MTL - The King-Chapter 335 implement the policy

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  Chapter 335 Implementation Policy

  The Emerald Palace in the middle of the night is still brightly lit. The king has many ways to live, and Caesar III chose the most tiring one.

  Since he was in power, he has made every effort to turn the tide, and now he has solved the threat of orcs and fulfilled the long-cherished wish of his ancestors for hundreds of years. However, new challenges come again, as if things are never finished.

  I have been moving forward under pressure and heavy burdens, in exchange for the revival of the royal family and the stability of the kingdom.

   "Little Caesar, in view of the current international situation, the Kingdom needs to deepen its ally relationship with the Principality of Moxi.

   Just when you are old enough to get married, I want you to marry Princess Anne of the Principality of Moxi. You've seen it yourself, how do you feel? "

   Questioning, obviously redundant. From the smile on his face, you can see what Crown Prince Caesar thinks.

  When he was in the Principality of Moxi, he was obsessed with Princess Anne. If it weren't for the big defeat on the battlefield, he would have proposed marriage a long time ago.

  Unfortunately, the defeat on the battlefield made him lose the right to speak. Including the right to choose personal marriage, they were all buried in a big defeat.

  I put it all down at first, but I didn't expect that there would be a day when things would turn around.

   "No problem! As the prince of the kingdom, I am obliged to contribute to the cause of the kingdom!"

  Crown Prince Caesar said happily.

  Political marriage, being able to marry someone you like, is a stroke of luck.

  If it weren't for the changes in the international situation, the two "bad brothers" of the Alpha Kingdom and the Principality of Moxi needed to stay together for warmth, and this marriage would have been impossible to pass.

   "Don't be too happy too early, things haven't been settled yet, maybe there may be twists and turns in the middle."

   Caesar III said with quite a headache.

  During the last major defeat, Crown Prince Caesar lost not only the tens of thousands of troops of the Alpha Kingdom, but also hundreds of thousands of Mosi troops.

   Even now, Crown Prince Caesar's reputation in the Principality of Moxi is negative. It's not the Moxi royal family at all, the ideal marriage partner.

  In fact, Caesar III also considered choosing a marriage partner from among the great nobles in the country to help his son stabilize his position.

  However, such a thing as marriage, not only depends on the right family, but also depends on luck.

   It just so happened that none of the big families in the kingdom that he had his eye on had girls of the right age. Either already married, or too young.

  The closest one is only seven years old now, and what's even worse is that he is already engaged. Even if Crown Prince Caesar wanted to wait, there was no chance.

  Relax the conditions to all great nobles, and the most suitable one is the late Duke of Pias, who has a fourteen-year-old prostitute who is not engaged.

   There is no doubt that such a marriage is impossible to pass. It was hard to suppress the arrogance of the northern nobles, how could Caesar III release them?

  Hearing that there were twists and turns, Crown Prince Caesar's face instantly collapsed. It is self-evident what the twists and turns are, they are all created by themselves, and it is impossible to blame them.

  After the episode, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became tense. The Prime Minister at the side, the Grand Duke of Newfoundland, took advantage of the opportunity to change the subject: "Your Majesty, the Warcraft Legion plan has officially started.

   As of now, more than two-thirds of the countries in the Northern Continent have joined this plan. There is a high probability that the remaining countries will also choose to join.

  After repeated discussions, there are currently two options to choose from:

  First, all parties will jointly provide human, financial and material resources to promote the implementation of the plan. After the monsters are cultivated to almost adulthood, they will be distributed according to their respective contributions.

  Second, the initial investment is shared by everyone. After the cubs are born, everyone will directly distribute the cubs according to the previous investment ratio. Subsequent cultivating monsters will be carried out independently.

  Perhaps out of some kind of worry, most countries tend to the second way, preferring to raise the cubs themselves. "

   There is no doubt that everyone's worries are themselves.

  Originally, the Alpha Kingdom was the most powerful kingdom in the Northern Continent. The Warcraft breeding base is located here. In case of conflicts in the future, it is entirely possible to detain everyone’s Warcraft.

   Signing a contract is useless, no matter how strong the constraints are, they are time-sensitive. No matter how many promises are made, once they are no longer in place, they may be overturned by latecomers at any time.

   There is no way to solve the trust problem. It is obviously impossible to have close cooperation.

   "Forget it, they want to take the cubs directly, and we can't stop them, so let them go.

