MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 01 Cooked duck flies

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Getting up in the morning, the Susu County Lord is extremely boring, and an hour has already sighed eighty.

Su Qi has not served in the nine-door admiral. She naturally has no need to go, and she has not followed the reasons behind Su Qi.

Besides, when the New Year is over, why did she follow the post of Su Qi and go to the Su government to serve him? When I didn't enter the door of Su's house, I threw my face to the Su family. She couldn't make such a joke.

Her mind is still immersed in the marriage of a thousand snow, the strange beauty of the face of the thousands of snow is the most beautiful radiance of happiness, which makes her envious and extremely embarrassing.

Her hope is that in the future, she can marry her favorite person and marry Su Qi with such happiness.

But thinking of Su Shi’s cold attitude towards her, her disgusted eyes, the heart of the Susu County Lord’s heart hurts, her eyes are red, and her tears are suddenly turning in her eyes...

Biting his lip, he raised his head slightly and prevented the tears from falling.

"Su seven you big bastard! The world's most **** bastard! Do you like me, you can die!

This is a big beauty of the county, and you are wandering around with you every day. Are you a dead man or a wood or a blind man..."

After the heart was secretly stunned by Su Qi, the mood was slightly better, and the tears were collected. However, the lips are still tightly licking, and the slap in the hand is almost smashed!

"Counter! I hope you will go over!"

Just then, the door outside remembered the voice of a close-knit niece Bier, with a hint of tension and embarrassment in her tone.

The Susu County Lord heard it, and suddenly he felt bad. Big Brother wouldn’t just ask her to talk about things.

For the Suqi's every move, the Susu County owner, who has always cared for it, has already begged the eldest brother, so that the elder brother spent a lot of money to hire a good-skilled martial arts master to stare at Suqi.

I heard that the person is not only good at it, but also good at tracking. It is said that there are only people who can't find him in the world, and there are no people he can't find.

His real name is unknown, Jianghu people heard that his surname is Zhao, and he likes to eat venison, and sent him a name Zhao Feilu.

Susu did not ask him to let him do anything else, as long as he followed Su Qi and helped her to look at Su Qi, not as it was seven or eight years ago, and suddenly disappeared from Beijing without a trace.

Of course, she is a woman after all, and it is not good to deal with foreign men too much, so if there is any situation in Su Qi,

The tracker named Zhao Feilu will go to the big brother to report!

Is it...

"Bier can know that Big Brother is looking for the county owner. What is it?" Susu County hurriedly squeezed out a smile and let the voice return to the previous joy as much as possible.

"The slaves don't know, but the son of the world lets the slaves tell the county owner, let the county owner go faster, or else the ducks fly!"

Bier’s feelings for their family’s owner and Su Jin’s seven sons, Su Jinhan, are naturally in the eyes!

Although the seven sons of the Su family did not always look at the faces of their county owners, she also knew that even if this was the case, their county owners were also happy!

She is a slave and has no weight in her speech, so she can only cheer for the county owner in her heart!

At the same time, I hate the seven sons of Sujia.

The beauty of their family, the celestial being, is not the same as that of Su Jinhan.

I can't see the owner of the county, and I have never said a good face to their county owner. Last time, I deliberately put the county owner into the lotus pond... It’s damn!

Damn ten thousand times!

Did the duck fly? ! Susu heard Bier say this and suddenly panicked.

It must have been Su Qi escaped! definitely is!

On the day of the marriage, she saw the blessings and sorrows in Su’s eyes! At that time, she had a bad feeling in her heart!

Su Qi, the same person as himself, is a stubborn person!

The marriage of a thousand snows is also a big blow to Su Qi. If he can't bear it, he will definitely choose to leave!

I didn't think... I came so fast, I didn't do it all the year, just ran away? !

She couldn't sit still anymore, hurriedly got up from the chair, hurried out of the room and hurried out!

Bier saw their homeowner like this, and finally sighed helplessly.

Although she did not know what it was, what love was, but when she saw that their county owner had suffered so many grievances because of these two words, Bier began to fight from the heart!

