MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 04 Do not let go unless you kill me!

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Susu couldn't believe his eyes, and gently screamed the sound that made him dream.

The sound is very light...very soft...


It is a kind of dullness and hoarse that she has never sent before, so I am afraid that the appearance of this time is just an illusion, so I am afraid that Su Qi will disappear at any time.

I am so scared! Fear that his voice is too high, the wind is too big to blow him away.

Su Qi is a dark color.

Is the person in front of me really a lonely little Su?

That person is behind him, and he is not afraid of being afraid of it. !

Even if he got angry, he could still squint his head and in turn spray his Tsundere County owner?

Who is Lonely Sue?

The entire capital and even the entire Tianqi dynasty, in addition to the royal princess, she is the most honorable!

Or even the royal princess did not have her arrogant publicity.

It has always been decent to appear in front of everyone, even when she went to fight with her, she did not have such a bad!

There is no trace of decoration on the unkempt hair, the black lacquered face... This is a few days without washing your face!

Then there is the dress she is wearing now!

What is this special from here? There is also blood in the body! The slender fingers are frozen and swollen...

With Susu's big shackles, he can imagine that she has no money, she can think of her embarrassment, she can think of her winds in the wind, tired in the snow.

I can imagine that if she can't go on, she will steal and lie to lie...

However, he never thought that she would be a beggar.

A tearful, dirty and chaotic cockroach.

Really shocked!

A burst of eruption rose to the heart.

Why can't she stay in Beijing well, why should she ruin herself so much, why should she make herself embarrassed, and why? why!

Happiness comes too suddenly and sometimes it is a pain! Susu blinked his eyes. "You..." Is it really Su Qi? God open your eyes? !

Seeing her look like that, no big anger can be made.

Su Qiyu took a breath and let the violent temper in his heart slowly disappear.

"Lonely Su, you see that you can bear, just how many days have left the palace, just like you to get along with you, the face of the Prince's House has been thrown away!"

Clearly, my heart is soft, but if you say it, you can kill yourself. The Susu County Lord did not say anything about his feelings. They were once good friends, and his concern was not too bad.

However, he is used to being alone with Susan!

More importantly, even if he is concerned, he does not dare to open his heart and dare not expose a true self.

"Su Qi... It's really Su Qi..." Susu's tears are still spinning in his eyes. This long-lost voice, even if it is drinking and asking for laughter, is the most beautiful voice in the world.

At that moment, it was hard to tear back into the eyes!

Su Qi does not like the woman who is crying, so whether she is excited or happy, or even sad, she can't cry in front of Su Qi!

The hands holding the old man are shaking!

Close your eyes slightly, and when you open your eyes again, there is a desperate decision in the blind!

Gently placed the old man on the ground, suddenly jumped up and stood in front of Su Qi.

"Su seven! Su seven, you bastard! Why did you drop me alone? You know I don't know how much I have eaten to find you! I didn't bring money, I sold the horses and clothes... ”

Such a strong lawsuit is completely different from the one in the grief just now.

This is the lonely Su! Su Qi’s heart, put down some.

The more the Susui County Lord said, the more excited he was, and then stared at the contrast of the people in front of him.

The man in front of him is as white as the snow on the ground. In contrast, he is dirty, like the mud on the ground, dirty and messy!

The difference between the clouds and mud! One underground...these words somehow jumped into the mind of Susu.

My heart is suddenly full of resentment!

Why do I make myself like this, and you are still glamorous?

Not allowed!

You are not allowed to wear such a clean! It is not allowed to have such a big distance between you and me!

"Su seven you bastard!"

You must be with me all the way.

I Susu did it, and you are not allowed to be high!

When I stepped forward, I grabbed the arm of Su Qi. The whole person almost slammed into the arms of Su Qi at the speed of a second sprint. The frozen little hand clasped his waist tightly and died. !

Can't let him lie on his own high, let alone let him go.

"Lonely Sue, let me let go!"

"Don't let me go! I won't let go of my life! Unless you kill me!"

Su Qi's face suddenly became dark!

After the fan in his hand, after a few times of clenching himself, he finally got a sigh of relief, and opened a susu holding his waist tightly, holding her arm tightly.