  However, drug research and development still requires everyone to cooperate. Otherwise, only the power of the kingdom wants to catch up with the top level of the mainland, and it is not known when it will have to wait.

  Northland countries have similar problems, and this is the basis of our cooperation.

  Send people to communicate with representatives of all parties, and the Warcraft cubs can be directly distributed after birth, but some of them must be left for experiments. All countries will send people together to jointly research and develop medicines to promote the growth of Warcraft. "

   Caesar III said after sighing.

  Working together is the best choice, but trust issues cannot be resolved.

  There must be shadows of other forces behind this, otherwise even if it is a riot, it will not be so fast. At the very least, these problems will not erupt until a large number of Warcraft cubs are born.

  If you can't reach the ideal state, then you should settle for the next best thing, and first get out the medicine that promotes the growth and development of monsters.

  To be precise, it is based on the original medicine and made certain improvements.

  Pharmaceuticals that promote the growth of monsters are actually in the hands of almost all major forces in the mainland. It's just that these medicines either have too many side effects; or the cost is too high.

   "Your Majesty, I'm afraid things are not that simple. Everyone's environment is different, and the female beasts chosen may not be the same.

  According to the research of various countries in the south, although the potions that promote the growth of monsters are effective for most monsters, their effects on different monsters are not the same.

  Even if it is a joint research and development, I am afraid that everyone will be more inclined to configure exclusive potions for their own sub-dragon monsters.

   Those who can really cooperate will choose the forces with the same race as the female beast. And this kind of cooperation also has great reservations.

  Bringing everyone together for joint research and development may be more meaningful than being able to communicate in a timely manner, rather than research and development. "

  The Minister of Military Affairs, Grand Duke Efiero, said depressedly.

  The plan was proposed by the Ministry of Military Affairs, but as the progress progressed, he was embarrassed to find that there were more and more troubles.

   "I don't want to hear these meaningless complaints. You all know how the kingdom's finances are doing.

  Now we must rely on a limited budget to complete the Warcraft Legion plan. If the cost can be reduced, then the cost should be reduced as much as possible, so the combination is imperative.

  Problems that may arise during the joint process, then find a way to coordinate and solve them. We are worrying, and those small countries will only worry more.

  Little Caesar, you also follow to help. The plan: only success, no failure! "

   As soon as he finished speaking, there was a coughing sound. It can be seen from the bloodstains leaking from the handkerchief that Caesar III's body is already very bad.

   The crown prince should have been under the guardianship of the prince, and he would be able to recuperate with peace of mind, but he was worried about Little Caesar!

  Theoretically speaking, such an important project that is easy to produce results should be presided over by the crown prince to make political achievements.

   But he had no idea in his heart, so Caesar III finally decided to let his son follow him to learn.


   Mountain collar.

  With the end of the lord's wedding, the Territory's "Three-Year Development Plan" was also put on the agenda, and various projects were carried out in an orderly manner.

   What caused the most heated discussions was the measures to reward fertility. It involves the vital interests of everyone, and the number of times it is discussed is naturally the most.

  Strict orders were issued one after another, and the chiefs of Baojia who were responsible for the specific implementation were really frowning.

   "Master Kane, we have to pay attention to production and birth, we are really too busy!"

   Sowa said with a depressed face.

   As one of the guardians of the territory, Sova is also a special existence. In the past three years, the Bao led by him has won the first place in land reclamation for three consecutive years.

   It stands to reason that in the mountainous area where there is a serious shortage of excellent managers, such an outstanding security chief should have been promoted long ago.

  However, Naisuowa is an illiterate one, and he can manage a guarantee, but if he goes up, he will be caught blind.

  It is useless to send it to the literacy class for training. It seems to be insulated from cultural knowledge. After a month of tossing, I have learned my own name.

   I was promoted twice, but after working for less than ten days, I resigned on my own initiative and came back, and continued to be the head of the small security.

   There is not only one similar grassroots official. They lack education, and their personal ceiling is so low.

  In any case, the top students who are commended every year are still very popular with the leaders in charge of land reclamation projects. If there are more grassroots officials who are down-to-earth and hard-working, the results at the end of the year will be better.

   "Boss Sowa, if you are too busy, you have to implement it! The lord personally issued a strict order to increase the population.

  In recent years, we have opened up a lot of land, and we will continue to open up wasteland in the future. With so many good lands, we can’t just leave them so barren, can we?