Susu rushed to the courtyard of Yushizi, and he thought that he must be in the study room at this time, and even if he did not say a single call, he directly pushed in the door!

"Big Brother! What happened to Su Qi? Is he running?"

At this time, Yu Shizi was discussing with the second brother about the matter of bordering the troops and horses. Hearing the sound and looking up, they saw their baby sister look anxious at this moment.

Yu Shizi sighed and felt a little distressed.

His sister, the whole palace, up and down, which is not the same as the baby 疼 pain, pet?

It is the Su Qi who has no eyes! Always hurt his sister's heart!

Just think about it, his lungs will be blown up!

"Susu obediently, come here to sit with his brother." He slightly sighed the anger of his heart, beckoning, and talking softly to Susu.

"Big Brother!" Susu gas is a slap!

Didn’t you let Bier tell her quickly, what did you do now? Don't you know her heart, how worried is it?

"Susu! Obedient, come over." Yu Shizi’s voice was so heavy that he was so anxious about his sister’s appearance.

What good is that kid? It is as stinky and hard as the stone in the pit. They have already extended the olive branch to the palace, and this kid does not accept it!

If you don’t accept it, my sister just came back, and he ran away without a word!

When his sister is not guilty of marrying? It doesn't matter if he can't!

Really mad at him!

The second brother did not know the reason for the incident. Suddenly he saw the scene of his brother and sister who was about to explode.

"Big brother, what's the matter? How do you get so much anger with your little girl?"

Emei looked at her eldest brother, and asked questions. After she finished speaking, she turned to look at her little girl, and her voice was severe.

"Little girl! Who is allowed to talk to your older brother? Where have you learned so many years of etiquette? I don't want to apologize to my older brother!"

Although the sound is harsh, although the words are very serious, but the eyebrows are provoked, the eyes are also a hint to the Susu County Lord.

Everything can't be followed by the big brother! Do you still don't know the big brother's temper? Eat soft and not eat hard!

The Susu County Lord naturally knows!

Did she just be anxious? For a time to forget that the big brother is the kind of person who needs to smooth the hair.

But... now even if she is to apologize to Yu Shizi, she is still unable to open this mouth.

Slightly unwilling, just pouting, standing still, no matter what the second brother gave tips and eyes.

"Little girl!" Lonely morning, looking at the little girl's stubborn appearance, suddenly worried, and could not help but the sound was really a bit harsh.

"Oh!" Yu Shizi heard the serious voice of his second brother. In the end, he also distressed his sister. He couldn't bear to see his sister being scolded by others, and he made a sound adjustment.

The most angry thing is him, but he is still soft in his voice!

Yu Shizi felt a deep helplessness, and what the sister controlled was the most sad.

Lonely morning on the side, secretly laughing...

He knows that the eldest brother is a paper tiger in front of the younger sister. Don't look at the ice just like the iceberg. But the little girl has such a bit of sadness, and the first surrender will be him!


Although in front of Xiaomei, he and the three brothers are also paper tigers, but who makes the other party is a little girl, they are willing!

The sly little sister gave a thumbs up and ordered a hundred praises for the younger sister!

Susu County's main head lowered, and the eyes of the eyes saw the movement of the second brother, and the mood of the haze suddenly followed the sunny and cloudy.

It’s so good to have such a brother who hurts her!

Lonely morning saw that the big brother was not angry, and the younger sister’s mood was also a lot more stable, and he began to curious about what the two men had just said.

He only came back from the outside, so he only knew one thing between Susu and Su.

"Big brother, what did Xiaomei just say? Su Qi? Is it the seven sons of the Su family? What happened to him? Is this marriage not fixed yet?"

Speaking of this, Yu Shizi’s anger and anger suddenly slammed up!

In the past, Xiaomei was wronged by the Suqi. He wanted to avenge his sister, but every time he lost to the tears of the younger sister, the arrogant and arrogant, all kinds of spoiled!

Now that the second brother is back, he seems to have found the ally in the same moment and said it through the smashing of things.

In the vagueness, it seems that I can hear the sound of the lonely morning molars...

