MTL - The King-Chapter 391 Seedling Legion

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  Jade Palace, with the arrival of new letters for help, Caesar IV's tense nerves suddenly eased.

  Compared to previous requests for money, food, equipment, and reinforcements, this wave of requests for help is much more pragmatic.

  Finally, he knows that he needs to improve his own military strength, but he has never paid much attention to the military strength of the countries in the Northern Continent.

   To put it bluntly, the Alpha Kingdom family can beat all the countries in the Northern Continent except themselves. But when it comes to manpower, financial resources, and material resources, these countries combined are more than twice that of the Alpha Kingdom.

  Theoretically, by mobilizing all these countries, the fighting power of the two Alpha Kingdoms can be erupted.

   Unfortunately this is only theoretical.

  A country that has been born for war for a long time, and a group of countries that are used to living a peaceful life, cannot be at the same level in military terms.

  If the Northern Continent can mobilize the combat power of the three Alpha Kingdoms, even if they are not opponents of the three major alien races, they will be able to protect themselves as the defensive side.

   "The countries of the Northern Continent have made a request to us, hoping that the kingdom can send military personnel to help them train the army. Do you think this can be done?"

   Caesar IV pretended to be reserved and asked.

   Opportunities to intervene in the internal affairs of various countries, especially the military, are rare. They would never have done this if it wasn't for the fact that the foreign races had brought too much pressure on the countries.

   "Your Majesty, it is the general trend to send people to support the countries, unite all the powers of the northern continent, and jointly resist the invasion of alien races.

  Since everyone has made an invitation, we must not only send someone to help, but we must also do this favor beautifully.

  This matter is not only related to the safety of the Northern Continent, but also the rise and fall of the entire human race, and it will definitely have a profound impact on the future international situation! "

  The Prime Minister of Newfoundland said righteously.

  The opportunity to cultivate pro-Alpha faction in an upright manner was offered to the door, how could it be turned away?

  Don’t say it’s helping people train the army. Even the last time they sent troops to rescue the Principality of Moxi, the Alpha Kingdom gained a stable ally.

  The world of nobles pays attention to interests, as well as human relations. It is also commonplace to make decisions because of personal emotional inclinations.

  If the plan proceeds smoothly, the Northern Continent will form a large alliance with the Alpha Kingdom at its core after the war.

  At that point, no matter how the situation on the mainland changes, the Alpha Kingdom remains invincible.

   Not to mention the threat from the Kingdom of Hesse, even if the three major kingdoms in the central region advance northward together, they can all be blocked.

   "If we send people to help them train the army, how much can the combat effectiveness of each country be improved, and is it possible to block the front of soldiers from other races?"

   Caesar IV asked concerned.

  The prospect is bright, but the reality is tortuous. If there is a chance to integrate the power of the Northern Continent, it must first go through the current hurdle.

   "Your Majesty, our Military Affairs Department made an assessment earlier, and the combined military strength of the countries in the Northern Continent is about 80% of the Kingdom.

  Theoretically speaking, once the mobilization mechanism reform and military training are completed, their military strength can at least be doubled, but the reality is far from so optimistic.

  Countries did offer invitations, but in terms of specific implementation, there are still many difficulties.

  Those countries that are being threatened by alien races may be able to fully cooperate, but more countries may not have such strong determination.

   Even if the central governments of various countries are willing to cooperate, the local nobles and lords may not be willing to buy it.

  Copy our military mobilization system completely, and they are the ones whose interests are most seriously damaged. These people will not be willing to cut their flesh until the critical moment of life and death.

  Including the kingdom, it was only after suffering many big losses that everyone united and had today's situation.

  If the foreign races attack with all their strength, I am afraid that many countries will be deeply involved in the flames of war before they can fully mobilize.

  Our people can only help nobles who are willing to cooperate to complete military mobilization training. The overall increase in military power of various countries may not be so optimistic! "

   Archduke Afiero explained in a difficult way.

  When it came to the Kingdom's strategic decision, he really didn't dare to overestimate the countries of the Northern Continent. After all, in the last orc invasion, the performance of these countries had already disappointed everyone once.

   You can't rely on the integrity of these guys to rise from the ground to the sky just because you change the enemy.

  Even the nobles have vision, but they also have selfishness! If it is possible to increase strength, the first thing everyone thinks of is their own.

  Perhaps many nobles will actively participate in military training, but when it comes time to send troops to participate in the war, all kinds of excuses will follow.

   Now it is rare that it is not military training, but mobilization mechanism reform. Without suffering a life-and-death crisis and cleaning out the diehards, there is no way to complete the reform.

   Back then, the Alpha Kingdom’s mobilization mechanism was established, and there was no less bloodshed. It's just that time has passed too long, and it has gradually been forgotten.

   "It counts as much as it can increase. At this time, every point of military strength is precious.