"Lonely Su, can you not be so capricious? You look at you now! Think about it again because of your departure, you have lost the sky in the palace! What are your qualifications to stand here and call me? noise?"

"Oh!" After he finished, he opened the Susu County Lord and licked his face, not to see her.

"You are a spoiled county owner. Do you know what is called human suffering? Do you know what is warm and warm? You are now bowing! Look at the old man at your feet. Although he is jealous, if he does not meet you, He may be frozen and starved to death in the days to come, but he will never die like this! And he is dying on the streets today, all because of his arrogance, ignorance and brainlessness!"

"Do you still feel that you have a face to wander outside? How many people do you want to worry about? A call!"

Su Qi is cold and cold!

The dark guard wearing a dark cotton coat immediately appeared at the side of Su Qi, bowed his fist and waited for the instructions given by Su Qi.

This is the dark guard of Su Qi, close to the body and guardian. When there is nothing, it will not appear under Su's eyelids, but it is always inseparable from Su.

Su Qi turned around, this time the cold and angry scorpion, direct Susu, so that Susu originally trembled body, more trembling.

"Su Qi... Don't..." She may have guessed what Su Qi wants, but she can't accept it!

"With the Susu County Lord returning to the capital, safely sent back to the king's palace!" Cold heart, Su Qi turned to Susuna's poor, fragile nephew and turned a blind eye to Azhao.

This time, he is really discouraged!

Even on the day of the strange snow, he said that he was not so angry when he said that he had poked his heart!

Perhaps it is because the contrast of the Susu County Lord is too great for him to accept!

People have a stark contrast.

At the beginning, when he knew about a thousand snows, she was a lonely man. Although there is no such thing as a lonely little Su, the life of a strange snow at that time is indeed restrained.

Perhaps, people have such a very simple but difficult feeling.

When you fall into the sky, you don’t think it’s too much, but when you’re still in the glory of the jade, you’re wearing a satin, but the next second becomes a street, when you’re ruined, It will be unacceptable.

Su Qi’s appearance on Susu at this time is extremely difficult to accept!

He can't stand a country's state and the county will become the present!

Unacceptable, so I can't bear to look straight, so I will let her go back to her original life.

At the very least, she will be the king of the country.

Everyone has his own thoughts. Su Su thought about it, but Susu did not know it.

What she saw was that Su Qi hated her and hated her.

I feel very painful in my heart. She would like to ask Su Qi. Is it wrong for me to like someone? Do I like you, is it?

But she didn't even have the courage to ask for export.

Because she knows that the answer to her must be Su Qi’s unanimous answer!

She would rather be mad and stupid, deceive herself, and don't want to get this answer!

"I said! I won't go back!" Susu screamed, his face was a bit rosy because of this anxious resentment, but it was a bit of a healthy look than before.

Su Qi turned her head and looked at her coldly. From beginning to end, she never talked again. She just waved her hand at A Zhao.

In any case today, he will not watch Susu go down like this again, and will never let her fool around!

Ah Zhao only listened to Su Qi. Anyone else's words, he was regarded as nonsense. After seeing the gesture of Su Qi, the ghost appeared in the side of Susu, and he reached out and grabbed her arm.

"You have to think clearly! The owner of this county is Jinzhiyuye. If you touch me today, you will be responsible to me!" Susu turned his head, his eyes resentful, and he stared at Azhao, and he said very clearly. Clear, bright.

Sure enough, at that moment, Azhao was charged with electricity, and hurriedly retracted his hand.

This savage county owner, he can not be blessed.

Su Qi’s eyes are awkward...

Can you bear it?

"Azhao! Take her back! With a county owner to be a wife, you will be able to fly in the future!" This little trick may be a charity, but he will not!

He didn't believe that Susu, a woman who wants to be strong, would put his own life into it so casually!

All said, Azhao is the most cheesy words!

Su Su’s words fell, A Zhao did not hesitate to grab Susu’s hand, but only heard Susu shouting, and then instantly hid on the side!

"Zhao Fei deer saved me!"

Zhao Feilu was just playing soy sauce. He did not hesitate to pick up the group of hooligans.

Su Qi, he knows, and knows that the Susu County Lord has a affection for Su Qi. At this moment, how can he go forward without mixing his eyes?