This is anxious in the heart of Susu County!

Big brother! Can you do something that is reliable? You suddenly said this to your second brother... You are united, you can’t pull out the skin of Su Qi? Then... Su Qi can't run faster!

To say that the Susu County Lord really knows her two brothers!

At this time, in the hearts of two people, Yu Shizi and Lonely Morning, I really want to catch up with Su Qi, and smashed the skin of Su Qi to hate for my little sister!

I don’t know how to marry this person!

"Big brother... You tell me directly, is Su Qi escaped again?" Susu at this time, the most concerned about this is still this thing!

If Su Qi really leaves, she is so swearing that the end of the world must find Su Qi! From then on, he stuck behind him and followed him in this life until he nodded and admits to himself!

The Susu County lord is so arrogant, but he has been ruthlessly poked by Yu Shizi!

"Little sister, don't say that Big Brother doesn't hurt you! Before Big Brother really thought about telling you the trend of Su Qi, but I just wanted to understand it! Under the sun, it's not only him, he is a man! We don't need it. It’s consumed by him! There are a lot of good men in the world! After a year, you are eighteen, and Big Brother promises to give you a good job, and you are satisfied!”

This time, Yu Shizi is no longer bullied for his sister, and he has become a pimp!

Susu vomiting blood!

Big Brother, can you not be so good?

However, before the Susu jumped out to retort, the second brother also jumped out of the game.

This guy is obviously not a good bird, and he will open his mouth according to the words of Yu Shizi.

"Yeah, the sister-in-law is noble and the appearance is also good. Why do you have to be a Su-Seven, and the second brother will also pay attention to you..."

Susu looked at her big brother Yu Shizi and looked at her second brother.

She understands it. If she wants to come, no matter how much they ask them, they must have eaten the scales and will not tell them the trend of Su Qi!

Angry, anxious and sad, throwing the next sentence "You... I ignore you!" Turn around and leave.

In this case, there is no need to waste time here!

Su Qi must have left the capital at this time, he must pay close attention, or else the distance from Su Qi is far away, and it will be hard to find him again!

In the eyes of two brothers, this little girl is sad and wronged, making the little temper.

I couldn’t help but look at each other and both sighed.

Lonely morning is the most difficult to see the little girl being wronged, tears, as long as the little girl fell a tear, he immediately surrendered!

Now, he has already had the posture of surrender, and he wants to chase it out, but he has been dragged by the eye-catching scorpion!

"Big Brother! What are you doing with me?" Big Brother took his arm and he couldn't walk out. He looked back at his eldest brother, hoping that he would let go of himself and let himself comfort the little girl.

But Yu Shizi finally just shakes his head!

"Big Brother! Don't you feel bad about your little girl?" The younger sister is so sad, the older brother is indifferent, when did he become so cold-blooded?

You don't have to think about how the second brother knows him at this time!

Suppressing the urge to give the second brother a slap in the face, the voice is not angry, saying: "Do you think that I don't feel bad about the little girl? But to comfort her now, then it is necessary to tell the whereabouts of Su Qi! Do you want to let the younger sister not tell her that Su Qi has gone there, let her go after it, go find it, and then let her go outside to be bullied by that man?"

Seeing the second brother's expression of a dull, Yu Shizi loosened his arm, and he was sure that the second brother at this time would not rush out to find the younger sister!

Sure enough, Lonely Morning is just standing there and thinking about what he said.


"Big brother, you are right! Although the younger sister is now a little bit sad, but it is better than her.

Outside, by the strength of the Su seven! ”

Xiaomei was aggrieved at home, and they are here, although they said that they had saddened the little girl, but it was better to be bullied by seeing Su Qi after seeing Su Qi. No one has comforted yet.

The more I think, the more I feel that this makes sense. I simply sat down in the morning and took a sip of tea.

"Well! Let's not go! Let Susu think about it myself, she can always think that we are doing this for her good."

Looks like a free and easy look.

In fact, to be honest, the two brothers were uncomfortable in their hearts. After all, the little girl who was held in the palm of her hand from the urinary was sad. They were still watching the big play here, how wrong it was!

