MTL - The Lady’s Sickly Husband-~ 001 Chongxi, two generations are people

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A thousand miles of snow opened his eyes, a red account, a dark black room beam, and the room was dizzy and faint.

Headache! The vest hurts! The body is like a mess, the whole body is painful!

What happened to her?

Where is this?

There was a noise coming from outside the house.

"Fang Zizi, do you say that this is really useful?"

"The goddess is very spiritual. She said it would be useful if she said it would be useful. Maybe, this person will wake up."

Chongxi? God wife? She didn't get it wrong. Is there such a prehistoric creature in this year?

"Fang Zizi, what is yours, how is it so sweet?"

"Today is their big day, how can we have to celebrate them, early in the morning, let my family kill the chicken and give them a chicken porridge."

"No wonder the big guys say that Fang Zizi is very good-hearted. I only give them some corn bran and eat this tube."

During the speech, the two had entered the house, and the thousands of snow hurriedly looked at the masters of the two voices.

Only one glance, she was so horrified that her chin was about to fall.

The two women entering the house are all about thirty years old.

Both of them were sloping skirts, an ancient costume, black hair, with a wooden raft, in the back of the head.

Is it -

She, crossed?

Reluctantly raise your hand. This, this is definitely not her hand!

This hand, the fingers are long, white as jade, the skin texture is delicate, and it is the softness of the underage girl.


A woman screamed and scared the two women who entered the house almost lost the bowl in their hands.

"Ning Niangzi, are you awake?"

Although the Tsing Yi woman was scared, she turned to look at her open eyes, but the tone was a surprise. Put down the bowl in his hand and walked over to her.

The eagerness of the thousands of snow at this moment ignored the huge pain of the whole body, and let it stand up, with an exhilarating vibrato in the hoarse voice.

"This, what is this..."

Slowly, her right hand does not seem to be on the bed, but a soft, turning her head, she is still lying next to a man?

The speed of the right hand back, her handcuffs, pointing at the man on the bed, looking at the Tsing Yi women.

"He, he, he... who is he?"

"He is your man!"

A thousand miles of big eyes, pointing to the man's hand, slowly, in turn, pointing at the tip of his nose, tongue biting the word tip, word by word.

"I - male - person?"

this is--

Open your eyes? Crossing the tour and sending another husband?

"Fang Zizi, this Ning Niangzi woke up, there is nothing wrong with your estimation? The pigs in my house have not been fed yet, so I will go back first."

The thin woman looked at the stranger and looked like a ghost. She licked her mouth, put a bowl of corn grits, and said hello to Fang Zizi.

Fang Zizi responded to the woman, and quickly came over to help the trembling snow, and gently patted her to show comfort.

"Your man surnamed Ning is the Mr. Meng Xue of our Wangjiacun. Suddenly a few days ago, the illness of the village is not awake. The goddess of Dongcun said that as long as he is happy, he will wake up. Just happened, you are married. Come back, the high fever does not wake up, so..."

So, is she the tool used to rush?

Was it picked up by the tribe? Then, who is she?

"You have never thought that maybe I have a husband's family? Also, if my parents don't agree..."

Guan Jian is how they can decide at will, her lifelong event!

Fang Xiezi listened to the words of a thousand snow, the words of pity: "Don't blame the scorpion's words are difficult to listen to, if Ning Niangzi has to rely on, there will be no high fever in the ditch lying in the ditch."

"Again, the blind man can't see it. Isn't the people in this village stunned? Even the maiden is a girl, or can't a woman see it?"

Less than half an hour, the cause and effect of the matter, she also figured out seven seven eight eight.

Here, Wangjiacun, there are several low-mountain hills behind the village, bypassing the hills and walking on a dozen miles of rivers, named Dongjing River.

There is a collection of migrant workers to repair the docks for the arrival and departure of ships or loading and unloading of goods.

Yesterday, a group of laborers in the village turned around, but found that a thousand people were lying on the edge of the river. Li’s third child went to explore and saw her still breath, and she returned.



