if he is in a mess? How can it be... This is not a remorse for life.

Unexpectedly, the snow could not be taken from the other side and rushed out from the exit on the other side. This is just a small shop, which is lined up from the cellar. It is the appearance of a bedroom, probably the residence of Laowu.

Rushing out, naturally it is the outside store, the door is naturally closed.

When a thousand snow reached out and was ready to open the door, she remembered that she would figure it out and she would not know the way.

In Beijing, although she has been here for more than a month, there are not many times she actually went out. The road in Beijing, the humanities most of the time still opened in the carriage to see the curtain.

"Come on, lead the way ahead, and return home quickly."


Among the wreckage of the National Government, Ning Shaoqing and Su Qijian came to fan, and they fought smoothly.

Although there was a fight in this place, no one was lying close. The stranger kept watching the stunned sneaky side, and later Azhao and the stranger became a corner.

That sword is coming urgently.

That one, go to risk.

It seems that the same is true, and the three people on the side are thrilling.

Suddenly, the two shouted! The three people only felt that the flowers were in front of them, and the two had stood in the same place when they had not moved. They were separated from each other, staring at each other and standing opposite each other.

Ning Shaoqing's gaze, not instantaneous, and looking at Su Qi!

The light of Su Qi is also not instantaneous, and it looks like Ning Shaoqing!

The moment that I just separated was too fast. For a while, the three couldn’t tell who was winning and who was born, who was born and who died.

Or, they all have the other side's tricks, but the man's face is dead.

Long time, long time!

Silence, silence!

Both of them are swaying.

Ning Shaoqing took care of the truth and sneered. "Have you been deliberate last time?"

Su Qi also replied from the entry, the iron fan opened, and shook it up in disappointment. "Is nothing, not how?"

Don't ask, those paintings must still be there.

Ning Shaoqing's blue veins burst out, "Su Qi, even if you hide privately, you can't see it again. Today I will make you die better than death. In this life, whether you are born or dead, you don't even have the right to think..."

The fan was collected, and the two palms were beaten. Su Qi was scorned. "Ning Shaoqing, you can rest assured, I am not as stingy as you. If you die, I will spread your ashes to this land and go down with her. ...... "The magic sword flashed a flash of light, passing through the air, "taking" the sound, Jianguang passed, the wind began to crack.

The fan that beats between the palms is fixed, and the Su seven is an unprecedented dignity.

This style, what he knows, is the trick of the Magic Sword, "God Eagle Falls". I heard that Ningjia has been practiced by many generations, and Ning Shaoqing is really practicing Wu Qicai.

It seems that it is time to win and lose, and it is time to die.

Su Qi Ning is so angry, the iron fan is sent slightly, and the wind blows the dance clothes. It is the last form of the Su family that does not pass the school ‘with the same life’.

Flying through a lonely geese in the air, the geese screamed, but I don’t know if it was sigh or pity.

The three people watching the game on the field, the heart has already mentioned the eyes of the blind, both of them are hard and hard. If this is a contest, there will be death and injury.

The two condensed infuriatingly and really wanted to fight.

A figure in the distance flashed to this side. If the person has not arrived, the voice will arrive first.

There was a splendid drink in the wind, "Stop!"

The person who flies is naturally a strange snow.

At this time, she is already so angry that she is about to knot. What happened to these two men, her national government has become like this, they not only did not help her aftermath, but also played here.

Sometimes happiness comes too suddenly, it is also a blow.

At this time, the face was covered with smoke and fire, and it was all kinds of chaos. At this time, it was already dark, and the clothes were just wearing a medium coat. It was the middle coat, it was also black, red, and there was no place. Clean place.

However, Ning Shaoqing still recognized her at a glance.

Sword-style, dew surprise, no disgust, only distressed, "Thousands of snow? You are not dead?"

"Do you expect me to die?" There is no gas in the heart of a thousand snows.

She is worried about thousands of fears, afraid that he is sad, he is good, still eating flying vinegar, and her male girlfriends compared with martial arts.

Su Qi naturally recognized the strange snow, received the infuriating, his face was an unprecedented happy smile, but the mouth is, "Thousands of snow, you are black, this big night, is to hit the coal pile Roll it?"

Su Qi, you catch a ghost, this time, don't forget to adjust your grandmother.

A little snow and a little crying and laughing, turned to Su seven, "You only rolled in the coal heap! Su seven, you are not good to stay in your Su family, run here to see what is lively. Right, you are nine The general of the Gate of the Governor's Office, where did you go before an hour? Is such a loud noise, is the nine-door Admiral House eating? You..."

The stranger is not in a good mood, and the words are naturally untamed.

Only when she had not finished, she fell into a embrace.

"Thousands of snow, you are fine. You scared me to death..." Ning Shaoqing jumped over and embraced a thousand dollars into the arms, very tight and tight, so tight that she could not dissolve her into her bone marrow, as if she had let go of her She will disappear in general.

No matter how dirty he is, no matter how dirty he is, how good a person is, she is fine.

Ning Shaoqing clung to the snow and pressed her forehead to his chin, shaking his hand.

It is a kind of happiness that is lost and recovered. It is a feeling of being cherished.

Although Qian Qianxue was a little breathless by this hug, the tremor made her feel helpless at that time, feeling the pain, sorrow and fear in his heart.

Such a tight hug, a thousand snow even heard the sound of his throat.

The person who can make Ning Shaoqing so gentle is so rude, presumably, he is really shocked. A sour heart, it will soften.

Tenderness is like the warm moonlight on the top of the head, and it flows through the atrium of the thousands of snow. The bottom of my heart is inexplicable and swaying.

He is fine, he is still alive, what else can be considered.