But... they did it for Susu!

Little sister... Sorry, you are sad for a while.

They thought that Susu must be hiding in the room and crying sadly! But they are wrong!

"Counter, you are..."

Bier has been guarding in the yard, and suddenly saw the county owner fly back like a gust of wind, and rushed into the room without saying anything.

The main wind goes like the wind, the wind is back, let this little girl stay a little.

In a short while, the sound of ping-pong was heard in the squatter of the Susu County Lord, and the shocking Bier woke up. When she feels that something is wrong, go in and see it, suddenly stupid!

Was it robbed in this room? Why is it like this?

And... what are they doing in their county? Big bag, is this ready to go?

Susu is now packing up his baggage before he leaves.

I have never left home in this life. Even if I go to other places to play or play, I will take a prostitute. I will be beaten by this nephew. Now I have to leave, I don’t know what to bring!

So there will be a big bag that Bierer saw!

Now that Bier has entered the house, she is like finding a savior!

"Bier! Bier, you show me, I want to go out, what should I bring?"

I grabbed Bier and pushed the big bag that I had sorted to Bier.

Bier is a little dumbfounded...

What's happening here? Do you want to be like this...

"Country Lord... Are you going there? Are the slaves going with you?" Looking at the mess in front of him, Bier felt that his brain was big! She does not trust the county owner to go out alone, or bring her!

"Ah?" This idea, Su Su really did not even think about it!

She is now uncertain whether Su Qi is going there, how to bring Bier? but……

"Yeah! Bring you, let me go with me, hurry up and clean up, try to be as simple as possible, do you know?" I sneaked this gimmick first!

Bieryi listened to the county and went out with him, and was very happy!

Do not doubt anything, hurriedly reached out to take over the baggage of Susu's hand, said to Susu: "The county owner, you can rest assured, Bier must give you the proper deeds, are we going to travel the world? It!"

She was happy to talk to herself there, and she did not notice that the Susu County Lord looked at her eyes with apologetic...

In a short while, Susu had only a few bags of luggage and only one of them was directly sorted by Bier.

After completing the task, she got up and smiled.

"Counter, your stuff will give you some inventory! You wait for the slaves, and the slaves will clean up, right away..."

However, before she finished talking, she felt a pain in her neck and she passed out. Susu was very sorry to see Bier, who was stunned by her.

"Bier, I am sorry, I can't take you with you! I can't let you go to the mother and my brothers."

Dragging Bier’s body to his bed and making an imaginary image of his own break in bed, Susu directly picked up the bag that was sorted by Bier and walked out across the door!

Bier was not actually stunned by Susu at first glance, but at first it was still somewhat conscious.

Stupid, her slightly squinting eyes, watching their homeowners so free and easy to go, and finally with a remorseful expression, fell into a coma.

County owner! The county owner is coming back! You didn't bring money! You have no money...

In fact, Bier just thought, since she wants to go out with the county owner, then the county owner does not need to bring so many things, as long as a few pieces of clothes can be, and the other she is ready!

More importantly, she also took the opportunity to ask Wang Hao for instructions, but also to ask the world...

But I didn't think that the owner of the county had finally put her in the same place, so that she could not even say that she had no money to do with the county magistrate.

Remorse! True regret!

Say Susu.

She took her bag and walked straight out of her courtyard. The guards at the palace were the weakest. She knew it in her heart, so she took the mount directly and scammed the back door guard.

The horse escaped.

Nguyen Seiko and Lonely Morning did not think of anyone, their little sister also put them together, pretending to be sad and sad to reduce their vigilance, just left!

When they know this, it’s time to have dinner at night!

It’s still that Wang Yu’s daughter misses her daughter, and she is afraid that her daughter will not be able to do anything because of Su Qi’s affairs. She went to the courtyard of the Susu County Lord and knew that she would not say goodbye!

In this regard, Yu Shizi and the two people who are so sorry for the morning are really regretful intestines are green!

"You... How can you watch your sister's sadness and not comfort? If you comfort and comfort her, don't you let her leave alone!"