However, the last scream of the Susu County Lord is too scary! He hurriedly threw away the hooligan in his hand and flew away.

The grandson who was thrown to the ground said that he was really unlucky!

Not only is it unlucky now, but it is estimated that he will be unlucky in the future.

What brothers are there now? By the moment Zhao Fei deer flew away, he hurriedly climbed up from the cold ground, regardless of disregard, stumbled and ran...

Zhao Feilu stood in front of Susu, looking at Su Shi and his dark guard.

If you don't care, how can you come over? But this has all come over, shouldn't these two people be warm together? Why is there a feeling of arrogance at the moment?

Is it his illusion?

Su seven cold eyes looked at the man who flew from the rear, a look of gloomy!

I really didn't think that she even had a helper!

"Let's go! I want to send people to the county owner to return to Beijing!" Su Qi Tsinghua's nephew stared at Zhao Feizhen, instinctively let Zhao Fei deer somewhat difficult to parry.

The man’s eyes are too scary. What can he do?

Zhao Feilu bowed slightly, and Jianghu Caoyu did not care about the imperial power, but he still admired the family and the martial arts.

"It’s hard to be smart, and the next duty is to protect the Susu County Lord. Where does she mean, where to play next."

This **** replied, directly let Su seven drunk.

At this time, he saw the grandson who fled in the distance, raised his hand slightly, gave Azhao a look, and Azang disappeared instantly.

In the blink of an eye, Azhao came back again, and the crying and screaming grandson in his hand threw it on the floor.

Susu was still immersed in the words of the wounded people mentioned by Su Qi. Now he suddenly sees his grandson and immediately forgets the previous things. He only remembers that the old man is dead in his hands!

It was born to him to die!

"You are a beast! I want to kill you!" She screamed, rushing out from behind Zhao Feilu, squatting forward and squatting, giving her two brothers a slap!

"Scum! He has an old man there, sorry for you! You have this kind of vicious heart!"


The sound of punching and kicking accompanied the painful mourning of his grandson, so that the three big men present could not help but side door.

Especially Su Qi.

He knew that the Susu County Lord was a strong woman, but when he was with him, Susu was just an occasional playful, tricky, where, like now, it seems like crazy, the whole body is full of suffocating !

Zhao Feilu and Azhao are two people who will never reach out. After all, this woman is not a neighbor, but a country’s county owner, Jin Zhiyu Ye, where is the grasshopper that they can touch?

Su Qi is not the same, Su family and the Lone family have also handed a marriage contract, Su Qi was run out because of the escape of marriage, so that Su Qi touched the future wife, is the most appropriate!

Very tacit understanding, the two of them took a step back at the same time, only set off the Su Qi.

Su Qi’s eyes glimpsed a little, and seeing such a mad Susu, my heart is a bit uncomfortable!

He just didn't want Susu to put his feelings on a man he might not be able to respond to in his life, but he didn't really hate her, hated her, and didn't want her to die.

On the contrary, if there is no embarrassment, he may become a good friend with Susu, but now...


Su Qi stepped forward and pulled Susu’s hand to greet the man’s face.

"Lonely Su, you are calm, you are the most respected county owner of Gull, you should not be a shrew like this!"

"But he killed my savior!"

"Well, I will pack him for you."

------Off topic ------

Four Seasons Manor of Space Farmers (He Yilan)

Windy. Professor of Agriculture and Biology in the 21st century, privately behind the scenes of a five-star hotel. The school and the hotel are running on both sides. It can be imagined that the tired and sick, the eyes closed and passed to the dead mother, and just died of a small village.

Fortunately, there is a welfare, omnipotent space. The gongs and drums of the gongs and drums have planted 10,000 mu of high-yield food, and they have nothing to raise and raise flowers. A total of 10,000 acres of flower sea, eating fruit, there are 10,000 acres of orchard. In the winter, I want to eat some green vegetables. As a result, I look back at the 10,000-acre greenhouse. The wind and the wind reach out to index the spring garden, summer garden, autumn garden, winter garden, no more, four, satisfied nod, life. This is enough. Behind him, a enchanting man’s skin is not smiling, and he wants to arrange me.

The wind and the wind are messy, how to forget that there is still a enchanting that has not recovered.

This article is strong and strong, the male body is clean and single-minded.

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