Fang Zizi is a good person, and he carefully cares for the meal every day.

That Zhao Erzhen has come again, only the corn scorpion she sent, the strange thousand snow is really not flattering, hard to give her teeth off.

There is an old willow tree in the courtyard, but now it is late autumn, the willow leaves are already yellow, and the leaves in the courtyard are falling. When the wind blows, Ye Er is flying on the ground, and there is a sense of depression.

Mo Qian Xue stood in the courtyard, reached for a piece of fallen leaves, and sighed that it was only a few days, but it was like a world...

When Fang Zizi took food and came in, she saw her sitting in the tree and dazed, thinking that she was forced to rush to be alone, and her heart was sour, and she quickly stepped forward to help her into the house. "This burns, then I sit here and blow. Ah, if it’s cold again, it’s incredible.”

Looking at the soup from Fangzizi, Meng Qianshun took it, sat on the bed, gently squeezed the man’s lips in one hand, fed him with a spoon, and gently wiped the debris flowing down the corner of his mouth. juice.

She is already good, can no longer bother others.

This person is always her nominal man.

"Looking at the Ning Niangzi Wenwen Xiuxiu, it must be a literary slogan. Just looking at these things, it is much more profitable than our village women."

Xiao Qianxue smiled, "Is it? Just watching the daily food, you know that Fangzizi is a neat person."

People like to listen to good words, and Fang Zizi is no exception. The smile on his face is also softer. He asked along the words: "Ning Niangzi was burnt a few days ago. Now it’s good, remember that you are Where are you?

Just look at your hands, fine skin and tender meat, it is not a woman of poor people. ”

The hand of a thousand snow-feeding soup shook, but for two days, she had already thought about it.

"I only know that my name is Mo Qianxue, where I live, and there are people in my family, but I can't remember it." She said that she suddenly remembered the parents who had never seen her again, and the tears fell. One sentence, "I think I have a headache, I am afraid I can’t see my loved ones again in my life..."

The stranger has not finished talking, and the scorpion is already bursting into tears. "Don't be the high fever of the day. If you can't remember it, don't be too hurtful. If you are alive, you will think slowly."

She licked her tears and came over to support the shoulders of a thousand snow, and comforted. "Ning Niangzi, these days, get along and see that you are also a good servant, and the scorpion will yell at you. The girl is relieved, later, The blind man is your mother."

Mo Qianxue was originally a fabrication, and wanted to mix his life. I didn’t expect this scorpion to be so kind. She was guilty and was preparing to comfort her.

But I saw Fang Zizi looked at the house with a cautious look, pressed the voice down, and whispered in her ear. "Sister should be careful! Now, you are good, but the gentleman is still not awake. Listen to the meaning of the old people, If you are a gentleman, if you go unfortunately, you will sell you as a slave."

"Send, sell, be, slave?! Why?" Mo Qianxue was shocked by this.

"The law of the Tianqi dynasty! The sister will not know it? But women who are unclear and unreliable, according to the law, are to be sold as slaves by the official!"

"Sisters don't be afraid, this is the worst result. If the gentleman is good, there is him to protect, you will naturally be fine."

Seeing a thousand snow face is not good, Fang Zizi again comforted, "Xunzi just gives you a wake up, as long as you use more snacks, take good care of Mr. Ning, he will get better. In the future, he has a good test, maybe, you Can also be an official lady..."

These words in the back, it is unheard of.

After fainting away from Fang Zizi, she turned back to the house and looked at the man lying on the bed.


Under the sun, the most ridiculous thing can be met for her.

Being forced to kiss each other, the object is actually the first love? !

One stunned, the tea lingered in the throat, and when it was too late to swallow, it was smothered.

Wake up again is the big red account in front of you, the dark room beam, the dimly lit earth and bad house.

Lying on the bed, I was unconscious and sick, and it was inexplicably told that she was a tool for Chongxi.

Actually still want to sell her as a slave? !

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