璟王妃 The whole person’s crying voice is dumb!

Although the Susu County lord said that he was a naughty and timid person from a young age, he dared to do anything, but she was a daughter's house! And I have never been alone in the door!

Now she is leaving alone, what should she do afterwards!

This car 璟 妃 妃 has not slowed down from sorrow, and Bier, who was awakened by drugs, told her a sunny day!

"Wang Hao, the county owner, she... the county owner, she left this time, she did not bring money!"

璟王妃 suddenly dumbfounded!

Not only is Wang Shuo dumbfounded, but even Yu Shizi and Lonely Morning are dumbfounded!

No money... What does this mean?

Anyway, it will never mean that their sister will come back without money! She is a stubborn person, and in the absence of money, she will never look back!

It’s hard to think about it. It’s going to be the New Year. It’s the coldest time of the year. It’s snowing outside.

There is no money on her body. I don't know if I can find a place to avoid the cold. I don't know if I can have food to feed my hunger, and I don't know if I will meet the bad guys.

When I think of the bad guys, I think of the last butterfly, and Wang Hao is not good.

"My... my Susu..."



Because the prince of the prince was in poor health recently, he did not come back to help deal with the government affairs, and the prince of the prince was so fainted that he suddenly let the princes go up and down, and the chickens and dogs could not stop!

In this regard, Susu is not knowing at all!

At noon, she left the capital on horseback! Afraid to be recovered by a few brothers, it is to see the road and go, rushing.

However, after a long rush, Susu was amazed. She didn’t know where Su’s departure was.

Holding the horse, standing outside the effect, the eyes are everywhere.

The sky is already dark, and the distant white roots are looming in the distance. The sky is full of blue-green curtains, the right side is steep mountains, and the mountains and pines are covered with snow.

In the embrace of the mountains, the wilderness in the winter is silent, only the powder snow, and the next time.

The cold wind is blowing, cold is not the body, but the heart. The first time the Susu County Lord had no gods, some were afraid.

Not afraid of death, not afraid of cold.

But I am afraid that I can't find Su Qi... I am afraid I will never see the face that I love most, and I am afraid I will never hear that voice again.

I really want to hear the helpless scream of Su Qi again.

"Lonely Su, what do you want to do..."

"Lonely Su, how far are you going to roll me far..."

"Lonely Su, how can you not scream..."

"Lonely Su..."

However, the world is so big, where is she going to find Su Qi?

But even then, she did not think about going back!

Since it came out, she must find Su Qi! Can't find him, she will never go back!

Su Jiazhang military power, when Nanling came to commit crimes, Su Qi had ordered to go to the border. Now that the war is over, Susu does not know whether Su Qi will go to the border.

But in addition to this place in her mind, she really couldn't think of Su Qi going there.

With a lucky attitude, Susu turned his head and argued the direction. He ran across the road and went all the way.

Due to Jincheng, the stone is open!

She did not believe in her own love, and could not open the hard heart of Suqi. She did not believe that she was only a zero in the eyes of Su Qi, and she was not willing to be a zero in her life.

If Su Qi can't accept him, then she will work hard!

Two years without a year! Five years can't be five years! Ten years without five years!

She is still young, and she is only looking for the man named Su Qi in her life. So she is not afraid to continue to follow Su Su in such a never-ending way!


Horse, run fast! Let me meet him! Let me touch him! Let me warm him!

Let me hear his voice again, even if he thinks about others, I will stay with him to think...


The Susu County lord left home and the whole squatting palace was caught in black smoke.

With a lucky attitude, Yu Shizi has turned over Beijing, but he has not even found his personal hair.

Susu’s horse, the father’s heart, hurts her, and she spends a lot of money for her, better than his horse. It was a good horse that was a thousand miles a day, and it could run a few hundred miles in one afternoon.

Since he is not in Beijing and does not know where she is going, he is really not good at it.

I can only call the nearest waiter. The pigeons pass the book on Zhao Feilu, let him abandon the track, go to find Susu, and bring her back safely.