"Shaoqing, I am here. You are like this, I am a little breathless." In fact, she wants to say that I am really dirty, dirty to myself, I am embarrassed to let you hold.

Ning Shaoqing’s hand was slightly loose, but the arms of a thousand snows were taken along, and the whole was away from the warm embrace.

I haven’t stood still yet, and I’ve heard Su San’s hard words in the ear. “Thousands of snow, you regret it now.”

Mo Qianxue looked down at that force, and Su Qi was staring at her.

Twilight is opposite, the heart of a thousand snow jumps, this Su Qi's eyes are strange! Not ordinary care, not ordinary cynicism... no laughter on my face.

Somehow, on the dawn of such a light, the strangeness of a thousand dollars without a reason, reaching out and knocking out Su Qi’s hand holding his arm, but it is still a fog, “What regrets after me?”

Ning Shaoqing had already passed by, separated by a thousand snow and Su Qi, and screamed warning, "Su Qi, don't be too much!"

Since Su Qi made up his mind, he would not retreat. "I have something to ask Qianxue. You better walk away." Dare to say that the owner of the super family is so rude, I am afraid that Suqi is the first one. .

Ning Shaoqing is extremely angry, "You..."

Mo Qianxue took over the words of Ning Shaoqing. "You asked him to ask, I really want to hear. What makes the Suqi son who has never been shaped so carefully." She didn't want them to fight again. .

If anything is said, after she has finished, she will have to be a good one.

The government of the country, even if it is burned, is still her territory.

Moreover, real gold is not afraid of fire, there are many gold jade articles in the family, and there are slaves, she has to accept one by one...

In the middle of the night, she is not easy.

Ning Shaoqing swept away a thousand snow, she was awkward, he could not understand, pity her suffering, do not want to Buddha her intentions, Ning Shaoqing snorted, turned his face, no longer see Su Qi.

Although he likes jealousy, he also believes that he is only in the heart of a thousand snow.

Some things, Qian Xue knows may not be a good thing. Some words are spoken by Qian Xue, and Su Qi does not give up, but also has to die. Maybe, I will never come back in my life. Ning Shaoqing chose the default and turned his back.

The stranger first knows the feelings of Su Qi, and Ah Zhi knows more deeply. Several people unconsciously retreat back and try to reduce their sense of existence. Staring at the strange snow, there was something rushing in the eyes of Su Qi, and several people wanted to overflow, but they were finally pressed.

"Thousands of snow, if you want, I will take you out of this capital city. If you leave this, you will have to report your parents' hatred. I will help you too. You like to live happily. I am free to accompany you..."

For the first time, Shi Qianxue heard Su Qi speak in such a soft tone.

Surprised and raised, the pair of eyes on the sea sighed in the sea, faintly revealing a steel blue from the black and white, which made people feel heart-wrenching.

This is a kind of temptation between men and boys, both pure and swaying, gentle and unruly.

Su Qi stood still, and no longer speaks, just staring at the strange snow, his eyes are deep and clear, and the feelings of Yingying overflow from it.

Today, he no longer wants to hide his affection.

At this time, the strange snow is too stupid to understand the meaning of Su Qi, this is to confess to her.


This Su Qi is not a fever, her true husband is still here.

Once again, the eyes of Su Qi are as soft as water, and they infiltrate a little bit, destroying the wall of the heart that is considered to be hard.

It is impossible to say that the heart is not moving.

After all, she used to sit in the wild and scatter. After all, she also bite people and touched people... After all, she is also very appreciative of this Suqi.

To be honest, the kind of life in his mouth is indeed what she once most yearned for.

No one is silent, Su is silent.

Ning Shaoqing remembered the bite between the necks of Su Qi on the same day, and there was uncertainty in the heart, and the eyes flashed cold.

If you don't see a strange snow, if you don't see the government office burnt black, he has already exploded.

Of course, even if he did not rise, the air-conditioning on his body was condensed and could not stand.

The atmosphere suddenly became stagnant and forced to hit.

Mo Qianxue is not hesitant to like or dislike Su Qi, and does not follow her, just do not know how to reject this sudden affection.

During the flash, I thought of the Susu County Lord.

I felt that the son of Ning Shaoqing’s body was sour and repressed, and that the thousand snows recovered the light, and then looked down, she was afraid that she would be unbearable, and even more afraid that Ning Shaoqing’s vinegar jar would be sour, “Susu County Lord It is a good girl."

This sentence is not directly rejected, but it is another kind of refusal.

Although Su Qi knows that a thousand snow may refuse, of course, the heart is still a pain in the heart. "But my heart is only you."

Mo Qianxue looked back, and the words were firm and blunt, "But I don't have you in my heart."

"If you follow me, you don't have to face such a hurricane." Su Qi can wander alone for ten years, and naturally has the ability to survive.

Mo Qianxue is a sneer, ironically, "Where am I going with you? Here are the people I love, here is my home, I am the wife of Ning Shaoqing who has not passed the door... In my heart, only Ning Shaoqing is alone. ”

Although she can't bear it, she must let him die. In terms of feelings, she has never been a drag-and-drop person. The deeper the injury, the faster he can get out of the mire of feelings.

Ning Shaoqing’s heart was set, but Su Qi was somewhat desperate.

In the heartache, "Don't you... I don't have a little bit of it..." There seems to be a praying in the language.

Unexpectedly, he did not let him finish. "I have always been a friend when you are. If you say another word, you can't even make friends in the future."

The words fell, and Qian Qianxue grabbed Ning Shaoqing’s hand and walked forward.

After a few steps, I stopped.

Just, don't look back, "Good to cherish Susu, she is the person you are looking for."

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