  As for the problem of encouraging birth and affecting production, it is actually still controllable. Even if you are pregnant, it will not affect the work of the young and strong!

   What's more, women get pregnant one after another. Except during maternity leave, pregnant women can't do heavy work at other times, but they can also do some simple things.

  Anyway, all Baojia must implement the policy of encouraging births, and you are not the only ones affected, and it will not affect the final evaluation. "

  Kane explained patiently.

  The order of the lord, here it is the imperial decree. In the minds of low-level officials, Hudson's status is still unparalleled.

  Everyone came here halfway to follow him. Compared with the hungry days in the past, although there is a lot of work for the mountain leaders, they can eat enough!

  Especially after becoming an official, even for the lowest level of existence, life has changed drastically from before.

   "That's fine, since the lord personally issued the order, then I will implement it according to the regulations!"

   Sowa replied bravely.

  It's just the worry in my heart, which still lingers. The reward for encouraging birth this time is meat, and he is very clear about the temptation of this thing to the people.

  In normal times, you can’t eat meat twice a month, but now you can get it after giving birth. And the more you live, the more you will be rewarded.

   Not to mention other people, even he, the security chief, was a little tempted, considering whether to have two more.

   After all, his family only gave birth to seven cubs, and only four survived, which was far from the lord's goal of having ten excellent babies.

  Once everyone works hard to create humans, the progress of land reclamation will inevitably be affected. Unable to think of a solution, Suowa simply became troubled.

  Anyway, the order was issued by the lord, so just follow the regulations. Slightly affecting the progress of land reclamation, it is estimated that the problem will not be too big.

   After reassuring the outstanding staff, Kane took a look at everyone, and continued to ask: "Does anyone else have any questions?"

   This is not for show, but to really solve the problem. Faced with the target of 60,000 new infants and young children within three years proposed by the lord, if you don't work hard, you won't be able to achieve it.

   What's more troublesome is not only to be born, but also to increase the baby's survival rate. Strive to control the infant mortality rate within 25% after three years.

   Of course, this data only counts healthy babies. If there is a congenital problem, there is no way, the existing medical technology - no solution.

  In fact, not only is the infant mortality rate high, but the child mortality rate is also not low.

  The probability of a baby growing up from birth to adulthood will not exceed half. Any disease or accident may take a life.

   Even if it is a noble family, the probability is not too high. Many families have extinct heirs, not because they did not have children, but because the children born did not grow up.

   It is precisely because of the low survival rate that it is necessary to have more births. Only if there are enough births, can the existence of an heir be guaranteed.

   "Master Kane, you just said that after the child is born, he will be blessed by the priest. Is this true?"

  Hearing the old man's question, Kane almost choked. Is this what should be the focus?

  Infants are born and receive the baptism blessing of the priest, which is the tradition of the continent of Aslante. However, with the decline of the Holy See, this tradition has been abandoned for many years in the aristocratic circle.

   There is no other reason, but the tedious baptismal blessing process may lead to the death of the baby.

  Especially in the cold winter months, if you accept baptism naked, the probability of accidents is higher.

   According to the Holy See, this is possessed by a demon, belonging to an unknown person, and cannot bear the blessing of the gods.

   This kind of nonsense is just to fool the people at the bottom. The great nobles who knew the nature of the Holy See didn't take it seriously at all.

  Especially for some families with difficult heirs, it is not easy for them to obtain a descendant. If they go to participate in the risky baptism, wouldn't they be mentally ill.

  The old tradition was quickly broken. In an anti-Holy See country like the Alpha Kingdom, the baptism ceremony was even explicitly revised.

   Asking the pastor to come over for a cutscene, even if the ceremony is completed, this is already the practice of devout believers.

   "Of course it is true. After the child is seven years old, the territory will organize priests to conduct collective blessings."

   Kane immediately made a remedy.

  Babies have a high mortality rate in the first place, so if you go to toss the newborn baby, you guessed that the lord will treat him with a whip later.

  After the age of seven, cubs with poor physical fitness will be eliminated by the laws of nature. At that time, there will be a symbolic ceremony, then it will not be a big problem.

   "That's it, I will definitely let my son have more children in the future! The great Lord of Dawn, this time I will finally take care of my family..."

  The old man said with a red face, the mental state of the whole person has improved a lot, and the piety between his brows made Kane frown.

  Glancing at the scene, he was helpless to find that many grassroots officials were showing expressions of excitement at the moment.

  (end of this chapter)

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