Near the waiter will lead, but there are people outside, Ningfu sent people to see, saying that there is news of the county.

The first reaction of Yu Shizi was to send someone to grab her back, shut it up, and then find a house for her, and put on the sedan chair, once and for all, forever, not to care for her heart.

However, the person who sent the letter was sent away, and the heart of Yu Shizi was softened. If that's the case, I'm afraid that he will never see his sister's smile again in his life, I am afraid that the sister will do something more extreme.



What does she love?

As long as she feels worthy and thinks that it is her life, then he... will be her.

Although there was no exact news in the news sent by Ningjia, at least she knew the approximate position of her at this time.

So he called the nearest waiter, wrote another letter, and sent it to Zhao Feilu.


At this point, Sujia also knows this thing.

Su Jinyu, who received the information, did not slow down for a long time.

"Frank, what happened?"

When Mrs. Luo took the ginseng into the study room, she saw Su Jinxi where Qi Zhong was, some worried, not only asked out loud.

Su Jinyu looked up and saw his wife, a helpless smile.

"The Susu County Lord of the King's Palace has disappeared. It is said that he has left home."

Luis was a little surprised. After watching Su Jinyu for a while, he said quietly: "Isn't it going to chase Susan?"

The Susuo County Lord’s thoughts on Su Qi, they all know, one chasing, one fleeing, it is really bumpy!

Su Jinxi had no concealment of Lu's, and nodded.

Waking up and letting Luo sit on his side, holding her body slightly, said: "Sometimes, I really have to admire the courage of the Susu County Lord! She does not know where Su Qi is. I even dared to chase it out!"

Luis heard the words, but a soft smile.

"Maybe, this is the greatness of love."

The greatness of love?

Su Jinxi slightly raised his eyes.

For the word love, he still feels strange, even if he has a good relationship with Lu, but it is far from the point of love.

He remembered the thought of a love that had risen in his heart.

He thought that the woman would be with her most intimate seven brothers. However, the world is unpredictable, life is always a step worse.

After the seven brothers, Ning Shaoqing met a strange snow.

After the Susu County Lord, a thousand miles of snow entered the eyes of the Seventh Brother.

And myself, it’s even later, and there’s no way to think about it when it’s late.


Yeah, maybe, this kind of thing, who knows?

However, even if Su Jinxi really knows what love is, he can only bless the Susu County Lord and his younger brother in his heart.

He does not expect to have a good marriage with the Lone family. He just hopes that his younger brother can have a person who really loves him and is happy for a lifetime.

That's it.

Su Qi left the capital, Su Jinyu naturally knows, he will not inform anyone, will come to inform his brother.

A few days ago, it was the big marriage of the Ning family. The next morning, the two of them went to the ancestors to ask for security. The ancestors renewed their old words and forced him to kiss each other quickly. He said that he had already had several thousand families, this time he did not The election also has to be chosen.

From the room, Su Qimu said only one sentence, "Big brother, I want to go out and relax."

Then he never saw anyone again.

However, compared with Susu, the palace of the Prince of God was turned upside down, but the Su family was still operating as usual.

The old ancestors only hated the swearing words, "Bunny scorpion." The hatred of iron is not a steel smashed, this matter has passed.

In fact, like Su Qi, he did not say goodbye. The Su family was almost used to it. He was exiled from Xiao Suqi. He was also used to his younger brother, who said that the wind is rain.

However, no one has thought that the destination of Su Qi’s visit to this time is actually Wangjiacun in Tianxiang County.

In life, sometimes there is always such love to make fun of people.

Love is not allowed, in the case of Su Qi, it is a pity.

However, even if he is unwilling, he can only endure his teeth, and he is blessed with a smile and a happy smile. He is so happy, so happy!

The martial arts of Su Qi is also top-notch in the whole day.

Once upon a time in Beijing, it was mixed and there were not many places to go. Zhao Feilu was only looking far away, and naturally there was no alarm.

However, now that he is out of Beijing, he has to travel hundreds of miles in the seven days of the Su, and he has to travel hundreds of miles a day. Su Qi is in the wild, and he must stay in the wild.

