MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 16 Wangjiacun

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Susu originally thought, must give Su seven a bitter eat! Let him always bully himself!

However, she repeatedly rubbed the medicine in her hand for a few times, but she never used it.

After all, a woman who uses this medicine to give a man is more or less perverted!

Yes, it is metamorphosis.

From that day when Zhao Feilu gave this thing to Susu, she saw the meaning of these two words from the eyes of Zhao Feilu.

No one knows, at that time, Susu really had the urge to hit a dead!

"Pick up, let's go somewhere else later!" When eating breakfast, Su Qi put down the tableware in his hand and told the three people present that he had gotten up and left.

Susu had a wonderful look at the back of Su Qi.

In the first two days, she also said that she was going to prepare for the New Year, but she was rejected by Su Qi, but she did not expect that he would be ready to leave today!

Humph! oppressive rule!

Su Qi is not an official, or else it is a corrupt official! Big corrupt official!

Susu is in the belly of a newcomer.

However, to be honest, she is also very curious, Su Shi, who left this time, will take them there.

After Susu and others packed up their own things, Azhao did not know that a carriage had been taken from there. It was still Susu and Su-27 sitting in the carriage, Zhao Feilu and A Zhao both as coaches. .

In the carriage, Su Qi had closed his eyes and faked it since he came in. On several occasions, Susu couldn’t help but wonder if Su Qi was going there.

However, when I was exposed to the cold emotions of Su Qi, I finally stopped my mouth.

She is not a fool. Naturally, she knows that this time, Su Qi simply does not want to talk. Since he is not willing to talk more, then she does not need to do that irritating, and she closes her mouth.

Whether it is there or not, there will be results in the end. Although she is very curious, she can bear it.

It’s snowing outside, it’s fluttering, and the world is white.

Susu has seen snow in the capital, but she has never experienced it. Every time she snows, she wants to go out to play, but she has been persuaded by the beggars around me, excuses. They are all just afraid of colds and colds.

But now, she can freely extend the handle from the inside of the compartment, and touch the snow at zero distance.

"that's nice……"

Su Qi, who was originally in the falsehood, heard the Susu sound with satisfaction, and with the whisper of contentment, he opened his throat.

Into the purpose, it is the perfect face of Susu.

In fact, Su Qi also had to admit that Susu is indeed a long-looking woman who belongs to the country. But she never made a fuss, she attracted attention, she was never her face, but she was a true personality.

If you are talking about a friend alone, Su Qi admits that such a person is suitable for life and death! But if you mix other feelings, it is always unacceptable!

What other people think, Su Qi never knows, but for him, it is the most unacceptable!

Because Lonely Sue is worthy of better people, it is worth having the best love in this life, not incomplete!

And he Su Qi, this life may be doomed, the feelings will always be incomplete, because he has given the original feelings to the thousands of snow.

Even...has never received any response.

In fact, this time he chose to leave the inn and go to this place, but it was just when he saw the lonely thoughts of the lonely family, he had a heart of sorrow...

His heart is very clear, for the lonely Su, can not move a little soft! Because if you give her a good, she will pay you back!

Not just her, even herself, isn’t it?

But there are some things that I want to understand, but I can't stop the brain's command at that moment.

"Young master, it is here."

At the same time, the carriage stopped.

Su Qi looked at Susu with a faint look and took the lead in the carriage.

Looking at the shattered courtyard in front of him, Su Qi’s heart was unstoppable and painful.

A thousand snow... a thousand snow...

These three words, even in the careful chewing of the heart, feel the unspeakable uncomfortable.

Susu came down after the Su-27, wearing a light blue cloak. The first thing that attracted her attention was not the yard, but the whiteness of the white.

She grew up in the capital from the urinary, although she has seen snow, but she has never seen so much, so white snow!

In the capital, as long as it snows, after the next morning, it will be cleaned up by the people. The palace is no exception, so she has never seen so much snow.

Su Qi did not care about Susu, took the lead in taking the steps, pushed the fence door outside and walked in.

He actually came here temporarily, so there is no way to clean up!

And in a blink of an eye, the time has passed, and I don’t know what’s going on inside.

If you want to ask where is this?

Nature is the original... At the beginning, Ning Shaoqing and the home of a thousand snow.

Here is Wangjiacun, here is where the strange snow has struggled.

After Susu enjoyed the snow outside, he turned to look for Su Qi, but he had already seen Su Qi alone standing in front of the run-down house, and he was filled with sorrow.

The lonely back, the depressed little thatched cottage, and the courtyard surrounded by the fence all seem to have nothing to do with Su Qi, but at this time he stood there, but he felt strange and harmonious.

"A Zhao, where is this place?" Susu turned his head and asked A Zhao, who had been standing at the gate without going in.

In fact, she is more like asking, is this what it means for Su Qi?

A Zhao quickly glanced at the Susu County Lord, and turned his head and looked at Su Qi, bowed his head, and said the truth in plain voice.

"This was once the home of a young lady and a Ning family."


It is a beautiful and warm word.

Susu turned his head and looked at Su Qi.

Finally, I knew why he was covered in a kind of sad atmosphere. It turned out to be...

The heart is bitter, but it can only pretend to be a strong smile!

"Su seven! You wait for me!"

She quickly sorted out her emotions and the voice rose slightly. It seems to be very happy, running towards the figure in the yard.

On the snow, it was originally a row of footprints, and later, it became two rows...

Su Qi always remembers Susu said that she wants to prepare for her New Year, so now he has given her such an opportunity to let her personally experience the ordinary people who are busy in the New Year.

