MTL - The King-Chapter 365 unbridled ambition

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  Chapter 365 Uncontainable ambition

  Mountain leader, Hudson, who had just returned from the construction site, was stunned by the news from the capital.

   It is one thing to acquiesce in the Kingdom of Hesse's annexation of the Counties of Korubia, but it is another thing to personally plant and frame them.

  At the beginning, everyone discussed the policy of appeasement, but they didn't say that they would help the Kingdom of Hesse annex Korubia. Thinking of the diplomatic notes jointly issued by the two countries, Hudson knew that his king had started to work.

   Caesar IV was not a law-abiding lord after all. He had only been enthroned for a few days, and he couldn't bear it anymore.

   Busy, definitely not for nothing. Just one failed prince assassination case is not enough to make the Alpha Kingdom pay such a high price.

   Jointly issue a diplomatic note, and jointly play with planting and framing, and most likely there will be no lack of joint spoils.

   Carving up the Counties of Colombia, the kingdom can indeed take advantage of it in the short term, but once the precedent of blatantly framing is set, there will be endless troubles!

  The Kingdom of Hesse did that, and Hudson could still express his understanding. In the land of the Four Wars, catching up with this great era of hundreds of boats vying for the crossing, if you don't work hard to expand your strength, sooner or later you will be the meat on the chopping board.

  The strength of the human race is inversely proportional to the binding force of the rules. The faster the racial strength increases, the less attention everyone pays to the rules.

  The orc empire was crippled, and the human race occupied the orc prairie. The major alien races only came forward to mediate, and did not send troops to interfere.

  At first, Hudson thought that the orcs were too hostile, and the human race did a good job in diplomacy, which contributed to this situation.

  As his status grew and his understanding of the situation on the mainland deepened, Hudson discovered that this was not the case at all.

   In the face of racial survival, very few races will be impulsive because of past hatred.

  Watching the continuous expansion of the human race, without taking action to intervene, would be tantamount to slow suicide.

  The truth is that after hundreds of years of continuous suppression, the living space of all ethnic groups in the mainland has been severely squeezed. In the past few decades, the comprehensive strength of many races has declined instead of rising.

  When the Orc Empire sent out a signal for help, various tribes also wanted to send troops to intervene, but limited by their own strength, they were beyond the reach of the war that took place in the Orc Empire.

  Theoretically speaking, the combined strength of all the alien races on the continent of Aslante is still above the human race.

   It's a pity that this is only strength on paper. There are also many conflicts among the major alien races. They lack sufficient trust with each other, and it is impossible to achieve close cooperation.

   What's more, they are still divided in various parts of the continent by the various countries of the human race. Even if they can really unite, they will not be able to gather for a while.

   If it's to save the orcs, start a war in haste. A group of alien races scattered all over the mainland will not only not be able to take advantage of it, but will also fall into the embarrassing situation of fighting on their own.

  In the end, there is a high probability that they will be defeated one by one by the concentrated forces of various countries of the human race.

  After the orc empire was crippled, the human race, which originally had a strategic advantage, had an even more obvious advantage over the various races in the mainland.

   Correspondingly, the crisis awareness of a group of high-level people has also declined. Everyone is becoming less and less concerned about the threat of alien races.

  Without the threat of foreign enemies, everyone's minds became active, but they still retained a certain moral bottom line.

  Caesar IV's operation this time undoubtedly dragged down everyone's little integrity.

  If the two countries successfully carve up the Counties of Colombia, then there will be more people following the example. A new round of merger frenzy can be said to be imminent.

   Now it depends on the ambitions of those in power in several major countries.

   If you are ambitious, you can condemn it with your mouth, and secretly fuel the flames, and try your best to promote the annexation of Korubia by the two countries, laying the foundation for their next expansion.

  If you don’t have much ambition, then decisively intervene to maintain the current status quo as much as possible.

   Hudson was very helpless about this uncontrollable change.

  Rules are the most unbearable thing. Today you break one, tomorrow I break one, and the day after tomorrow no one cares about the rules.

  The rules are gradually losing their effectiveness, and everyone's moral bottom line is constantly being lowered. In the end, the "transition from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Warring States Period" is inevitable.

   If this trend is not curbed, the next continent of Aslant will become more and more difficult to mix.

   wanted to stop it, but the pen was in his hand, and Hudson put it down again.