How could it not be discovered?

Su Qi wants to take this person out several times and ask him. So he followed him for so many days,

What is it for?

However, he was a hippie temper, and now he is letting go of everything and feels bored.

Turning to think about it, there is such a person to accompany him, to give him a boring, amused, why not?

In this way, Su Qi is almost on a circular road, and a street has to go three or four times. One day, he even went back and forth in a town for several hours...

This looks like a road fool!

Zhao Feilu was almost confused by Su Qi. The depression, the dizziness, really wanted to vomit blood.

However, it is annoying. People can't help but because he accepts the money of the gold lord and can't betray the professional ethics.

Just swear, after the year, he will not do this again.

But followed, Zhao Fei deer in the heart of the mirror! This Suqi son is obviously already found him, playing with him!

If you don't know that the martial arts of this seven sons are very high, if you don't hear that Su Qi is never merciless to his opponent.

He will definitely jump out and fight with Su Qi!

But now... he can only endure.

Su Qi strolled for another day, glanced at the back of the body, shaking the bamboo forest, and provoked a slight smile on his lips.

Sometimes, sitting in a small shop, Zhao Feilu thought he wanted to dine, but also wanted to pick up dry food to eat, but then raise his eyes, Su Qi's figure disappeared.

Then, when he catches up, the guy is calm and standing, standing as if he is waiting for him.


Not to mention the time of eating, is a convenient opportunity, and does not give him one, Zhao Fei deer called bitter.

In the evening, Su Qi disappeared and entered an inn, resting in a room that he had prepared for him.

Zhao Feilu was so relieved that it was discovered. So, there is also a room, just next door to Su.

Then the gods will go straight, and he will not be mad.

Make sure that there is no movement in the room next to it, Zhao Fei deer lazy and stretched out, waiting for rest and conditioning.

Outside, almost two pigeons flew at the same time, and he received two letters at the same time.

After reading the contents of the letter, Zhao Fei deer was stupid.

"Is there such a woman in this world? Hehe..."

I couldn't help but smile, just because the words mentioned in the letter really made him feel funny!

The head of a country and a country, like a flower-like chasing man, left the house, and went out without silver, and it fell...

Zhao Fei deer laughed, sitting in the bed and thinking about it, decided to tell this incident to the Sujia seven son next door.

He just took the money to do things for others. What he had to do was to pay close attention to the actions of Su Qi. Other things he did not have to manage.

But I don't know how, the heart of the emptiness that hasn't moved for eight hundred years has been moved at this moment.

Perhaps, it is because the woman named Susu County is too infatuated, too pitiful.

Ok! It must be like this!

He would not admit that he had never heard of an unmarried woman who dared to chase a man, leaving home again and again, and became curious and anxious to go to the theatre.

He would not even admit that the conditions set by Yu Shizi were too tempting.

The condition that Yu Shizi opened this time is not money... As long as he finds the county owner, protects her safety, and drives her in this year... he can get what he dreams of...

After the decision, Zhao Feilu picked up the dragon and phoenix dance brushed by the brush, and then called the store to make a small silver.

Zi, confessed that he gave the letter to Su Qi next door, and got up and left.

Although the letter of Yu Shizi did not say where the cola county is, he gave a direction.

A few days ago, the Susu County owner spent his own property in a town near Laiyang, including his clothes...

A county owner can mix to such a degree, but it is also a level.

He had to pick it up quickly and find the little county owner who was bitter.

Take people's money and fight people!

The shop's second child filled the silver into the arms with joy and joy. "Hey!" knocked the door of Su Qi.

Su Qi is sitting on the bed with his knees and raising his body.

The last time in the Battle of Nanling, he and Lu Zhengyang had a trick, and there were a few monks to help out. He accidentally made a calculation. Today, his body is still a bit uncomfortable.

"Who?" Su Qi took the internal force and looked at the door slowly and carelessly.

He has always been afraid of things, and he is not afraid at this time. He is afraid that he will go to the door to let him go.