The four people spent almost a day to organize the inside and outside of the yard, and the house was burnt and warm and able to live.

Susu was finally tired in the bed, not willing to get up and running.

"Lonely Sue, you give me up! The bed quilt is too tidal. Lying on it will get sick. Have you forgotten that the injury on your body is still not good?"

Almost Susu just lie on the bed, Su Qi's voice sounded on the top of his head, with a touch of anger!

This woman will not take care of herself at all. Did she forget the wound on her back? Although it doesn't seem to be a big problem now, it is no doubt with ordinary people, but it still has to be extremely careful!

After listening to Su Qi, this is obviously a concern, but when the tone is such a bad voice, Susu’s mouth is slightly curved.

She knew that Su Qi did not have a slight affection for herself!

But she is really tired!

I haven't done so many things for so many years, even if I was killed with the Suqi, I was not so tired.

However, although tired, it also feels full.

"I will lie's too tired..." Oh, I don't want to get up.

It’s really that she doesn’t seem to have the strength to get up now, and the whole person is in a state of collapse!

"Get up!" Su Qi heard the words, suddenly tightened the good-looking brow, and did not say anything to directly pull Susu!

"Azhao has gone to the town to take the quilt. It is estimated that I will come back later. You will bear it a little bit and then go to sleep."

Susu lowered his head and stood by Su Qi. He listened to Su Qi’s words and did not make a sound. His eyes were fixed on the hand they held tightly.

Su Qi... Su Qi actually took her hand and made her feel happy.

But she was just happy, so it was only because in the next second, Su Qi had let go of her hand.

Susu suddenly looked up and saw the back of Su Qi turned away. It seems that... she also saw the blush of Su Qi’s ear.

The mouth is wide open, she feels involuntarily, the whole body is lazy!

"Oh... so happy... so happy..." She fell down on the bed again!

"Lonely Su. You give my grandfather up!"

At the door, the voice of Su Qi’s fury came again!

Azhao obeyed the order of Su Qi, went to the Hongji Restaurant in the town to take a series of quilts and other cold items, and even pulled a full car of wood. After all, they need raw materials for burning fire.

Moreover, under the reminder of the shopkeeper, even the essential items of daily life such as oil and salt sauce vinegar and tea were brought back.

But Azhao has always forgotten one thing, that is, none of the four of them will cook!

When Susu was waking up with a new cotton quilt and sleeping, the hungry belly screamed and went to the kitchen to look for something to eat, she was stupid!

Not only is she stupid, but Su Qi, who just woke up, is also stupid!

They always think that the life of the people is too simple. They think that even if they are self-reliant, they will not eat or drink!

They really do not lack, but they lack a person who can cook and report their stomach!

The two met in the kitchen and looked at each other's eyes with tears and laughs.


Susu's face is still red with the blush just after waking up, and after making this sound in the belly.

"Su Qi... I am hungry..."

Su Qi also suddenly lost his voice because he was also hungry.

Two people looked at each other with big eyes and eyes, and they didn't know what to do next.

At this time, Zhao Feilu just came back from the outside.

"What are you doing?" He was very curious. Just came back from the outside and saw the two standing in the kitchen and looking at each other.

Zhao Feilu is not a slave or a subordinate of the Susu County. Therefore, it is natural to lose the slavery that belongs to the slaves. It is not like Azhao. For the first time, let him and Su7 be at the same table. When I was eating, the child was almost scared to death!

Susu heard the voice of Zhao Feilu and turned to look at it. Suddenly wronged and straightforward.

"Zhao Feilu, will you cook, I am hungry."

I thought that the knights who swayed the rivers and lakes would all cook, but what they got was that Zhao Feilu shook his head firmly.

"I have never tried this kind of cooking, so I think, I won't,"

Susu wants to cry...

Who can tell her what to do now? She is really hungry and hungry!

After a day of work, I didn’t eat at noon, and then went straight to sleep. I thought I would have a good meal at night, but I didn’t want to...


Su Qi Emei, asked Zhao Feilu.

Zhao Feilu thought about it for a moment, then turned to look at the bottles and jars in the kitchen, the oil and salt sauce vinegar, and laughed.

"When I was just back, I saw him leaving in a hurry. I thought... It is estimated that I went out to escape the disaster."

Originally, Zhao Feilu was still curious. He has always been a calm and awkward. How can he show the kind of anxious appearance? Now when he sees all this in the kitchen, he finally found the answer.

It is estimated that Azhao is afraid of Su Qi to find him, so he took the lead to hide.

Su Qi heard the words, the face suddenly became dark.

I want to go to the village to have a meal, but the people in the village are only familiar with Ning Shaoqing, for him Su Qi... Where do they know that Su Qi is that one?

So in the end, Su Qi gave up this lost face and lost things.

After a careful look at the furnishings in the kitchen, and then took a look at the things that were called back to work on duty, Su Qi slowly rolled up his sleeves.

"Help me make a fire, let me do it."

Sussoon suddenly widened his eyes and said that he had an unprecedented worship of Suqi!

"Su seven, can you still cook? You are so great!"

Su Qi silently wiped the black line left by his forehead in his heart, faintly stunned Susu, the eyes should be more proud, how proud is it!

"Let me try!"

Sussue closed his mouth.

I thought Su Qi will do it, but it turns out...

It turns out that there are things in the world that Su Qi will not do! so amazing!

From the very beginning, Su Qi gave her the impression that she was too perfect, so in the impression of Susu, Su Qi is doing anything, if one day Su Qi holds back a child and says that child It was his own birth, she thought, she would believe it...

After all, the impression that Su Qi gave her was too perfect.