  Diplomatic notes have been sent out, even if the Alpha Kingdom stops now, the bad political impact brought about has already happened.

  What's more, Caesar IV is not a person who likes to be persuaded. A group of princes and ministers in the capital can't stop him. Hudson doesn't believe that a letter of his own can play a role.

   Glancing in the direction of the royal capital, Hudson couldn't help sighing: "The political reputation that His Majesty Caesar III worked so hard to lose!"

   Paused for a while, Hudson was relieved, and wrote again. It's just that this letter was not addressed to Caesar IV.

   "Tom, send someone to deliver this letter to Mr. Jose, and let our people in the capital do a good job of responding."

  If you can’t persuade your own king, then just wave a **** to dig the wall.

  After Caesar IV succeeded to the throne, in order to win people's hearts, a large-scale nobility canonization has been held, and all the ceremonies that were too late to be performed before were made up.

  However, among the many conferees, Jose could not be found. The court earl who took the blame for the crown prince seemed to be forgotten.

  The other people’s forgetting may be due to the manager’s mistake. If the people who followed the royal family were forgotten, that would be unreasonable.

  Even if Caesar IV forgot in a hurry, someone around him would come out to remind him. Having been in the royal family for so many years, it is impossible for Jose to not even have a friend who can help him speak.

   In any case, he is also a "hero" who helped take the blame. Now that Caesar IV is on the throne, there should be proper care.

   It is a pity that after waiting for such a long time, Caesar IV did nothing, and he never even summoned Jose in private.

  Perhaps Caesar IV wanted to erase his black history too much. He didn't know how to face Jose who had witnessed the whole history, so he simply chose to deal with it coldly and use time to dilute everything.

  If there were not too many insiders, Jose might have been silenced. In order to protect their reputation, the superiors will do anything.

  Since Caesar IV doesn't care, then Hudson is not welcome. He has long been envious of the royal family's talent pool.

   In order to be able to dig people over, Hudson also made a lot of preparations, and now it is finally time to harvest.


  In the Frankish Kingdom, Charles III, who received the news, was shocked at first, and then overjoyed.

  As the number one kingdom in the mainland, its prestige is certainly prestige, but it has been at the forefront for a long time, and it is impossible to do anything out of the ordinary.

  Obviously sitting on a huge military strength, but can only bully the surrounding aliens. Any small movement within the human race will be deeply interpreted.

  However, the alien race bordering the Frankish Kingdom had long been driven to the barren land, and there was not much money to be made.

  In order to break the situation on the mainland, Charles III also made a series of strategic layouts, the biggest of which was to pull the mainland countries to defeat the orc empire.

   Facts have proved that his judgment is not wrong. After the threat of alien races decreased, the balance within the human race was also broken.

  Now the Kingdom of Hesse and the Kingdom of Alpha are taking the lead in breaking the rules of the game, and the shackles that originally bound the Frankish Kingdom have become loose.

  Charles III had a premonition that as long as the Counties of Colombia were partitioned, the current political philosophy pursued by the nations of the human race would definitely be impacted.

  When everyone abandoned the moral code and began to expand wantonly, the power of the rules that restrained the Frankish Kingdom ceased to exist.

   In a chaotic game without rules, everyone fights for strength.

   "What do you think of the actions of the Hessians and Alphas?"

   Charles III asked.

   "Your Majesty, this will be the beginning of chaos in the mainland. After so many years in Taiping, many people have long been impatient and want to fight a big fight.

  Take the Holy See as an example. In recent years, one after another has been doing things in order to provoke a continental war.

   Now that this kind of thing happened, Pius VII will definitely add fuel to the flames and add fuel to the chaos in the Northern Continent.

  Once Corubia is partitioned, the reality of the Alpha Kingdom will be exposed, and everyone knows that their determination to block the northward advance of the central powers is not strong.

  The Kingdom of Dante and the Kingdom of South Bank, which have long been ready to move, will not watch the Hessians eat meat, and will definitely follow suit.

   Perhaps the next unlucky ones will be the turn of Grint and Nadal, the two sloppy countries. Alpha people will not turn against two big countries for two traitors.

  The Principality of Moxi has limited strength and has no ability to send troops to intervene; the Kingdom of Warhammer is still busy with the civil war. When they finish fighting, it is estimated that the number of countries in the North will be reduced by half.