  However, countries have a lot of demand for military officers. If so many people are dispatched at once, will the impact on the standing army be too great? "

   When he said this, Caesar IV was obviously relieved. If countries can really complete the reform of the military mobilization mechanism at once, he will hesitate to help this favor.

  The Alpha Kingdom's military system is essentially all about military affairs. If all countries in the Northern Continent play like this, even a small country can become a hedgehog.

  Take the Counties of Korubia, which was annexed by the Hessians, as an example. It can only be regarded as an ordinary province in the Alpha Kingdom, but once it is fully mobilized, it can also pull out more than 100,000 to 200,000 troops.

   Regardless of combat effectiveness, as long as people can be organized, it will be a big deterrent.

  Based on the calculation of 20% elite soldiers, such a force configuration, as the defensive side, is enough to make the Kingdom of Hesse dare not act rashly.

   It is not a question of whether it can be defeated, but the loss outweighs the gain if it occupies the place. The consumption of a large amount of military power is second, and the key is that it is difficult to establish rule after the war.

  Genocide cannot be played in the civil war of the human race. If there is too much blood on the hands, there will be many hidden dangers in the future governance.

   Undoubtedly, not only did the Countess of Colombia not have such mobilization capabilities, but the nobles also did not have tens of thousands of elite private troops, so that they could only lie flat when danger came.

  A small country can be mobilized to the limit, let alone countries with larger populations and larger territories.

   Fortunately, there are not many countries in the North Continent that can learn the essence. Otherwise, if they come up with so many hedgehogs, they will be looking for excitement for themselves.

   "Don't worry, Your Majesty, the Ministry of Military Affairs has already made plans for the issue of dispatching officers. Except for the transfer of some officers from the standing army, the remaining vacancies will be apportioned to the provinces.

   Except for the newly recovered seven provinces of the Northland, the provinces of other kingdoms can completely help a country with one province. "

   Grand Duke Afiero said proudly.

   It has only been a few years since the orcs invaded, and it was the time when the Alpha Kingdom had the most military talents.

  Generally speaking, as long as the children of nobles stay on the battlefield for a year or two, they can become good grassroots officers.

   It must be enough to send out to help allies train troops. After all, the Alpha Kingdom now only needs to help countries train a large number of cannon fodder troops, not to train elites for them.

   If the military capability is too strong, it cannot be sent out. If someone poached the foot of the wall, it would be a blood loss.

   For details, please refer to the poaching operation of the Principality of Moxi. Just leaving some small and medium-sized nobles, everyone didn't think there was any problem at first.

  But looking back now, you will find that it was this group of humble nobles who switched jobs and had a profound impact on the military development of the Principality of Moxi.

  After the outbreak of the Continental War, the Principality of Moxi, who followed behind to learn, became the first country in the Northern Continent to copy the Alpha system.

  Of course, the biggest hero behind this is the orc.

  If it weren't for the crazy slaughter of the orc army, at the cost of millions of lives, which awakened the sense of crisis of the Moxi nobles, the restructuring would definitely not have been so smooth.

   "Well! Since the Ministry of Military Affairs has a response plan, it will be implemented according to your plan.

  The integration of the kingdom's military forces is also urgent, so send someone to urge Earl Hudson to come to the capital to perform his duties earlier. "

   Caesar IV frowned and said.

   Frankly speaking, he doesn't like Hudson. Moxi's miserable experience on the battlefield is one reason, and the other is that as a peer, he always has to be compared.

  At a young and vigorous age, few people are willing to admit that they are inferior to others, and Caesar IV, who was born on the ceiling, is no exception.

  However, as a king, there are times when he is helpless. The mainland war involved too much, a little carelessness would be the disaster of subjugation of the country, and he could not let himself be willful.

  From the princes and ministers in the court to the feudal nobles in the local area, they all hope that Hudson, who is reliable in ability and character, can come out to preside over the overall situation at this time.

  With the lessons learned by Joseph II and the car rollover incident on the Moxi battlefield, Caesar IV really didn't dare to toss about.

   Reason told him that if he insisted on going his own way and presided over the military affairs of the kingdom himself, the Alpha Kingdom might change its king.

   Not convinced, he really doesn't have much confidence in the military. Not to mention the local nobles, even the military affairs department of the capital is unwilling to see him dictating.

   Even if you want to lose your temper, the princes and nobles in the court will do ideological work for him together. Many times, Caesar IV wanted to replace the minister of military affairs.

  However, it is easy to make substitutions, but it is difficult to find a suitable substitute. Grand Duke Alfiero is a member of the royal family, and he is a proper royalist faction. He can't be replaced by someone from another faction, right?

   When it comes to whether his kingship is stable, Caesar IV is still very sober. I know that I can't destroy my foundation just for the sake of a momentary pleasure.

   Looking for a substitute within the royal family, just think about it. If he really had such a great talent, Caesar III would have dug it out long ago, and it was simply not his turn to dig gold.