"Hello, the guest officer! The small one is entrusted by a son next door, and sent a letter to the guest officer!" Xiao Er’s doorway was not slow.

Send a letter to yourself? The scorpion is still used to being slow and careless, but the pupil is slightly invisible.

Only those who are familiar with him know that he is cautious at this moment.

This time he left the Su family and left the capital, and there was no big fanfare! I know that I am going out, I know that I live here, only...

The next son? Presumably the one who is behind him.

He did not provoke the person to seduce every day for a few days, but now he has sent a letter to himself for no reason.

After a moment of silence, Su Qi got up and opened the door.

The small fan is lightly shaken, the purple robes are smashed, and the brilliance is perfect.

This shop has never seen such a neat, so noble son, can not help but stay.

Su Qi did not pay attention to his rudeness, but just took the letter away from his hand and then found a piece of silver from his waist.

After giving the store a small second, I closed the door.

The shop Xiaoji was only fascinated, touched the nose that he had been hit by the door, and then looked at the silver in his hand, and his eyes smashed. I only hope that there will be such a good thing happening every day. If I only send a letter, I will get two rewards, more than a month’s moon silver...

After Su Qishun closed the door, he looked down at the letters in his hand.

A simple piece of paper is not like the kind of despicable thing that a thoughtful person can do, but this is also

Let Su seven be curious, who will write to himself? What did you write?

Unexpectedly unfolding the letter, after seeing the contents inside, suddenly helpless!

"This lonely little Su! Is it because the brain is in the bed when you go out?"

Hate him!

Always don't let him worry!

The letter in the angry hand was slammed, and the letter was directly turned into a piece of flying debris.

It seems that I still feel that I don’t hate it. I dance in the fan, and the fluttering flying debris turns into a snow, and it is laid on the ground.

Looking at the snow flakes in the land, Su Qi brows a pick, as if the matter has nothing to do with it, talking to himself.

"Forget it! What if she loves it! Anyway, there is no relationship with me! It is best for her to eat outside! So she knows the world, not that she has the final say!"

With the anger, Su Qi continued to sit on the bed to treat internal injuries, and his face was as calm as if nothing had happened!


"You young masters, grandpa, please give something to are all good people..."

"Grandpa, let's take a small bite..."

"Small is here to give you a gimmick..."

In the towns of Laiyang, in the winter, a group of people squatting on the bustling streets, bitterly saying those poor words, and then humbled the passers-by.

All of this, in the eyes of Susu, has been despised by a little bit.

Five days ago, she came to the horse, but sadly found that she did not even bring a penny! wrong!

In the last town, she has found herself without money!

When Bier was packing her clothes, she did not bring her money! And she herself left because she was too anxious and forgot such an important link!

Once upon a time, she used money to pay for Bier on the side, so she was the teenager of the seven-seat bodyguard. Before going out every day, Bier always put money and silver tickets in her purse. Let her take it at the waist.

Last time, although I was also leaving home, I chased Su Qi to the army.

However, because I bought a place, I was hiding in the army, there was a place to eat and drink, and no money was used, so there was no concept of bringing money in her mind.

Hunger in the abdomen, Susu sold the horse at the beginning, and changed twenty-two silver!

Just a good-looking BMW actually sold only twenty-two silver. She was pitted but she did not know it.

After getting twenty-two silver, she lived in the inn and had dinner. It was only two days, and it was all spent!

What can be done on the body is in the last town! Including her windy skin, now she can be said to be alone!

So, the old set.

I didn’t have the money to pay for the room, but I was thrown out by the store... I fell into the streets, cold and hungry, and finally fell to the present, and we are in the same league.

In the heart of the Susu County Lord, it is really aggrieved!

She really doesn't know how things will become like this.

Not only did she not find Su Qi, but she also gave herself the dross!

If Su Qi is standing in front of her now, if she does not speak, Susu believes that Su Qi is staring at her and will not recognize her.

When I thought about it, I felt a little uncomfortable in my heart...

For many years, she has been a strong person and never shed tears!

But since she met Su Qi, she found that she had lost all of her tears for nearly two decades!