  Of course, if we take the lead in intervening, we can also make them do nothing. But this is not in the interests of the kingdom.

  The shift of the strategic center of gravity of the three central kingdoms to the north is also a good thing for the kingdom.

  The Kingdom of Oprus next door has been in decline for a long time, and it was a gift from the Lord of Dawn to the kingdom. Now there is only one opportunity left! "

  Prime Minister Bergson said murderously.

  In other countries, Hesse and Alpha are still carefully plotting a 50,000-square-kilometer counties, and the Franks, who are standing still, have already set their sights on the vast Kingdom of Oprus.

  The situation of the two sides is obviously not on the same level.

  The Kingdom of Oprus has also been glorious in history. Even if it is in decline now, relying on the strong family background left by the ancestors, it can still be squeezed into the list of the top ten kingdoms in the mainland.

   It's just that the glory is only the past after all. With the rise of the Frankish Kingdom, their hard days began.

  In the past hundred years, seven wars broke out between the two sides, and the Kingdom of Oprus lost all of them. And in three of them, the entire army was wiped out, leaving only the underpants.

  No matter how strong the family background is, it cannot withstand such a toss. After successive defeats, the decline of the Oprus Kingdom is inevitable.

   Land cession and indemnity can only be regarded as trivial matters. Under the constraints of the rules, they have been defeated seven times and lost more than half of the province. The key is that the nobles of the Kingdom of Oprus were defeated.

  The backbone of a country is broken, and it will be too difficult to bring it back.

  Consecutive generations of Oprus kings wanted to reverse the decadent situation of the kingdom, and adopted a series of political reforms for this purpose.

  It's a pity that there is too much internal resistance, and a good neighbor next door comes here from time to time to add to the chaos. Under internal and external troubles, the more they carry out reforms, the faster they will decline.

   "The prime minister is right. Now the big forces on the mainland can't stand it anymore, and there is only one fuse missing.

  However, before proceeding to annex the Kingdom of Oprus, my personal suggestion is to clear the surrounding alien races first, and kill hidden dangers in the cradle in advance.

  In order to reduce political pressure, we can also pull the Kingdom of Iberia to act together. They have been eyeing the declining Avalat Kingdom for a long time, and there is only one opportunity to do it.

   If necessary, we can also encourage the Holy See to invade the Kingdom of Ruthenia.

   It can be said that once the flames of war ignite, it will surely affect the entire continent. At that time, not only our human race countries will be involved in the fight, but also the major foreign races will be involved.

   Calculating the time, it is estimated that when the mainland fell into chaos, it would be almost ten thousand years.

  Perhaps this is the most taboo of the ancestors.

   I just don’t know if it’s a coincidence, or if there is a mysterious force pushing it deliberately. Every ten thousand years, the continent of Aslante will be in chaos.

  It's a pity that the time is too long, and the remaining materials are only a few words, and it is impossible to restore the historical truth.

  Even if the kingdom has excavated many ruins, the understanding of the previous era is still very limited! "

  The exclamation of Marquis **** directly affected everyone's emotions. Almost all the ancient ruins and great powers that have been passed down for a long time have records about the "Ten Thousand Years Calamity".

   But everyone only mentioned one thing on paper, without a specific description of the content, followed by a series of strong warnings.

  If it weren’t for the fact that these materials were too old, distributed over a wide area, and also appeared in the remains of alien races, they didn’t seem like they could be manipulated by individuals, and they couldn’t help but suspect that this was a prank.

   "There is no need to think too much, even if you find detailed information, it is useless. The continent of Aslant ten thousand years ago is different from what it is now.

  The human race at that time was so weak that they could only survive in the cracks of other races, living a precarious life all day long.

   A slight move by the foreign race was a life-and-death test for the human race at that time. Perhaps the ten thousand year catastrophe in the eyes of the ancestors is just a cruel war in our eyes.

  But since there is a saying of a thousand-year catastrophe, we have to make use of it.

  Send someone to release the news, saying: The foreign races are plotting to unite, trying to start a war within a hundred thousand years and overthrow the dominance of our human race.

   and other public opinion campaigns could not be worse, so they called on all countries in the mainland to launch a major purge.

   I don’t expect to clean up all the alien races on the mainland, at least I have to disable them first, so as to prevent any possibility of their comeback! "

  Charles III said fiercely.


  (end of this chapter)

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