  After all, there are not many members of the Alpha royal family, and all adult males are added together, and there are only a few dozen people.

   Those who are capable have been reused a long time ago; those who are not capable, even if they want to be reused, they cannot be used.

  In essence, Caesar IV is not a strong monarch. A large part of the reason for being able to keep the royal power from being damaged is the government team left by Caesar III.

   Members of the royal family occupy the core position and cooperate with the monarch to govern together, which ensures the smooth transition of power.

   If he didn't have this team, even if he hadn't been ostracized, his life would definitely not be as easy as it is now.


  Mountain Territory, Hudson, who didn't know that he was missed, is busy patrolling the territory at the moment.

  The Colosseum is just a small episode, and the freshly released Warcraft Legion is the focus of his attention.

  There are 273 monster knights in the territory, but only 160 of them can be incorporated into the monster army, and the rest are holding important positions in various departments. There is still a huge gap between the full number of 300 people.

   What's more pitiful is that among the one hundred and sixty monster knights, there are more than ninety knight monsters, which are in their infancy at the moment.

   If you want to truly form combat power, wait until the Warcraft becomes an adult! It is estimated that there is still one year to go. It is not that the speed cannot be accelerated, but the main concern is that it will attract the attention of the outside world.

  So many monsters have been ripened in advance, there is no way to keep secrets. Once the speed of ripening exceeds the range of everyone's cognitive acceptance, it will inevitably lead to a lot of trouble.

  Hudson doesn't want to be a master of pharmacy leading the progress of the times, even if he can make money. It's only a matter of time before the scumbag goes to pretend to be a top student.

  Looking at the neatly lined up team, Hudson nodded in satisfaction. Let's do this now, it won't be too late to complete the final transformation on the battlefield.

  It's a pity that the Warcraft Legion failed to unify the mounts. From a distance, the momentum is not so powerful.

  These are minor problems, just enjoy yourself if you can gather so many monster knights, why are you picky?

  Those big countries were able to cobble together a unified Warcraft mount, and it was also a wealth that was slowly accumulated over decades, or even hundreds of years.

  Looking at the entire Alpha Kingdom, Hudson's semi-finished Warcraft Legion can be ranked in the top five.

   If the full compilation is completed, it will be the top three in the kingdom, and it may surpass the Warcraft Legion in the hands of the royal family.

   The one that can be held down steadily is the Warcraft Legion built with the strength of the kingdom. It is a pity that due to internal struggles, the scale of the establishment has shrunk significantly.

  At present, there are only more than 800 Warcraft knights. Like Hudson's Warcraft Legion, most of them are also in their infancy.

   It goes without saying that a 300-member Warcraft Legion can play a more effective role on the battlefield than a 10,000-man infantry corps.

  High mobility, high attack power, almost invincible in field battles, no matter how elite human infantry can stop the frontal charge of the monster army.

   On the grassland battlefield, Hudson witnessed the scene of the Warcraft Legion charging with his own eyes. An army of thousands of ground dragons defeated a bear army of heavy infantry directly from the front.

   No matter how thick the armor is, it cannot withstand the feet of a monster. The gap between the ordinary army and the extraordinary army is really too big.

   "Adrian Knight, how do you train every day?"

   Hudson asked concerned.

  Different from ordinary cavalry training, the training of the Warcraft Legion Hudson is also black-eyed. In addition to emphasizing discipline and cooperation, the rest can only be explored by everyone.

   "My lord, in addition to the daily queue training, we are now studying the cooperative operations between the Warcraft Knight squads.

  For example: Different monsters are formed together, and the combat power they can display is different.

  After many attempts, we regrouped the knights according to the cooperation between the monsters.

  The focus of the next step of training will be the joint charge, and the cooperation of long-range monsters to carry out magical strikes on the enemy.

  Magic crossbow coordination..."

  A series of specific tactics came out of Adrian's mouth, and Hudson could only nod constantly.

   It is not yet clear how the real combat effectiveness is. At least theoretically, these trainings are feasible.

   "Many Warcraft cubs are underage, and being able to train them to this level is considered pretty good.

  Continue to work hard later, in the end, it is not me who is responsible for the results inspection, but the cruel race battlefield!

  The current training is only to enhance your survivability on the battlefield. Sweat more in normal times, and bleed less on the battlefield.

  This continental war is just a sharpening in your life. After this step, you will have a better future.

  The Kingdom of Alpha is martial, and titles and wealth must be obtained from horseback. You have now gone one step further, starting directly from Warcraft Knights.


  Hudson worked hard to paint the cake.

  In order to convince everyone that there is a future in mixing with Master Hudson, he can only use a big trick.

   Fortunately, most of these knights are young knights, who are at the age of youth and passion, so they are easy to fool.

  In addition to the call for racial justice, the atmosphere of the scene was directly filled with Hudson's half-truth and half-fake painting.

  See you at night in the next chapter, vote up

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